
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The Pope is very old, with age spots on his face. If it weren’t for the country of gods to fail, the pope would be impossible to sit in the pope’s position at the age of more than 100 years.

Although Bishop Guangming succeeded in taking that step, his family knew about his family affairs. Bishop Guangming is already 70 years old, how can a breakthrough be possible under normal circumstances? It was the Pope’s use of the strength of the Holy Grail to instill the breakthrough, and this breakthrough can not be called a breakthrough, it can only be regarded as… a half-step star soul.

However, the successor who had been trained at such a high price… was killed by ridiculous gossip. Here, if the righteous bishop is the most angry, then the most sad is the pope.

“Bold!” A red-clothed bishop abruptly stood up, “Mura, do you dare to speak to the Pope like this?”

The Bishop of Justice still looks directly at the Pope. The bishop of Inner Justice stared at it, and the pope finally couldn’t sit still, long sighed, “I will give Io a fair.”

“My Lord Pope, you often teach me that justice may be late, but it will never be absent. But I have always wanted to ask you, is justice late or justice? People are already dead. What’s the use of justice?

Do you know how desperate and helpless I was? You are his Teacher, you should understand what Io is like. Everyone was accusing Io, him, him, him, and him.

Before you keep on saying that you are Io’s closest friend and most trusted partner. But what were you doing when Io needed you most? But in the end, my respected Pope Your Majesty. “

The Paused words of the Bishop of Justice looked towards the Pope again, “What Io needed most at the time was you! You are his Teacher, the person he trusts most. At that time, even if you just give him a word of comfort, give him a little bit Trust, he will never go to a dead end. You clearly believe in him like me in your heart, why can’t you support him like me? Why did you not say anything in the end?”

The Bishop of Justice slowly pushed aside the seat, “We must do justice to Io. This is what we owe him. Other things…I’m tired!”

“Mura, you are the heir to the Pope, and you still need you for many things…” A female bishop hurriedly stopped the righteous bishop.

“You know, I have never thought about being this pope. I would not agree to it if I didn’t think I could continue to investigate Io after becoming the pope.”

“Now it has been announced to the whole world, do you still want to go back on it?”

“I know that repentance will bring shame to the kingdom of God, and I will not repent, but I am really tired tonight and don’t want to talk about anything. Just treat it as… I, the prospective pope, will use the pope’s rights in advance. .”

The words fell, and the Bishop of Justice slowly walked outside the door. The moment the door was opened, the cold wind blew in, and the cloak of the justice bishop danced like candlelight, a few footsteps went away, and the silhouette disappeared completely.

In the end, no one in the temple spoke anymore. They all understand the feelings of the righteous bishop, and they have had several decades of brotherhood with the bishop of Guangming, and no one can accept the change.

2nd day, the Holy See announced the truth to rehabilitate Bishop Guangming, and the whole kingdom of God was boiling in an instant. Citizens flooded the streets one after another, venting their anger. But they didn’t realize that it was them who killed the Bishop of Guangming.

Now the entire Kingdom of Gods is in chaos, and the Holy See of the Kingdom of Gods is also desperately unable to provide assistance to Wang Lan and the others. Under the command of Wang Lan, the teams of the International Security Council left early and returned late. Maybe it is the very good hidden by the power of the hell lord, maybe it is that the resources that Wang Lan can draw on are too few, although progress has been made, it is minimal.

Those who suspected that they were bewitched by the monarch of hell and committed the atrocities have returned to normal, but no matter how they recall, they can’t remember having met and bewitched by who.

The Kingdom of God is huge, with tens of millions of people, and the city of angels alone has a population of nearly 10,000,000. These people sent by the International Security Council alone will not help.

“This matter is too big, and now the headlines of the whole world are the news that the bishop Guangming was wrongfully killed.” Xu Xiangwen was using his mobile phone to scan a short video. Four or five out of ten were of this kind.

“This may also be part of the plan of the Lord of Hell. Now the entire kingdom of God is in trouble. If I were the Lord of Hell, I would not miss this heaven-sent opportunity.” Jiang Xinyu said thoughtfully.

“Inciting troubles among the people of the Kingdom of God?” Xie Sisi immediately understood this.

“I have let General Dyson set it down. Someone is making trouble, and there must be the Lord of Hell behind it.”

“Bell the bell–” The phone rang.

Wang Lan got on the phone, listened for a while, then hung up, stood up and walked to the door.

“How is it? Have a new clue?”

“Dyson did catch a few people who incited people’s emotions. I’m going to check it out.”

Because the headquarters is a hotel, so I went out to the next floor. When he got to the lower floor, Dyson just came out of the interrogation room and saw Wang Lan shook the head with a wry smile.

“Why? No clue?”

“These troublemakers are all exceptional spirits, and the Divine Consciousness Sea is clearly invaded. Obviously it is the same technique. The secret mastermind is naturally nowhere to be found.”

The hell lord’s technique is indeed powerful, at least so far Wang Lan can’t think of a way to crack it. He will also erase this memory when he injects will into the target.

Even people who are bewitched and controlled by the Lord of Hell don’t know it, there is no memory, and naturally they can’t see anything when carved with the Divine Seal.

“Where are they from? Do they have something in common?”

“No, they come from all parts of the kingdom of gods, and they have never been to the same place. Of course, even if there are us, it is impossible to understand, after all, the memory has been tampered with.”

Suddenly, Wang Lan’s face suddenly changed.

“Wang Lan, did you think of something?” Dyson asked quickly. Of course, Wang Lan’s face change cannot hide from his eyes.

“Tampering with memory… I remember that the Kingdom of God can tamper with my memory…”

“Divine Kingdom in my heart!” General Dyson clearly knew this divine technique, “but isn’t this technique only able to change my own memory? Can it also change the memory of others? And this technique is also classified as a forbidden technique, only The red-clothed bishop-level talent cultivation of the Holy See.”

“Any kind of star martial skill is constantly evolving and improving. What was impossible before may not be impossible now. For example, no one has been able to complete the development of Extreme Hot light since the ancient times, and Extreme Hot light appeared in In my hands.

And what you are talking about is not tampering but erasing, changing your own memory, erasing the memory of others, how do you think this ability has something in common? “

“If this is the case, then this person is likely to be a high-ranking member of the Kingdom of Gods. Could it be…can’t even the high-ranking members of the Kingdom of God be trusted? Then the difficulty of hunting down the Lord of Hell will be more than ten times .”

“No matter how difficult it is, always find a way to overcome it.”

Unconsciously, five days have passed quietly. There have been too many things in the kingdom of Gods in these five days, even general things like Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart. First experienced shock, then anger, then riots, and then repented and prayed.

In the past five days, the mood of the citizens of the Kingdom of God has changed every day. No, it should be said that the mood is changing anytime and anywhere. The four Wang Lan looked at the holy light that enveloped the whole city of angels, their hearts were exceptionally calm.

“This holy light is really amazing. It can affect people’s emotions. Under holy light, people’s emotions can be calmed down so quickly. It took only five days from irrationality to recovery order, which is really unimaginable.”

“You said that if this holy light is to be used in our country, the country will not have that many things. How much effort did the country put in to resolve the contradictions of various classes?”

“If all countries have your mind, the Holy See will be happy, so that all mankind believes in the gods, the Holy See will really become the uncrowned king.”

“Wang Lan, you said there is a problem with this holy light array?”

“At present, it only has the function of calming people’s emotions and purifying people’s hearts, but who knows? People are humans because they have Seven Emotions and Six Desires. These Seven Emotions and Six Desires are not what we humans need. , But human beings are given to us by natural laws in the process of evolution.

If everyone becomes desperate and wantless, then human beings are really finished.”


holy light is indeed a good thing. If in the dynasty era, it must be something that all kings yearn for something even in dreams. The emperor can just enjoy it and ensure that the people of the country and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Then the population continued to grow negatively, until the country completely died out under the shrinking population a few hundred years later.

Five days have passed, and the nation’s emotions have been soothed, but the prayers of repentance continue. Thousands of people come here to confess every day in Major Sect halls across the country. They repented for their insults to Bishop Guangming, how excited they were at that time, and now they regret it.

And when the whole people were in grief and regret, a video suddenly spread on the Internet.

Wang Lan immediately understood this message and quickly turned on the computer and downloaded the video. The video clicks on, and the protagonist on the screen is the Bishop of Justice. In the picture, the Bishop of Justice holds a baby in his arms, and the baby is smiling at the Bishop of Justice. The picture is so harmonious.

But soon, a shocking picture appeared. The Justice Bishop slowly drew out the silver-handled dagger, and then…a mate turned Jiang Xinyu’s face pale with fright, and turned Xie Sisi so scared that he couldn’t bear to look at the picture again. Appeared.

The Bishop of Justice picked up a wine glass full of blood from the baby’s heart and shook it slightly. The blood in the wine glass was as gorgeous and cruel as red wine.

“Damn, damn, this scum, damn!” Xu Xiangwen knocked on the table angrily, with a bang, and Xu Xiangwen knocked one corner of the table to pieces.

“Xiangwen, don’t get caught.” Jiang Xinyu said hastily, “This should still be the work of the lord of hell, have you forgotten how Bishop Guangming died?”

“Of course I remember, I didn’t mean that Bishop Guangming should die, but the person in the video should die. Xu Xiangwen is also experienced and knowledgeable, but it’s hard to find such a completely crazy and ridiculous beast through searching the past and the present. Now. How can he get it?”

“As far as the animal is concerned, what else can’t be done?” Wang Lan also drew his face in a deep voice.

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