
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The streamer is getting closer and closer, and soon everyone can see who it is. It turned out to be Yulia holding the Holy Grail. Yulia has just taken the Holy Grail and has been in retreat for the past few days. The only one who can restrain the hell monarch and even the strength of the fallen angel is the Divine Item Holy Grail left by the gods.

“Masters, I am the new Saintess Yulia in the Kingdom of God. The Holy Grail in my hand can completely defeat the Lord of Hell, but I am not strong enough to exert the true strength of the Holy Grail. I also ask you all to help me. “

“Saintess!” Seeing the reappearance of the Holy Grail, the hell lord gnashing teeth roared, “Do you think the Holy Grail can hurt me now? I have the body of an angel and I have recovered to the Peak moment, let alone the Holy Grail, Even if the gods come, I can’t imagine how they won me.”

Saintess didn’t respond to the clamoring hell lord, and raised the Holy Grail high. Under the urging of Yulia’s star force, the Holy Grail immediately rippled with Formation. The holy white light radiated from the holy grail, rippling divine might.

“My lord, it’s now!”

“New Saintess, our star force will be given to you–“

The five star soul realms all shouted loudly, and the star force burst out all over, turning into a holy grail that rushed into the sky.

“Don’t think–” The hell monarch is naturally unwilling to wait for death. The five star-soul realm teamwork has proved to him that their teamwork can instantly destroy his angelic body.

In an instant, her figure rushed to the Holy Grail, trying to interrupt Yulia’s energy accumulation.

“Void Purple Eyes——” Wang Lan’s eyes burst open, a burst of space was slightly trembled, the figure of the hell lord in the void stopped. Space Lock is like two walls sandwiching the lord of hell.

“Swastika, Judgment of Light——”

The Zanpai Knife in his hand exploded instantly, and the sky of huaguang hung from the sky, and a Heavenly Sword in the huaguang thrust into the hell lord like a sky.

“Spiritual sword, wisdom sword–“

Lin Ruolan also rushed into the cloud at the moment Wang Lan launched the attack, and a twisted sword energy appeared on the head of the hell lord and was cut down almost at the same time as the judgment of light.


The hell lord propped up a protective barrier to resist two super-powerful attacks, but because of this momentary delay, the plan to interrupt the Holy Grail’s power was aborted.

“Go to die—” The hell lord fly into a rage out of humiliation, violently erupting a terrifying strength, a terrifying spatial shock smashed the two attacks of Wang Lan and Lin Ruolan, and sent out a shock wave, The figures of Wang Lan and Lin Ruolan strikes and fly away.

“pu ——” The two spurt a mouthful of blood together. Wang Lan quickly gave himself a light of life, and by the way, Lin Ruolan.

At this moment, Yulia’s Holy Grail has been charged up, and the Holy Grail above her head emits a dazzling white light like the scorching sun. The Holy Grail slammed down on the Hell Lord, and the Hell Lord’s expression instantly distorted.


The attack of the Holy Grail can be cross-dimensional, even if the Lord of Hell can be blurred, it is useless to hide in different dimensions. Even his Alien Space Law was smashed by the Holy Grail, Alien Space was smashed, the Lord of Hell had nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape.


This smash hit the hell lord’s forehead fiercely. The angel’s body suddenly stiffened, and then it fell into pieces like broken glass. The soul of the lord of hell floated from the body of the angel.


The Holy Grail suddenly turned the bottle mouth, and the terrifying suction power came from the Holy Grail. The soul of the hell lord could not resist this powerful suction, and was quickly sucked into the Holy Grail by the suction.

“You can’t shut me down…Don’t think about…Ah! What, what… Don’t…”

The hell lord who was still clamoring just now didn’t know what terrible thing he encountered in the Holy Grail, he suddenly screamed and disappeared completely.

“pu ——” Yulia spouted a mouthful of blood and fell from the sky. Wang Lan body flashed, and quickly planned to catch Yulia. Before getting close, the Holy Grail suddenly rushed to Yulia’s side, and a terrifying strength struck Wang Lan.

Wang Lan hurriedly dodges the Holy Grail attack.

“Divine Item Protector?” Wang Lan cried out in surprise, tentatively throwing a life halo on Yulia. This time the Holy Grail did not jump out to stop Wang Lan. Under the treatment of life halo, Yuli Ya’s face quickly returned to normal.

“Assist in killing the king of hell, resolve the crisis in the kingdom of gods and even the whole world, reward 100 million EXP and 8 million skill points!”

In my mind, the system prompt sounded suddenly. In an instant, the experience slot of Wang Lan within the body was filled. A clear star force fluctuated like a pulse, and the hearts of the experts who had just let go of them tightened, for fear that the lord of hell would have another angel rebirth.

But when seeing the star force fluctuations rippling out of Wang Lan, and the star force fluctuations are still a bit familiar, all the experts are not calm.

“breakthrough? Did you give me a breakthrough this time?” a female superhero said incomprehensibly.

“Calm down, Wang Lan is like this. Every breakthrough is after the war, and I don’t know what happened to him. But isn’t this always the case in the Star Sea breakthrough? The most important thing in the Star Sea world is perception. After the war, the breakthrough was few but it was not unique.” Azure Emperor hurriedly ended the battle.

Although it is clear in my heart, the quirks of Wang Lan’s post-war breakthrough did not start from the Star Sea realm, but it was the same until now. But after all, they are the cubs of their own country, and they still have to be maintained. You can’t scold monster with others, right?

Just ascended to Rank 1, suddenly the experience slot was filled up again, Wang Lan’s character level jumped directly from Star Sea 4 to Star Sea 6. For Wang Lan, it was a jump of two levels, but for others, it was just a breakthrough from the Star Sea realm Early-Stage to the Star Sea realm Middle-Stage.

And this fact makes a lot of Star Sea realm experts very hurt, especially those Star Sea realm experts of the Paladin group of gods. Everyone is from the sea, so why are you so good? Star martial grade is not as high as ours, and battle strength is one dimension beyond us? Is there any reason?

Wang Lan looked at Yulia suspiciously even though he was calm in the breakthrough. I sank into the system again and took a look at the system’s prompts, and indeed I heard it correctly.

Killed the Lord of Hell instead of Sealing?

“Baby–” Yulia let out a soft snort and woke up slowly.

“Are you all right?” Lin Ruolan came to Yulia and extended the hand to help him up.

“It’s okay. The Lord of Hell has been sealed by the Holy Grail. He will never come out this time. The Lord of Hell has been suppressed. On behalf of the Kingdom of God, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you all for coming to help you from afar.”

“Are you sure that the Lord of Hell was only sealed and not killed?” Wang Lan frowns asked.

“It should be sealed…” Yulia said hesitantly.

Wang Lan is not easy to say that the hell lord was actually killed, nor to explain how he knew it. But since the Holy Grail is a divine object left by the gods, it should have its own uniqueness. Perhaps the severely wounded Lord of Hell was crushed to death by the divine force after being taken into the Holy Grail.

The kingdom of God was wounded this time, and even the pope has fallen, so it can’t be said that it can entertain Wang Lan and other heroes. Wang Lan waited for a short period of two days in the Kingdom of God and then went back to their lives.

This time the aid to the kingdom of gods was a complete victory. Although the hell lord killed six titled powerhouses when he first appeared, this loss is negligible compared to the results of the battle.

Where is there an undead in a war? Compared with the war damage of the Kingdom of Gods, the International Security Council really has no face to say that our war has suffered heavy losses.

“Comrade Wang Lan has done many times for Jade Country and made immortal feats for the civilization of all mankind. This time he performed well in the selection and assessment of the International Security Committee, and performed the aid of the Kingdom of God as the commander-in-chief.

Assist the Kingdom of God to successfully suppress the Ancient Devil Clan hell lord and uncover the Bird of Paradise conspiracy. He has outstanding achievements and honors the whole army. Upon the proposal of the Ministry of National Defense and the approval of the Military Commission, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General Wang Lan and the honor of Mingyue Medal. “

On the 2nd day after returning to China, Wang Lan was called to the Magic Capital Heavenly Sword Bureau, and Chief Jin of the Military Commission personally read the promotion order to Wang Lan and was promoted. In addition to Wang Lan, Jiang Xinyu Xu Xiangwen Xie Sisi was promoted to a colonel in the Heavenly Sword Bureau because he was awarded a Level 4 Special Agent position of the International Security Council. It can be said that everyone is happy.

“Mr. Jin, now we have completed the assessment of the International Security Council, and the learning task is almost at the end. Can you ask what the country has for us?” Wang Lan asked while the promotion was over.

Wang Lan joined Heavenly Sword Bureau very early, but he is already an old man. But he has not held a position yet, and his position has always been a student. Now the university is about to end, even if they are only a junior, but their strength fully meets the graduation standard.

“Why? Planning to graduate early?”


“If you graduate…you are not in a hurry, you have indeed considered your arrangements. All four of you have great potential, but potential does not represent strength. Only when the potential is developed can it be considered complete. Cultivation.

Especially Wang Lan you, your strength is already superb in China, and difficult tasks in the eyes of others are no effort at all for you. Doing this kind of task will not improve you much.

So our suggestion is that you stay in the International Security Council for one year. This year we will try our best to arrange challenging tasks for you. You should also hurry up and grow as quickly as possible this year. It is best to enter the Star Soul territory.

In view of the relationship between Jiang Xinyu, Xu Xiangwen, Xie Sisi and you, you happen to be a complete team, so they will stay with you in the International Security Council.

Of course, this is just our suggestion and not mandatory, you can also mention other ideas if you have other ideas. “

“I…no problem.” Wang Lan has no rejection of joining the International Security Council. This mission and the people of the International Security Council get along well, and the internal atmosphere is very harmonious.

“It’s just…what’s my future plan? One year is pretty fast.”

“The war with Demon Race should begin soon. Opening the gate of time and space repeatedly shows that Demon Race has no patience. The country is expected to form five pure Star Sea star martial artists before the war. For the rapid reaction force, every force must achieve the key strength to control the victory of a million-level battle.

You will be one of the founders of these five forces. “

Wang Lan’s pupils can’t help but shrink, this is great generosity! The key force that controls the victory or defeat of the one-million-level battle is not unimportant.

“What about the other candidates?”

“At present, only you and Yu Ruoyan, and all the rest are candidates. But at least one condition, candidates must meet the strength and ability of you and Yu Ruoyan to be eligible, otherwise they would rather be vacant.”

“I see, many thanks to the trust of the organization.”

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