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The Demon Capital Star Martial collage is now Demon Li. Although Demon Li came here by air three years ago, he is a Jade Country Xingwu medicine category Mount Tai Big Dipper. A Demon Capital Star Martial collage position is still worthy.

“Have so many years passed? Unexpectedly, you will graduate. Three years.” Dean Li said with some emotion.

“Yes, when I first entered the Academy, it seemed to be yesterday.”

“Yes, you were still in your freshman year when I first saw you.”

“Your graduation certificate has been prepared long ago, and your credits were completed in your junior year. I don’t ask you where to go after graduation. I am now officially appointing you as honorary professors of our Academy on behalf of the Academy. Wang Classmate Lan, classmate Jiang Xinyu, what do you think?”

Wang Lan thought for a while, and finally nodded. The so-called honorary professors do not actually have any substantive binding force, they just hang a name in the Academy. For Wang Lan, the title of this honorary professor is not important, but for Demon Capital Star Martial collage, it is very important to have Wang Lan, an honorary professor.

“Thank you very much.” Dean Li said solemnly.

“The Academy trained me, and I should do something for the Academy, even if it is such an insignificant thing.”

“In addition to the honorary professor, I also want to hire you as the deputy dean. Of course, I am affiliated with you and will not let you hold any position.”

“Everything is fine.”

After coming out of the Academy, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu felt a little heavy. The entire Demon Capital Star Martial collage gave him a sense of desolation. This is the Academy of star martial artists.

When Wang Lan first entered the Demon Capital Star Martial collage, his senior year’s overall strength was in the Star River realm Peak, and there were at least one hundred star martial artists in the Star Sea realm. There were more than fifty juniors in the Middle-Stage of Star River and Star Sea.

Sophomore has Yu Ruoyan, such a peerless Heaven’s Chosen, freshman and Wang Lan, the strongest monster in history. It can be described as hidden dragons and crouching tigers, disregarding Lingyun.

Now, Wang Lan is about to graduate this year. In his junior year, there are fewer than 30 star martial artists in the Star Sea realm. In his freshman year, let alone the breakthrough Star Sea realm, he will reach Star. There was no one in the late River Realm, and the overall strength was much worse than three years ago.

Especially this year, which is about to usher in the freshman season. The general situation of Xingwu senior high schools across the country is not optimistic. Although the overall strength is still at the previous level, the amazing monster students are much less.

This is the information I got while chatting with Dean Li. I don’t know if their vision is getting higher, or the quality of the new star martial artist in the past two years is really not good.

Back to Phoenix Square, Jiang Xinyu took out all kinds of unopened shopping bags from the space. Wang Lan was a 500-square-foot house, but Jiang Xinyu was paved everywhere, almost nothing. Place to stay.

“Do you… enjoy the pleasure of unpacking?” Wang Lan looked at the busy Jiang Xinyu with curiosity in his eyes.

“Wait!” Wang Lan suddenly stopped Jiang Xinyu’s hand, “What is this? Belly?”

Looking at the red square in Jiang Xinyu’s hand, Wang Lan’s eyes gradually bend into an arch.

“What do you think? Do you think I can wear such a small model?”

“Yes, no problem, even if the masks are…” Suddenly, Wang Lan paused, and the murderous aura, like ice, disappeared without a trace.

“Xinyu, what you have in your hand is… the clothes of the little child? Who did you buy it for?” Wang Lan squatted aside curiously and asked, not remembering which relative in Xinyu’s family gave birth to a child, of course Wang was too far away Lan didn’t need to know.

“My cousin’s child was born…I gave it to my cousin’s nephew.” Jiang Xinyu quickly put it away, then continued to unpack it.

To be honest, it’s worth tens of millions to pile up these things at home. A lot of almost all clothes start at 10,000, not to mention those luxury bags, gold and silver jewelry and so on.

This is the result of a year of fighting with Xie Sisi, two world-wide shopping while performing missions. The capitalists show off naked.

“By the way, Sisi’s birthday is coming soon, right.”

“Huh?” Wang Lan lifts the head, he only remembers that Xie Sisi’s birthday is indeed in spring, but I don’t know when.

“You won’t forget? Still don’t remember?” Jiang Xinyu gave an exaggerated expression, and finally slapped his face, “Do you remember my birthday?”

“Aren’t you nonsense? Your birthday has been remembered since I was sensible.”

Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu have known each other since they were young, and I still remember being beaten on the ground by the four-year-old Jiang Xinyu because they forgot to give Jiang Xinyu a birthday present. Jiang Xinchen, who was not weaned at that time, still clapped happily.

The past is overwhelming.

“Sure enough, a man can trust the sow to go up to the tree. Take it. This is the gift I picked for you.” Jiang Xinyu casually threw a jewelry box.

Wang Lan opened up curiously, and suddenly shuddered. In the jewelry box, it turned out to be a diamond ring. In an instant, cold sweat dripped down the temples.

“What are you doing? Is it hot?”

“It’s almost May, it’s…it’s a bit hot.”

“How about this birthday gift? Does it look good?”

“Are you sure…this is a birthday present?” Wang Lan asked weakly.

“Otherwise?” Jiang Xinyu cast an angry glance.

“Forget it, I will pick another one when the time comes.”

“What to choose? Still picking star martial arts? Now Sisi is not short of star martial arts. You can learn everything you can learn. If you can’t learn it, you can give it away. Just give it away. Look, this is me. How about the birthday gift chosen for her?”

Jiang Xinyu’s words immediately interrupted Wang Lan’s words, and took out a long cheongsam from a fat package, bright and crimson, exquisite. If you add Phoenix Crown and Xia Phi, you can just wear it as a wedding dress.

“Isn’t it too gorgeous?” Wang Lan asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

“It has to be seen through whom, it is vulgar to wear on me, but it is beautiful to wear on Sisi.”

“You know?”

“I have seen Sisi pass through, and I can see that Sisi really likes it. Do you know how much this one costs? 1,000,000! Each stitch above is a hand-made show, the whole world absolutely There is no second one. When we leave, people will buy it again. When the time comes, give Sisi a surprise.”

“Are you sure she will want it?”

“Definitely, what are you doing? Don’t help me to dismantle it!”

“Oh, good!”

“Graduated, the newly established department has not been established yet, what are we doing during this time?”

“I don’t know, stand by.”

“Should we go back to Suzhou City? It’s been a long time…”

“Listen to you.” On the trivia, Wang Lan unconditionally obeyed Jiang Xinyu’s arrangement.

Two days later, Wang Lan teleported to Suzhou City with Jiang Xinyu. When I just returned to Suzhou City, I received a call from my aunt.

The X gene medicine has been successfully developed. My aunt will come back two days to discuss the production of X gene medicine.

It’s been almost two years since I saw my aunt, Wang Lan was of course pleasantly surprised. After speaking, the phone was snatched by Song Jia.

“Brother, your dear younger sister is coming back. Snacks and delicious foods are ready for me in advance.”

“I remember you are 14 years old, right? You are going to take the entrance examination soon, right? Still eating? Are you afraid of getting out of shape?”

“Brother, have you forgotten that I have awakened the star martial artist? Is the star martial artist fat?”

“Speaking of star martial artist, do you know what Hu Feifei’s strength is now? Star River Early-Stage. They were all holding hands and going to school together back then, so I asked if you would be embarrassed next time you meet?” /p>

“hmph hum, I know you just want to stink me, but this Young Lady doesn’t care. What’s the matter with the Early-Stage in Star River, who’s not in Star River yet…”

In that stinky tone, Wang Lan seemed to be able to see a young girl with her head up and her tail twisting like a snake.

“Yeah? You are in the Star River state? It’s unscientific. You only awakened for two years, OK?”

“That shows that this Miss innate talent is extraordinary, peerless Heaven’s Chosen.”

“Didn’t you knock a lot of Soul beads? I have repeatedly explained to you that Soul beads can help improve your strength, but you must not overuse them. It will be too late to regret if your foundation is not secure.”

“Are you stupid for me? Although I often knock Soul bead, the quantity is guaranteed to be within the scope of science. Forget it, I said you don’t believe me on the phone, wait two days to come back and check it yourself Head office.”

“I will check if you don’t mention it, so I won’t say more. What time the plane will tell me, I will pick you up at the airport.”

“It hasn’t been decided yet. I’ll tell you when it’s decided.”

Sent Jiang Xinyu home. Wang Lan stayed until he had dinner at Jiang Xinyu’s house. As for staying overnight… then don’t think about it. Wang Lan was kicked out of the house by Jiang Xinyu.

Suzhou City at night is still so brightly lit.

Prosperous streets, splendid cities, this is the civilization that Wang Lan will protect to the death.

In Suzhou City, Wang Lan not only has a family, but also friends. It took two days for Xu Xiangwen to return. Hu Qing knew that Wang Lan was back, and immediately invited Wang Lan to visit his new home.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, Wang Lan arrived at Hu Qing’s community on time and saw Hu Qing smoking at the gate of the community across several hundred meters. Seeing Wang Lan coming, Hu Qing quickly put out the cigarette and greeted him with strides.

“When did you change the house?” After Wang Lan and Hu Qing crossed their shoulders, followed Hu Qing into the community.

“I bought it last year and I lived in for only a month.”

“The price in this community is not cheap, right?”

“Well, the average price is only 70,000 yuan.”

“I said Brother Hu, do you remember when we went to catch Xiao Cui Teacher?”

“It’s been almost five years, right? Remember, if it wasn’t for you, I was still a small guard at the time. I can rise so fast because of the few merits you have carried.” /p>

“At that time, we also talked about the topic of housing prices. At the beginning, you said fifty thousand one flat, that was a sky-high price. It hasn’t been five years now, you said seventy thousand flat used a talent.”

“cough cough cough, there is no way, who would let me be taken care of by your sister Lingling? Without you, let me not talk about being a guard, I might have been pushed into the pit a long time ago and now the graves are tall.

It was you who made me a guard. If I hadn’t been a guard and I was impossible to know Lingling, then impossible would be what it is now. Although it was only five years, it seemed to me that I had walked from hell to heaven. “

In the talking room, the elevator opened, and Hu Qing pressed the elevator.

Opening the door, Hu Qing’s wife greeted her at the elevator entrance, beside her, stood a young girl with a delicate face, as beautiful as she had come out of the painting.

“Sister Lingling!” Wang Lan brought the gift in his hand to Sister Lingling, “By the way, this is?”

“Brother Lan!” Suddenly, the girl beside her pouted and exclaimed.

“Huh? Feifei?” Wang Lan was dumbfounded.

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