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The old man shout out loudly did not scare Elder Di, but instead scared Wang Lan. In my memory, it was indeed the first time Wang Lan met the old man, but in just a few short words, Wang Lan felt the full maintenance of the old man.

“The kind old man, it’s actually me…”

“Shut up!” The gracious female tiger yelled, “Di Jing, are you not sensible if he is ignorant? How many times in these years, how many times has the old fart of the Kingdom of God hit Wang Lan’s attention? We have pressed down everything in the open and secretly, and now you have to send Wang Lan there?”

“Yu Rong, Wang Lan is not going, who will go? The Lord of Hell has a gem of time and space in his hand. He can open the door of Demon Realm at any time. Only Wang Lan can stop the door of Demon Realm from opening. What can I do? ?

Just watching? Without a country, what is a home? Without a Human Race, what is a country? The Demon Race army has invaded. Who in the world can be alone? “

After that, Elder Di said very emotionally. Old Ci took a few deep breaths, his face finally eased.

“I understand.” The old man faintly sighed.

“Thanks for your hard work.” Elder Di stood up and bowed deeply to the old man.

“It’s all for the country. There is nothing hard and no hard work. If you are, so is I. Wang Lan, you come with me.”

“Grandma, let me come.” Magnolia suddenly stood up and said.

“You still have a bad light, you can’t beat the old man who doesn’t repair.” Old Ci stood up, looked back at Wang Lan, “What are you still waiting for?”

Wang Lan didn’t know why, but he followed the old man into the house, Elder Di also walked in with his hands on his back.

“Wang Lan, do you know what we are most worried about when you go to the Kingdom of God?”

“The Inspiration of God in the Kingdom of God.”

“Yes, God’s Induction is an incomprehensible Illusion Technique. Even if you know it in your heart, you can’t violate your deepest will. Thirty years ago, Wushuang Knight was invited to the Kingdom of God to quell the chaos, but didn’t expect Wushuang Knight was murdered by the Pope as soon as he arrived in the Kingdom of God. Then Wushuang Knight joined the Kingdom of God and left the White Eagle nation.”

“White Eagle nation won’t let it go, right?”

“The White Eagle nation certainly won’t let it go, but what can it do? The kingdom of God is not weak, and its influence is the first in the world. Although the kingdom of God is sincere and sincere, it’s worth more compensation. Wushuang Knight?”

“Can’t you force the kingdom of God to be unlocked?”

“This technique has no solution. Once activated, even the operator cannot stop it.”

Wang Lan’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“The cost of this technique should not be small, right? The pope may not use me?”

“The price is naturally not small. I heard that it is at the expense of lifespan. Don’t undervalue oneself. You may not be worthy of the Kingdom of God 30 years ago, but now the Kingdom of God is also not accepted.


Perhaps it is because I have done too many wicked things. I have never had an amazing and stunning junior in the Kingdom of God in 30 years. The Pope is over a hundred years old, and Wushuang Knight is also ninety years old. “

“Uh? Not right? I met a candidate from the Kingdom of Gods during the International Security Council exam. His strength is not below me!”

“Be more precise.” The old man shouted in a low voice.

“Almost closer than me, but not far from it. If I look at the future at the same age as me, he is also a man of zenith.”

“This is not very clear, but it is certain that the kingdom of God will not accept it, otherwise it is not necessary to hide the nature of the kingdom of God to make this old-fashioned appearance.

The kingdom of God desperately needs the protection of excellent juniors, and you, as the number one in the world, can he not jealous? “

“I dare not be the number one in the world, Young Lady Ruolan…”

“He has been with me for ten years before you cultivated how many years? It has only been four years since you awakened the innate talent, right? This innate talent is not comparable to the Zhang Xiaotong you found in Yunhai Province.

The genius of Jade Country, Jade Country has to be hidden, so both you and the girl of the Yu Family are the best Heaven’s Chosen in the world. It’s not him if he doesn’t repair him or beat him up.

But there is one thing you didn’t say. The Kingdom of God is no more than 30 years ago, and our Jade Country is not the White Eagle nation. White Eagle nation has strong muscles, but compared to playing tricks, Jade Country is his ancestor.

The Pope dared to yin White Eagle nation may not dare to yin Jade Country, otherwise Jade Country will teach him how to be a man. But we can’t bet our hopes on being old and not daring, I want to give you insurance here. “


“Yes, I will engrave a technique in your head. Don’t worry, it’s not the technique of the bird of paradise. As long as you don’t dare to use God’s inspiration on you, my technique will be activated. I will Separated from time and space, do the last game with Lao Buxiu. No matter you win or lose, you must be safe.”

After listening to the explanation, Wang Lan’s face suddenly relaxed. But since it was mentioned, Wang Lan also curiously asked, “Speaking of surgical techniques, you are always the master of the world First Seal. I wonder if there is a way to decipher the technique in the mind of Bird of Paradise?

Because of this technique, we caught the bird of paradise members but couldn’t get any information. “

Ci Lao’s face suddenly became gloomy, and Elder Di also glared fiercely. Wang Lan suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, and his neck shrank.

“What did you mean to him? Did he make a mistake?” The old man did not blame Wang Lan, but instead criticized Elder Di.

“I…” It’s too difficult! Elder Di look up to sky and heave a deep sigh.

“But there is nothing left to say. This matter should start from 40 years ago. Back then, there was a discipline Shaqiya. She was born with supernormal mental power, which is beyond ordinary people’s imagination. Because mental power is too large and oppresses the brain Nerve, often troubled by hallucinations and nightmares.

Then I went to study under my sect, and the cultivation spirit engraved a rapid progress. I have caught up with me in just ten years, and it’s just a matter of time.

But even if his cultivation Illusion Technique has been unable to keep up with the growth of his extraordinary mental power, his illness was relieved in a short time and soon he was troubled by hallucinations and headaches.

Maybe I neglected her, didn’t expect that she cultivation forbidden surgery to relieve the pain, and went further and further on the road to enchantment. By the time I found out, he had already had a catastrophe.

Her strength is all above mental power. Her Illusion Technique can change the reality to the illusion, and also change the illusion to the reality. Her spiritual engraving is also unique in the world, even I can’t shake it.

Even if Azure Emperor Baidi Mingdi joined forces to arrest him, she finally escaped. After escaping, he joined the bird of paradise, and now he is probably ranked among the top of the bird of paradise. Since she defected, no one in the world can get information from the mind of the bird of paradise.

If there is an opportunity, you can clean up the sect for me. “

“Even the Azure Emperor of Baidi Mingdi couldn’t help her with the cooperation, what is my ability?”

“She’s compressed her nerves because of the overwhelming mental power. I heard that she can’t walk now and can only rely on a wheelchair. And you don’t undervalue oneself. They can’t help her. You may not be bad. .

I won’t say anything extra, Wang Lan, come in front of me, and I will engrave the technique for you. “

To say that Wang Lan is not at all worried, that is fake. Even if the old Tsinghua said that Wang Lan may not be fully believed. Asking that question Wang Lan was just buying himself some time to weigh the pros and cons.

Wang Lan didn’t think that the technique that the old man had carved for him would be like that of a bird of paradise, and would he have a headshot once he was overshadowed by the pope. But Wang Lan also has the Innate Ability of rebirth. The fetal beads are reborn, just the original soul consciousness, but the body is brand new.

So the impossible technique will remain in the body after rebirth. So no matter what kind of plan the old man is, Wang Lan is already invincible. As long as the Pope exerts the call of God on himself, Wang Lan immediately activates the fetal beads.

Want to understand this, Wang Lan calmly let the old man imprint.

The Divine Seal carving is really easy to learn and difficult to master. It is not difficult for ordinary people as long as they work hard to pass Level 4, and they can pass Level 6 through gritted teeth, but to reach Level 9 of Seven or Eight, even if there is no innate talent, even hard work is useless. .

What the old man does not know is that Wang Lan’s Divine Seal has reached the eighth peak. It is still possible to reach the level of the old man if Wang Lan is not willing to waste skill points.

For skills, Wang Lan has never had to be the ultimate obsessive-compulsive disorder, as long as it is enough.

Following the engraving of the old man, Wang Lan’s hanging heart was finally let go. Although his level is not as good as the old man, he still can’t discourage Wang Lan from distinguishing what this technique is.

What the old man did was to connect his mental power with Wang Lan’s through a spiritual array. Once the external mental power invades, the array will be activated, and then the spirit of the compassionate elderly will be connected with the spirit of Wang Lan, and the mental power of the compassionate elderly can be displayed through Wang Lan.

This is to block all Spirit Attacks for Wang Lan.

About an hour later, the Divine Seal was completed, and the old man’s face suddenly became tired.

“Wang Lan, with this level of protection, you can go to the Kingdom of God with confidence.”

“Many thanks Old Man, Old Man, how are you?”

“It’s okay. It’s been a long time. The old bones are rusty. Okay, I’m going to take a rest now, so I won’t keep you.” The old man shook his hand and went directly to the Expulsion Order.

Wang Lan followed Elder Di out of the courtyard. Elder Di looked back and silently looked at the small independent building in the courtyard. A thousand words seemed to be hidden in a sigh.

“Wang Lan, don’t live up to the expectation of the old man, do it well. Sha Qiya is the knot of the old man. I will have the opportunity to complete this knot for the old man in the future.”


Then Wang Lan went to the Forbidden City to report the detailed process of the International Security Council and his party to No. 1 and other cabinet leaders. Even the big guys who have long been accustomed to seeing winds and waves are surprised at these.

This Wang Lan really lives up to reputation, there are Legendary incidents that happen to him wherever he goes. But then again, none of these things happened because of Wang Lan. If Wang Lan doesn’t go, what about the New Blue Congress?

I am afraid that the Red Blood Cell Company will be detected, and the hidden dangers of Xinlan Guo to the country may not be known, until one day suddenly changes, the banner of Xinlan Country changes. As the Lord of Hell planned, without Wang Lan, his coup has a high probability of success.

The United Nations will certainly not recognize the political arena where the coup came to power, even if the hell monarch is not known as the secret mastermind. Then it must be either the fish dies or the net splits, undead natural disasters.

“Xin Lan Guo should have a good bleeding this time, how much we helped him.”

“Forget it, old Liu, Xinlanguo only has half his life left for this strength great injury, do you want to take his remaining half life?”

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