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“Suicide Squad two years ago? You are talking about that mission, right? That red mist is a very special stellar toxin. It will not cause poisoning, but it will erode the soul. .

The brothers who inhaled the red mist were all baleful qi Demonization, lost their minds, and attacked the living creatures around them. As a last resort, we can only kill the mad brother. By the time we arrived at Space Node, there were only less than 30 living brothers left…”

“Is it less than thirty?” Wang Lan sighed softly, “Should the whole army be wiped out? When I entered, Li Minyu was Li Minyu, when he came out, Li Minyu was no longer Li Minyu, am I right? ?”

The complexion of Li Minyu behind him was greatly changed, and his figure turned into a streamer and rushed to the window, but he flew back fiercely as if hitting an invisible wall.

Looking at the faint smile of Wang Lan, Li Minyu suddenly burst open, revealing his true face, a two-meter-high, full body exuding the aura of an elite Demon Race above the Star Sea realm.

“Wang Lan, I really fell into your hands.”

“In front of me, you’d better not take a fluke. Come on, where is your base?”

“Roar—” A roar sounded, and the Demon Race spy shot in shape and instantly rushed to Wang Lan’s front.

“Since I can’t escape, then fight with you.”

“ka!” a light sound, Li Minyu’s movement freezes motionless in front of Wang Lan. Wang Lan stepped out lightly and came to the spy.

“In front of me, do you still have to resist?” He reached out his hand and gently pressed Li Minyu’s head. But in an instant, Wang Lan’s face changed suddenly.


Li Minyu’s head exploded with a bang, and green blood stains accompanied by disgusting mucus were scattered all over the room.

“Unexpectedly, you guys are so cruel. When did the heads of Demon Race start to be engraved…”

The heads of the Traitors of the Bird of Paradise are engraved with spells to prevent information leakage, but as far as Wang Lan knows, the spies of Demon Race have no spells. Perhaps the Demon Race spy also realizes that Demon Race’s determination is no longer safe. Humans already have Wang Lan, which can instantly subdue Demon Race and even have no chance of Self-destruction, in order to prevent information leakage.

After dealing with Li Minyu here, Heavenly Sword Bureau’s Headquarters also suddenly became turbulent. The Heavenly Sword Bureau secretaries were arrested secretly, and the question is Liu Yuxin didn’t know anything about it?

“What happened? I heard that Section Chief Shen was taken away?”

“I don’t know, it was caught by the action department. It is difficult to cultivation. Does the action department really plan to cast aside all considerations for face?”

“Impossible, without the support of Director Wen, how dare to act blindly without thinking? And also blocking Director Liu’s face to arrest people?”

“You must have received the above order.”

“Whose order can I receive? Didn’t Director Liu even know?”

“That can only be an order from the greedy wolf crown.”

Let those arrested refute the complaint, and the people in the operation department took them all coldly and ruthlessly, and controlled them. Because they were arrested in different places and detained in different places, the people who were arrested did not know that others were also arrested.

Therefore, no one is exposed directly, who is still playing the emotional card in a way of shouting injustice. They were all brothers who had been born and died together, and were arrested so unfathomable mystery, many secret services have a feeling of death and chill.

“Zhang Lin, what’s going on? Who ordered the arrest?” Liu Yuxin couldn’t sit still and arrested 16 people at once. This is no small action.

“The director, the Royal General army ordered us to arrest people according to the list.”

“List? What list?”

Liu Yuxin took the list and glanced at browse frowned, “Do they have any problems?”

“They are all spies who broke into the Heavenly Sword Bureau by Demon Race.” Wang Lan’s voice sounded, appearing in front of Liu Yuxin from the distortion of space.

“Demon Race spy? So many?” Liu Yuxin’s face turned pale.

These are not one or two, but a total of sixteen. Counting the four killed before, there are twenty together. There are twenty Demon Race spies hidden in a Heavenly Sword Bureau, enough to make Liu Yuxin’s life’s achievements go deep.

“You know so much. Demon Race almost took control of the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Do you know who designed Wen Xianghua to die?”


“Li Minyu.”


Li Minyu is Liu Yuxin’s confidant who pulled up with one hand. It is also the General who can play most under Liu Yuxin. It may not be Li Minyu to ask who in the Heavenly Sword Bureau can fight the most, but it is definitely Li Minyu who is the most deadly fight.

If it weren’t for the absolute trust in Li Minyu, how could he put Li Minyu in the most powerful intelligence office of the Heavenly Sword Bureau?

“Li Minyu designed to get rid of Wen Xianghua, then you should know what he is going to do next?”

Liu Yuxin understood after a little thought, and suddenly he crash-banged in a cold sweat. This is a logical step to sit in the position of Wen Xianghua, so the next step is his position as the director.

A Demon Race spy, almost sitting on the top of the Heavenly Sword Bureau in a province, is a big joke.

Here, the mystery of Wen Xianghua’s murder is true. As the water recedes, the rocks appear, but Wang Lan can’t go back to talk. A blood pool left by the blood of Demon God appeared in Huzhou Province, and Demon Race also plans to use the blood of Demon God to recreate a Demon God. How can Wang Lan leave?

But Zhang Xiancao does not know where the magic pond is, nor where the spy of Demon Race hides. The only information Zhang Xianzhi can provide is that the number of Demon Race spies is more than one hundred.

Although this batch of Demon Race spies is a branch of Bird of Paradise, they have little contact with Bird of Paradise, and even the Bird of Paradise headquarters does not know the existence of this branch.

“Royal General Army, this was found from Li Minyu’s house.” The director of the exhibit office respectfully placed a wooden box in front of Wang Lan.

“What is it?”

“Qilin jade token.”

“oh?” Wang Lan put down his teacup quickly, a few goji berries undulating in the teacup.

Open the wooden box, and three Qilin jade tokens lie in the wooden box.

“Bring Wen Tao to the Heavenly Sword Bureau, I want to see what Zhang Lingxian left behind?”

In less than an hour, Wen Tao was taken to the headquarters by a brother from the Heavenly Sword Bureau, and was taken to a safe room after four tubes of blood were drawn from the medical office.

“Wen Tao, according to the DNA match, you and your father are descendants of the Zhang Family a thousand years ago, so these four Qilin jade tokens can only be opened with your blood. Although the Qilin jade token is your ancestor Things, but Zhang Family has been annihilated for more than a thousand years, and the jade token now belongs to the country.

You should be able to understand what I said? “

“I understand, it’s the same as antiques. As long as they are not inherited from generation to generation, they belong to the country.” After experiencing this disaster, Wen Tao seemed to have become a lot more mature and no longer look like a child.

“But after all, it is something from your ancestors. You have the right to know what it is. But whatever you see is a state secret. You cannot disclose it to anyone without permission.”


Say all of this, Wang Lan put four jade tokens on the table at once, Wang Lan, Liu Yuxin, Jiang Xinyu and others picked up a pot of blood and dropped them on the jade token. The jade token was like a piece of paper. The blood soaked the jade token smoothly, and in the blink of an eye, the crystal jade token was smudged into blood jade.

Suddenly, red rays of light erupted from the blood jade, and the rays of light shot into the void and exploded in the air. Then, a holographic projection picture appeared in front of everyone.

“It’s unbelievable. This is a technology two thousand years ago? The ancients have learned the holographic projection technology two thousand years ago?” Liu Yuxin said in amazement.

“Quickly, take the camera to take the picture.”

“It’s already shooting.”

The picture lasted for about ten minutes, and then disappeared as if it had lost energy, and the blood-red jade token once again became the crystal clear and near-transparent before.

Pick up the camera and replay the captured image.

“This seems to be…Zhang Family World!”

“Zhang Family is not like this, right?” Jiang Xinyu asked.

The picture in front of me is a plain, but the Zhang Family world is all mountain peaks that look like pillars of heaven, which is completely different.

“The Zhang Family world was not like this before. The legendary Zhang Family world’s landform was cut out by Zhang Lingxian with a single sword.”

“You can’t go wrong, you see, that is Wuyi Mountain, that is Wangshan Mountain, and this is Misty Peak. With these three peaks as landmarks, the plain is definitely the boundary of Zhang Family.”

“Let the geologists go and see what secrets are hidden in the Zhang Family world.”

Seven days passed quietly, and the Zhang Family travel area was completely isolated, and all intersections that could enter Zhang Family were blocked by armed police forces.

Hundreds of geoscientists installed densely packed testing equipment on the plains shown on the map, which is the tourist area of ​​the entire Zhang Family world, and commissioned them in full swing.

The outside is blocked by armed police forces, and inside is protected by special agents of the Heavenly Sword Bureau. Although Wang Lan thought that Demon Race should not have the guts to make a move, there is definitely nothing wrong with taking precautions.

“The report chief, the equipment debugging has been completed, do you want to start research now?”

“Go ahead, how deep can you detect this device?”

“3000 metres, this is already the deepest detection device in the world.”

“Okay, we are waiting for good news.”

Scientific research is a very boring thing, especially geological exploration is even more boring. Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu were boring, but Jiang Xinyu went around the Zhang Family world. A famous tourist attraction only had the two of them to play, and that kind of comfort was directly increased by ten times.

Both of them will fly, dance between the peaks of the mountain, walk on the glass path, sit on the top of the mountain and have a barbecue, and make tea on the top of Sword Peak. The dust floats like a Divine Immortal couple.

“dīng líng líng ——” Wang Lan’s cell phone rang.


“Royal General Army, I found it, I found it, it’s beyond our imagination.”


“Come here, this result is simply…it is horrifying.”

Hang up the phone, Wang Lan looked at Jiang Xinyu and said, “It seems that we have found something very incredible over there. Let’s go take a look.”


The two leaped into the sky and landed on the detection site. And an old professor is excited about 3D modeling on computer instruments.

“Royal General Army, you are here, you see, it is incredible, this is a prehistoric super civilization, it must be a prehistoric super civilization.”

“This is…” Wang Lan looked at the circular disc-shaped model in the computer. On the model, the pillars were densely packed like a hedgehog.

“What is this?”

“This is a secret lock.” The professor said, “A kind of ancient secret lock. A normal secret lock has dozens to 99 bolts. But this secret lock has more than 700 bolts. It can only be unlocked. The secret lock, insert all these pins into the lock hole, and the secret lock can be opened.”

“But what does it have to do with the Zhang Family world…” Suddenly Wang Lan’s voice stopped and he looked around with horror, “You mean these mountains…”

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