
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Gary and Yulia are good best friends and have been good friends since elementary school. Yulia has been very busy since returning from taking the exam and has not seen Garley during this time.

“What’s the matter? Why did no one tell me?”

“Since last week, Young Lady has become muddled. She was in a daze all day and sometimes made very strange movements. The day before yesterday, she jumped off the third floor and broke her leg.

at first Lord and I both doubted whether Young Lady was cursed by the devil. Lord asked Saintess to get rid of him, but Saintess said that everything was normal for Young Lady. But how can Young Lady look normal like that? It’s the same as losing the soul. “

“Where is Jiali now?”

“At the Holy City Hospital.”

“Go, take me to have a look.” Yulia said quickly, and suddenly stopped and looked back towards the four Wang Lan, “Would you like to take a look together?”

Wang Lan and the others are getting bored, Yulia said that the four of them immediately stood up and went with Yulia.

Old Steward came in a car, and the five Yulia drove another car. After driving for ten minutes, he came to Holy City Hospital. Holy City Hospital is the highest hospital in the Kingdom of Gods. The nurses inside are all holy court nuns, among which medical star martial artists account for as much as 50%.

Although the medical star martial skill has no effect on the ordinary person, many variants of the star martial skill can also be used for treatment. For example, light burning can be used to stop bleeding in blood vessels, and the pupil technique martial skill can clearly see diseases or wounds that normal people can’t see.

Garrie Young Lady’s identity seems extraordinary. Her ward is an independent mobile sanatorium and surrounded by the guardian of the god Paladin. After Yulia took out the identity of Quasi Saintess, she was able to enter the sanatorium. floor.

Then Wang Lan and the others were able to enter Garley’s ward. The ward was very large, with a girl with black hair sitting on a white bed. The girl stared out the window in a daze, the scene was quiet and beautiful with a trace of sadness.

There were two servants and nanny standing beside the girl, and the nanny’s face was full of worry. Seeing Yulia opened the door and came in, a happy smile appeared on her face.

“Garrie–” Yulia called softly.

But the girl on the hospital bed turned a deaf ear, or she simply didn’t hear it, and stared out the window startledly.

The two pigeons fluttered their wings and fell on the window of the ward. They looked at the people in the ward curiously, and then fluttered their wings and flew up to disappeared.

“Garley!” Yulia came to Garley nervously. Only then did she notice that Garley’s condition was not right, and she looked out the window blankly, as if it were a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

“Brownie steward, how could Garley be like this?”

“I don’t know. I only know that last night, Garley had a nightmare while sleeping, and then screamed and woke up. Then…she became like this.”

Yulia raised her hand, and the rays of light in her hand shone on Jiali’s body. Jiali was still motionless, and even the expressions hadn’t changed at all.

“There is no trace of a curse in the body…the soul is not polluted and remains pure and flawless…” Yulia said solemnly on her face.

The door to the ward suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man in a gray suit walked in. At the moment when the door was opened, Garley’s body couldn’t help shaking. It’s just that the frequency of shaking is very small, and Wang Lan only feels it.

“Yulia, are you here too?”

“Hello, Mrak Uncle.” Yulia solemnly saluted the middle-aged man, and then said to Wang Lan, “This is the son of Wushuang Knight, Mlak, and the father of Garley. Outstanding entrepreneurs in the country.”

“The name of Mrak Industries, I also like thunder piercing the ear, but I really didn’t expect Mrak’s father to be Wushuang Knight.”

“Jade Country is the name of greedy wolves. I have often heard father mention it. Father also often said that the next 20 years will be the era of the four major Heaven’s Chosen, and the four major Heaven’s Chosen Jade Country will have two exclusives.”

“Wushuang Knight has won the award. The country has heroes. Heaven’s Chosen in the world is like the stars in the sky. Even in Jade Country, I am not the best one, let alone the whole world.”

“You are so humble.” Mrak laughed and then looked towards Yulia, “Yulia, how about Garley?”

“It’s weird, Jiali’s soul is very pure, not at all, a sign of being cursed, her current state is a bit like… scared silly?” Yulia can only describe it like this.

“Uncle, although Garley is timid, he is still not scared by a nightmare? Is there no other special experience besides having a nightmare?”

“No! You know, Garley doesn’t like going out very much. When he’s at home on vacation, he plays the piano, paints, or practices dance. And the guards at my house are tightly integrated. All I know is that he was scared that night. That’s it. In the end, I fell from upstairs the day before yesterday, but I didn’t hurt my head either.”

“That’s weird…” Yulia said in surprise.

“I will have another meeting soon. I just learned that you are coming back to see Garriet. What’s the matter with Garrie, you must tell me immediately. I will go back and have a meeting first.”

Mrak seems to be really busy, coming in and leaving in a hurry. When leaving, his eyes fell on Wang Lan’s body and the friendly nodded left.

Wang Lan’s eyes flashed with thoughtful rays of light, and he came to Yulia and said softly, “Let me try it.”

“Garrie did not awaken the star martial artist innate talent, should your medical star martial skill be invalid for her?”

Wang Lan didn’t speak, raising his hand was a bright holy flame, and with a bang, a raging flame ignited on Garley’s body.

“Ah–” Jiali let out a scream, but the scream stopped instantly, looked at Wang Lan blankly, and then looked towards the window.

This scene immediately frightened Yulia and the others, and Yulia almost ran away with a spew of star force. But soon, the bright flame on Jiali’s body went out, and Jiali’s body did not suffer any harm.

“Wang Lan, what are you doing?” Yulia roared angrily.

“This is the bright flame, don’t you know?” Wang Lan asked innocently.

“How could we know? This is your eastern star martial skill.” Yulia roared.

“Well, blame me for not explaining. The Bright Flame is a flame that can get rid of curses, viruses, and negative emotions. This flame does no harm to people, but only burns negative things.”

“But you should tell me in advance? Garley had a little reaction just now, is it effective?”

“The effect only lasted for a moment, it seems that there is no effect…” Wang Lan said looking towards the three people beside Jiali, “Brownie Steward, and the two Young Lady, can you avoid it? I want to talk to Yulia Young Lady discusses treatment options.”

“This…” Brownie hesitated slightly, and finally the gentleman bowed after seeing Yulia nodded, “Then please Mr.”

Speaking, led the two maids out of the room and closed the door.

“Xiangwen, you go out and guard, don’t let anyone listen.” Wang Lan said suddenly.

“Huh?” Xu Xiangwen looked at Wang Lan’s serious expression and suddenly understood nodded. Soon there were only Wang Lan and four women in the room. Wang Lan came to Jiali and looked at Jiali’s cheeks full of collagen curiously.

“Garley Young Lady, now there are no outsiders, you don’t need to pretend it.” Wang Lan said suddenly.

“What?” Yulia was taken aback and looked at Garrie in surprise, “Garrie, are you okay? Are you pretending?”

“Just now when Mlack entered the door, Garrie Young Lady trembled inadvertently. Although she was restrained very well, it was still noticed by me. This shows that Garrie Young Lady is not as lost as she showed, your Consciousness is clear.

When I burned you with the sacred flame of light, you at first screamed in surprise, but instantly you found that the sacred flame of light could not burn you. So…you pretend to be lost again. Am I right? “

“Garley, are you not lost? Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. They are all my friends, they can all be trusted…”

“Yulia–” Jiali suddenly hugged Yulia and burst into tears. This scene also just confirmed Wang Lan’s guess.

“Garley, you told me, what the hell is going on?” Yulia knew that Carrie was impossible to pretend to be lost for no reason. There must be a reason for her to do so.

“I…my father is no longer my father, he is a demon…”

“What? What did Mrak Uncle do to you?” Yulia complexion greatly changed, and suddenly thought of some bad things.

“No…no, it’s me…I feel that my father’s soul has been occupied by demons. His soul is terrible…Since I came back last week, I have felt that something is wrong with him. Later … Within a few days, more and more people in the family are occupied by demons… I know…

If I don’t take action, I will soon be occupied by the devil. And everyone around me is demons except steward. My father is not allowed to go out because the world outside is so messy and dangerous.

I can’t contact grandfather…so I had to pretend to be cursed and fell from upstairs, and then broke my brain…”

Hearing this explanation of Garley, Yulia’s face also became extremely ugly. And Wang Lan looked at Jiali curiously, “Can you see the human soul? Are you also a star martial artist?”

“No, Jiali is not a star martial artist, but she does have extraordinary abilities. She had the ability to feel the soul a few years ago, but she didn’t tell anyone about this ability. No one knows except me.”

“So, Mlaq is really occupied by the devil’s soul?” Wang Lan felt a little weird.

“Mr. Mlak is the son of Wushuang Knight!” Xu Xiangwen said with a look of surprise on the side, “Even Wushuang Knight’s son was taken by the hell lord, who else can’t figure out the hell lord? “

“The defense system of the Holy See has become the back garden of the hell lord…”

Yulia’s face was angry and ashamed, took a deep breath, “I must report to the Pope immediately, this matter is too big.”

“Is the Pope trustworthy now?” Xu Xiangwen asked blankly, “I feel that anyone can be the Lord of Hell.”

“Xiangwen, don’t talk nonsense.” Wang Lan shouted, “Yulia, I can’t tell the Pope about this.”


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