“Last month, we found an important base for the bird of paradise.” With that, Yulia took out a stack of documents and a few photos from her purse.

“Unfortunately, we were alerted to our actions in advance. The important figures of this base were evacuated ahead of time, and all the rest were shot and arrested by us. A wanted S-Rank from Jade Country was also caught in the base. Sha Qiya.”

“Sha Qiya?” Wang Lan’s eyes rounded and surprised. “It’s that he made everyone in Bird of Paradise engrave the technique in their heads, making it impossible for us to obtain information from Bird of Paradise?”

“Yes, this is the person. But she was not very good when we caught her. She had lost her mobility at the time and could only move in a wheelchair. Her illusory reality is indeed very strong, and she can Unreal is transformed into reality, and reality can also be transformed into unreal.

I spent a lot of energy before I took her down, forced her to unlock the technique, and was able to obtain important information.

Luxi was indeed in this base before. The Chief-In-Charge of this base is Mosi, the third leader of Bird of Paradise. It’s just that Mosi and Luxi both left shortly before we went, and Bird of Paradise didn’t know where they went.

After a month of tracing, we are almost certain that Mossi came to Jade Country Huzhou. Then Luxi may also arrive in Huzhou Province. “

“It’s really unfortunate news.” Wang Lan shook the head with a wry smile. He has heard enough bad news lately. Already not in. There will be more bad news.

“So it seems… Luxi came for the blood of Demon God.” Wang Lan said solemnly after thinking for a moment.

“Demon God’s blood? What is that?”

“About 10,000 years ago, Demon Race and Eastern Celestial Court fought a battle here. Many Demon Gods fell here, and their blood condensed into a pool of blood, which was captured by the Lady Queen of Eastern God World. the Earth is sealed in empty space.

But two years ago, the blood pool reappeared, and it has now been found by Demon Race. The plan of Demon Race is to use the blood of Demon God to recreate a Demon God. However, there are two prerequisites for receiving the blood of Demon God. One is the need for a powerful body, which must be powerful enough to be extraordinary. The second is that you must actively accept the blood of Demon God and not have a heart of rejection.

The Demon God container they prepared before was captured by me, so I thought of Luxi as a spare body. Does Luxi’s angelic body and his purpose fully meet the conditions? “

“What? Create Demon God?”

Yulia’s face suddenly became ugly, “must stop him, and finally knocked Luxi from the altar, and can’t let him return to Peak.”

“But the question now is, where is Lucy? Where is the blood of Demon God? They hide very good, so far they haven’t shown any clues.”

“Then let’s join hands to find, we look for Moxi, you look for the blood pool, must find them before Lucy gets the blood of Demon God.”


After all, Yulia and Heavenly Sword Bureau belong to two systems, so it is impossible to command unified operations. But intelligence and resources can be shared. Yulia only needs to make an application to Wang Lan.

Three days later, a capable female agent came to Wang Lan’s office, “General Wang Lan, the Xifeng Intelligence Office has important information.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“Look!” The other party put a photo of a person in front of Wang Lan, “This person was originally a brother of our Heavenly Sword Bureau, but he died a few years ago. But in recent days, he was recognized by Skynet. .”

“Are you sure it is him? Not the twin brother?”

“Yes, Skynet recognition can identify whether it is a twin. And this person is very suspicious. Every time it appears, it is very mysterious, and the one that disappears is also very mysterious.

The brothers from the Brookwind Division have been arrested, but the opponent is very cunning and disappears without a trace every time. ”

“He appeared after being watched by Xifeng?” Wang Lan asked suspiciously.

“It still appears, but it is more concealed than before. He avoided all camera monitoring, otherwise Skynet system would not be able to find him.”

“Go, I will go personally.”

Find the clues of the Demon Race spy, whether it is real Wang Lan or not, you need to personally verify it.

Starting in the morning, I arrived at the Brookwind Branch in the afternoon.

“Hello Director Wu.”

“Royal General Army, didn’t expect you to come in person.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, how is the situation?”

“It hasn’t appeared for two days. Maybe we are staring too closely, maybe we have beat the grass to scare the snake, Royal General army, I review, I may have made an aggressive mistake.”

“Don’t talk about it, what does he show up every time?”

“Purchase food, and the place where it appears is different each time, and the place where he disappears is also different. It is impossible to determine his residence.” With that, Director Wu clicked on the screen behind him, and a dozen red dots appeared on the map. Above.

“What are these red dots?”

“They were all the places where he appeared several times, and were also recognized by Skynet in those places. But most of the time, he was hidden, and we don’t know where he went. We walked along the trail to find out He bought food and water.”

“And he appeared before eight in the morning, and disappeared before five in the afternoon.”

Wang Lan knocked on the table and fell into thought, “How much food did you buy?”

“Which one buys some, this one buys some, there should be more.”

“Do you want to buy food for your companions?”

“It’s a cunning guy, why don’t you order a takeaway?” a brother from the intelligence department said.

“I used takeaways to lock their positions several times, so this group of Demon Race spies have also learned well and dare not order takeaways.”

“He exposed too little information, and such a large area is completely irregular, sometimes across the city! Even if we have a Skynet tool, it is useless.”


A spiritual light swept through Wang Lan’s mind. Suddenly, Wang Lan seemed to think of something and said hurriedly.

Bring up where he first appeared.

The technician immediately started the operation on the computer, and the other red dots disappeared, leaving only two dots. The two points are not the location of appearance and disappearance, but his traces were found in these two locations.

“Use a transportation network to connect these two points.”

“There are ten routes in total.”

“All connected.”

“Yes!” Soon, ten routes appeared on the map displayed on the screen.

“Connect the points found the second time in the same way.”

Following Wang Lan’s orders, there are more and more routes connecting the two on the map. In the blink of an eye, the densely packed route will cover the entire map. But with these routes, you can clearly see where the lines cross.

“Extract the most staggered positions.”

The technician immediately faced the computer with fierce operations, and soon, the most staggered route was extracted. Looking at this intersection, most people didn’t understand the meaning, only a few people suddenly realized that they showed an expression of admiration to Wang Lan.

“The Royal General Army deserves to be the Royal General Army. High, it is high. He went out to buy food and had to deliver the food to their nest. The place where he appeared may not be the nest, and the place where he disappears may not be the nest. No matter how he walks, the route will definitely not bypass the old nest. So the one with the most overlapping routes must be the old nest.”

After listening to the explanation from the Director of the Intelligence Division, a confused secret service also showed a suddenly realized expression.

“Fortunately, Xifeng City is not a developed city like Magic City. The population is not so dense. There is only one residential area at this intersection.”

“The rest will be easy. The Demon Race spy must have rented a house, and the number is not a small number. We secretly contacted the landlord of the rental house in the community, and it should be able to further narrow the scope.”

“Why do you just say it? If you know that you don’t want to do it?” The head of the intelligence department slapped the talking brother’s head and shouted, and the intelligence department quickly got into action.

Everyone started to act, and followed Wang Lan to the Information Office of the Headquarters of the Xifeng Branch to serve the two Wang Lan tea and water diligently.

“It is worthy of being the Demon Race nemesis. With such a mess of information that cannot be used, the key breakthrough was found so quickly. After all, the general is the general.”

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