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A super-S-Rank Soul bead grenade, Academy generously gave Wang Lan fifty points. Although a dozen Soul beads were scrapped to make Academy feel pain for a long time, but the completed Soul bead grenades are all decisive wins Strategic baby.

Academy has promised anyway, and received high grade Soul bead immediately to Wang Lan. The high-grade Soul bead is not a one-off. Elder Di once estimated that as long as there are 10,000 high-grade Soul bead grenades, the Soul bead grenades can be used to compose an invincible ghost force.

I heard that there is a high grade Soul bead in the Eastern Sea scouting space, how can Wang Lan sit still?

Yu Ruoyan, who didn’t understand Wang Lan’s plans, really thought Wang Lan was misunderstood, and took Wang Lan kicking the door of the Dean’s office in a happy mood.

The negotiation process was easy and pleasant, and Yu Ruoyan’s proposal did not encounter any obstacles. Wang Lan didn’t think it was because Yu Ruoyan took Elder Di’s beard and smiled and made his own claim to achieve this result.

Like Elder Di, a high-weight old man, how can he care about the problem of a few beards on his chin?

“If any of you two comes, I will carefully consider that I will not easily agree. However, since you both come, in view of the strength of the two of you, I will reluctantly promise you to participate in this support. The mission. This time, your teacher is still Wu Shaohua Teacher.”

“This is no problem, just let us participate.”

In the Conference Hall on the other side, Longya is hosting a pre-war conference supported by the tactical teacher.

“Now the mystery of the Eastern Sea scouting space has not been investigated. Our main task is to defend the city. If the number of beast tides exceeds the tolerance, you can abandon your position and rebuild the Defensive Array.”

“Faucet, have you reached this point? What’s going on at Eastern Sea scouting Command? After a month, things have not been investigated?”

“This is not that simple. The headquarters dispatched dozens of star martial squads to dive deep into the investigation. Either the whole army was wiped out and none of them came back, or they got nothing. Even two titled powerhouses could not be found. Useful information.

Okay, now we start to assign combat teams, each with three students, combined with the scouting regiment to strengthen our defense…”

“Ah cut! A cut! A cut—” Suddenly, Wu Shaohua sneezed three times. The sounds are heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the surrounding teachers all look away from him.

“Old Wu, do you have a cold? The body is a bit weak recently!” Longya teased, and the teacher next to him suddenly burst into laughter.

“No, no, but suddenly the nose is itchy. The leader, give me three general students this time, even if the strength is not good, as long as you are obedient.”

“What’s wrong? Everyone likes to bring talented students. Why do you ask ordinary students? Are talented students bad?”

“Genius students are good, but genius students can also cause trouble. Last time in the country of Bing Xue, I was enough.”

This is, Longya’s phone rang suddenly.

“Hello, dean hello. What? Ok, no problem, arrange! Ok…”

The sudden phone call stopped Wu Shaohua’s complaint. At this time, Longya who hung up the phone showed a crafty smile to Wu Shaohua, “Just now Elder Di called, Wang Lan and Yu Ruoyan also participated in this operation, you still lead the Teacher.”

“I rely on!”

Eastern Sea scouting space is located in the east of Jade Country, the magic capital is in the south, and Lu province is in the north, out of the Bohai estuary, 300 kilometers away from the host nation.

Wang Lan and others took the amphibious bus to launch from Modu Jungang, and then drove for three hours to the continuous sea. Wang Lan grew up on the seaside in his previous life, so he is very familiar with the sea, but for the first time in his life, most students truly feel the vastness of the sea, and each and everyone stares excitedly at the rolling sea.

As for seasickness and so on, it is an impossible existence for star martial artist. When star martial artist transforms into superman, many defects of being a human will be made up.

The seabirds in the sky screamed cheerfully, undulating in the sea breeze and waves. In the distance, the fishing boat and ocean freighter with faintly discernible made a long whistle.

“Students’ attention, we will soon enter the scouting space, and there will be a roller coaster-like experience in the process of entry, everyone pay attention.”

A reminder sound came from the bus speaker, and the classmates each and everyone looked curiously into the distance.

“scouting space? Where is it?”

“Why can’t I see it? Moreover, I heard that the Eastern Sea scouting space, even the smallest of the five scouting spaces, is as big as two rivers…”

When everyone was wondering about the way to find the scouting space, I suddenly felt as if the bus was thrown high. Then, a violent free fall fell from the sky, rapidly rotating and charging along an invisible orbit.

All are professional solderers, and no one screams. After about 3 minutes, the bus suddenly fell to the bottom of the water, and burst out of the water and stopped above the water surface.

“It’s…a magical place.”

As the team went ashore, Wang Lan saw a huge port that was twice the size of Modu Port outside. On the edge of the port, it turned out to be a huge city.

Skyscrapers towering high into the sky. Balloons with advertising banners flying in the sky, and buses driving on the streets. The scene in front of him made Wang Lan have to doubt that it was not a scouting space, but a utopian city.

“Welcome, welcome the Demon Capital Star Martial collage’s teacher and student support team.” Following the team, Wang Lan and the others contacted a group of people dressed in camouflage but strangely dressed.

“I am Hu Wei of the Eastern Sea scouting Corps Command, and I was ordered to welcome you to the Command.”

“You have worked hard, and the students lined up in an orderly manner.”

At this moment, the seniors in the car are calm, but Wang Lan is not calm, just like a good treasure treasure constantly glanced around.

“Wang Lan, what do you see?” Yu Ruoyan patted Wang Lan said with a smile lightly.

“Is this a scouting space? Isn’t it that the physical laws outside are invalid in different spaces? Why was a city created here? There are cars?

Also, isn’t the scouting space not a bitter cold place? But this city does not look like a bitter cold place, right? “

“The bitter cold land statement refers to those who are on the front line to resist foreign beasts and perform duties. The Eastern Sea scouting space was established six hundred years ago by the founding of the Great Jade Dynasty Early-Stage. Among the five scouting space The youngest.

With six hundred years of development, the current Eastern Sea scouting space has an area of ​​300,000 square kilometers and has seven large cities. The construction standard of each city is built to accommodate a population of 3,000,000, but the total population of scouting people is less than 300,000. “Yu Ruoyan explained to Wang Lan aside.

“Actually, the life in the scouting space is far less dangerous than the outside rumors. If there is really a day that doesn’t know tomorrow, it’s impossible how long it will endure. If it’s as exaggerated as those deserters say, it’s a deserter. Impossible is just them.” Soldiers, a commander who came to greet him, turned back and said with a smile.

“The main task of the scouting space is to develop and defend the sites we have developed, and the guard lines in each place have a surplus of load. Even if the beast launches an attack, we generally find the movement in advance and then prepare to face the battle. .

The beast attacked and was repelled by us, leaving a corpse and Soul bead for us to collect. Fighting may happen at two ends in three days, but there are not many casualties. The main casualties came from the time of pioneering.

We develop about ten kilometers outward every year, and it is not a local development, but in all directions. At this time, there will be some teams mistakenly entering the Beast Horde but have no time to evacuate and so on. “

“As for this Little Brother wondering why there are cities in the scouting space… then it will be better understood. Of course it is the welfare that the country gives us.

Every scouting person will have one and a half months of vacation every year. We can choose to return to live in the home allocated by the country in the city, or we can leave the scouting space and go back to our hometown to see relatives. Scouting is a profession, and scouting space is our job.

For cars, gasoline and diesel can’t be burned because of different physical laws. However, the Soul bead engine invented by scientists can replace diesel gasoline. The only requirement is that the driver must be a star martial artist, and the driver’s license is more difficult to test than the ordinary person. “

With the commentary along the way, Soul bead car slowly left the city. After leaving the city, the desolation of the scouting space is reflected. There are only seven cities in the scouting space that covers more than two Jiang provinces, which is already barren, but the scouting space is essentially different from the outside.

There is no rural area in the scouting space. After leaving the city, it is directly a deserted and uninhabited area. No plants, no pedestrians, no strange animals.

Different space cannot grow food, and nothing in the different space can be eaten, including exotic animals and plants. This results in the scouting of heterogeneous spaces with no real gains.

In five different degrees of space, the state has to invest more than 60% of its resources every year. The investment is so large, but the profit is not. This is why many small countries have reduced their investment in heterosexual space, and even canceled the scouting space.

It’s like the Middle East Sacrament Kingdom, once known as the Middle East’s strongest country, the strength of the World Fifth Army. In the second echelon, Sa Maju ranked third.

An important policy reform was made 25 years ago, and 70% of the funds invested in scouting space will be used for energy stone mining to improve the national living standard. Under normal circumstances, there is a guarantee and protect led by the White Eagle nation, and 90% of the reforms of the Tomb of Sakha will succeed.

But no one didn’t expect. In just three years, the situation of the scouting space in Sa Tomb State had eroded to the point where the scouting space had to be closed. During that time, something happened to the White Eagle allies, and the Tomb Kingdom finally paid for the consequences of giving up scouting space.

Eight months after the closing of the scouting space, the disorderly heterogeneous space opened one after another, and countless cities, towns, and farms were engulfed by the strange beast army. The strongest country in the Middle East fell apart within 3 years.

International aid has not changed the war in the Middle East for more than two decades.

Scouting space has no substantial benefits, but it is a country’s space city wall. If there is a scouting space, there is a high probability that the heterogeneous space will be absorbed and merged by the scouting space. The different beasts are piled up together, destroying one is destroying, destroying a group is also destroying.

But if there is no scouting space, that is, a star fire can ignite the original, and the army of 2,000,000 star martial artist can’t extinguish the fire of the whole country.

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