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And the arrival of each new era means the destruction of the old era, and the destruction is very complete, if it is not completely destroyed, how could the previous three eras only exist in Myths and Legends.

After seven days is the Fifth Era, then there will be devastating disasters in these seven days. And Wang Lan has already made this disaster clear. Luxi will be resurrected at the birth of the Fifth Era, and Luxi will be the terminator of the Fourth Era.

“Mr. Wang Lan, didn’t you clearly have killed Luxi? Why would he still…”

“I just said that he completed the sacrifice. Using the zodiac to sacrifice, the purpose of this sacrifice is to resurrect in heaven at the birth of the Fifth Era.

This morning, the Kingdom of God successfully summon out of heaven. I was also lucky enough to enter heaven. In heaven, I saw the cocoon of Luxi’s resurrection with my own eyes. I originally wanted to destroy the cocoon to prevent him from resurrecting, but unfortunately, I His attack was ineffective against him, so I had to withdraw and ask for help to see if there is any way to prevent Luxi from resurrecting. “

“General Wang Lan said directly, as long as our countries can do what is needed, we must do our best.”

“My attack is not effective against the cocoon, but I don’t know whether the nuclear bomb is effective against the cocoon, so I hope to use a nuclear bomb to attack the cocoon. But operating a nuclear bomb is a technical job, and I won’t.”

“There is no problem. We can provide nuclear bombs and technicians, but how to transport nuclear bombs and technicians to the destination is a big problem. You just said that the cocoon is in heaven.”

“The transportation problem is not a problem, I can complete the transportation alone, and the speed is very fast.”

“So…is heaven a different dimension, and can our nuclear bombs function normally?”

“This…I can’t guarantee it, but I have been in heaven. The feeling that heaven gives me is somewhat different from that of alien space.”

“You have to try it anyway. If you let Luxi resurrect and start a new era in seven days, then we will really be all over. Just take it, cutting off one’s means of retreat.”

For this matter, countries around the world have neither wrangled nor this time. There is not much time left for mankind, and the total is only seven days, and these seven days include deployment of nuclear bombs, distribution of operators and transportation, etc., at least three to four days will be occupied.

Immediately after the end of the meeting, the international nuclear bombs in various countries began to operate at high speed.

The first to be properly deployed was naturally Jade Country. It only took a day and a half to dispatch a hundred nuclear bombs and the missile force responsible for nuclear bomb control. Wang Lan opened the Shenwei Space and loaded all the more than 100 nuclear bombs and troops into the space.

Zhang Xiancao has been staying in Wang Lan’s Shenwei Space and knows nothing about the outside world. Wang Lan also seems to have selectively forgotten her identity, and uses Zhang Xiancao as the mascot in the Shenwei Space. .

Zhang Xiancao, who was reading quietly on the lawn, was suddenly awakened by a rumbling sound, and lifts the head to see missile cars driving into the lawn.

“This is…world war?”

Shenwei space is not infinite, but it is also as big as a city. And everything inside can be created by Wang Lan’s mind, lawn, trees, sea, beach. Including tall buildings rising from the ground!

3rd day, nuclear bombs from nearby countries were also delivered, and then more troops were stationed in Shenwei Space, and the secrets of Shenwei Space were made public.

“Don’t look at me like that. I just realized the divine power space not long ago. I know the role of this space, but I conceal it because I don’t want you to hold on to the idea of ​​a final retreat. Give up by yourself.

Shenwei Space is not an ideal hometown. No food can be grown here and a complete ecosystem cannot be formed. It is fine as a refuge for a short time, but if you want to be the last pure land of mankind, there is only one way to extinction. “

Of course, everyone knows the truth, but they know how to think about it.

Time passed unconsciously. Some countries have strong execution capabilities and some countries have weak execution capabilities. On the fifth day, Wang Lan felt that he could not wait any longer. Immediately teleported to the Kingdom of God.

Yulia seems to be recovering well, although her appearance is still old, but the star force has recovered, I don’t know if she can still display her previous strength. The gate of heaven is controlled by the kingdom of gods. Although the people are still crazy, after so many days, everyone gradually calmed down.

Wang Lan and Yulia are still Wang Lan, Jiang Xinyu has entered the divine space. And the Pope’s lifelong dream is to enter heaven, so he also entered the divine space, he wants to go to heaven to have a look, even if it’s just a glance.

I stepped on Divine Road for the second time, but there was no illusion. Wang Lan came to heaven easily. The magic cocoon in the sky still hangs high in the sky as last time, embedded in the silver white void.

Compared to what I saw five days ago, the magic cocoon at this time is even bigger, and the magic light that flashes when it flickers is also brighter.

Wang Lan opened the divine space, and the time before him was distorted. Amidst the distortion, missile launchers appear out of thin air on the gentle grass of heaven.

The soldiers who came out looked around blankly, the holy white light enveloped the earth like smoke.

“Is this heaven?”

“Look, what is this?”

Soon, someone noticed the strange and terrifying thing above their heads and exclaimed one by one. The magic cocoon in the sky naturally gives people an uncomfortable feeling. The roots of the cocoon interlaced are similar to blood vessels, and the hideous cocoon makes the scalp numb at first glance. Look at the second glance.

The pope appeared in the land of heaven, fell to his knees religiously, prostrate oneself in admiration, and kissed the flour-like soil on the ground.

“God, I have finally arrived in heaven, I have finally arrived in the kingdom of my god…”

Wang Lan glanced sideways at the teary old pope, like a fool.

“Everyone, your goal is the cocoon above your head. Give me a nuclear bomb. Don’t worry about it. I will provide you with barrier protection.” Wang Lan commanded Jiang Xinyu by the hand.

Soldiers from various countries started operating immediately. Now in the era of high-tech and high-informatization, the lock and launch of missiles are almost automatically completed. So the speed of aiming start is very fast.

In less than ten minutes, Jade Country’s vehicle-mounted missile has been locked and launched.



A burst of black smoke exploded, and the rocket spewed out from the silo. In an instant, the tail section of the rocket spewed out white flames, turning into a cocoon of meteors to the sky.

The cocoon seems to be very close, but it is actually at an altitude of 1000 meters. Ten missiles lifted off, Wang Lan quickly set up a protective barrier to protect the people underground.

“boom~ boom~ ——”

There was a loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the entire space was shaking violently. The dazzling white light swallowed everyone like a flood.

The aftermath of the shock lasted for a few minutes before it gradually subsided. The dense smoke and dust covered the magic cocoon in the sky, and it took a few minutes for the magic cocoon to gradually emerge from the smoke and dust.

“no effect?” Yulia looked at the still existing cocoon with disappointment, the expression on her face collapsed.

“No, look!” Wang Lan’s direction is not the magic cocoon, but the densely packed black interlaced blood vessels on the top of the head like spider web. “It seemed to spread before, but after this round the spread stopped.”

“Really? Why can’t I tell.”

“You didn’t notice this subtle change. Continue the nuclear attack.”

A dozen nuclear bombs rushed into the sky again, and another heaven-shaking, earth-shattering explosion.

After waiting a few more minutes, the changes before and after the nuclear bomb attack became obvious. Although the cocoon was not damaged, the tentacles around the cocoon were indeed damaged. The cocoon seems to extract the strength of the tentacles to defend against nuclear bomb attacks.

“The attack is effective, continue.”

This time is almost a battle on the fate of mankind, so all countries are not stingy, and almost half of the nuclear bombs in stock are taken out. If it works, they don’t even mind taking out all the inventory.

With a loud explosion, the tentacles in the sky shrank again and again after receiving nuclear strikes. This shrinkage is visible to naked eye.

Suddenly, a warning sign rose from the bottom of Wang Lan’s heart. Before hesitated, Wang Lan fiercely propped up the sky defense barrier. From the intersection of the sky’s tentacles, a terrifying energy wave suddenly rippled.

One after another attack fell from the sky, as if rain fell on the barrier.

The cocoon will not stand alone, and finally stopped pretending to be dead after suffering the missile strikes and chose to resist.

“Wang Lan, I’ll help you.” Yulia loudly shouted, the Holy Grail and the Creation Bible all flew above her head, and the sacred strength rose from the Holy Grail and the Creation Bible, and propped up towards Wang Lan Energy is injected into the Formation barrier.

The sacred strength is poured into it, and the barrier instantly changes from the original transparency to the become Saint light color, just like the holy light array opened by the kingdom of God.

After a round of attacks, the missile force immediately took the opportunity to launch a round of missiles. Although the sudden attack on them just now made everyone feel like walking around on the death line.

But they are all professional soldiers, and the integrity of the soldiers is all engraved in their souls. Fear, of course, there will be fear, but even if they are swallowed by fear, their bodies will not be dominated by fear, and they will continue to control nuclear bomb launches according to their training actions.

One nuclear bomb strikes the sky, and the tug-of-war between technology and mythological strength is officially launched in the pure land of heaven.

The leaders of the countries outside are anxiously waiting for the result of the battle in heaven. They can accept the result no matter how good or bad, but they cannot accept the suffering of waiting.

“General Wang Lan, we only have a hundred nuclear bombs left, and we may be sued tonight.”

Most of the cocoon tentacles on the top of the head have disappeared, and it is estimated that it will take a day to destroy the cocoon. But the nuclear bombs carried were not enough. The nuclear bombs were a powerful attack that was not driven by star force. According to the laws of pure physics, the released energy could not be absorbed by the cocoon and could only be absorbed by him. This is the last chance for mankind to win.

“What to do?” Jiang Xinyu was also panicked. It must be Wang Lan to transport the nuclear bomb, but the fierce battle cannot stop for a moment. Wang Lan couldn’t walk away at all, and couldn’t get a nuclear bomb replenishment. They gave up all their previous efforts.

“Xinyu, I can only rely on you this time.”

“Rely on me?”

“I have two more divine power blood round eyes, but it is enough to control one divine power. I plan to give you a divine power writing round eye and you will transport the nuclear bomb for me.”

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