
You can search for “I have countless skill points Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Wang Lan transferred Xiao Ai into the Skynet system. He doubted the processing power of the Skynet computer, and Xiao Ai’s cloud data processing capabilities were still very advanced. To give Xiao Ai enough hardware, he could Put all mankind under surveillance.


At noon on the 2nd day, Wang Lan’s mobile phone suddenly sounded an alarm. After taking a look, Xiao Ai used Skynet to lock a suspect. A curry and rice restaurant located in Yunying Life Plaza.

“Ready to do something!” Wang Lan hurriedly stood up and put on his combat uniform shouted.

At noon, there are a lot of people in Yunying Life Plaza, most of whom are nearby white-collar workers who come here for lunch. It seems that high-paying technology companies don’t arrange work meals or anything.

Four or five black cars drove into Yunying, squeaking, and emergency brakes sounded.

Several security guards saw that a few cars were blocking the entrance and exit of Yunying Life Plaza, and they immediately got up to drive away. But just to see Wang Lan and the others getting off the car, they shrank in an instant and turned decisively as if they hadn’t seen them.

Entering the square, Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu take the elevator, while others quickly climb the stairs upstairs. In the square, many people curiously watched Wang Lan and other entire groups, in small groups lightly said in a low voice.

When he came to the door of the store, the clerk greeted him with a smile on his face.

“Welcome, how many people please.”

“We are looking for someone.”

After Wang Lan entered, he went straight to the number seven table where the target was. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or that Moxi has a special attachment to seven.

Wang Lan went straight to the opposite side of Moxi and sat down, took out a certificate from his arms and placed it on the table. The middle-aged man on the opposite side raised his eyelids and glanced lightly at his meal.

At this time, there was a commotion in the store. A special agent from the Heavenly Sword Bureau walked in and invited all the dining guests out. The restaurant boss opened his mouth, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

“Don’t worry, we just arrange the guests to evacuate, and will not let them run away. Try not to affect your income. If there is a loss, the Heavenly Sword Bureau will reimburse you.”

“Oh, ok, thank you…”

The middle-aged man is still eating at a moderate pace, eating all the food on the table into his stomach, and he is satisfied with the patted belly.

“Jade Country is a greedy wolf. As expected, the name is not in vain. The Son is dead, and Sony is planted in your hands. This time even I am in your hands. But I don’t understand a little bit, I I think my disguise technique is the only one in the world, how do you see the weak spot?”

Wang Lan looked down at the plates on the table, and Moxi suddenly realized that he chuckled softly.

“I am from Tianzhu. Although I have betrayed my country, I still have an inescapable feeling for Tianzhu. This may be the biggest weak spot in my Appearance Changing Technique. I know I am not your opponent, you Do it.”

“Where is Yulia?”

“True God needs her, of course she is by True God’s side.”

“Where is Luxi?”

“No comment.”

“Do you think I can’t read it myself without telling me?” Wang Lan said, slapped a palm on Moxi’s forehead, “Sha Qiya is dead, the technique in your mind no longer exists Right?”

“Sha Qiya’s death only changed the method of touching the technique, it does not mean that the technique no longer exists. As long as I want, I can still touch the technique at any time.”


With a loud noise, Moxi’s head exploded without warning, and the scattered brain plasma and blood formed a cloud of blood mist that froze in the air. Wang Lan stood up slowly, the blood mist in front of him freezes and gradually gathers into a ball of blood. Gently came to the trash can and threw the blood mist in.

“General Wang, he…”

“Be cruel to others, and even more cruel to myself. I always thought that Bird of Paradise is fierce and unafraid of death because it is controlled by surgery. Didn’t expect this Moxi would rather die than cooperate.” Wang Lan Chang Long sighed, Yulia may not be able to find it.

Just as he was about to turn around, Wang Lan suddenly stopped.

“Huh? What is this?” Wang Lan knelt down to Moxi’s corpse and looked at the black residue on the soles of his feet.

“This seems to be coal powder.”

“Let the tester analyze it carefully, it is best to determine where he came from.”

Heavenly Sword Bureau took action immediately, and after waiting for an hour, the latest report was delivered to Wang Lan’s desk.

“General Wang, these pulverized coals are coal pulverized coal, raw coal pulverized coal that has not been processed. There are 17 coal mines in Huzhou, and the nearest one is Black Clouds Mountain.”

“How far is it?”

“Eighty kilometers in a straight line.”

“Found it!” Wang Lan immediately stood up and shouted, “Director Liu, you apply for 5 Emperors to the top for quick support, let’s go first.”

“General Wang, are you so sure that there is the base of Luxi and Demon Race spies?”

“What did Moshi run the deserted Black Clouds Mountain all the way? And I have an intuition that they are all there.”

Wang Lan, Jiang Xinyu, Liu Yuxin and a group of elite experts from the Heavenly Sword Bureau set off immediately. It is impossible to keep the news of Moxi’s death for a long time, and once the opponent is alarmed, it is likely to evacuate again.

Compared with other mountains in Huzhou, Black Shadow Mountain is not worth mentioning, because it only has three mountain peaks alone, but since ancient times Black Clouds Mountain is quite famous, because the entire mountain is a coal mountain, dark The mixture of the fine medium and the hard rock created these three dark peaks.

Originally, as a coal mountain, it should be intensively mined until it is exhausted, but there are too few independent Black Mountain like this in the world. Moreover, the land of Jade Country is not short of coal, so it has been preserved since ancient times.

Entering the boundary of Black Clouds Mountain, Wang Lan fiercely opened his eyes. In an instant, his pupils became red and two windmills spun in his eyes.

Shenwei is a space-based ability, and it is also very sensitive to space fluctuations. Under this double kaleidoscope, there will be nowhere to hide space fluctuations.

“Found it.” Wang Lan shouted loudly, speeding up, and rushing to the target instantly. Outside the alien space gate, a group of people in security uniforms stood guarding outside.

Wang Lan and the others fell, and the other party was about to step forward with a baton. But when Liu Yuxin waited for the Heavenly Sword Bureau Special Service to fall, they immediately knew that it was exposed, and they did not act as a spy to conceal the instant incarnation Demon Race.

“Ye Luoxue——” Jiang Xinyu snorted, and a cold current swept out in an instant, and she was incarnation into this group of cold air, like the wind passing by the five Demon Race spies.


A blast of cold wind passed, and the fierce Demon Race spy who rushed in instantly froze in the same place as motionless as if he had been locked in. The silhouette of Jiang Xinyu has appeared behind this group of Demon Race spies.

The sword of frost in his hand slowly turned into snowflakes and flew away, a ka ka sound rang, and all the spies turned into icicles, and their bodies were broken.

Wang Lan walked towards Space Crack step by step with a calm face. A certain sealing technique was arranged around this crack to prevent space fluctuation from being noticed.

“I will go in first. If there is any danger, I will immediately quit. If I don’t quit, please come in.”

Speaking, Wang Lan body flashed into the space. Jiang Xinyu and the others outside waited for a few seconds before jumping into the Space Crack one by one and disappeared.

This is a blood-red world, and also a run-down world. The ground under your feet is covered with deep cracks, and this terrifying and messy landform gives people a shuddering feeling.

The sky is red, the world is red, but the earth is black. Except for Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu Liu Yuxin, other brothers from Heavenly Sword Bureau felt physical discomfort immediately after entering.

Wang Lan looked back at the secret agents, “You get rid of them first.”

“General, we…”

“Don’t force yourself, the air is full of influencing people’s hearts. Over time, you will definitely be affected by your mind and fall into a madness. After you go out, guard the outside and wait for the assistance of the 5 Emperors expert to inform the details. Director Liu, Xinyu , Let’s go!”


Suddenly, a stern roar sounded, and under the ground, a hideous and terrifying hand suddenly appeared, looking like a human hand, but it was covered with scales.

Without waiting for these monsters to get out of the ground, Wang Lan blasted the lava flow with one stroke.

“hong hong hong ——”

Above the earth, lava flows. But these hideous and terrifying monsters usually swim in the lava without problems. These monsters are fast, rushing to Liu Yuxin’s side like afterimages, and punching Liu Yuxin’s face with one fist.

Liu Yuxin folded his hands and hurriedly launched the defensive star martial skill to resist.


The terrifying strength came, and the defensive star martial skill exploded in an instant, and Liu Yuxin’s body suddenly flew upside down.

The horrified expression froze on his face, Liu Yuxin looked at the monster hissing crazily in disbelief. I am a star martial artist of Star Sea Peak. Even if I have not been given a title, my strength is no less than that.

A humanoid monster appeared randomly and broke his defenses and knocked himself away? Is there such a strong one? Seeing this kind of monster is continuously emerging from deep underground.

The three of us are not going to die here together?


With one hit, the monster rushed towards Liu Yuxin again, and grabbed Liu Yuxin’s face. In an instant, an afterimage passed by, and the roar of the monster stopped abruptly. Frozen in the air, slowly divided into two halves.

Wang Lan’s silhouette appeared next to Liu Yuxin, “Lao Liu, how long have you not exercised?”

“That’s because I was not ready just now.” Liu Yuxin’s old face blushed. As an expert of Star Sea Peak, he was almost beaten by seconds.

Wang Lan’s body sank slightly, and his figure disappeared in front of Liu Yuxin’s eyes. Wang Lan’s speed was as fast as a stream of light, flashing like a ghost. In just a few seconds, there were at least hundreds of flashes, and in each flash, a monster was killed by Wang Lan.

Quantity is meaningless in front of a speed expert like Wang Lan. No matter how many monsters there are, they cannot withstand hundreds of kills in this second.

Just one minute, there are dead bodies everywhere. If you change someone else, so many monsters, even if you send a 10,000-strong Star Martial army regiment, they might be wiped out. Even the most elite Vermilion Bird company may not be able to go out alive.

But this time, only Wang Lan is enough.

“Now I am more sure that Luxi is here, and even the Demon God blood pool is here.”

“Let’s go.”

The three set off again, and the lonely mountain in the distance, rising up into the clouds, the demonic energy rising like a fire beacon, like a beacon, pointed the way to Wang Lan. He is there, they are all there.

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