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Many divided manors are close to the coast, and they are beautifully called Seaview Manor. And there is a tunnel underground in the manor. To change other people, this tunnel is indeed very secret and difficult to find, but in front of Xu Xiangwen, this tunnel has nowhere to hide.

The two swished and appeared at the beach, and at this moment, Biduofen and a beautiful maid appeared from the secret tunnel. When the two of them saw Wang Lan and Xu Xiangwen, the wide-open eyes were surprisingly funny.

Are you surprised? Was it unexpected?

Many of them slowly took off their hats, their silver hair dancing in the sea breeze.

“Mr. Manyfen, I’m sorry.” The maid beside him knelt down in front of Manyfen, drew a dagger and pierced her heart fiercely. Looking at the maid who fell to the ground, many points heave a long sigh.

“Many Mr. Fen are really good abilities, even the people trained by Bird of Paradise are so loyal to you. I think in Bird of Paradise’s plan, you should have been crushed in the explosion just now.”

“I sent him to the training island.” Many lightly saying, “You are the Great Desolate team of the International Security Council… I have said that Horsi’s plan is to lift a rock and hit himself in the foot. Hit yourself in the foot. Hey…”

“Why do I feel that you didn’t die because you lifted a rock and hit him in the foot?” Xu Xiangwen laughed jokingly.

President Barron came to the scene in person. Under the flash photography of many reporters, the president held a cane and waved his hand gently, and the agents behind him swarmed Admiral Horse to control it.

“Your Excellency, I…”

“No need to say anything. Many points have been captured by the Great Desolate team. When I change places, I will give you the opportunity to explain it slowly.”

The interrogation started very quickly. Fawth was just a rich man or a politician. The interrogation didn’t take much effort. Prying open a lot of points, Horsi’s mouth was quickly opened.

Similar to Wang Lan’s guess, Huo Si’s idea of ​​political affairs started from Huo Si’s father’s generation. However, the system of the Barron State is destined to make it difficult for elements like Horse to gain the support of 90% of the poor.

So 50 years ago, Fox’s companies began to transform. They first established a wholly-owned charity organization, and then linked all the companies under their name to the charity organization through equity transactions. In this way, on the surface Huo Si Family has only one charity organization left.

It took nearly 30 years to complete all the transformations, but even so, the Huo Si Family still has a lot of difficulties to rule Barron. It just so happened that the contact with the bird of paradise ushered in a turning point for him.

Bird of Paradise has great strength, and the business alliance headed by Huo Si will have huge resources, and the two complement each other and hit it off. Horsi uses advanced technology to screen out the orphan children who can awaken the star martial innate talent in advance, and then sends them to the training base of Bird of Paradise for training. The orphans after training become the sword in Horsi’s hands.

Up to now, only the first batch of children have really completed the training. After all, the shortest time to train a star martial artist is ten years, and the training of bird of paradise is very cruel, with one hundred children, maybe less than ten will graduate.

But Huo Si is more impatient. He doesn’t want to wait for ten or eight years to take the position of president, so he started the layout ahead of schedule. First use the hatred of the Barrons towards drug dealers and put the Nighthawk in front of the stage as a live target.

As for the help of the International Security Council, it was just an accident. Barron is not the only wise man, and President Barron is not stupid. He immediately asked the International Security Council for help after realizing that there might be internal problems.

Although the defense strength of Barron is poor, it is not so bad that people can assassinate high officials at will. However, in Huo Si’s view, the arrival of Wang Lan and the others does not affect his plan, and the plan is still going on.

Using the entire army of 30,000 drug dealers to succeed in elevating his prestige, and then using the trained assassin to assassinate the whole people, and at the same time solve other competitors. This hand killing two birds with one stone is really beautiful.

But Huo Si’s businessman nature also exposed him to a deadly weak spot. In pursuit of safety and low risk, he superfluously killed other candidates and became the only choice, which made Wang Lan suspicious.

Even if Horse staged a bitter trick. But can you hide Wang Lan’s Golden Fire Eyes?

“Where is the training base for Bird of Paradise?” Wang Lan asked lowly.

“I ask for my death penalty to be exempted.” Huo Si lifted the dead fish eye lightly saying.

“Impossible!” The President of Barron snarled, knocking on his cane, “Because of you, so many senior government officials and so many soldiers have died. If you don’t choose up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, you can’t calm the people. Anger.”

“Then don’t even want to get information in my mouth. The training base of Bird of Paradise is not known for many points.”

“Do you think I am discussing with you?” Wang Lan faintly smiled, “You should know that there is something called Divine Seal carving in this world? You have no secrets in front of Divine Seal carving, but in the end, you too Will be turned into an idiot and then go to the gallows.”

Looking at the faint smile at the corner of Wang Lan’s mouth, Huo Si’s face instantly changes pale as paper. Wang Lan stood up with a swish, Horth shivered suddenly.

“I said, I said, in the Skeleton Sea, there is an isolated island in the middle of the Skull Sea, and the training base for Bird of Paradise is there.”

“Impossible, the currents of the Skeleton Sea are very complicated and densely covered with reefs. There are terrifying hurricanes above ten Fifth Level all the year round. No one can get close to the Skeleton Sea, let alone pass through the storm to reach the center.”

“Ordinary person is indeed not good, but star martial artist can. Bird of Paradise will send someone to pick it up after we get closer…”

“Understood.” Wang Lan stood up.

“Mr. Fire Phoenix, do you want me to send the army to help?”

“If the environment of Skeleton Sea is really so bad, can your army reach it? Forget it.”

The four of Wang Lan left the Conference Hall. They were a little hesitant in their hearts whether to wipe out Wang Lan. It’s not that the bird of paradise should not be wiped out, but that it is worried that the bird of paradise’s base will be a trap.

He repeated the whole sequence of events in his mind, Wang Lan suddenly decided that if he encountered danger, he would just take Jiang Xinyu and their hometown of Teleportation.

“Hey, Dyson, I found information on an island base of Bird of Paradise in Barron, and requested to be wiped out.”

“Really? Do you want to support it?”

“The birds of paradise are probably already alert. I am worried that they will run. I will act immediately.”

“Well then, be careful, I wish you good luck.”

Hang up the phone, Wang Lan looked at the three people around him, “Let’s go.”

The four of them put on their masks again, whiz whiz whiz, turning into four streams of light and rushing into the sky.

Although the strength of Xu Xiangwen and Xie Sisi is still in Star River, they are already Peak in Star River. Especially Xie Sisi, already felt the opportunity of breakthrough. Coupled with the two super experts Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu, the four-person squadron is completely worthy of a star martial artist squadron.

Even in the International Safety Committee of Expert as Clouds, the meaning of the S-Rank team is that one team reaches the battle strength of a large team.

The four of them paddled shatter void like fighter jets, and arrived in the Skeleton Sea area in less than half an hour. Skeleton Sea is the collision zone between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The climate here has always been very abnormal.

Except for the star martial artist, human technology cannot reach here yet. A terrifying hurricane will tear apart everything in the sky, whether it is an ordinary seabird or a robust bird of prey.

The only way to enter the center of Skeleton Sea is to rush into the eyes of the rotating air current from an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. This is not difficult for the Wang Lan four.

With a bang, rushed into the eyes of vortex, the rich water vapor was not at all clouds, but as if in a washing machine with high-speed rotation. The tornado formed by the cloud is like a Space-Time Tunnel.

The vision in front of me suddenly cleared, and a huge butterfly-like island appeared in front of me. On the island, many busy people carry equipment back and forth. On the shore of the island, there are seven or eight conical vessels, which should be large submarines.

“It’s really black technology. I feel that even White Eagle nation does not have such advanced equipment.”

“Be confident and get rid of the feeling.”

The four people are floating in the air, like four black dots. Wang Lan took out the Zhanpaku knife, and instantly, the blade shattered and turned into a sword of light.

“Guangyu Flying Bird——”

The sword of light exploded instantly, in the sky silently exploded a group of fireworks, and countless points of light turned into a handle sword energy like a drizzle down the sky.

chi chi chi ——

boom~ boom~ ——

In an instant, the Bird of Paradise camp suffered a wave of blows.

“Enemy Attack——” The bird of paradise sirens sounded, and from the hidden corner, each and everyone’s muzzle appeared pointed finger towards the sky. The tongue of flames gushed, and countless bullets were shot out like four people pouring out.

But they can also do this wave of blows. Almost instantly, the sensitive light rain smashed all the automatic firepower. Wang Lan waved, a gigantic formation appeared in the sky, and an array appeared in the island.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xinyu slightly smiled, a familiar scene happened.

“Heaven and Earth Grinding Disc——”

In the sky, countless meteors enveloping flames fell, and on the ground, spewing lava raged. In an instant, the island trembled violently as if it had received the Doomsday Judgment.

Where did Xu Xiangwen and Xie Sisi meet such a ferocious side of Wang Lan? Jiang Xinyu has seen such a ferocious scene in Alien Space.

Most of Bird of Paradise’s men were swallowed by flames without even clearing things up, swept flying ash annihilation. This is not over yet, Wang Lan exudes brilliant rays of light all over his body, and countless sword energy blasts the island fiercely like rain.

“I’ll go, Little Lan, you and you alone will take care of things? Why do you want us to come?” Xu Xiangwen came back to his senses, swallowing deeply and asked.

“This is a good question. Frankly I don’t know.”

Wang Lan hovered in the air like a god, and then moved slightly, “You spread out a little bit. I just worked out a trick I just worked out. I want to see the formidable power.”

Xu Xiangwen and the three quickly dispersed, Wang Lan raised his hands high, and the Phoenix Form opened, and the colorful Phoenix Form opened.

A group of spirit strength gathers in Wang Lan’s hands, and Wang Lan integrates all the attributes he has in his hands into the huge sphere in his hands. This is the inspiration for the last time I saw Azure Emperor smashing the tail beast jade of the city gate suddenly.

As a full-attribute, it’s no longer a matter of not using him.


A huge energy ball hits the ground. There was a bang, and a loud noise shook the ears of the four of them.

The aftermath of the sky swept through the sky, and the storm waves above his head surged violently.

I don’t know how long it took before the aftermath gradually subsided. But when he looked down, even Wang Lan himself was shocked.

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