
You can search “I have countless skill points” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

On the 2nd day, Wang Lan returned to the Heavenly Sword Bureau again in a low-key manner. The great character of the Ministry of National Defense expressed great affirmation to Wang Lan’s last visit to the country of Bing Xue. Even more because Wang Lan almost by the strength of oneself prevented the bird of paradise from opening the door of Demon Realm, hereby awarded the rank of Colonel Wang Lan, the personal first-class honor medal.

The First Class Medal of Honor is known as the highest level of honor that can be obtained after death in the army. After implementing the army building reform in Jade Country, only five people will receive the First Class Medal alive.

“Congratulations to the host for promotion to the colonel, rewarding skill points of five thousand.”

“Congratulations to the host for receiving a personal first-class merit medal and rewarding skill points of 50,000.”

When the medal and rank are included in the system, the system’s reward prompt sounds. Sure enough, the skill points for the promotion of the military rank have not improved much, but the reward for first-class merits is exactly 50,000 points. Fifty thousand points, you can push a Platinum Gold star martial skill to two levels.

The head of the Ministry of Defence came here in a low-key manner, and then walked in a low-key manner. In the words of the head of the Ministry of Defence, “You must not have any misunderstandings. The contribution of the national government to you is highly recognized by you. Otherwise I won’t come to the devil with a cover to give you a reward. It’s just that you haven’t reached nine ten thousand li, so you’re usually low-key, I hope you understand.”

On the 3rd day, Wang Lan was suddenly awakened by a ring of cell phone ringtones while he was still asleep. Picking up the phone and glancing at it, it turned out that Yu Ruoyan called.

“Hey? Ruoyun?”

“Are you still sleeping now?” Yu Ruoyan’s surprised voice rang on the phone.

“Yes, it’s only seven o’clock now.”

“Yeah, I forgot, you never get up early in the morning. When will you be at school?”

“Get up right now, what’s wrong? Is something wrong?”

“Wait until you come to school.”

Looking at Yu Ruoyan mysterious and secretive, Wang Lan is also interested. He gets up to freshen up, put on his school uniform and step on his little donkey to the school. Just entering the school, I saw Yu Ruoyan waiting for himself on campus.

“What’s wrong?”

“Speaking while walking.” Yu Ruoyan turned and walked to the teaching building. “I just got the information. The Eastern Sea scouting space has not been stable recently. There have been three exotic beast riots in the past two months.”

“Alien beast riot? What kind of riot?”

“This is not quite clear to me, it seems that mysterious strength has recently emerged in the heterosexual space. After the monster is selected by mysterious strength, its strength has skyrocketed and it is very terrifying. This month, Eastern Sea scouting space’s The casualties exceeded the total casualties of the past year, and the open space of the Eastern Sea scouting space was recaptured by a strange animal for about 50 kilometers.”

“How could this happen? Are there any plans above?”

“In the Eastern Sea scouting space, there are 600 senior students and 1,000 senior students internships. The Academy decided to send a group of senior experts to support. I plan to invite you to join us here Secondary task.”

“Why didn’t I see the school’s recruitment poster?”

“This time it was not students who applied themselves, but schools selected and dispatched directly. This operation is not only an internship, but also a battle, the next is the military order. Several Seniors I know have received the levy order, three days later Will go to the Eastern Sea scouting space.”

“I did not receive it, did you receive it?”

“No!” Yu Ruoyan said, shaking his head.

“That’s not enough, it means Academy does not need us to participate, or we have other arrangements.”

“There are no other arrangements. If there are other arrangements, the dean will notify me in advance. It is because of the affairs of the country of Bing Xue that we are now protected animals. Before graduation, any dangerous work may not be possible. It fell on our heads. Wang Lan, has become a national animal protection, is this ridiculous?”

This said, Yu Ruoyan’s face was wronged, and the sad tone instantly made Wang Lan’s heart tremble, and there was a urge to comfort Yu Ruoyan deep in the heart.

Illusion Technique! It must be Illusion Technique! This little girl also has an attempt to me.

Withdrawing his mind, Wang Lan paused, and Yu Ruoyan, who was a few steps away, also paused and turned around suspiciously, “What’s wrong? Do you also feel unwilling?”

“I am, I think it’s good to be a protected animal.” Wang Lan said sincerely and carefully, “You think, how good it is to be a giant panda, eat and sleep, sleep and eat, The only job requirement is to sell cute. Obviously too lazy to do nothing, but that many people like. This is the life of my generation for something even in dreams.”

“Giant panda?”

“It is gluttonous.”

“Are you serious?” Yu Ruoyan’s unbelief directly rejected Wang Lan’s idea from the heart. Are you Wang Lan who is a kind of person who eats and waits for death? How is it possible that when you are desperate, you are better than anyone else.

I want to change it. Before going to the country of Bing Xue, I might have believed your words, but in the country of Bing Xue your actions are seen by me. If you think you are cracking a joke, I will letter?

“I know that you are the kind of person who is desperate for the benefit of the country and the Protector civilization. We cannot stay out of this Eastern Sea change, as the uncle said.

No one is born a hero, and no one is born to be more responsible than others. It’s just that when some people’s abilities are far ahead of those around them, they inevitably bear the hopes and expectations of those around them.

In the country of Bing Xue, we have become the center figure in the hearts of senior seniors with unnoticeable influence, so immediately after they received the expedition order from Academy, they immediately thought of calling me to inquire. “

“Why don’t I know?”

“They don’t have your phone, OK? My phone is in the student union cadres’ information, they can find it.”

“No, I mean when did I become the center of the senior seniors? I was just a freshman.”

“What does it mean to install garlic?”

“Wait, what direction are we heading to… Dean’s Office?”

“Yes, why should he participate in this expedition? Is our strength insufficient, or our ability insufficient? This kind of thing must of course be argued for reason.”

“Can I still look back now?”

“You don’t want to go?” Yu Ruoyan looked at Wang Lan’s eyes seriously, and it seemed that Wang Lan really didn’t mean cracking a joke.

Whether to go or not to go is similar to Wang Lan. Supporting scouting space is just EXP and skill points, and Wang Lan has not edited the Xingwu toxin vaccine for a month. And with the popularization of Xingwu toxin vaccine, more and more people have mastered the editing method.

In less than half a year, there are fifteen people in Academy who are reluctant to master Xingwu toxin vaccine editors. What are these fifteen people to Wang Lan? What a competitor.

Originally, there are hundreds of thousands of Xingwu toxins in the whole world. Wang Lan can upgrade to Xinghai Realm by himself. But with so many people helping, Wang Lan’s blame can be reduced, and will be less and less in the future.

There are probably a hundred people who have mastered the Xingwu toxin vaccine editors all over the world, right? With this development, Xingwu Toxin can be emptied in a year.

scouting space changes? In what year was there no change? It’s still awesome to brush the star toxin.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t go, I’ll find a few reliable Senior Sister teams.” Yu Ruoyan is a little disappointed, but also understands that Wang Lan’s identity is not as pure as her. Yu Ruoyan’s identity is only a student, but Wang Lan’s identity, a student is only one of them.

“I heard that this monster riot, many giant monsters originally in the depths of space came out. The Star Walker just killed a giant beast the day before yesterday and got a high grade No Attribute Soul bead. This I also got a few high grade Soul beads to come back, and that thing is unattainable…”

Yu Ruoyan said that he slowly turned around to continue to the office building, but Wang Lan hurriedly stopped Yu Ruoyan after a moment of stun, and stepped out to Yu Ruoyan in one step, “Please be sure to team up with me, we Go together.”

“Uh? Wasn’t your tone just like that?”

“That’s your misunderstanding. As you said, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility. Am I the kind of person who lingers on the back when the country is in danger?”

If you didn’t hear the high grade Soul bead, Wang Lan might pretend to be dead.

The three levels of Soul bead can be said to be three gears. The junior Soul bead is divided into three grades of inferior, ordinary and excellent. Only the high grade of Soul bead is called high grade Soul bead.

An ordinary Soul bead sells for 80,000, while the intermediate Soul bead costs five to ten times. The price of senior Soul bead is five to ten times that of intermediate Soul bead.

A high grade Soul bead, the price is not lower than 10,000,000.

Why is a high grade Soul bead so expensive? Although money is not the only way to measure the value of something, it is a fairly accurate way. High grade Soul bead, only produced in Xinghai Realm, even must be Xinghai Realm Peak.

This one is enough to distinguish it.

A high grade Soul bead can allow a Nebula realm to break through the Star River realm, or a Star Radiance Realm to directly explode and die. From this point we can see how terrible the star force contained in the high grade Soul bead is?

Yu Ruoyan broke through Nebula from Star radiance Peak and threw thousands of junior Soul bead, but if there is a high grade Soul bead, she can explode on the spot. And high grade Soul bead has another characteristic that Soul bead does not have.

As long as the star force in Soul bead is not squeezed out at once, Soul bead can supplement star force by itself. For some Star martial families, as long as there are one hundred high grade Soul beads in the inventory, the family can guarantee that they will not decline.

A high grade Soul bead takes one year from consuming star force to replenishing star force, and a hundred Soul bead is enough to allow the family star family to have a continuous star force that can be absorbed.

On these two points, high grade Soul bead is priceless. For Wang Lan, isn’t the high grade Soul bead a super banned Soul bead grenade that can be used repeatedly? Wang Lan at first dislikes Soul bead grenade, not disgusting the thing itself, but disgusting himself.

The star martial skills of Soul bead grenades are all the star martial skills they own. What grenades are used? Will it be good to show yourself soon?

But now, the star force reserves that have just been upgraded after the majority of Wang Lan’s star martial skills have been upgraded to the Platinum Gold level are stretched. For example, the earth fire roar, Wang Lan can display five or six times at a time, but if you want to change to the fire fire roar, it can only be done once.

The formidable power of the roaring fire… The Half Moon Lake in the Academy backyard has not been repaired yet.

But the Soul bead that can carry this super star martial skill is only high grade Soul bead. The preciousness of the high grade Soul bead is that the entire Academy inventory is only trifling dozens.

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