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But Wang Lan’s reminder was too late. The moment Wang Lan roared, a loud bang exploded in Jiang Xinyu. Jiang Xinyu and the three of them flew away instantly.

Wang Lan body flashed and disperses as a butterfly, once again appearing beside Jiang Xinyu. Hugging Jiang Xinyu’s waist, Jiang Xinyu is in a very strange state at the moment.

Staring round eyes, his pupils are dilated, and his body is stiff as if he has lost his soul. But the body’s functions are functioning normally, it is certain that she is still alive.

How did the opponent attack? Wang Lan didn’t feel it at all.

In a hurry, Wang Lan threw a sacred light to each of the three. The sacred light was activated normally, but Jiang Xinyu and the three showed no signs of improvement.

What the hell is it? What kind of attack is it? Wang Lan confused.

The Yulia wrapped in the holy light flashed continuously, and there was an explosion in the air. Obviously Yulia has found a way to find the other party and is fighting fiercely.

“Yulia, what is he? How can I lock him down!” Wang Lan yelled angrily after putting down Jiang Xinyu.


With a loud noise, Yulia flew upside down, her legs pearing a long gap on the ground. A trace of blood slowly came down from the mouth.

“He is not a human being, he is a demon, he is the king of hell, sitting down and ecstatic Death God! I thought he had been killed by the pope thirty years ago, but he didn’t expect to die.”

“he he he…” A harsh sneer sounded, and in a breeze, the other party appeared in front of the two again.

“The old bastard of the pope could kill me? ha ha ha…Don’t say me, even my master could not kill him. Are you the new Saintess in the Kingdom of God? The solar bible cultivation is good… “

“How to deal with him?” Wang Lan asked again.

“There is no way to restrain him except the spirit transformation of the kingdom of God. He can transform into a soul state and attack the soul, unless the cultivation of your Dongfang World’s Primordial Spirit or the spirit transformation of our kingdom of God, Otherwise, you can’t see him, and you can’t attack him.”

“Then how did you deal with him?”

“I only sensed him with the strength of the holy light, but I was unable to cause effective damage to him. The power of Death God is ranked third among the gods of the hell lord, but his weird ability is except for the Pope No one but the god Paladin can resist.

Wang Lan, you go quickly, you can only make senseless sacrifices to stay. You must send out the information and let Wushuang Knight and the Pope come over and kill them. “

“ha ha ha…Do you think I’m stupid? I would have disappeared without a trace when the two Old Guys came. But before I left, I would kill some of you for some interest.”

The voice fell to the ground, and the body of Death God disappeared again in an instant. In an instant, a strong sense of crisis came to my heart.

The goal of Death God was not Wang Lan before, so Wang Lan didn’t feel that kind of crisis personally. And now, even if Wang Lan felt a strong crisis, the attack of Death God had already hit Wang Lan’s chest.


Almost instantly, Wang Lan saw Death God. At this moment, he has turned into an azure illusory shadow. The illusory shadow hit Wang Lan’s body with a palm and penetrated through Wang Lan’s body.

Frozen in the palm of the illusory shadow is Wang Lan’s soul. At this moment, Wang Lan finally understands what the attack method of Death God is. Death God itself is the state of the soul. His ability is to knock the soul out of the body. Without the soul within the body, people will naturally become the living dead, unable to move even a little bit.

The moment Wang Lan’s soul left his body, the world he saw completely changed.

Just like a color-blind person can suddenly see colors, things that were originally invisible suddenly become clear.

The three of the angel team, Jiang Xinyu, their souls are all trapped in the air by a strange iron chain unable to move even a little bit. Jiang Xinyu and the others called themselves, Wang Lan could not hear before, but now Wang Lan can hear clearly.

“Wang Lan, be careful—”

“It’s over, Little Lan is also planted—”

An iron chain suddenly appeared from in the sky like Wang Lan’s lasing. At the crucial moment, Wang Lan’s figure instantly dodges the chain’s attack. The figure retreated violently and retreated to Yulia’s side.

In Wang Lan’s vision, Yulia is a humanoid rays of light with no facial features and no body.

“How…how is it possible?” Death God looked at Wang Lan with a ghostly face, “Your soul was beaten out of Fleshy body by me, and you can still move?”

Wang Lan is also confused about his state at this moment. He is wearing a black ancient gown and Bai Nabu shoes on his feet. The most important thing is that he is carrying a Zanpai knife.

But my body is on the side, as motionless as Jiang Xinyu and others, like wood.

Suddenly, Wang Lan had clear comprehension in his heart. Looking down at the Zan Poknife in his hand, he seemed to understand something.

What is this state of myself, not Death God?

Since there is a slasher, there is no doubt that it is Death God. As for the Death God anime that I have seen before, isn’t a household whose soul is shot out of a palm and turned into a Death God state to fight?

After figuring this out, Wang Lan smiled, with a grinning grin on his face.

“The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.” Wang Lan carried the ZanPai knife, and walked towards Death God step by step.

“What the hell are you? Why is your soul like this?” Ecstasy Death God looked at Wang Lan solemnly. This was a situation he had never seen before in 3000 years of coming to the world.

“Me? Death God!” When the voice fell, Wang Lan flashed and rushed towards Death God, and the Zanpaku knife turned into a fiercely of moonlight.

The Death God immediately sent out a chain to meet Wang Lan’s Zanpaku. With a bang, the chain was cut in two by the Zhanpoku knife. Seeing the Ecstasy Chain was cut off, Ecstasy Death God’s face changed drastically again, and his body quickly retreated.

Wang Lan was beaten out by him, not only could his soul move, but he could even hold a knife. It doesn’t matter if he can hold a knife, he can still attack himself and also cut the ecstasy chains that can imprison the soul?

Why is this?

“The beginning solution, the sword of light——”

The Zanpaku Knife in his hand exploded instantly, turning into a sword of light. Although Wang Lan in his soul state could not use the star martial skill, his strength remained intact.

After the initial solution, the sword of light can simulate any form of star martial skill attack. In an instant, Wang Lan’s figure is fast as lightning, constantly flashing around Death God.

Every time it flashes, it defeats the death God’s fight, and the chain of the death god is cut off by Wang Lan. Not to mention that Death God couldn’t accept this scene, even Jiang Xinyu couldn’t understand it.

Wang Lan is obviously the same person as them, but is it obviously different now? Isn’t the human soul just an illusory shadow? But Wang Lan’s soul is exactly the same as the one with physical body.

Forget it, the clothes that Wang Lan wears in his soul state can be different from the clothes he wears on his body. What’s even more surprising is that this knife they didn’t know how many times could still be danced by the soul state?

How many things in this world are still ruined?

Maybe Wang Lan cut too many chains, and with a wave of Death God’s palm, he took the chains that trapped the three angels into his hands. And the three souls of the escaped angel team returned to their bodies with a whistling sound, and the three people who were lying dead woke up leisurely.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lan instantly understood, body flashed, and then appeared beside Jiang Xinyu three people after the death God was forced away with a slash. With Wang Lan’s Blade Technique level, it is completely possible to cut off the iron chain tied to a person without hurting the person at half the level.

With a sound, the chains of Jiang Xinyu and the three of them broke. The souls of the three of them returned to their bodies with a whistling sound, and the three of them woke up leisurely.

“You guy, it’s really Interesting. But I have something to do now, and I will play with you when I have a chance next time.” With that, Death God retreated violently.

But just after taking a step, I suddenly felt a moonlight passing by, and Wang Lan’s figure appeared in front of Death God and blocked his way.

“Do you think you can still run?”

“You…” Death God’s face turned gloomy for an instant, and he couldn’t see the quick movements that Wang Lan had just arrived. If Wang Lan has this speed, it is really difficult for him to run.

Death God complexion slightly changed, suddenly his body flew up into the sky.

I don’t believe you can fly?

Wang Lan in the soul state really can’t use the martial skill of the star, and of course the martial skill of the star that can fly such as natural weight replacement cannot be used. But Wang Lan is someone who has seen Death God. He doesn’t know much about Death God’s skills, but he still knows roughly.

Only a moment ago, Wang Lan thought of Yuebu in a hurry, and unexpectedly showed it off. At this moment, Wang Lan didn’t have any other thoughts, his mind was full of clarity, just one thought, chasing up and killing you.

Step on the moon, straight to the sky.

Almost instantly, I came behind Eccentric Death God and Eccentric Death God faced the sky side by side. Death God was taken aback for a moment, but when he turned his head he saw that the sword of light in Wang Lan’s hand was shiningly lifted in the air.



This cut, like a moonlight. Death God only saw a round of bright moon hanging in the sky, and then a sharp edge hit the top of his head. Wang Lan’s sword has been cut off from the center of Death God’s forehead.

Zhanpakuknife, specializing in killing souls. When Death God is in the soul state, being split in half by the Zanpo Knife is directly equivalent to his body being split in half.

The divided soul fell from the sky and fell to the ground with a clatter.

The two halves of the body are still twitching slightly, although there is no blood stains and no internal organs, but this scene is still very frightening. Soon, the two halves of the body quickly melted like a snowman in flames, and a faint blue smoke rose and gradually disappeared.

“Slay the Death God, uncover the conspiracy of the hell lord’s undead natural disaster, reward EXP 5,000,000, skill points 300,000 ——”

The system prompt sounded in his mind, which made Wang Lan’s heart a long sigh of relief. The system determines that the other party is dead, it must be dead.

But the question now is…how to get back into your body?

This idea just came up, Wang Lan only felt that the vision was suddenly blurred, but he looked up at the sky when he regained his vision. Wang Lan sat up abruptly and realized that the soul had returned to the body.

The feeling of the Death God state just now is still very strange, but this experience should only be this time, right? After all, It shouldn’t be a second person to knock Wang Lan’s soul out of his body.

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