
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The island underneath, as if swallowed by a gluttonous giant beast, slowly sinks into the seabed along with the huge vortex waves.

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that he is a nuclear bomb, right?” Xu Xiangwen looked at the disappeared island in horror and asked.

“It’s also the first time to use formidable power.” Wang Lan also stammered a bit. In the future, unless in an alien space or no man’s land, this move must not be used. MMP’s, formidable power is too big Up.

“Destroying the Heaven Destroying Hall Bird Training Sub-base, rewards EXP 300,000 and skill points 30,000.” In my mind, the system prompt sounded again.

“Let’s go, it’s time to go back…”

Time is ticking, and it has been a year.

This year, the entire Sky Blue Star was fairly peaceful. If it was not peaceful, it was a rising Legendary team that suddenly gained international fame.

The S-Rank team under the International Security Council should be composed of Jade Country people. The name of the team is Great Desolate, Captain Fire Phoenix. In one year since his debut, he performed 22 S-Rank missions and 10 A-Rank missions, and the completion of the missions was perfect.

For others, they can complete S-Rank tasks because they have the ability to complete S-Rank tasks. For the Great Desolate team, perhaps because the most difficult task is S-Rank, they can only use perfection to declare that this is not their limit.

The International Security Council has twelve S-Rank teams, and the Great Desolate team is the first rank, not the first, the only first rank.

Over the past year, Wang Lan’s strength has not been substantially improved. Although he has also successfully increased from Star Sea 6 to Star Sea 7, there is still not a small distance from Star Sea 8. Jiang Xinyu caught up and successfully broke through the late Star Sea stage not long ago.

A 22-year-old age, reaching the late Star Sea stage, if it weren’t for Wang Lan’s rays of light all the year round, Jiang Xinyu would be a shining star everywhere. No one doubts that Jiang Xinyu can break through the Star Soul Realm, she has at least ten years.

Xie Sisi has caught up to the Middle-Stage in the Star Sea realm. With the same resources, Xie Sisi, whose innate talent is no less than Jiang Xinyu, has exploded with terrifying potential. On the contrary, Xu Xiangwen is the bottom of the team, just reaching the Star Sea realm.

However, Xu Xiangwen’s mentality is not at all lost. In his words, he has been very satisfied with being able to break through the Star Sea in this life. Moreover, the value of Xu Xiangwen lies in his Heavenly Eye. Heavenly Eye finally evolved its offensive ability after the breakthrough of the Star Sea realm. A light of judgment shot out from the eyes and instantly penetrated the target.

This Heavenly Eye’s formidable power, no one in the team except Wang Lan can hard-wire it, not even Jiang Xinyu.

“boom~ boom~ ——”

A violent explosion sounded and the artillery roared. A fierce war broke out on an island military base.

The silhouette of the advanced auto-locking turret galloping against the sky lasses, and each and everyone star martial artist rushes into the sky carrying the star martial skill. The military base with thousands of people is in chaos at the moment.

Above, four mysterious persons dressed in cloaks of red clouds on a black background are suspended in the void like gods, trying to judge the military base under their feet.

The duration of the battle is very short, less than ten minutes, and all the resistance strengths that can be seen have disappeared. Cannon fire misfires, corpses everywhere across the field.

The four Wang Lan slowly fell from the sky. Among the ruins, a few pieces of rubble suddenly rose, and a beard face covered in blood emerged from the ruins.

“Bah!” The beard spit, but his body froze instantly, leaving only four silhouettes standing on the ruins in his field of vision. The sea breeze blew their cloaks, making a hua hua beating sound.

“Great Desolate!”

“Hodling, the S-Rank traitor in the country of Bruges, the culprit who caused thousands of deaths in a small town…is it you? Do you have any last words to explain?”

“Great Desolate, you are over, you are completely over, you have been on our first extermination list. Don’t think we can’t help you if we destroy a few of our bases, I’ll watch you in hell .”

“Oh? It’s an honor. But how do I remember that the first place on Bird of Paradise’s Must Kill List is not Wang Lan of Jade Country?”

“Wang Lan has been very honest in the past year. Now it is your Great Desolate. Waiting to bear the anger of the Bird of Paradise.”

“That’s it.” Wang Lan slowly extended the hand and took off the mask on his face. When he saw Wang Lan’s face, the other party’s eyes were instantly rounded.


“Do you know me?”

“I don’t know!”

“I didn’t know you, showing a damn look and messing up? Okay, can you die now?” Wang Lan gently popped a finger.

At this moment, there was a sudden twist in the void. A strange silhouette appeared, turning into an afterimage and inserted in front of Wang Lan. Wang Lan’s finger was immediately caught by a twisted ripple.

The opponent’s body flashed, and he grabbed Hodling’s body and flashed.

Saving people under Wang Lan’s hands, this kind of thing has not been encountered for a long time. Although Wang Lan played against him in the first grade, he also realized that the people in front of him were very difficult. But now it was too late to think about the opponent’s identity and strength, and his figure flashed in an instant, chasing the shadow.

The shadow in front suddenly returned his hand and slammed Xu Xiangwen with a palm. The terrifying killing intent instantly froze the space, making Wang Lan feel a burst of cold like an ice cellar.

Wang Lan complexion greatly changed, his figure exploded in an instant, and he appeared again in front of Xu Xiangwen. A holy light shield appeared in front of Wang Lan, together with the opponent’s attack.


A ball of fire exploded, and the horrible air wave swept out and immediately rushed towards all around at supersonic speed. The white clouds in the sky were also disappeared instantly.

Wang Lan’s face instantly changes are icy cold, looking at the direction in which the opponent disappears browse tightly frowns.

“Wang Lan, are you okay?” Jiang Xinyu and Xie Sisi came to Wang Lan nervously and asked.

“really strong ——” After a long time, Wang Lan could only squeeze out two words.

“Wang Lan can steal people under the hands of Wang Lan, at least the titled powerhouse level, right?” Xie Sisi asked hesitantly.

“More than that, the opponent’s strength is not below me.”

Xu Xiangwen was rescued, but Xu Xiangwen’s face was very bad. With a gloomy expression, the eyes looking towards Wang Lan were full of apologize.

“Little Lan, I’m sorry, if it weren’t for me…you would definitely be able to stop him.”

“What can I do to stop him, I’m not sure I can keep him.” Wang Lan patted Xu Xiangwen’s shoulder comforted. In fact, in the past six months, Wang Lan knew that Xu Xiangwen was under a lot of pressure. It used to be similar to Xie Sisi, but since Xie Sisi breakthrough Star Sea Middle-Stage, the intensity of Xu Xiangwen cultivation is much greater than before.

Wang Lan took out his mobile phone and said, “It has been resolved, let them come and take care of the aftermath.”

“Understand, thank you for your hard work.”

When the navy fleet approached, the four Wang Lan swished into the sky and rushed into the sky. Above the navy fleet, the soldiers of the country of Bruges saluted together, watching Wang Lan disappear completely from the hands of the salute.

Flying directly back to the International Safety Committee, this is only the S-Rank action team Great Desolate has the treatment.

In the face of the rushing wind, the hats of the four were blown away, and they danced like a fairy.

A passenger plane breaks through the clouds. In the passenger plane, a little girl looks out the window idiotically. Wang Lan turns his face to look at the little girl’s simple and ignorant eyes, and smiles at it.

“Mother, someone is flying outside the window–“

“Stop talking nonsense, we are on the plane.”

Flying for four hours, the four people slowly landed in the base. After confirming their identities, the induction elevator under their feet was activated and the four Wang Lan entered the underground base.

“Fire Phoenix, are you back?”

“Yes, Dragon Knight, why, are you going out to perform the mission?”

“Yes, there is a very difficult alien space opened, and the alien beasts in it even have the strength of the Star River realm.”

“That was a tough battle, good luck to you.”

The Great Desolate team is very popular in the International Security Council. Although the Great Desolate team has outstanding combat achievements, it is never proud and is humble and polite to everyone. All members are Level 7 agents, which is unthinkable in other teams.

“You go back and rest first, I’ll report.”

Enter the report room and open the video connection.

“Oh, Fire Phoenix, are you back so soon?” Leo’s voice sounded from the display, “Let me guess, is this time a perfect task? Every time your task is like that Excellent.”

“Mr. Leo, are you the only one on duty today?”

“Yes, they are so hateful that they only arrange for me to be on duty. Oh my god, today is my little daughter’s birthday, I promised her to go home early.”

“No, didn’t your little daughter’s birthday passed last month?”

“That is the international calendar, this time it is the lunar calendar.”


Are you not from Jade Country? What lunar calendar do you have? Wang Lan was speechless in his heart.

“Come on, tell me about how smooth this mission is, how did you smash the group to see the gods? No, this group of villains should go to hell, and they can’t see the gods.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t manage to get Hudling and let him escape.”

“en?” The expression on Leo’s face paused, “This is unscientific…what the hell is going on?”

“At first, everything went well, and we successfully solved the battle. But when we killed Hodling, a mysterious expert suddenly appeared. In my hands, Hodling saved him.”

“Wait, you mean, someone saved Hodling in your presence?” Leo asked incredulously.

“Yes, although I have a careless reason, the opponent is very strong and not below me.”

“A bird of paradise?”

“I’m not sure, but I can only think so at the moment. Is there no information about this person in our intelligence network?”

“How is it possible!” Leo exclaimed, “The bird of paradise number one expert, isn’t Sony already dead in your hands? Now even if Sony resurrects, it can’t be done in front of one’s eyes. Human, right? Bird of Paradise has such an expert. This is definitely bad news.”

“That’s right.” Leo suddenly asked again, “What is that man’s moves? Are there any clues that can be investigated.”

“The opponent’s move… is strange. The launch of the move is a bit like… Yulia’s holy light skill, formidable power is more powerful than Yulia’s holy light skill. I and the other party fight each other with each other’s energy Full of negative energy.”

“Okay, I will focus on it. Although you failed to kill Hodling, you still destroyed their base and your mission is still Perfection.”

“Thank you.”

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