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A wave of air rose, Wang Lan and the god Paladin named Marvin took a step backwards. This incident naturally shocked Jiang Xinyu and the others, and hurriedly surrounded them.

“Marvin has a different spirit strength in his mind. Someone has changed Marvin’s will.”

“What? So Marvin thinks that Mr. Martin is suspiciously manipulated?” The ruling bishop complexion greatly changed shouted.

“I…what’s wrong with me?” Ma In Literature there is some trance shook the head asked.

“Marvin, who planted the will in your head? Who is it?” The ruling bishop excitedly grabbed Marvin’s collar and shouted.

“What? Will? I don’t know?” Marvin exclaimed in horror.

“The ruling bishop, don’t ask him. Since he can leave such a secret will in his mind, it is not difficult to achieve silent implantation.” Wang Lan lightly saying, “In this way, Marvin, Just now I just broke the will in your mind and let me check your memory again.”

Marvin returned to Wang Lan’s face again with an uneasy expression on his face. The current posture seemed to indicate a fact that he didn’t dare to think about. It seemed…because he triggered a very important event.

Once again, Wang Lan invaded Marvin’s memory. This time, the revolving lantern of memory unfolded smoothly. After a long time, Wang Lan let go of Marvin’s head.

“Marvin, you can go back. Rest more after you go back. Your thinking may become a little dull in the last few days, but it doesn’t matter. Just take a few days off.”

Wang Lan’s face suddenly became serious after several god Paladins left.

“Wang Lan, what did you see?” Yulia asked nervously.

“The most profound thing in Marvin’s memory is indeed the picture of Mr. Martin leaving the Star Picking Tower, but in my opinion, Martin’s words and deeds are not suspicious. I feel suspicious because Marvin’s memory has been tampered with. Caused by consciousness.”

“So, Mr. Martin is really innocent? Then…what’s going on with the Creation Bible in his bag?” The ruling bishop’s face suddenly became pale as paper, and the cold sweat on his head instantly overflowed.

“No, Martin does have a problem.” Rays of light flashed in Wang Lan’s eyes. “Although Marvin didn’t notice the abnormality at the time, I noticed a detail. When Mr. Martin left the Star Picking Tower He did carry the bag, but there should be no creation Bible in his bag.”

Wang Lan lifts the head slightly, whether there is anything in the bag is inferred from the suspicious swing of the bag when walking. The Creation Bible is not an ordinary paper book, let alone two thin words.

Each page of the Genesis Bible is a Gold edition, and the weight of a book is more than ten catties. Such a heavy bag is enough to tighten the straps of the bag. But in Marvin’s memory, Mr. Martin’s bag was very loose when he left.

“What? So Mr. Martin didn’t at all steal the Creation Bible?” The ruling bishop’s face became paler, and his voice trembles.

“No, if the Creation Bible had been stolen at that time, wouldn’t I be the administrator of the Star Picking Building not know? And I suddenly thought of a possibility that the divine technique was opened without disturbing the Zodiac… …Will it be because Martin himself holds the key to open the divine technique? He can open the divine technique with no difficulty and take out the Bible?”


Never thought about this issue, Yulia and the others, but now that it is mentioned, it is really possible.

Martin was a proud student of the previous pope, and the previous pope once gave the Creation Bible to Marvin for study. He is also the administrator of the Star Picking Building, and the Pope will hand over the method of opening the divine technique to Martin to be reasonable.

“So I guessed another possibility. Martin didn’t steal the Creation Bible, but wanted to return the Creation Bible. The books in the Stars Tower can be borrowed, right?”

“But the Creation Bible is a nation-state artifact, how can it be borrowed?” The ruling bishop frowns said quickly.

“There are always exceptions. The reason why Martin went to the back garden may be that the other party agreed to return the Creation Bible to Martin there. The other party also gave Martin this killing game. It happened after the other party returned the book. The bishop was judged to be arrested.

Martin must have thought that his transaction was discovered and chose to resist, and was later killed by the ruling bishop. “

“So…why did the other party plan to kill Martin?”

“It may be for silence, or for other reasons. Then who is Mr. Martin the best relationship with? So good that Martin is willing to take such a big risk to lend the Creation Bible to him?”

“This…” The ruling bishop’s eyes showed a thoughtful look, “I have to say that he has a good relationship with Mr. Martin, but it is worth asking Mr. Martin to borrow the Creation Bible… and only the former Guangming Bishop Now. But the former Bishop of Guangming is dead.”

“Who else besides the former Bishop of Guangming?”

“Either the Bishop of Renai? She is the highest-ranking among Martin’s students. But her relationship with Martin is still a teacher-student relationship, and Martin will not violate dogma for her.”

“Your Excellency Bishop, look for this clue. This person must be someone you know very well.”

Sect Lord is responsible for investigating the top of the Holy See, while Wang Lan is responsible for investigating everything Martin left behind, including notes and diaries, hoping to find useful clues.

As he opened Martin’s notes, Wang Lan quickly confirmed his guess from the notes.

“Julia, look, Martin has been trying to unravel the creation code in the Bible for the past two years. Do you know this creation code is for and so on?”

“The creation code, in the legend, is the forbidden technique banned by gods, also known as the Forbidden Region of Gods. The forbidden technique of gods can summon the gates of heaven and lead the Garden of Eden to come.

Mr. Martin is a devout believer, and as a devout believer, entering heaven is our long-cherished wish. Maybe Mr. Martin wants to get the forbidden technique of God to enter heaven. “

“I remember the pope said that the previous pope successfully opened the door of heaven and entered heaven with Saintess?”

“I did say it.”

“Since the previous pope has successfully reached heaven, why didn’t this forbidden technique stay?”

“This…maybe the former pope has his own reasons. Should we ask the pope again?”

The three left the Saintess Palace and went to the Imperial Palace again. After hearing Wang Lan’s intention, the pope sighed long, “Because…heaven has become hell.”

The words of the Pope made Wang Lan and the three people suddenly feel that they have one’s hair stand on end.

This is what the Pope told me when he secretly invited me to see him before his return. 20 years ago, he originally planned to recall the Garden of Eden and let the most devout believers enter the Garden of Eden life.

But when he and Saintess stepped into the Garden of Eden, what they saw was barrenness and ruins. The once magnificent miraculous buildings have all collapsed, and the angels that people believe in have turned into bones under their feet.

If this is a legendary heaven, the faith of Heavenly God will collapse instantly.

As Luxi once said, Heavenly God fell as early as 10,000 years ago. Heavenly God’s resurrection after seven days is just a lie we don’t want to believe in the fall of Heavenly God. “

“so that’s how it is … Mr. Martin also saw the pope opening the door of heaven back then? Entering heaven has become his lifelong pursuit. The Pope was afraid that the faith of the discipline would collapse, so he never told him the truth. ”

“Yes, Martin has seen the Pope want to obtain the forbidden technique of God many times. His piety, his knowledge, and his cultivation are recognized by the entire Divine Realm. The Pope gave him the Creation Bible in desperation. , If Martin can solve the pioneering code, it means he has been recognized by Heavenly God.”

“so that’s how it is … so that the person Martin borrowed the creation Bible must be able to crack the creation code. But Martin has been immersed in this way for more than ten years, who is better than Martin Know more about the creation code? And let Martin believe it?”

At this moment, Wang Lan’s phone vibrated. Picking up the phone and looking at it, it turned out to be a link sent by Xiao Ai.

Wang Lan clicked on the link, and it turned out to be an email address. Suddenly, Xiao Ai sent another text message.

“This is an email between Martin and a person named Thunder’s Fury about the creation code discussion. Although it was deleted, I still retrieved these emails from the mail server. I am the identity of Thunder’s Fury. Checking and will find it soon.”

Seeing this information, Wang Lan had to give a secret compliment, Xiao Ai’s assist was a beautiful job.

Wang Lan just speculated that there was a second person working with Martin on the creation code, and Xiao Ai immediately sent relevant evidence.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, the phone vibrated again.

A picture appears on the phone interface. Seeing this picture, Yulia’s face suddenly changed.

“Bishop of Thunderbolt?”

“Is he the Bishop of Thunderbolt? He may be someone who has close contact with Martin.”

“Thunderbolt Lord Sect Lord is responsible for the technological development of the Kingdom of Gods. Every bishop is responsible for a domain. He rarely returns to Sacred Domain, and he rarely goes to the Sacred Domain. How can he contact Martin?”

“I don’t know, but although there is an email with Martin, it does not prove that Martin lent him the Creation Bible, let alone prove that Martin is involved in him.”

“Since the bishop of Thunderbolt is suspicious, I don’t believe that he has left no clues. Investigating the bishop of Thunderbolt, if he really can find something.”

“Thanks to Mr. Wang Lan for this matter, Yulia, you are responsible for assisting Mr. Wang Lan. If you have any difficulties, tell me that I will support you unconditionally.”

This pope is much easier to talk than the previous pope, and he is more tolerant of the ruling ideals of the Kingdom of God.

Soon, all the information about the bishop of Thunderbolt was gathered in Wang Lan’s hands. With the assistance of Xiao Ai, the information was quickly sorted and sorted.

Bishop Thunderbolt has been a master student since he was a child. This point has a lot in common with Wang Lan. Bishop Thunderbolt not at all gave up his studies because of the awakening of the star martial innate talent, and even his academic attainments were getting deeper and deeper, not at all under his strength.

Even when he was 30 years old, he published many papers on the origin of life, which caused a huge shock in the life sciences field.

The martial skill of the medical star of the Kingdom of God is unique in the world, and their medical technology is also world Peak. In the Kingdom of God, there are countless life genetic engineering research institutes.

There are as many as 30 life science research institutes where the bishop of Thunderbolt is suspended. Among them, four research institutes are personally funded and constructed by the bishop of Thunderbolt and belong to the private research institutes of the bishop of Thunderbolt.

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