
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Wang Lan ——”

A call to bring Wang Lan back to reality, Jiang Xinyu and three people surrounded Wang Lan with a look of concern. They have too many questions they want to ask Wang Lan, such as what is the state of your soul just now? How could your sword turn into a soul state, what happened to the battle after they returned to the body?

But because of too many questions, they didn’t even know how to speak for a while.

Wang Lan sat up and looked at the four Yulia in front of him. The expressions of the four Yulia were also very complicated. To say that they had come with the thought of cutting Hu, but they beat the grass to scare the snake. After a battle, only a few miscellaneous soldiers were cleaned up, and the final demon almost destroyed them. It was also thanks to Wang Lan’s strength to turn peril into safety.

Yulia had a lot of dissatisfaction with Wang Lan before, but at this moment she was a little convinced. Under the reputation, there are no illusions, like Wang Lan, and so should Yu Ruoyan.

Although Yulia’s reputation is not obvious, it is because the Kingdom of God deliberately concealed it. The Kingdom of God does too much lack of virtue, for fear that Yulia will be abducted by others. But in Yulia’s heart, she still has the heart to compete with Heaven’s Chosen.

Looking at the world, there is one White Eagle nation, two Jade Country, and only four of the younger generation can be Heaven’s Chosen.

Fortunately, Yulia didn’t know that there was another Zhang Xiaotong in Jade Country, otherwise she might be hit on the spot.

“Yulia Young Lady, should you explain the origin of this ecstasy Death God?” Wang Lan asked solemnly.

“Before answering your question, tell me first, did he escape?”

“Dead!” Wang Lan returned quickly and neatly.

Yulia took a long sigh of relief, “How can you act in the soul state? Also, why does your soul state be like this after being shot?”

“I have already answered one of your questions, should you answer me first?”

“No, your question is very important. The human soul is very fragile. After the soul leaves the body, it loses the ability to move. Not to mention fighting, even a gust of wind can blow away. Your state and the hell created by the hell lord The messenger is very similar, I suspect…”

“Does Yulia know about our Eastern mythology?” Wang Lan interrupted Yulia’s words and asked suddenly.

“Oriental myth? I have studied it.”

“How many kinds of gods are there in Eastern mythology?”

“God? Innate Spiritual God and acquired Spiritual God?”

“…” Wang Lan shook the head, “Forget it, let me just say it directly, have you heard of Yinshen?”

“I know, according to legend, your eastern mythology has Ming Sect, and Ming Sect includes Ten Temples Yama, Black and White Impermanence, Ox Head and Horse Face, Ecstasy Yin Soldier…Wait, you want to say what you just said The status is…Yin Soldier?”

“Yes! Myths and Legends is just Myths and Legends, but many star martial skills are indeed based on Myths and Legends, such as Yulia Young Lady’s Angel Realm, right?”

“The angels of heaven are not Myths and Legends, they are real.” Yulia was a little anxious at the time, and solemnly corrected.

“I understand, the Celestial Court in our east still exists. I mean, there is a kind of star martial skill in our east that can transform the cultivation Astral Projection into a Yin Soldier attack. It will come and go without a trace …”

“But you obviously couldn’t get out of your body just now. It was Death God who shot your soul out. You…”

“That is your illusion, I just want to paralyze the opponent. Okay, I have answered your question, it is time for you to answer my question.”

Wang Lan’s explanation was a bit rascal. Yulia took a deep breath and spit it out until her chest was about to explode.

“This matter should start from 3000 years ago. In front of 3000 years, the Lord of Hell was brought to the human world by Demon Race, and then for a long time, our kingdom of God and Lord of Hell fought a long war.

More then 2000 years ago, the Kingdom of God finally defeated the Lord of Hell and sealed it in the Crystal Coffin. Although Crystal Coffin sealed the Lord of Hell, it also made the Lord of Hell stronger and weird.

50 years ago, the lord of hell broke the seal one night and escaped, and in a few years he created ten demons, which we call hell messengers.

The Kingdom of God immediately fought a 20-year war with the Lord of Hell. In the end, the Hell Lord was defeated by the Pope and Wushuang Knight thirty years ago. The soul of the lord of hell is sealed in the holy grail. I originally thought that the lord of hell had been repenting in the holy grail, but now it seems not at all. “

“Where is his fleshy body?” Wang Lan immediately thought of Demon.

“The lord of hell does not have a fleshy body, he appears as a soul as soon as he appears.”

“How do you know the Lord of Hell is out of trouble?”

“Death God is one of the demons created by the hell lord and can be transformed into a ghost state Devouring Soul. The devil is made by the hell lord with his own soul. If the hell lord is sealed, all demons will lose their strength.

Death God, since it can make waves, it is enough to show that the Lord of Hell is out of trouble. “

After hearing Yulia’s words, everyone was silent. The demon made by the hell lord alone is so powerful. How strong is the hell lord?

“Don’t worry too much. The Lord of Hell and the Kingdom of God are feuds. He should also find trouble with the Kingdom of God first. The Divine Item Holy Grail and the Bible. The Lord of Hell has his own Pope to deal with. “

“Don’t talk about this heavy problem, and report it to the headquarters.” Wang Lan patted his hand and interrupted everyone’s concerns.

Yulia is slightly nodded, turning around and about to leave.

“Ai, don’t leave, but report to the headquarters.”

“We didn’t help much in this matter. On the contrary, it added chaos to you. You can report, I won’t bother you.”

Before, Yulia and the three were very eager to cut their beard, but after the incident, they simply let go. Jiang Xinyu and the three looked at Yulia strangely. If you can do so, you won’t be so seizing food from the tiger’s mouth, right?

But Wang Lan can understand Yulia’s thoughts, seizing food from the tiger’s mouth is competition, but after the dust has settled, Yulia can’t get a share of this face. As a genius, she is also arrogant. She thought she didn’t help and added chaos, and it would be shameless to divide the credit.

“Don’t say that, Yulia Young Lady, if it weren’t for you to build the plank road here, it would not be our turn to succeed. You attracted the attention of the red blood cells and let me take it before they destroy the corpse and evidence. There is enough evidence.”

Yulia paused and looked back at Wang Lan.

“What I said is true. Besides, the final battle was completed by our two teams after all. How to evaluate the judgment of our own examiner, we can report it truthfully.”

Yulia hesitated for a while, glanced at the three eager teammates around her, and finally did not leave.

“So, Red Blood Cell Company is the research and development organization of zombie virus?”

“At present, this is indeed the case. RBC is not only a research and development institution for zombie virus, but also a research and development institution for new drugs. In recent years, new drugs that have emerged internationally are all related to RBC pharmaceutical companies.

We found more than a dozen drug samples in the underground research institute of red blood cells, and discovered the zombie virus protozoan, and also found their new step in the undead natural disaster plan.

They designed two plans, one is the biochemical zombie plan, through medicine to cultivate zombie soldiers that can be controlled by them, which is used to establish an independent country for the new blue government. And use this to threaten the UN not to intervene. If the UN is not forced to intervene without threats, they will initiate undead natural disasters.

Spread the zombie virus and exterminate all mankind. In addition, the zombie virus vaccine has an unstable genetic code. Forcible development of a vaccine injection has a high probability of genetic mutation. “

Wang Lan tried his best to make the task serious. Wang Lan did not deliberately exaggerate. These plans were copied by Bing Xue from the central server of the Red Cell Corporation. The more serious the RBC plan, the higher the evaluation of Wang Lan team.

“The seventh team, after the vote of the International Safety Committee, the difficulty level of this mission is SS-Rank, and your team has obtained the SS-Rank mission evaluation. Twelfth team, you assisted the seventh team in successfully dismantling the red blood cell pharmaceutical company and dissolving Human crisis, give A+ rating.

The rewards for your mission will be given out after you become an agent of the International Security Council. Now records are given in the form of points, and there are still ten days before the end of the assessment. I hope you will continue to work hard. “

Wang Lan’s bracelet made a beep, and the points surged to three thousand points in an instant. And the points in Yulia’s bracelet also turned over 1,500 points.

Sure enough, it was a wave of fat. Just this one mission was enough to kill all other missions in seconds, and the points earned hid everyone in despair.

As for the threat of the hell lord, the International Security Council promised to tell the kingdom of God, if the kingdom of God needs it, they can provide help. It’s just that the matter of the hell lord has exceeded the content of the assessment, so Wang Lan and the others can only give up here. Even if you want to continue the investigation, you must wait until the assessment is over.

Wang Lan Seventh Squad left the 12th area and returned to the Hei Yao District again. This zombie virus incident was an accident. Now that the Wang Lan four have been dealt with, the investigation of the missing persons has begun.

But weirdly, the entire State of St. Texas seems to have taken the child’s disappearance as a habit. Just in response to a sentence, if you can’t change the fate of the flogging, then enjoy it.

People in St. Texas have begun to adapt to the ecological environment of St. Texas. Generally, not only one child will be born, but a few more children to prevent accidentally the child from disappearing that day.

“Wang Lan…” Jiang Xinyu raised his head and called Wang Lan. Wang Lan hurriedly came to Jiang Xinyu and sat down.

“I found a strange phenomenon. The widespread disappearance of children seems to have started thirty years ago. Thirty years…Is this number too special?”

Wang Lan looked at the data sorted out on the computer and immediately started his expression.

The round table is also the largest criminal group of human trafficking, but compared to the organization hidden in the dark, the round table can only be regarded as a younger brother. Because the secret organization chose the blank age group, it also provided Wang Lan and the others with a clear direction.

The disappearance of children before the age of four was 90% of that organization. But now it is counted that these children disappeared 30 years ago. Thirty years, this digital station has become sensitive.

The Red Blood Cell Company was established thirty years ago and has been swimming in the ocean of sin for thirty years. Now that secret organization also abducted and sold children from thirty years ago……

“Could it be…the hell lord’s pot again?” Wang Lan said hesitantly.

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