
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Although I guessed that Orphanage would not cooperate for a long time, didn’t expect it would. What adopted child has nothing to do with them, is it possible? The adopted child will return visits every once in a while to prevent the adopted child from abusing the child at home.

But Wang Lan not at all just gave up, “Then we should be able to check your archives, right?”

“Of course you can, but you can’t look at the part of its commercial investment company. It involves a lot of trade secrets.”

“We understand.”

In the office of the charity fund manager, the system was turned on under the supervision of the other party. Jiang Xinyu took out the laptop, and suddenly seven or eight pairs of eyes stared at him.

“Can I not receive an email on the Internet?” Jiang Xinyu asked coldly.

“Of course, but please refrain from any hacking.” The fund manager said indifferently.

Jiang Xinyu usually opens the mailbox, then actually receives an email, then closes the computer and puts it away. Seeing Jiang Xinyu’s actions, the fund manager then relaxed and stopped paying attention.

“What about those families who adopted children? Why don’t they have information about them?” Wang Lan said.

“In Barron, it’s thank good for someone willing to adopt a child, not at all.”

“Are you not afraid that they will buy the child to engage in illegal industries?”

“Sorry, I have no comment.”

Wang Lan suddenly raised his head and looked into the eyes of the golden scripture manager. Wang Lan’s eyes were very sharp, and the golden scripture manager swallowed deeply, and the sweat on his forehead overflowed at a speed visible to naked eye.

“I see, thank you for your cooperation.” Wang Lan stood up and left without saying a word. Walking out of the charity, Wang Lan and the four found a coffee shop nearby. Although the masks were taken off, the four of them weren’t any strange costumes.

Jiang Xinyu turns on the computer, Bing Xue has successfully seized the charity administrator rights.

“Wang Lan, this afternoon there will be 12 pairs of couples going to Orphanage for adoption procedures.” Jiang Xinyu said suddenly, “This log has been encrypted, there must be a ghost.”

“Then we will have a look in the afternoon.”

At one o’clock in the afternoon, the four Wang Lan suddenly appeared in the fish market and went straight to an Orphanage under the Huo Si charity organization. In Orphanage, twelve children are called into separate offices, and in front of them are twenty-four young men and women.

“Children, they will be your parents in the future. You must forget about your life in Orphanage, treat them as your biological parents, and bless your new life, and God will bless you.”

“Thank you Dean.”

“Dean, I don’t want to leave, can Jia Er change with me?”

“Sorry, no. The procedure has been completed. You can leave with the child.”

“Okay, goodbye–” The parents shook hands with the dean in a decent way, and were about to open the door. The door was knocked open by Wang Lan and the others.

“Are you who?” Dean Orphanage let out a scream, and the children were even scared to hide beside their nominal parents.

“My God, please don’t hurt me–“

When a group of parents saw the four Wang Lan costumes and masks, they thought they were criminals in masked robbery. Each and everyone squatted down with their heads very skillfully.

“Take out your ID card.” Wang Lan came to a person and said.

“You are who, what are you going to do?” Dean Orphanage asked courageously. But under Wang Lan’s eyes, he obediently retreated to the corner and crouched.

The middle age person who was asked to take out his ID card tremblingly took out his ID, Wang Lan took out his mobile phone and scanned it, and the information that was prompted turned out to be a poor household and a vagrant.

“It’s really strange that a poor household without a job would adopt a child? Isn’t all of his clothes worth a lot of money?”

“Huh? Oh, I see, this suit belongs to you…” The other party instantly comprehended Wang Lan’s unspoken implication and hurriedly began to unbutton them.

“Stop! Who asked you to adopt the child, tell me your behind-the-scenes instructions.”

“I said!” a middle age person with a thin bamboo pole raised his hand quickly. The speed of the betrayal surpassed Wang Lan’s knowledge of the cartilage, and he raised his hand without hesitation.

It was learned from the locals that they were all adopted by a human trafficker, Barbie, to adopt children, and then sent the children to a warehouse by the sea, where Barbie would be waiting for them.

Wang Lan immediately called the President of Barron and asked him to send someone he can trust to Orphanage to take over the aftermath. After the explanation was completed, Wang Lan asked Xie Sisi and Jiang Xinyu to stay and take care of these children, and Xu Xiangwen swished disappeared.

The long coastline and the superior port environment that can be seen everywhere allow Barron to make a lot of money by relying on the port. But those who make money are the wealthy who own these ports, and the geographical dividend has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Looking at these ports everyday all swallowing a lot of profits, isn’t anyone jealous? Of course there is! Naturally, it also derived out numerous smuggling and smuggling.

The long coastline and high-quality ports are occupied by a large area, but there are also many low-quality coasts that are also very good options for smuggling. The government simply can’t manage this kind of thing, and it doesn’t bother to manage it.

People who often live by the sea have always said that if you want to make a fortune, you go to sea. If you want to be a poor person for a lifetime, you also go to sea. The former goes to sea for smuggling, the latter goes to sea for fishing.

This is a remote fishing village. The fishing village is close to the coast and forests. In the forests, dozens of warehouses of various sizes have been secretly built. In a warehouse, there are already more than twenty frightened children hugging shiver coldly together.

In front of them, a fierce looking man with a scar on his face was smoking a cigar and looking at them as if he was looking at goods.

“Brother, these goods are of good quality–” A thin and unhealthy young man with yellow hair laughed, showing his face full of folds and yellow teeth.

“It’s about to be given out anyway, I will pick two for fun?”

“These can’t move–“

“Anything that can’t be moved, it will have nothing to do with us after the anti-orthogonal goods are sold. It won’t die or lose meat after playing.”

“pa!” A slap in the face slapped the youth, “I said, you can’t move this batch, and whoever moves will die.”

“Yes, yes!” Huang Mao suddenly shrank behind Barbie in fright.

Barbie was a little uneasy and raised his watch irritably, “Why haven’t it arrived yet?”

“It’s far away there, it will take half an hour as planned…” At the moment when the younger brother’s voice fell, Wang Lan and Xu Xiangwen suddenly rose from the ground, and Xu Xiangwen stood in front of the group of children.

“Who!” Barbie stood up from his chair in shock, and his men took out guns and pointed them at Wang Lan.

Wang Lan looked at Barbie indifferently, “Are you Barbie?”

“Yes…yes, who are you?”

“Where are these children going? Who instructed you?”


da da da ——

Intensive gunfire sounded, and the children’s screams exploded in an instant. And Wang Lan just raised his hand gently, one after another bullet froze in front of Wang Lan. Wang Lan walked forward slowly like a ghost, and the bullet fell like a broken bead curtain.

chi chi chi

Counting to the number of sword energy shooting out, instantly killing all the gunmen holding the gun. When Wang Lan stood in front of Barbie, there was no one standing around.

Wang Lan slapped Barbie with a slap, and the spirit strength penetrated the other’s mind instantly.

Soon, Wang Lan let go of Barbie’s head, a smile appeared in his eyes.

“Found it?”

“It’s true that Barbie’s behind-the-scenes instructor is called Biduofen. You have no impression of this name, but his other identity is Vice-President of the Business Alliance.”

“Huo Si really has a problem.” Xu Xiangwen said.

Wang Lan called the President of Barron, “Secret mastermind has been found, and the secret mastermind is…”

“Biduo points, right?” The president suddenly said weakly.

“What’s going on?” Wang Lan frowned, with a bad feeling.

“Biduofen was killed ten minutes ago.” The president sighed.

“Really? Where is it?”

“Biduofen’s manor.”

“Can I go and see?”

“Of course no problem.”

After waiting for the president’s people to take over the children, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu reunited and rushed to the manor in Biduofen.

“Wang Lan, I asked these children. They all had a blood test before half a month. They should all be children with star martial artist innate talent.” Jiang Xinyu said.

“Well, it is inevitable. Otherwise, where would Bird of Paradise have so many people? Traitors alone cannot make such a big climate.”

The four people appeared in the manor of Bidofen. At this moment, the manor had been pulled out of the isolation zone by the police. There were countless reporters outside the isolation zone, and some reporters sat on the scene to broadcast the live broadcast.

“Dear audience friends, just now, the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Mr. Bidofen encountered a bomb attack at his home. At present, the police have closed the scene.

Everyone can see that Mr. Bidofen was enjoying the afternoon sun, but suddenly there was an explosion, and a huge hole with a diameter of five meters was blown out on the ground. Bidaufen’s wife, son, and granddaughter were all killed in the explosion. Bidaufen himself was bombed and the skeleton doesn’t exist. “

Wang Lan and the others came to the scene, Horth, who was in charge of the scene, suddenly narrowed his eyes and hurried forward.

“Mr. Fire Phoenix, have you stayed in Barron? I haven’t seen you these days. I thought you had already returned to China.”

“The president said that we can stay here to spend as much as we want, so we stayed for a few more days to enjoy the waves on the beach. Suddenly I heard the explosion, so come and see, what happened?”

“Damn the birds of paradise, I just announced a war against them, and they immediately launched a terrorist attack. They didn’t have the guts to come at me, and they actually broke up with Bidu. They should all go to hell.”

“Can we go in and see?”

“Of course!”

Suddenly, Xu Xiangwen showed a smile on his face, “Wang Lan, unexpected joy.”

Seeing Xu Xiangwen’s eyes, Wang Lan also smiled, “Where?”

“Mountainside on the coast.”

Wang Lan and Xu Xiangwen disappeared with a swish, Huo Si’s face was instantly astonished, but soon the complexion greatly changed and his face was full of panic.

“Impossible, this is impossible.”

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