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“Give me the writing wheel eyes? How do you send them…” Suddenly, Jiang Xinyu seemed to think of a sudden change in his face, and his eyes widened in horror.



“I will never allow you to hurt yourself, do you want to dig your eyes down for me?”

“You think too much.” Wang Lan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly became amused.

When I watched Hokage back then, it seemed that grabbing the eyes was really digging out the eyes, but it was a good idea. To send it voluntarily, as long as the pupil power is sent.

“Why is it so scary, I just give you the pupil power, OK?” Wang Lan extended the hand, provoking Jiang Xinyu’s chin, looking at each other with deep affection.

Suddenly, the windmill in Wang Lan’s eyes turned violently, and the windmill in his left eye became faster and faster, but soon, the color of the windmill became lighter and lighter, and finally turned into a pitch black eye. eye.

And Jiang Xinyu’s left eye suddenly changed to red, and a windmill appeared in Jiang Xinyu’s pupil.

“Is this over?”

“How complicated do you think it can be?” Wang Lan said with a chuckle, “You go out now and transport supplies through you. Shenwei Space is a completely independent space, wherever you can put things into Shenwei Space, Then I can take it out immediately.”

“Okay, you are careful.”

Jiang Xinyu body flashed and turned into streamer disappeared. With Yulia manipulating the Holy Grail and the Bible, it is not that difficult to resist the attack of the cocoon above her head, and Wang Lan is quite easy.

Wang Lan is not required to control the missile vehicle attack. Wang Lan is the most leisurely one on the scene.

Five hours later, Wang Lan felt the Shenwei Space tremble slightly. Wang Lan hurriedly opened the space, and rocket launch vehicles appeared on the open space. It seems that Jiang Xinyu has successfully reached the outside world and returned to Jade Country with Space Power.

“All the soldiers who have completed combat missions gather, I will send you back.”

Wang Lan and Jiang Xinyu are like the two ends of a Space Teleportation door. Entering from the side of Wang Lan can also instantly appear from the side of Jiang Xinyu. It can also bring out the real-time situation of the battle in heaven. Even this time with the missile unit, there are war correspondents.

In this way, follow-up support is guaranteed. The whole world can continuously provide fire support to the battlefield of heaven.

The passing of time little by little. Unconsciously, one day and one night again.

Only less than twenty hours are left until the date of the creation of the Bible, and the magic cocoon above the head is only left in the sky around the magic cocoon under the continuous bombardment of nuclear bombs.

The magic cocoon is no longer completely unaffected as before. Every time it strikes, the magic cocoon will shrink slightly, as if the heart beats.

“Target locked.”

“Target has been locked.”



one after another The smoke column rushes up into the sky, dashing towards the target cocoon after drawing a snake-like track.

“You bastards–“

Shout out loudly, there was a sudden vibration of Heaven and Earth. Hearing this flustered and exasperated shout, Wang Lan’s face showed a smile. Are you already flustered and exasperated? What makes the enemy upset must be insisted on.

boom~ boom~ ——

Suddenly, dozens of nuclear bombs in the sky exploded in the air, and before they hit the cocoon, how come they exploded suddenly. The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and the magic cocoon in the sky began to twist violently.

It’s like a disgusting insect is getting out of its cocoon little by little.

Turning the protrusion into a human shape, gradually squeezing out the cocoon. Suddenly, a drum bag separated from the cocoon broke open, disgusting mucus splashed out of the drum bag, and a young man with white hair appeared in the drum bag.

“thunderbolt bishop!” Yulia complexion changed said solemnly.

“Wang Lan, Saintess! I said that even if I am dead, I will still be born again in heaven.”

Thunderbolt bishop rushed out of the drum bag, and three black wings suddenly emerged from behind. It turns into a bird to glide in the sky.

“You all go die for me.”

Thunderbolt bishop spread out his hands, and the terrifying strength of Thunder condensed at the fingertips. In an instant, a huge thunderball appeared in the hands of thunderbolt bishop. This blow would make him blast, and the rocket launcher below must suffer severe damage.

“Wind World Snare——”

Wang Lan put his hands together, and an azure array appeared in front of him, squirting out fiercely, it was a terrifying wind net cutting. Wind Attribute can restrain Thunder Attribute, especially the wind blade cutting attribute can separate the energy release of Thunder Attribute star force.

The thunderbolt bishop above his head obviously didn’t expect Wang Lan to play such a hand, and he was instantly cut across by Fengji. The thunderbolt in his hand collapsed instantly after being disturbed by the wind net.

However, the body of the fallen angel of thunderbolt bishop is very powerful, and after suffering the wind trap, it just flew upside down.

Wang Lan’s figure flickered, and the white holy cloth had been put on her body. He held the Zanpei Knife and rushed to the front of Thunderbolt Bishop in an instant, and cut it down into the sky.

“Wang Lan ——”

A long knife appeared in the hands of thunderbolt bishop in an instant, and Wang Lan fought each other.


However, Wang Lan’s body and Thunderbolt Bishop’s body passed by. The moment the body separated, it became real and cut back with a knife.


The Zanpaku Knife shattered, leaving a deep wound on the back of Thunderbolt Bishop.

“You!” thunderbolt bishop surprised and angry shouted, his body flashed and violently retreated. He became a Seraphim, and his strength theoretically has exploded anyone in this World, but didn’t expect to lose in front of Wang Lan with just one move.

There is a huge body but there is no heart that supports this body. This is the kind of people like thunderbolt bishop. Give the soul to Luxi, resurrect and rebirth together with Luxi, but have not grasped the strength of the fallen angel.

But the recovery ability of the fallen angel’s body is indeed abnormal enough, and after suffering a sword from Wang Lan, he recovered quickly.

“You damn—” Thunderbolt bishop turned into streamer in anger, and thunderbolt Wang Lan with a punch. A terrifying fist passed through Wang Lan’s body, the fist wind whistled and set off a hurricane, and the green grass of heaven was instantly lifted by the terrifying fist wind.

“Swastika, the judgment of light.”

At the moment of passing by thunderbolt bishop, ten thousand zhang rays of light lit up from behind thunderbolt bishop, and a terrifying Heavenly Sword was like Mount Tai pressing on top of fiercely strikes on the back of thunderbolt bishop.

Thunderbolt bishop fell from the sky and there was a loud noise, and a huge pit appeared on the ground. The thunderbolt bishop was blasted at the bottom of the pit in a large font.

“Fallen angel? Cut!” Wang Lan spit in disdain, raised his hands, and the star force instantly entangled and converged. A bright red tail beast jade formed in Wang Lan’s palm and instantly turned into a fiercely meteorite. strikes down.


The second strikes exploded even more terribly. The ground was no longer as simple as cracks, but shattered one after another. The huge potholes seemed to be torn apart by a pair of giant hands and pushed to both sides. The land is surging, and the deep pit exceeds the depth of 100 meters.


The thunderbolt bishop lying at the bottom of the pothole spit out a puff of black blood. If Wang Lan’s previous slash was only injuring the fur, then Wang Lan’s bombing directly maimed Thunderbolt Bishop.

But thunderbolt bishop is still alive, making Wang Lan’s brows slightly frowned in the sky. The tail beast jade strikes is already the strongest attack that Wang Lan can perform. There is no flying ash annihilation in front of it without defense? Not even killed?

For an absolute powerhouse, the loss of strength from injury is actually not a big deal. It is like Wang Lan, either directly kill it, otherwise the battle strength will always be in Peak state. For the recovery of the fallen angel’s horror, it is not far off.

Don’t say that you can’t do it once, and you can do it again. This time, it is completely unexpected. Once thunderbolt bishop has figured out the details and mastered the rhythm, let alone defeating him, it will be difficult to save your own life.

Without any hesitation, Wang Lan’s figure turned into a streamer and rushed to the ground. At this moment, the thunderbolt bishop was dangling about to stand up. Just sitting up, a sharp breath came from the sky.

Thunderbolt bishop slowly lifts the head, Wang Lan’s figure instantly turned into a fiercely and collided with him.

“pu chi ——”

A sound of piercing the flesh and blood sounded, thunderbolt bishop opened its mouth violently, and a blood mist sprayed out.

The Zanpaku knife fiercely pierced into the chest of the thunderbolt bishop, setting the thunderbolt bishop on the ground.

“This way, I should be able to kill you, right?” Wang Lan pressed the Zanpodao firmly, shouted with solemn eyes.

“pa ——”

Suddenly, thunderbolt bishop shot like lightning, clasping Wang Lan’s wrist, “Grab you.”


With a punch, Wang Lan instantly rose into the sky. The Zan Poknife in his hand shot out and threw it high into the sky.

“Wang Lan—” Yulia was shocked and hurriedly called.

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