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“Do you still know that you are Human Race?” Wang Lan sneered, “As a Human Race, you betrayed Human Race and became a running dog of Demon Race?”

“My grandfather, my parents, and the whole family were all killed by Human Race. It was Demon Race who saved me and raised me. Why don’t you tell me to betray Human Race? My family was destroyed by Human Race. To bear the stigma of a cult, what right do you have to accuse me of betrayal?

Don’t feel the same with me, what qualifications do you have to tell me the national justice? “

Wang Lan silently watched Zhang Xiancao’s eyes flashing without saying a word for a long time, “What happened later? What do they want the blood of Demon God for?”

“Of course it is the resurrection of Demon God. Demon Race is a level race. Lower Demon Race cannot bear the blood of higher Demon Race, let alone the blood of Demon God.

Even the noblest nobleman of Demon Race cannot bear it. It must be the physical body that has reached extremely high conditions to withstand it, and the origin of the astral body is the cultivation technique to cultivate the physical body to the extreme. Astral origin is the only kind of cultivation technique in the world that transforms the body into the realm of immortal spirit.

Demon Race promised me that as long as I have completed my revenge and no longer have any concerns, I will enter the blood pool and bear the strength of the blood of Demon God. Originally, after you went to Han Family, it was my last revenge, but didn’t expect you to come back so soon. My revenge plan fell short. “

“I’m very curious, how can Demon Race make you so self-willed? And promise you to endure the strength of Demon God’s blood after you complete your revenge?”

“To endure the blood of Demon God, you need to take the initiative. If you resist it in your heart, you can’t complete Demon God strength inheritance. I have no worries, except for revenge. There is nothing I worry about.”

“What happened to Wen Xianghua’s death?”

“Of course it was also designed by Bird of Paradise. I poured the origin of the stars into the boy within the body. Demon Race used Wen Xianghua’s urgency to the origin of the star force to design this perfect killing game. But now, it seems that nothing can be deceived. Passed you?”

“I know that Wen Xianghua’s death was designed by Bird of Paradise, but I want to know why Bird of Paradise designed to kill Wen Xianghua?”

“I don’t know this anymore. I don’t care about anything other than the origin of the cultivation astral, and they never let me ask.”

“Wen Xianghua is a descendant of Zhang Lingxian, do you know this?”

“What?” Zhang Xiancao’s eyes rounded and his face was unbelievable, “Zhang Family is still alive?”

“You really don’t know?”

“Heh…hahaha…It’s ridiculous, it’s ironic…Wen Xianghua turned out to be a descendant of the Zhang Family. Since he is a descendant of the Zhang Family, he still has to deliberately seek things that belong to the Zhang Family?

Being killed by a human organization for something that should belong to me… It’s… It’s amazing. “

“Aren’t you?”

“We are just Zhang Lingxian tomb keepers. Although we surnamed Zhang, we are not at all Zhang Family’s bloodline. Zhang Family disappeared in the long river of history thousands of years ago. For a thousand years, we have only guarded Zhang Family The Qilin jade token that can only be opened by human bloodline, I thought that Zhang Family has been completely cut off, and no one can inherit Zhang Lingxian’s inheritance.”

“What would you do if you knew Wen Xianghua was a Zhang Family member?” Wang Lan curiously asked.

“Of course, he gave him the things we have guarded for two thousand years. Our family of two thousand years of fate has long been tired.”

“Qilin jade token has been kept by Four Great Families for the past 20 years. But I want to get the jade token back with no difficulty. If I know that Zhang Family still has descendants alive, I won’t hand in the three jade tokens. To the bird of paradise.”

“Now you have given all three jade tokens to Bird of Paradise?”

“Yes, if they want it, I will give it. Anyway, without Zhang Family Bloodline, no one can open the jade token.”

“Where is the base of the Bird of Paradise?” Wang Lan asked finally.

“At Yunding Mountain, but from the moment I was defeated by you, they should have been evacuated, and now there is nothing to go.”

Wang Lan came out of the Shenwei Space and immediately took Brother Heavenly Sword Bureau to Yunding Mountain. The traces of the Demon Race base were indeed found in Yunding Mountain, but as expected, people left the building empty.

The things that can be taken have been taken away, and the things that cannot be taken have been destroyed. But because of the size of the base, there are a lot of these bird of paradise spies.

“Unexpectedly, there is such a large Demon Race espionage organization hidden in Huzhou Province, Director Liu, you should review it carefully.” Wang Lan said with a low voice.

“Yes, yes! I didn’t do my job well!”

Liu Yuxin brow beaded with sweat, constantly wiping with a handkerchief.

The nationwide Heavenly Sword Bureau’s operations against Demon Race spies lasted for three full years. In the past three years, the Heavenly Sword Bureaus in all provinces have achieved remarkable results. Especially the Heavenly Sword Bureau in Jiang Province, almost pull up the Demon Race spy network by the roots.

The Demon Race spies dug up in Huzhou are rare among the provinces. It used to be said that the Demon Race spies in Huzhou did not explain the past. But now, where are fewer spies? The spies have soaked the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

“How is the investigation of the four spies?” Wang Lan said to Liu Yuxin.

“Still checking. From the perspective of their resumes, their changes started in two years. Two years ago, the four people had no obvious intersection. However, since two years ago, the four people frequently formed teams, and then they simply formed An independent action team. It should be that time to be swallowed by Demon Race.”

“Find out their action records for the past two years, I want to review them again.”

Back to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, the information of the four spies has been transmitted to the headquarters and landed on Wang Lan’s desk. This overturned case that shocked the whole country only lasted for one day, and after one day, it seemed to have returned to the past and no one cared.

Wang Lan flipped through pages of the four spies’ operational reports over the past two years, and the records showed no abnormalities. They all performed their missions with a strict Heavenly Sword Bureau special service. Close the alien space, crack down on the star martial artist criminals, crack down on the smuggled star martial artist, and close illegal criminal channels.

Anyway, as long as there is no effect in finding the Demon Race spy, the other tasks are better than other Heavenly Sword Bureau.

But suddenly, Wang Lan stopped his finger. There was a mission record in front of him. This mission record was explained by Zhang Xiancao and found the record of the alien space where the blood pool was sealed.

Two years ago, an alien space suddenly opened, and the red poison mist in it spread rapidly, and this poison mist is not any known astral toxin, even the astral toxin analyzer can’t analyze it. structure.

Anyone who inhales this toxin will become crazy and cruel, and a star martial artist can resist it for a longer time. In order to protect the urban people from being harmed by poison mist, the Heavenly Sword Bureau immediately formed a Suicide Squad, with a total of fifty people forcibly rushing into the alien space.

I thought that this team would die in an alien space, but it was very surprising that 20 people managed to evacuate from it. There is no alien beast in the alien space, making it much easier for them to close the alien space.

Of these twenty people, four Demon Race spies are among them. And the four hadn’t met closely. It can be said that the close intersection of the four began after that time.

“Give me a list of the brothers who successfully returned from that mission. And check if the people on the list have close intersection with each other, the intersection within the last two years.”


One hour later, the list of twenty brothers who came back alive two years ago was released. After grouping and matching, it was found that these twenty people were either lovers, girlfriends, or brothers.

All the people formed a circle, and one person in this circle suddenly entered Wang Lan’s field of vision.

Huzhou Heavenly Sword Bureau’s Headquarters, Li Minyu, Director of Intelligence.

The leader of the operation was Li Minyu. The former Li Minyu was also known as Desperate Saburo, and he took the lead every time he performed a mission. That time, he rushed into the dangerous alien space with the determination to die, but didn’t expect successfully returned.

Since then, Li Minyu has rarely charged himself again. It seems that Li Minyu, who regarded death as home, has stayed in the scarlet alien space forever.

In fact, that Li Minyu did stay in that alien space.

Wang Lan tapped the list lightly and the eyes flickered. After a long time, Wang Lan lifts the head fiercely, “I understand.”

“What did you think of again?” Jiang Xinyu asked, looking at the list in Wang Lan’s hand.

“I understand why they want to kill Wen Xianghua.” Wang Lan pointed at Li Minyu’s name and nodded, “To make way for this person.”

“He is a Demon Race spy?”

“It’s not just him. The twenty brothers who came back two years ago were all Demon Race spies. The Suicide Squad back then was the real Suicide Squad. No one came back alive. They all died.”

Wang Lan said, standing up, “Catch the people on the list, Li Minyu, I will catch it myself.”

Li Minyu took a shift today, so he didn’t come to work at the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Wang Lan personally went to Li Minyu’s house, knocked on the door, and soon footsteps came from inside.

Li Minyu glanced through the cat’s eyes and quickly opened the door.

“Royal General Army, why are you here?” Li Minyu said flatteredly.

“I want to ask you some questions, you are off today so I came here personally.”

“Why is this? You just have to ask me to go over.” Li Minyu said as he opened his bib with a sword.

“Are you cooking?”

“Well, I have nowhere to go when I rest at home. I usually read books and tea, and then make some food to treat myself.”

“Does Chief Li live alone? I haven’t wanted to find another one for so many years?”

“Hi…” Li Minyu sighed long, with a complex expression on his face.

Li Minyu had a wife in his early years. The wife was also a special service of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, but she died during a mission. Perhaps it was because of the guilt of dying to his wife. Since then, Li Minyu has always led the team desperately, putting himself in the most dangerous position in any task.

“One person is used to…”

“Director Li is a hero. People who have spoken to Chief Li said that they should be at ease with Chief Li, because he will always leave the danger to himself. Until he died in battle, he was brave and admirable.” , Came to the wedding photo in the living room and bowed deeply.

This scene made Li Minyu’s expression complicated, and he didn’t understand the meaning of Wang Lan’s words. Is it a curse or praise?

“Heroic martyrs should not be desecrated, even if they are enemies. Are you right?”

“I don’t understand what Royal General Army said…”

“How did Suicide Squad die two years ago?”

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