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“In the past two years, Bishop Thunderbolt has invested nearly 10,000,000,000 in this life technology company…What are you doing?” Wang Lan looked up at the piece of data in front of him and asked.

“I know this plan.” The bishop of the ruling said after seeing it, “Life technology technology has always been the leader of the kingdom of God in the world, but in recent years it has been surpassed by Jade Country. Because of Ms. Wang Qi, it has even been Jade Country is far behind.

The bishop of Thunderbolt has invested a lot of money in the hope that it can provoke another explosion of life science in the Kingdom of God. Although the effect is there, it is not obvious. “

“Tonight, let’s dive into his life technology company to check.” Wang Lan has an intuition that Bishop Thunderbolt must be secretly doing something. This 10,000,000,000 fund is definitely not invested just to stimulate the development of life technology. “

Checking out this step now, the suspicion has almost been locked on the Bishop of Thunderbolt, and the only thing missing is evidence.

The night is quiet, but the night of the Kingdom of God is shrouded in the hazy holy light, which is exceptionally pure and beautiful.

As a scientific research company under Bishop Thunderbolt, his security conditions are of course very perfect. Security guards with guns and live ammunition are on guard 24 hours a day, and surveillance cameras are installed everywhere in the company to sense Formation and star force wave sensing technologies.

Under such strict guards, it is not exaggerating to describe life sciences companies as solid. But these defenses can only intercept normal star martial artists.

Wang Lan is not a normal person.

In the face of the experts at this level of Wang Lan, this kind of defense and guard system is like a fake.

Easy, Wang Lan took Jiang Xinyu Yulia into the life technology company. After releasing Xiao Ai, after waiting patiently for half an hour, Xiao Ai successfully obtained the highest authority of Life Technology Company.

“Student Wang Lan, this is a research project of a life technology company over the years.” On the holographic projection screen in front of Wang Lan, a series of projects were listed.

Every project is a top public relations difficulty in the world, and every one is also a giant beast.

No wonder it has to invest such a large amount of money, which is not enough compared to the ambition of the bishop of Thunderbolt. But… these research projects are all legal projects. Is it true that Bishop Thunderbolt invested so much money for the development of life science and technology in the Kingdom of God?

“Check their financial statements, what are the weak spots?”

“Yes, please wait!”

About ten minutes, all the funds needed and consumed for each project were listed in front of Wang Lan. The funds injected by Bishop Thunderbolt are also correct.

“It seems that this life technology company doesn’t at all have any problems. Bishop Thunderbolt has been in the company most recently. Isn’t it… Bishop Thunderbolt is obsessed with technology research and development?” Wang Lan scratched his chin in confusion. Said.

“Dididi—” The notebook in his hand suddenly lit up. Wang Lan looked up and suddenly showed a three-dimensional model in the holographic projection screen in front of him.

“Student Wang Lan, I found the architectural drawings of this institute, but the architectural drawings and the hydropower layout are very different. After my calculations, I came to the final conclusion and built a three-dimensional model. Quickly praise me !”

“You don’t need this kind of nothingness, but it does beautifully.”

In the basement of the entire institute, there is a secret basement, and the space in the basement is not small. There is no need to find the entrance to the underground, Wang Lan and the three slowly sink into the ground as if submerged in the water.

After sinking for about 100 metres, I entered an underground chamber that was wrapped in special materials and opened the star force isolation barrier. There are more than a dozen cultivation chambers placed in the underground secret room. These cultivation chambers are exactly the same as those found in Martin’s home.

The three of Wang Lan approached a training cabin. Inside was a 16-17 years old girl who looked exactly like Yulia. The display next to it shows that at the age of sixteen and eight months, there is a countdown of three hundred hours.

“It seems that the two angels were made in this way.” Wang Lan looked at the dozens of cultivation chambers around, and copied a dozen of them at once. They could easily capture a medium-sized country.

“Wrong, two angels were not made in this way.” A voice suddenly sounded, and the sound of footsteps accompanied by echoes suddenly sounded in the silent and empty space. In the gloomy corridor, the bishop of Thunderbolt in a red robe came slowly.

The bishop of thunderbolt is very handsome and looks extraordinarily elegant with black-rimmed glasses. It is hard to believe that this is a Peak powerhouse in the Star Sea environment when Wang Lan meets Bishop Thunderbolt for the first time. I feel that this face is so angry that it is more like the handsome uncle of Scholar, who should give a speech at an academic gathering with a paper, instead of wearing a shirt and wielding a big sword to lead the Paladin troupe into the battle.

They all say that God is fair, but the preference for Bishop Thunderbolt almost catches up with the preference for Wang Lan.

Already has a face that can be used to eat, but it gives him a high IQ that normal people can’t match. Even if he is handsome and smart, the star martial innate talent is also unmatched.

The previous pope even said more than once that if the bishop of Thunderbolt is not so excessive attention to details prevents one from making progress, and spends the time of scientific research on cultivation to improve his strength, maybe he has already set foot on the Star Soul Realm. The realm has become one of the world’s top powerhouses.

But for such a genius, you really can’t ask too much. Even if he only spends half of his or even one third time on cultivation, Bishop Thunderbolt’s strength has quickly reached a height that he couldn’t reach.

It is said that the end of science is theology, but before the theological realm, the belief of scientists is knowledge. Bishop Thunderbolt should be the most unconvinced of the twelve bishops. But since he can become a bishop, his faith is definitely stronger than ordinary people, but it is easier to shake.

“Sure enough, it is you!” Yulia complexion grave and stern looked at the bishop of Thunderbolt coming from the darkness, “Why are you betraying your faith? Why are you setting up Mr. Martin?”

“Framed?” Bishop Thunderbolt shook the head, “I didn’t frame Martin. In order to obtain the truth about the creation code, he violated the dogma and loaned the Creation Bible to me. Then he was ruled and arrested, and resistance is not counterproductive. Was punished, he deserved it, okay? I just let this secret thing be exposed.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“What else is there? He and I are accomplices. If one person is exposed, the other can’t escape. The best way to keep a secret is…everyone who knows the secret is dead. Such a simple truth, Do you still need to ask why?”

“Now you still don’t know how to repent?” Yulia looked at the Bishop Thunderbolt with a faint smile on her face, and shook the head silently.

“Repent? Why should I repent? What did I do wrong?” Bishop Thunderbolt said with a smile, “Heavenly God has already fallen, and the resurrection in seven days is a big lie. Why should I give my faith to a dead God? Although Luxi betrayed heaven back then, he was the only god who survived. If we want to enter heaven, who else can we believe if we don’t believe in him? Believe in you? Lord Yulia?”

“You have been bathed in holy light since you were a child, how could you have such thoughts? Luxi wants to destroy Human Race civilization and turn humans into wild beasts. Don’t you know?”

“I don’t care about it, I just want to go to heaven.” Bishop Thunderbolt smiled slightly.

“Heaven, that’s the place of dreams instilled in our minds from the first day I accepted the doctrine of God. There are no worries, no pain, no birth, aging, sickness and death, all people’s needs. All fantasy can be realized in heaven.

This is the place Heavenly God uses to attract believers, but it doesn’t let us pursue it. I used to think that heaven is only in our hearts, but 20 years ago, the Pope personally summoned heaven, and he even took Saintess into heaven.

He doesn’t want to go to heaven, and he doesn’t let others go to heaven. He is such a selfish person. I thought that I would never be able to enter heaven in my life, but the appearance of Luxi two years ago ignited the fire of hope for me. As long as the soul risk is given to Luxi, when he enters heaven, I will also enter heaven with him.

Even if you kill me now, my soul will return to Luxi. I didn’t abandon my faith, I just changed my faith to my goal. “

“That… Bishop of Thunderbolt, you should be the scientist of the current cream of the crop, right?” Wang Lan asked with a light cough.

“It is natural. My achievements in life engineering and genetic engineering are not under your aunt, Ms. Wang Qi.”

“Then Luxi wants to destroy the Human Race civilization, first of all, he must eliminate the people who have knowledge of science and technology civilization… You seem to be among them, right?”


“Do you feel a little sloppy?”

“It’s not the same. My soul has been handed over to Luxi. After Luxi becomes a true god and gains the power, I will be his official. I am separated from the physical body and mortal flesh and I am not a human being. “Soon, Bishop Thunderbolt regained his thoughts and retorted.

“Forget it, I don’t want to argue with you about these useless things, I just ask one question, where is Luxi?”

“No comment. Mr. Wang Lan, I know that you are powerful and that you are the spiritual engraving master of the cream of the crop in the world today. But if you want to explore my memory, then don’t think about it.

I am also the bishop who controls the kingdom of heaven. I can easily change my memory, and spiritual engraving is nothing to me…”

Suddenly, Bishop Thunderbolt’s voice stopped, and his whole body instantly became distorted.

“Wang Lan complexion greatly changed, he quickly used divine might to try to lock the space of the thunderbolt bishop and drag it out of the space.”

“Ah–” A scream sounded, and blood mist exploded. Bishop Thunderbolt disappeared, and a bloody arm fell from the void.

“It’s Luxi?” Yulia asked when she came to Wang Lan’s side.

“Except for him, who else rescued people from us without showing up? It seems that Luxi has also come to the kingdom of God.”

“Let’s go, go back and report to the Pope.”

The three returned to teach the Imperial Palace again, and the Pope had been waiting anxiously.

“Since the bishop of Thunderbolt has dedicated his soul to Lusi, it means that it is not the bishop of Thunderbolt who hopes to find heaven, but Lusi. According to the creation biblical records, only the gods can become a true god, and Heavenly God’s theocracy is in heaven. What Lucy needs to do next is to become a god.” The pope concluded after Wang Lan and Yulia informed the pope of the speculated results.

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