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The Bishop Justice waved his palm, and a cabinet in the living room opened instantly, a stream of light passed by, and a Soul bead fell in the palm of the Bishop Justice.

The actual mental power spurted instantly, rushing into Steward’s mind. Wang Lan stood there watching quietly, and they couldn’t help feeling a little bit cold. The layout of the hell lord can be so deep, even the chess pieces can be arranged in the home of the justice bishop.

After a long time, the righteous bishop’s hand was released from Steward’s forehead, Steward’s eyes were pale, and he fell to the ground with a demented expression. And the Bishop of Justice holding the Soul bead inspires the memory recorded inside.

The picture appeared in a dim basement. Steward was kneeling on the ground and waiting for a person’s instructions. The person was wearing silk pajamas and a Gold mask on his face.

In the Kingdom of God, only the pope can wear a Gold mask. The person in the picture gave some instructions to Steward, but no sound was transmitted. But this picture alone is enough to illustrate the problem.

Then Steward took out a USB flash drive, and the owner of the Gold mask opened the USB flash drive. The video shows the picture of the Justice Bishop having a meal at home. Very warm picture.

The screen quickly closed, and everyone’s faces showed relaxed smiles.

“Bishop of Justice, this video is enough to wash away your grievances.”

“My grievance is not the most important thing right now, the most important thing is this secret mastermind. How dare I wear a Gold mask that only the pope can wear… Damn it.”

“The Bishop of Justice.” Yulia hesitated slightly, but then opened the mouth and said the truth. “Wang Lan has already made a speculation on the secret mastermind before. He believes that the secret mastermind should be the top of our Holy See. “

“High level? How tall is it?”

“The very tall one.” Wang Lan continued.

“Why see?”

“You know the Bishop Guangming very well to set up this killing game. Let Li start the game three years ago, and control the hearts of all people in the Holy See to the point. It is not absolutely done by the people who get along with you day and night. Not possible.

And this time, your steward must not be at first or the spy of the hell lord? “

“Of course not. Solo has been with me for fifty years. He has been my deacon since I was ten years old. As I grow up, he has become my steward. He has always been loyal to me, but He didn’t expect that he was finally bewitched by the Lord of Hell and betrayed me.”

“So, the one who can confuse Steward must be able to contact you often. And in the video, he wears a Gold mask that only the pope can wear.

Why? “

“He wants to be the pope?”

“Yes, secret mastermind is still possible…at least someone who is qualified to be the pope.”

The face of the Justice Bishop suddenly became gloomy again, “I see, he is at least a red-clothed bishop.”

“The circle has shrunk to this level. The following should not be difficult. I don’t know if the justice bishop cares. There is a heart-shaped birthmark on the chest of the secret mastermind.”

“I see, many thanks to the help of General Wang Lan. You are as wise as the rumors are. I am very grateful that you can lock the secret mastermind in such a short period of time and pay my innocence. The rest is Please leave it to our Holy See. We can handle it.”

“Then we will leave.”

The area is delineated in such a small location, and it is no longer difficult to find the secret mastermind. There are only twenty red-clothed bishops in the entire Holy See, and there is a heart-shaped birthmark on the chest… it should be unique and unmatched. What Wang Lan worries most is that none of the twenty bishops has a birthmark.

Although there is a sentence, you never know which comes first tomorrow or unexpected. But this time, nothing happened at all. The pope urgently called all red-clothed bishops to the temple for discussion.

Excluding female bishops, only eight red-clothed bishops remain. And when the pope ordered all red-clothed bishops to take off their clothes, a bishop with a birthmark on his chest appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Immediately, the Pope took the shot to take down the evil bishop. The Bishop of Punishment is still unclear. Therefore, after the Bishop of Justice showed up the evidence, he became even more mad, and he was still thrown into the prison of thorns.

This is also specifically explained by Wang Lan, for fear that he will be caught in the plan of the hell lord again, so he will not be judged but arrested secretly, and also not announced to the public.

After the Bishop of Punishment was taken, the Bishop of Justice immediately searched the Divine Realm of the Bishop of Punishment. When the god Paladin rushed into the home of the evil bishop, the wife of the evil bishop was wearing a dark robe and painted with dense and bright makeup sitting on the edge of the bed.

In the Kingdom of God, relatives of clergymen are not allowed to wear black clothes, and even people in the entire Kingdom of God do not have black clothes options. Only those who are depraved, who dedicate their hearts to demons, wear black clothes.

The Bishop of Punishment showed a grim smile when he saw the god Paladin rushing in, and then lit a flame and burned himself to death.

At this step, the truth is beyond doubt. And soon, the god Paladin searched the basement of the bishop’s home, and found the evil altar in the basement. There were more than a dozen boxes around the altar, each of which contained the corpse of a less than full-month baby.

By comparison, these corpses are all babies that have been in the past month. Most were stolen from Orphanage.

Following this clue, the god Paladin ran away again, and then later realized a clue that had been ignored before. Before the babies disappeared, the wife of the Bishop of Punishment went to the Orphanage to condolences the children.

As the wife of the bishop, in transcendent position, in order to maintain her image in the hearts of the congregation, she will organize a group to show condolences to Orphanage’s children, do charitable donations and so on.

When the evidence of all these crimes is in front of the pope, it does not matter whether the bishop confessed the crime or not. What is there to quibble in the face of hard evidence? In the Kingdom of God, there is no such thing as not being guilty as long as you don’t sign the confession. Besides, even if you don’t confess guilt, there is still a court verdict.

“Let’s execute the punishable bishop. This time the public opinion has lasted too long. It is time to let the public opinion disappear. Let’s announce it tomorrow!”

Early in the morning of 2nd day, the Holy See announced the truth of the matter. It is not the righteous bishop who kills the babies who drink the blood, but the evil bishop. This is the same damage to the Holy See.

Whether it is the Bishop of Punishment and the Bishop of Justice, he is the Bishop of the Holy See. Whoever humiliates is the Kingdom of God. So no one doubts whether this is because the Holy See deliberately threw a scapegoat to protect the justice of the bishop?

Even a scapegoat, is it possible to scapegoat a red-clothed bishop?

Fortunately, the Holy See also announced that this was a conspiracy by the Lord of Hell, and the Lord of Hell bewitched the wife of the evil bishop. And his wife bewitched the evil bishop again.

Before this, the kingdom of God blocked the news of the hell lord returning in a swirl of dust. Many people in the kingdom of God still remember the disaster that the former hell lord brought to the kingdom of God in 30 years.

In order to prevent panic, the Kingdom of God has always concealed the news of the reappearance of the Hell Lord, but now, it seems that it can’t be kept. So when the real husband was clothed, the kingdom of God was in an uproar.

Then it was announced that the Kingdom of God had entered a state of emergency, and the god Paladin began to take over the security of the Kingdom of God. The state of emergency in the Kingdom of God is a complete national alert.

Not only to the citizens of the Kingdom of God, but also to the agents of the International Security Council such as Wang Lan. Wang Lan did not understand this decree. They are here to find the Lord of Hell. Have you even restricted our actions?

What do we need to do then? Before, the Kingdom of God invited the International Security Council to intervene, but now it doesn’t seem necessary at all?

In this regard, Dyson patted Wang Lan on the shoulder, “The Kingdom of God has its own complete system, but our system relies on the system, and all kinds of knowledge maintain the contradictions of various problems. The country relies on theology and divine force.

The next step after the national alert is holy light, which is like killing bacteria with ultraviolet rays. Not letting us move is for fear of disrupting the holy light plan.

Of course, the Kingdom of God also has its own selfish calculations. Do you think they invited us to really want us to deal with the hell lord for them? They originally invited us to let us be spectators. “

In the night of 2nd day, the kingdom of gods was shrouded in the shining holy light, and the Paladin group of gods continuously attacked and arrested batch after batch of people who were evil or deceived.

In this way, Wang Lan and the others seem to be a little okay. Staying in the hotel and can’t leave, the quintessence of the country is immediately carried forward here.

Fighting Landlords is the quintessence of the country, and Mahjong is the quintessence of the country. A group of blonde foreigners shouted planes and rockets. Or, it’s weird to eat, touch, scream and so on.

Yulia was also stayed in the hotel as a bridge between the International Security Council and the Kingdom of God.

In the dark, day and night, Wang Lan’s four people kept rubbing and drawing cards, and time was lost in unconsciously.

“Reported that an old man came outside, saying that it was Yulia Young Lady’s deceased who wanted to see Yulia Young Lady.”

“old man? Who!” Yulia, who was rubbing the cards, reluctantly put down the cards in her hand. No one can resist the charm of Mahjong. Yulia at first was repelled when she was pulled to the table by Xie Sisi.

But after understanding the rules and playing for two laps, Yulia seemed to have awakened the small universe and was very high-spirited. On the first night, Xie Sisi Jiang Xinyu and Xu Xiangwen fought into the middle of the night.

In the end, Xu Xiangwen was so tired that he slept on the table and then he gave up. In the early morning of the 2nd day, they were very motivated to find three people to learn from each other.

Yulia stood up and came to the window, just in time to see the entrance of the hotel.

“Brownie steward? Let him in.”

Soon, Brownie Steward was taken to the sixth floor and into Yulia’s room of four.

Brownie Steward wears a white robe, and his silver hair is combed meticulously. For some reason, Wang Lan thought of the steward in the house of the Bishop of Justice when he first saw Brownie.

Although the looks are different, but the same hairstyle, the same robe, and the same temperament.

Perhaps the steward of the noble family of the Kingdom of God is like this, more gentleman and noble than the master, it is a quality that a steward must master.

“Brownie steward, why are you here?”

“Yulia Young Lady, please save Gary.”

“Garrie? What’s wrong with him?” Yulia’s face startedled and suddenly asked nervously.

“Gary Young Lady is cursed by the devil…”

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