
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Spent all the 8 million skill points rewarded by the system, Wang Lan’s strength once again ushered in a skyrocket. If the level of the Star Soul Realm was faintly reached under the previous full strength, then now the battle strength has reached the Star Soul Realm steadily under full strength.

Even if you don’t activate Phoenix Form and don’t explode with all your strength, your strength will be around half a step. Especially Haoyang sword energy, there is a trend with soul fusion, once the sword and soul merge, sword energy will stimulate a thought. In other words, whose head you want to cut off, when you have this idea, Haoyang sword energy has already been cut out with your mind.

Skip the process of casting spells, and the quickest step is to die for a lifetime and for a realm.

Wang Lan followed Mr. Jin’s suggestion and returned to the International Security Council with Jiang Xinyu. When he was in Jade Country, Wang Lan didn’t know much about the International Safety Committee, and the existence of the International Safety Committee was really low.

But the influence of the International Security Council in the world is greater than that of any country. Even the people of most countries recognize Jade Country and White Eagle nation as just a few famous people in famous cities, but they can treasure the International Security Council.

Because there are only a few countries in the world that have absolute self-defense capabilities.

There are more than 250 countries in the world, and only the top ten countries have complete defense capabilities. This kind of perfection means that no matter how big the crisis is, it can be solved by itself. If they can’t solve it, it’s useless if the International Security Council comes.

For such a country with autonomous defense capabilities, the International Security Council has no right to interfere and will not interfere too much. Jade Country, as one of the top five in the first echelon, is naturally the same. Therefore, agents of the International Security Council rarely perform missions in Jade Country.

The four returned to the International Security Committee and went to the front desk to go through the entry procedures. The last mission is a continuation after the assessment, and Wang Lan and the others have not yet decided on the establishment of the International Safety Committee.

After completing the registration, Lieutenant General Dyson met with the four Wang Lan in the Conference Hall. The main reason why Dyson is Lieutenant General is that Dyson and Wang Lan are familiar with each other.

“According to the initial formation for you, your appointments will be positioned in the meeting. You are all an independent S-Rank team, which is a special operations team of the International Security Council, mainly performing S-Rank tasks.

However, at that time you were not sure whether to stay and work, so you did not complete the registration. Now, on behalf of the five committee members, I ask you formally, do you have any objections to the arrangement of the meeting? If you have any requirements, feel free to mention it. “

“There is no objection, but how many people are there in my independent team? What is the level?”

“The S-Rank independent organization team does not have a fixed number of teams, but it must be at least four people. It can also be six, eight, or twelve. But it’s best not to exceed twelve, because twelve people It can be divided into two S-Rank teams.

The S-Rank team is very precious, that is, our International Security Committee has gathered only 12 advanced expert teams in the world. All the members of the S-Rank independent team are above the Star Sea level, and the Captain must have an elite Star The battle strength of the Sea environment is in charge, which is the titled powerhouse in the words of Jade Country.

You should know Vermilion Bird even in Jade Country, right? The S-Rank independent team is Vermilion Bird even this super system. As for the level of affiliation…You are a seventh-level agent and you almost know what the level is for, right? You belong to the committee, and the tasks are directly assigned by the committee.

You can have independent camps, independent logistics support departments, independent hangars, weapons depots and so on. Any other questions? “

“No more.”

“Then fill in this registration form, what do you plan to call the team number?”

Wang Lan lowered his head and thought, slowly raised his head, “Great Desolate!”

“Great Desolate team? It sounds like an imposing manner. Special operations teams are not allowed to use real names. So each of you must have a code name. Once the code name is generated, it will replace your original data, your real data. It will be sealed as an S-Rank machine, and each of you want to code one.”

“My code name is Fire Phoenix.” Wang Lan thought for a while and said, his main attack is still flame, and Phoenix Form is also a metamorphic phoenix, and Fire Phoenix is ​​very suitable as a code name.

“Then I am Bingfeng.” Jiang Xinyu said after Wang Lan’s voice fell.

“Why are they all birds?” Xu Xiangwen cracking a joke said, “Then I will have a beast, I will call Di Ting.”

“Detective star martial artist, Di listen is very suitable, Xie Sisi Young Lady, how about you?”

“Rain Dragon, the god of rain, the god of water in Jade Country.”

“Okay, S-Rank independent team, Great Desolate, a total of four members, Captain Fire Phoenix, Vice Captain Ice Phoenix, the team members, Rain Dragon. Please confirm!”

“Confirmation complete.”

After Wang Lan’s confirmation is completed, the terminal uploads the data, automatically archives it, deletes the original data, and adds the real data to the S-Rank confidential database. The database of the International Security Council is encrypted with twelve quantum supercomputers. The encryption rules are changed twelve times per second, and there are no rules to follow.

Wang Lan tried it all, and Xiao Ai couldn’t invade without touching the alarm system. Even if he tried to touch the alarm system, Xiao Ai also said that the probability of intrusion within a day is only 1%. What Xiao Ai can’t do, Wang Lan estimates that no one in the world can do it.

Wang Lan chose a camp from the alternative camps as a resident. Although the resident is selected, there are still many things to get. Such as the combat uniforms of the squad, such as the decoration of the training ground.

Fortunately, the star martial artist’s requirements for equipment are not very high, and the training ground does not need to be refurbished. In terms of the strength of Wang Lan and the others, no matter how good the cultivation is, the training ground cannot withstand the toss.

As for the combat uniforms, it would be easier to handle. The team uniforms used in the previous exams were good, just use this style to imitate them. Although the style is the same, the material is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Moreover, under the cloak, the clothes on Wang Lan and the others are also made of special nano-recycled materials, that is, the style that can recover itself even if it is broken. It’s a pity that Wang Lan doesn’t like the tight clothes style. But since it’s inside the cloak, tight clothes don’t matter.

For a month, Wang Lan and the others were doing nothing in the camp. In the first few days, there were camps to clean up and it was not boring, but Wang Lan felt boring later. Didn’t you still have to go to class to study even when there was no task? But now, every day besides playing cards is playing games, I feel that my life is wasteful.

Especially looking at the missions that other people often come in and out, and I haven’t opened it for a month, people who don’t know think that this Great Desolate team is a decoration.

After discussing with Jiang Xinyu and the others, Wang Lan led the team to the mission center. As an independent S-Rank team, he is also a celebrity in the headquarters of the International Security Council, and there are usually many people concerned. Seeing the arrival of Wang Lan and the others, many agents in the mission hall also began to discuss spiritedly.

“Great Desolate Squad? What are they doing here?”

“Are there going to be a task? S-Rank task? Where is a major event again?”

“I haven’t heard…”

“Agent Fire Phoenix, what can I do for you?” The front desk task receptionist Young Lady asked with a smile on her face. Don’t look at the sexy and charming woman in front of you, laughing, but maybe this is a disguise.

Anyone who can work in the International Safety Committee is not simple. In addition to the superior combatants, there are also intelligence personnel with a larger base. So, don’t think that the woman in front of you smiling so enthusiastically at you thinks that you can easily put someone into bed. If you really put someone into bed easily, it is very likely that you will have the life to lie down and not get up.

“Let me see if there are any tasks I can take. It’s been a month, and the idle ones have grown hairy.”

“Oh, yes, most of the tasks in the task hall are tasks below A-Rank and do not require the S-Rank team to complete.”

“Can we pick it up then?” Wang Lan eyebrows slightly frowned.

“Of course there is no problem with the connection, that is…they are all B-Rank C-Rank tasks, which are not difficult for you and are overkill.”

“It doesn’t matter, just take it as a trip, and the expenses are all reimbursed?”

“Of course.”

“Then give us a task.” Wang Lan waved his hand and said. A few of them play cards and games for a month. It’s boring. It’s good to go on a trip and perform tasks by the way.

“Here is a B-Rank mission, which was released by Barron, do you think it is appropriate?”

Wang Lan took over the task tablet and carefully browsed the task overview. In the past few months in Barron, celebrities or corporate bosses have been killed. At present, seven or eight have been killed. Barron suspected that it was the work of the star martial artist.

And this star martial artist seems to be able to know the prophet, and there will be no clues left on the scene. After three months of tracing, there has been no progress, but it has caused panic among the upper class of Barron. Under pressure, he asked the International Security Council for help.

This kind of investigative task is good…just to Wang Lan’s heart. Moreover, Wang Lan remembers that Balen Country seems to be a seaside country, with a long coastline, and the beaches over there are fine sand beaches. It is a good place for travel and vacation.

“I took this task.”

“Ok, then I will register for you.”

After accepting the mission, Wang Lan and the others left the mission hall and returned to the camp to prepare.

It’s a young birthday, the S-Rank independent team has begun to grab common tasks, and even B-Rank hasn’t let go–

A message immediately shook the entire mission hall. What are the common tasks for the S-Rank independent team? That is pastime. But for ordinary agents, these tasks are food.

If the S-Rank squad is to sweep the tasks below S-Rank, then they can pack up and go home. After all, S-Rank missions are not often available. Most S-Rank teams are usually cultivation. They are stationed and they have to do all the tasks. One team can remove dozens of tasks a month, and 12 teams can complete all tasks. .

Wang Lan, regardless of the worrisome thoughts of these guys, after returning to the camp, pack up, put on the team uniforms, masks, and the rest… let’s talk about it. As soon as the packing was finished, the necessary documents to perform the task were sent to Wang Lan and the others.

Take a helicopter to the nearby airport, and then fly directly to Barron.

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