I don’t know if it’s because of faith. Many people in the Kingdom of God are unmarried. Even if the doctrine of the Kingdom of God encourages believers to fall in love and marry, those believers who have been brainwashed since childhood say that our love is all dedicated. Give it to the gods, fall in love and so on.

The duration of negative population growth in the Kingdom of God is not several decades, but hundreds of years. And this has not made the Kingdom of Gods extinct, thanks to their introduction policy.

The Place of Origin of the Celestial Church of the Kingdom of God has more than 100 million believers in the world. If you count the population around the believers, it will go to seven 800 million. As long as you believe in the religion of the gods and strictly abide by the doctrines, you can settle in the kingdom of gods and become a citizen of the kingdom of gods.

Don’t want to give up your original nationality? It doesn’t matter, the Kingdom of God supports dual citizenship. what? Have you found true love in the kingdom of God? But you already have a family in your original country? That’s very good. This is for the negative growth of the population of the Kingdom of God. Double marriage is allowed in the Kingdom of God, but your original wife cannot join the citizenship of the Kingdom of God. The child can come casually.

Anyway, the Kingdom of God does everything in order to absorb the population of the entire world. Because of this, the Kingdom of God has gathered elite talents from all over the world, as well as immigrants who have nothing.

But in the Kingdom of God, everyone must abide by the rules of the Kingdom of God.

So along the way, Wang Lan can be seen everywhere in a peculiar way of greeting, and there are so many people wearing robes of imitation clergy on the street. Sitting in the pick-up car and looking at the streets of the Kingdom of God, Wang Lan felt very comfortable.

The overall color of the Kingdom of God is white, which believes in bright white, the city is highly civilized, and the quality of residents is also very high. The whole city is unusually neat and clean.

“How about it, is the Kingdom of Gods beautiful?” Yulia, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked back at the four and asked.

“The name of the kingdom of gods is not in vain.” Wang Lan gave a compliment. Although the impression of the Kingdom of Gods in the hearts of all countries is not very good, it really deserves the reputation of a dream country for a silly folk.

Yulia sent the Wang Lan entire group to the designated hotel, which has been specially contracted to serve as the temporary headquarters of the International Security Council. The four Wang Lan arrived last, and the rest arrived two days ago.

In addition to the Wang Lan four-person team, the International Commission also sent seven top-level agents of the titled powerhouse level, and eleven powerhouses at the Star Sea level. Xu Xiangwen and Xie Sisi may also be at the Star River level.

If it weren’t for Wang Lan, these two people would definitely be impossible to participate in this level of action mission.

The strength of the hell monarch is too strong. 30 years ago, the Kingdom of Gods used the power of the whole country to suppress him. The International Security Council is still worried that this lineup is not enough.

After arriving at the hotel, Wang Lan was told that there were two commanders in the operation, one was Lieutenant General Dyson, the former examiner of Wang Lan, and the other was Wang Lan.

Yes, a newcomer who has just been admitted to the International Security Council directly becomes an operational commander related to world security.

Somewhat flattered, but Wang Lan quickly accepted the arrangement.

“Sir Wang Lan, let me introduce you to you first, Blue Flame Peter, Comet Yukenryu Gen Kogoro, Ice Emperor Zola, Thundering Yasuo, Sea Emperor Blair…”

Each and everyone is well-known internationally, and they are all the existence of Wang Lan like thunder piercing the ear. And these experts in front of them are not arrogant at all in their attitude towards Wang Lan. It may be the story of understood Wang Lan, or it may be for other reasons.

Those with loud names are not necessarily strong, but those with strong names must be loud. Especially in foreign cultures, there is no such thing as low-key.

“This is Mr. Wang Lan, our seventh-level agent of the International Security Council, Major General Jade Country. The clues to the hell lord in St. Texas were unearthed by Wang Lan. He is also a world-class Peak powerhouse. He has had many times The experience of resolving the crisis of all mankind.

In this mission, although Wang Lan and I commanded together, in principle, I coordinated with Wang Lan’s command. After all, I am unambiguous to make me fight, but I need to use my brain, thank you, I am still inferior to my 14-year-old son. “


“Understand, Dyson, brain and so on is just a ball…”

A few jokes instantly became harmonious.

“Sir Wang Lan just arrived, let’s take a rest for the night before starting the mission tomorrow.” Dyson patted Wang Lan’s shoulder and proposed.

“Alright, I am also confused now, and I don’t know where to start with a thousand clues. I will think about it tomorrow.”

“By the way, Yulia is responsible for contacting the Holy See of the Kingdom of God. Those who need the cooperation of the Kingdom of God directly instruct Yulia.”


The four Wang Lan returned to the room where they were placed. Right now, at dusk, when they felt a little hungry, the door rang. Yulia pushed the dining car into the room herself.

“Is there no waiter for food delivery? Why are you here?”

“Would you not welcome?”

“Of course not.” Wang Lan smiled and took the dining car, then motioned to Yulia to sit down.

“The waiters in the hotel have been replaced by Vatican combatants, but in order to keep them secret, they can only be at the lower level, and I am responsible for the highest level.”

“You didn’t eat either? How about we?”

“No need!” Yulia looked at Jiang Xinyu who came out of the inner room with a smile on her face.

“By the way, I started an investigation immediately after I returned to China. According to the list of New Blue Country, we finally found only 16 people.”

“How come there are sixteen people? There must be at least several hundred.”

“This is the case. These hundreds of people disappeared shortly after arriving in the Kingdom of God. They have their entry records, but only with this, the sixteen people we found were only found after a lot of detours.

After all, when they entered the Kingdom of God, they did not know their identities. Of course, they were welcome and paid no attention to them. When they disappeared, no one reported the crime and it didn’t attract attention. “

“There is no way to start…it’s so troublesome.”

“By the way, the law and order in the Kingdom of the Moon God has plummeted recently. Robbery, murder, fights, contraband transactions, etc. have occurred everywhere. This was rare in the past, but this month, it has all come out. , I want to come is also related to the Lord of Hell.”

“Where is the gem of time and space? Has it fallen?”

“No, we have already ordered a large number of space-time gem detectors a month ago, and now we have covered the City of Angels, but there is no gain.”

“How can it be so easy and rewarding, the hell lord is not stupid. Although the space-time gem detector can detect space-time gems, it is not 100%. If the space-time gems are not in our space, they will not be detected.”

“Time and space gems cannot be stored in space equipment. If they are not in the same space as us, they can only be in a different space. And the Lord of Hell’s ability is to carry a different space with him. He should put the time and space gem in a different space. .”

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