
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

I didn’t expect Feifei to spend makeup today, nor did she expect that the girl would change so much after she finished her makeup. It’s no wonder that the last time I saw Feifei was two years ago. At Hu Feifei’s age, the changes in the two years are very different.

Two years ago, Feifei was only on Wang Lan’s chest, but now it is over his shoulders. Feifei two years ago was still a little girl, and at best she showed sharp horn. But now… after applying makeup, I can’t tell that I am still a child.

Hu Feifei stomped angrily after being ridiculed by Wang Lan, “Brother Lan, did you really forget me or deliberately laugh at me…”

“No no, but Feifei is so beautiful today, I didn’t recognize it for a while.”

“Your sister-in-law taught her how to draw. Feifei is fifteen years old, and the girl should learn makeup. I can’t help but to put on makeup as I said. The face was given by her parents, she was born. After painting the makeup, even parents can’t recognize it. What’s the point of this painting?”

“What do you mean?” Lingling glared and shouted in a low voice.

“No, I just think that looks are natural, and beauty should be striven for…”

The speed of kneeling is faster than expected.

“Feifei is going to take the entrance examination soon? Is the study task tight? Today is not the weekend, right? Didn’t you go to school?”

“She, she is now stocked. If you want to go to school, you can go, but if you don’t want to go, you won’t go.” Hu Qing picked up wine cup and Wang Lan touched.

“Feifei was ranked seventh in the city on the last mock exam. And he is a star martial artist himself, and has already received the admission letter from the Star Martial campus.”

“Suzhou City No. 1 Middle School, I haven’t heard this name for a long time. By the way, Feifei, Jiajia will be back in two days.”

“Really?” Feifei’s eyes suddenly burst into surprise stars.

“Jiajia has awakened the star martial innate talent and thought she would go to the Xingwu Academy with me, but left unexpectedly. I haven’t contacted him for two years, and I don’t know what he has become.” /p>

“There is no way, she can’t talk to you. If you want to change…Jiajia’s hair has been cut.”


“The hair has been cut short, very refreshing and capable. Moreover, Jiajia’s strength has improved rapidly. She said that she has also broken through Star River, and she doesn’t know how many cheats have been used. Let me know that she relies on Soul bead. If you stack Star martial grade, she will look good.”

Looking at Hu Feifei, who has long hair and back, Wang Lan’s eyes flashed with interest. Song Jia had beautiful long hair back then. This is my aunt’s consistent idea that the girl should have long hair fluttering. Hu Feifei had a bald head at first, but he has always had short hair.

See you in two years. Hu Feifei has long hair fluttering, but Song Jia has cut off his long hair. It should be influenced by military training. In Song Jia’s words, her hair size is already considered as long hair in the base, and all other male children are short.

The night is getting darker, and the dinner ends.

Wang Lan couldn’t hold back Hu Qing’s enthusiasm, so he drank two more bottles. The last two men broke out into the small universe, usually blowing bottles of liquor. In the end, Hu Qing spouted a sip of spirits and fell on the sofa. I am already unconscious.

“Sorry Sister Lingling, I didn’t control it for a while.” Wang Lan scratched his head and said with a sly smile. His mind is still clear, but his steps are a little vain, “It’s too late, I will leave first. , I’m causing you trouble.

“Don’t be so dismissive with my sister. Besides, it’s obviously Old Hu who is trying to persuade him to drink, it’s nothing to do with you. When he wakes up, I have to tidy up and tidy up him. How can I persuade myself to drink? Feifei , You give it to Wang Lan.”

“Good.” Hu Feifei responded sweetly, reaching out to grab Wang Lan’s arm.

“I’m not so drunk yet, don’t use it.”

“Generally, people who are drunk say that they are not drunk.”

“Who did you hear?”

“It’s all on TV.”

“It must be fake, and those who can still talk must have a clear mind. The ones who are really drunk are like your brother, and the ones who fall asleep are the ones who fall asleep. So, your girl must always be vigilant. Ah, don’t believe in the excuse that a male child is drunk. No matter what you do, someone who is really drunk must not be able to do anything. If you can do anything, you must not be drunk.”

Wang Lan each minding their own business said, holding hands with Hu Feifei and walking further and further. A person chattered endlessly, a person lowered his head and listened silently, Hu Feifei’s ears gradually became red.

When it is warm and cold, although it is warm during the day, the temperature at night is still very low. A cold wind blew his face, and Wang Lan’s mind suddenly became sober. Look up all around, “How did we get here?”

“Huh?” Hu Feifei was also blank. Originally, it was only down to send Wang Lan away. Hu Feifei didn’t know what to think after he didn’t expect to send it out of the community. He and Wang Lan walked along the street lights and walked around the community unconsciously.

Hu Feifei is very addicted to the feeling that there are only two of them, walking like a couple.

As we get older and older, Hu Feifei’s mind has gradually become clearer from her previous ignorance. She has been able to face her heart and her emotions squarely. Until now, there is a person hidden in her heart.

Even if this person can only hide in his heart for a lifetime.

Not everyone can give themselves a life, except for their parents, only Brother Lan is alone.

Two years ago, Brother Lan showed a trace of alienation that made the alert Hu Feifei suddenly seem to realize something. At the age of youth, Hu Feifei’s thoughts suddenly became out of control.

When my hair reaches my waist, can you marry me?

Time is slow, always speechless, if you are well, it will be sunny.

“Taxi——” Wang Lan suddenly extended the hand, and a taxi smoothly stopped beside Wang Lan.

“Feifei, you go back quickly, it’s too late and you have to worry about sister-in-law.”

“Oh, then Brother Lan is also careful.”

“Well, let’s go back.” Wang Lan said as he got in the car.

Wang Lan flew over when he came, but now he can’t fly back. Do not drive after drinking or take off after drinking.

Three days later, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu drove the wild horse he hadn’t driven for a long time to the underground parking lot of the airport. My aunt’s flight will arrive at Fangshuo Airport at exactly ten o’clock.

At 10:10, a wave of passengers poured out of the drop-off area, and an aunt dressed as an urban beauty, and Song Jia, wearing a cap and a relaxed sportswear, were so vivid among the crowd that Wang Lan recognized it at a glance Two people came out.

“Auntie, here.”

“Ha!” Suddenly, the figure of Song Jia in front of him shook and disappeared. Wang Lan suddenly turned around, grabbing his palm backward and grabbing it in the air. Behind Wang Lan, a silhouette appeared. Wang Lan with no difficulty grabbed Song Jia’s ankle.

“This impossible…unscientific.” Song Jia shouted unacceptably, “How did you discover me? My hidden body law is even the super-perceptive Star Sea star martial artist in the base. Unable to find out, how did you detect me?”

Song Jia has a very high level of invisibility. When he just awakened, Wang Lan, who was capable of titled powerhouse at the time, couldn’t find Song Jia. Although Wang Lan’s strength is no longer what it used to be, Song Jia is not the new star martial artist who has just awakened and even Innate Ability cannot control.

Song Jia has an incredible reason, of course, because beside Wang Lan is a perceptual star martial artist, who is still in the late stage of Star Sea. Jiang Xinyu didn’t even notice Song Jia, and Wang Lan grabbed the foot of Song Jia sneak attack.

“My stupid younger sister, you are still too young. In front of my eyes, you have nothing to hide.” Wang Lan’s lower voice sounded, and his eyes instantly became blood red. Two big windmills slowly spin in the eyes.

“This…this…” Song Jia looked at Wang Lan’s eyes in shock, his eyes were deeply fascinated, “What a beautiful contact lens…Where did I buy it?”


“Jiajia, how old is he who is still like a little child, can’t he keep his focus? You still jump up and down like this, and look different.” Wang Qi came to Wang Lan, took off his sunglasses and said angrily.

Wang Lan returned to Suzhou City. Originally, the Heavenly Sword Bureau arranged to protect the transportation throughout the entire journey. But knowing that Wang Lan was going to pick up the plane, the arrangement was immediately cancelled. Cracking a joke, Wang Lan’s escort has nothing to worry about.

“Hello Aunt Qi, Jiajia is so tall.” Jiang Xinyu took Wang Qi’s luggage and put it into the space equipment with a flick of his wrist.

Song Jia looked envious, “The space equipment is good, my mother is too stingy to buy it for me.”

“You haven’t gone to college yet, what do you want space equipment for?” Wang Qi shouted again.

“If Jiajia likes it, elder sister will give you one.”


“Xinyu, don’t get used to her, she is getting more and more wild now, and I can’t control her anymore. The more you get used to her, she will dare to blow you up.”

“It’s okay. Anyway, it is produced by my family. The space equipment is not a mobile game. The star martial artist should have his own space equipment, which is convenient for going out in the future.”

After the four got in the car, Wang Lan slammed the accelerator and drove out of the airport.

The house has been unoccupied for a long time. After learning that my aunt was coming back, Wang Lan immediately notified the cleaning company to clean the house, and the bedding and so on were replaced with brand new ones.

“Ah—my bedroom, my bed. Ah, my doll, I want to die…” Song Jia jumped onto the bed and hugged the former doll without letting go.

It was a rush to leave that time, and Song Jia didn’t have time to take away many things. In that case, it is not allowed to take it away.

“Lanlan, I may be very busy these two days. Jiajia will ask you to take care of it. Remember, don’t get used to her, and keep training every day. This is the schedule made by Jiajia’s Teacher for her .”

Wang Qi took out all kinds of things from his luggage and suddenly brought a plan sheet to Wang Lan.

“This schedule…” Wang Lan took a look, frowning deeply.

“Brother, can you see it too? My group of Teachers are damaging young children. From 7 in the morning to 8 in the evening, there is only one hour to rest and eat.

I have been there for two years, brother, do you know how you spent the past two years? It was…all black, no daylight. Brother, you have to call the shots for me! “

Speaking of the schedule, Song Jia immediately fell on the sofa and made heart-piercing accusations against Wang Lan, smelling the kind of tears of the saddened.

“The schedule is not compact enough.”

“Uh…” Song Jia looked at Wang Lan in shock, and pointed at Wang Lan tremblingly, with a look of grief and anger, and he swallowed silently.

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