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“Peng peng peng!” There was a strong knock on the door, Jiang Xinyu went to open the door, and Yulia appeared at the door.

Hurrying into the room, “have you seen the video?”

“Just saw it!” Wang Lan said with a calm face.

“It’s so despicable… I just used this despicable method to kill the bishop of Guangming. Now I can frame the bishop of justice in the same way. It is really shameless. Do they think they can succeed in the same way?”

“I want to come to the Kingdom of God this time and I won’t be the last time, right? Has the source of the video been investigated?”

“After investigation, the source of the video was an overseas organization, the International Security Council was immediately dispatched, but they fled by nothing.”

“This video was synthesized, right?” Jiang Xinyu asked.

“It must be synthesized, but the level is very high. No trace of synthesis has been found yet.”

“Dididi—-” Wang Lan’s mobile phone suddenly remembered that it was an internal group chat communication of the International Security Council. Wang Lan clicked on the mobile phone and immediately received dozens of video files.

Wang Lan opened the file. It was an analysis video published by pixel processing experts from all over the world, but the result was Wang Lan’s browse frowned.

“We use the most sophisticated analysis software, or from pixel overlap, light overlap to analyze, this video has no trace of PS, this video is a real video?”

“If there is cut, copy and paste, the data in the paste port will appear to be faulty. If the magnification ratio is magnified, you will see a clear fuzzy line. But we have zoomed in to fifty times and there is no paste line on the edge. , This video turned out to be real.”

“Unexpectedly, the quasi-pope of the kingdom of God, the righteous bishop in the name of justice turned out to be a demon…”

these all are great gods in the industry, but their analysis results all determine that the video is really without PS traces. This made Wang Lan unexpectedly make Yulia even more angry.

“These may be the spies of the hell lord, and it is necessary to arrest and investigate them.” Yulia said in the internal group immediately.

“Agent Yulia, although I understand your feelings well, when we got these videos, we immediately verified that they were not the minions of the Lord of Hell.

And unfortunately, our internal experts also immediately analyzed the video, and this video is true. “Lieutenant General Dyson’s words jumped out of the group. Yulia’s face instantly changes pale.

“This is impossible…how can it be true…”

“As a result of our internal analysis, this video is impossible. Obviously, it is exactly the same as the method used to frame Bishop Guangming. Bishop Guangming was also killed with a real diary…” The intense discussion in the group began .

Soon, another video file jumped out.

In the video is the Bishop of Justice, who is currently holding a press conference.

“My dear people of the Kingdom of God, I am the bishop of justice and the protagonist in the video that suddenly caused an uproar today. I use my faith to assure that this video is fake, and I’m impossible to suck blood Devil, this is the despicable framing of the demons of hell.

But in order to avoid suspicion and to cooperate with the investigation of the Holy See, I announced that I will temporarily resign from the post of Bishop of Justice and be replaced by my successor. I believe the Holy See will be able to find out the truth and give me justice, and I hope you will also believe me… “

The duty of the Bishop of Justice is to lead the trial of the Kingdom of God, in other words, the Minister of Public Security. If you don’t resign, you are investigating yourself, so it is reasonable to resign to avoid suspicion.

And this time, no one of the citizens of the Kingdom of God believes that this is true anymore. The corpse of the bishop Guangming is not cold. How could the same trick be fooled again?

“This time the Lord of Hell took the initiative to use the words of the kingdom of God, but the public opinion of the whole world.” Wang Lan suddenly raised his head after pondering for a long time.

“The public opinion of the whole world? Can the public opinion of the whole world kill the righteous bishop?” Yulia sneered indifferently.

“The purpose of the lord of hell is not to kill the righteous bishop at all. His purpose is to…isolate the kingdom of God.”

The video is not only spread in the kingdom of God, but spread across the world. And the spread of the whole world is much faster than in the kingdom of gods. Obviously the purpose of the hell lord is to make the whole world uproar.

The Lord of Hell knows that this time the Kingdom of God will not be fooled, but the whole world will be fooled. If the kingdom of God supports the righteous bishop, the people of the whole world will attack the kingdom of God. And if the Kingdom of God is in trouble, no country will come to support it, at least it will not express support positively…

Wang Lan’s eyes flickered, and suddenly he spit out two words coldly, “Coup!”

“Coup d’etat?” Yulia asked with Wang Lan’s deliberate thinking.

“Yes, it is a coup. We have speculated before that there must be a high-ranking man in the kingdom of God who is a spy for the hell lord. And when the kingdom of God lost the support of the whole world, a high-ranking Holy See If a coup d’etat is launched, in the hearts of believers in the whole world, he will just set things right, and he will be the incarnation of justice.”

“I see, let the Holy See make the sky angry, and then come to replace the current high level of the Holy See. This is the Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Chīmèi Divine Method in your Jade Country strategy?”

“It should be like this.”

“The video must be fake, so many experts can’t be analyzed? Aren’t these experts fake?” Xu Xiangwen complained.

“Forget it, let’s do it ourselves.” Wang Lan said, typing in the instructions for Xiao Ai to take action. After so many years of evolution of Xiao Ai, Wang Lan’s abilities are not clear at what level.

But no matter how high intelligence is, first of all intelligence is software, and software depends on hardware. With the same level of hardware, Xiao Ai unrivaled beneath the heavens. But if the hardware is two or three levels ahead, Xiao Ai can’t do anything.

However, Wang Lan believes that hardware that is two or three levels ahead of Xiao Ai should not exist, unless it is a photon computer or a quantum computer of this level.

“Video split completed…” After waiting patiently for half an hour, Xiao Ai’s reply sounded. Soon, the video was split into three. The first video is a baby, but the person holding the baby and the surrounding environment are all black, just like a baby floating in the air in a horror movie.

The second one is a video of Bishop Justice dining and drinking red wine. He is the only one who also has a table, the dishes on the table, etc. The other backgrounds are all black.

“This video was synthesized from three kinds of videos, but the techniques used to synthesize the video are very superb.” Wang Lan said.

“Very good, I will report to the Holy See, let the Holy See announce it like the whole world.”

“It’s useless.” Wang Lan said, stopping Yulia’s movements.


“Look at these three videos, we know that this is a stripped synthetic original video, but from the outside, it may be that we deliberately split this video into three. There is no apparent difference between stripping and splitting . Except that we know it is stripping, no one knows it is stripping.”

“Can others not do it?”

“They can’t even tell if the video is synthesized, how can it be done?”

“Then what should I do next? Let things go on?” Yulia was also a little worried. This is related to the reputation of the Kingdom of Gods, and most importantly, the succession of the Pope is about to begin.

“Of course I found the secret mastermind who made the video.” Wang Lan watched the three videos said with a smile.

“Are you already investigating? Then don’t sell it” Yulia asked anxiously.

“To synthesize the video, it must have the original video material. Through the decomposition of Xiao Ai, we can confirm that the justice bishop is not the justice bishop whose face has been changed.”

“Uh…what do you mean?” Yulia looked puzzled. Only Jiang Xinyu in Wang Lan’s team showed a dazed expression after thinking for a while.

Wang Lan shook the head from the bottom of his heart, glanced at Xie Sisi and Yulia’s breasts, and sure enough, that word had a little basis.

“If you change your face, it is easy to be analyzed for PS traces. After all, human micro-expressions are very difficult to edit, but since he used the real body of the Justice Bishop as the material, he left the biggest weak spot.” Jiang Xinyu said in a tranquil voice.

“Yes, this is a video of the life of the Bishop of Justice. From the dining table, we can confirm that this is in the Divine Realm of the Bishop of Justice.”

“I understand!” Yulia finally reacted, “There is a pinhole camera in the Divine Realm of the Bishop of Justice that took pictures of the Bishop’s meal. You can investigate from this direction.”

A group of five people left the hotel and walked towards the Divine Realm of the Bishop of Justice. At this moment, the Divine Realm of the Bishop of Justice was already surrounded by the citizens of the Kingdom of God. They held a public sign saying that we believe you.

The entire Divine Realm has been blocked by the god Paladin.

Wang Lan was able to enter Divine Realm under the leadership of Yulia. In the kingdom of gods, the residence of high priests is called Divine Realm, which means the realm of gods. At first it was an honorific title for the clergy, and then gradually evolved into a formal title.

The villa of Bishop Justice’s house has a huge garden. Bishop Justice is sitting on the balcony on the third floor, looking at the distant scenery. The sky is so blue and the white clouds are so white.

The Bishop of Justice holds black tea in his hands, his eyes are so deep…

“Lord, Yulia Young Lady has arrived with the people from the International Security Council.” A steward with a silver hair and a gentleman came and said softly behind the Bishop of Justice.

“Okay.” The Bishop of Justice stood up and went to the living room, “Mr. Wang Lan, we meet again.”

“The Bishop of Justice I trust you have been well since we last met?”

“I’m fine. I believe the Holy See can give me an innocence. They killed Io by the same trick, and now they come to deal with me again. They insult our IQ.”

“We have already investigated clearly. The video is synthesized, but a camera should be installed in your Divine Realm, and a video of your life was secretly taken as a material to synthesize this evil video.”

Speaking, Wang Lan took out his notebook and let Xiao Ai connect to the family network to find diseases. After searching for a few minutes, Xiao Ai popped out a prompt, not at all found the camera monitoring device.

Wang Lan was slightly taken aback by this result.

“Wang Lan, can you let me watch this video?” The Justice Bishop said.

Wang Lan clicked on the video, which is the picture of the Bishop of Justice having a meal. Bishop Justice watched for a while and suddenly the complexion greatly changed, he turned around and pinched Steward’s throat behind him.


“The visual position of the video is exactly where you are standing. You did it?” The Bishop of Justice shouted fiercely, and then slapped Steward’s forehead with a palm.

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