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“Grass-grass-what happened? The Big Bang?”

“What? What do you say? My ear Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! I can’t hear anything.”

Although the explosion was sudden and the formidable power was strong, fortunately, Wang Lan’s strength was sufficient to cope with this sudden time. In particular, the Yellow Springs Bone Token with flashing light has such a good suppression effect on this kind of scoped destruction, which is far beyond Wang Lan’s expectations.

The explosive formidable power is very strong, but the casualties are rarely controlled, but the animals in the Demon Zoo are seriously injured. After all, the center of the explosion is deep in the center of the zoo. Wang Lan can only guarantee the safety of the area destroyed by the explosion, and those who have been affected by the explosion can do nothing.

Body flashed, Wang Lan appeared in the pothole in the center of the explosion, the smell of burnt smell permeated in front of him, and the dense smoke slowly dissipated, exposing the underground scene.

There is a base hidden deep in the zoo about ten meters deep. The explosion should be the base’s self-destruction procedure. The space of the base is about as large as the zoo above. The terrible explosion destroyed everything here, whether it’s equipment or people inside, or something else.

“Captain!” Li Yang came to them and looked at the scene before the mouth opened wide and fell into horror.

“Unexpectedly, there is such a place hidden under the ground? What are they doing inhuman research?” Lu Xian asked in shock.

“I think this is the reason why they killed Shen Weimin and the reason they took the 30 Magical Powers. That silverback orangutan must have some connection with Lu Xiaoguo.

Unfortunately, they were too decisive and started the self-destruction process before we could find the base. “Wang Lan looked at a black finger at the foot, judging from the slenderness of the eleven women’s hands.

Base, all researchers are killed. What is this completely crazy and ridiculous?

“Wang Lan, an off-road vehicle in the Eastern District forcibly crossed the checkpoint.” Suddenly an anxious call came to the intercom.

Wang Lan’s silhouette has been lost in front of Li Yang and the others at the moment the sound hit the ground. Wang Lan’s figure flickered and appeared instantly in the sky. Under the light and heavy replacement, Wang Lan took off and flew to the east.

The eastern checkpoint is in disarray. 120 First Aid is nervously treating injured guards. Wang Lan’s figure exploded into a broken sky, and he flew away toward the elevated road in the distance. An off-road vehicle is running desperately on the elevated, and three police cars behind it bite it.

You have such a big trouble, you still want to run?

In an instant, Wang Lan raised his hand, a pair of golden wings spread out in Wang Lan’s wrist, and a Blazing Arrow instantly formed.


As if crossing time, the arrow hit the off-road vehicle instantly. The moment before the off-road vehicle was hit, the silhouette shot from the off-road vehicle.


The off-road vehicle immediately made a horrible explosion. The strong explosion caused the off-road vehicle to fly. After several flips in the air, it fell steadily to the ground. The flames burned violently, and the traffic on the viaduct was instantly paralyzed.

Six mysterious persons wearing black suits and sunglasses, two of them holding a white haired old man in their left and right, holding a silver suitcase in the arms of the white haired old man.

Wang Lan’s silhouette slowly fell like a piece of hair, and the trench coat-style military uniform danced in the wind. If this scene was taken, it would definitely cause a lot of house ladies to lick the screen.

“Who are you? How dare you do things in Modu, who gives you confidence.”

“After you break, let’s withdraw!” One of them froze coldly, immediately turned around and ran with the white clothed old man in it, while the other four pulled out their weapons and rushed towards Wang Lan.

These four black clothed persons are all cultivation bases of Nebula Peak. Even if they are placed in the Heavenly Sword Bureau, they are considered experts. Even in the Magically Heavenly Sword Bureau, Nebula is still the main expert. Unfortunately, they met Wang Lan.

“Dance of the Nether Butterfly!”

In an instant, Wang Lan’s body spread out, and the butterfly’s wings flicked slightly, and the butterfly was disappeared. When it appeared again, it was already beside the four black clothed persons.

Wang Lan’s silhouette appeared as if it were a flash, and the four black clothed persons moved together. Wang Lan’s figure passed slowly between the four people, and a blood column spurted from their throats at the same time.

The trembling fell to the ground.

Dao Dao residual image skipped behind Wang Lan, as if taking a step, but already counted 100 meters in the magical place. When catching up with the three people again, they were just about to grab a taxi.

Don’t even open the door, I saw Wang Lan rushing at a terrifying speed. Suddenly, one of the black clothed person shot with lightning, fingers inserted into the chest of the white-haired old man like a sharp knife, and even pulled out the heart of the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man looked at the black clothed person’s hand with horror. The beating heart turned out to be his own. The movement of the black clothed person was too fast. His heart was dug out, but he did not die immediately.

The moment another black clothed person was about to shoot at the suitcase, a ghost butterfly floated to his side. In an instant, his head flew up like a balloon rising into the sky.

Wang Lan looked back and slapped on the forehead of the last black clothed person. He was about to initiate a spiritual engraving to explore the memory. A terrible star force turbulence suddenly lurched in the other person’s mind, like a crushed watermelon. Generally burst on the spot.

This scene made Wang Lan’s eyes instantly cold. This familiar method made Wang Lan sound a name-Bird of Paradise!

“wu wu wu ——”

The police car came amid the whistle of the siren. The guards on and off the car suddenly sucked in a cold breath when they saw a messy scene. The look towards Wang Lan’s eyes was even more complicated.

How long does it take, just a few seconds. I am afraid there is not even ten seconds. A group of criminal suspects who rushed out of the level like a hot knife through butter and ran desperately on the elevated were all killed on the spot.

“Sir Wang Lan, are you okay, the box in your hand is…”

“It’s not clear, they didn’t want to throw away the box when they finally escaped. It seems that the contents of the box are important to them. Finally, seeing the hopeless escape, they tried to destroy the box but I stopped it.

You stay here for the aftermath, and I will return to the Superintendent for follow-up. “

Wang Lan carried the suitcase and flew back to the superintendent. After checking the bomb removal team, there was no bomb and so on in this suitcase. Wang Lan opened the box, which turned out to be a server host.

But the server host must enter the correct password to open, as long as three incorrect input will be completely locked. This kind of password is not a matter for Wang Lan at all.

Xiaoai Avatar entered and turned on the server in succession. The data in it should be the research results of this underground laboratory, because it is too proven, Wang Lan can’t understand it, and no one in the police department can understand it. But they don’t understand, it’s okay to find someone who can understand.

As a secondary capital, Modu has a World Peak-level university no less than Imperial Capital, and many are experts and professors in various fields. After the professor group of Zhenhua University was invited to the Superintendent of Police, the professor group immediately studied the data of the server.

“This is a propositional study of neural bridging!” After two hours of research, the professor group got an accurate answer.

“Neural bridge?”

“Yes, this is not just ordinary neural bridging, but the neuron bridging technology of the brain. The concept was first proposed a hundred years ago, and Shiraz biologists believed that the neurons in the brain are the human soul , All biological actions, consciousness, thinking, and behavior are controlled by neurons.

If you can achieve neuron bridging or nerve transfer, then people will go beyond the flesh to the realm of God. Later, with the advancement of science, the nerve bridging not at all that Sila scientist said was so amazing.

The soul and the neuron are not at all, but the neural bridge can indeed exchange the body, or create more spare torso for people. Many scientific research directions are now using neurons to control machinery, hoping that one day humans will be as simple as manipulating their own bodies.

The research materials here are obviously more alternative and less tolerated by the world. They actually connect human neurons with animal nerves, which is equivalent to putting human thinking and human consciousness on animals. Simply…inhuman. “

Speaking of which, the professor’s face showed a contemptuous angry expression.

“Lieutenant Colonel Wang Lan.” Inspector Gao went to the research room with a piece of information. “The identity of the professor was found. His name is Gula. He is an authoritative professor in the field of biology of Rui Guo, ten years ago. Proposing biological neural bridging, he believes that the neural and cold mechanical connection is completely impossible. The structure of machinery and humans is fundamentally different, and only animals can be bridged between animals. Therefore, private research has been done.

I was sentenced to two years after the incident was revealed, whereabouts unknown after I was released from prison. “

“The person who should be the bird of paradise found him. The underground base is a bird of paradise.”

“Bird of paradise? Haven’t they been looking for White Eagle nation trouble?”

“A group of traitor terrorists have trouble picking opponents when they are in trouble? We have been fighting with them several times. The bird of paradise has engraving methods to prevent it from being engraved on the mind. Once they are engraved on the mind, they will Immediately Self-destruction the brain.”

“Unexpectedly, the birds of paradise have been hiding in Modu for so many years… Fortunately, Lieutenant Colonel Wang Lan, you find them to pull up by the roots, otherwise who knows when they will make a big deal to Modu What a loss.”

“Oh, did you find the zoo background?”

“I found it, but it’s useless. The owner of the zoo is a Jade Country from Baiying. He returned to China eight years ago to start this zoo. He then gave it to a professional management team to manage the zoo’s income. Most of his own Time is not in Jade Country.

Now something happened to the zoo, of course he is impossible back. And his identity is likely to be fake. The base was bombed and all the damn people were dead. The sales department and other departments of the zoo are separate, and the sales department is only responsible for the operation of the zoo.

We have all interrogated. Except that the manager knows that the origin of the animals may not be correct, the other breeders and trainers know nothing about the zoo. We may find nothing but their research results. “

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