I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 217: Head of HUO Group

  Chapter 217 HUO Group Leader

   Ye Haoqian had no expectations for Ye Lianxiang's cooking skills, but when he saw the dishes she brought on a plate, he was instantly stunned.

   When did this girl become so powerful?

   Could it be done by an executive chef of a five-star hotel outside?

  Thinking of this, Ye Haoqian lowered his face and coughed lightly: "Girl, do you remember what grandpa has taught you since childhood?"


   Ye Lian wanted to subconsciously ask out.

   She has no female supporting memory, how can she remember so much?

   As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she regretted it.

   Ever since she crossed over, she has been cautious, and she is even more cautious in her words and deeds with people she is not familiar with, for fear of being recognized as a fake.

   However, he was careless just now. The old man is so shrewd. What if he suspects her?

  Thinking of this, Ye Lianxiang squeezed his fingers nervously.

  Huo Shiyun saw her expression in his eyes, his eyes flashed faintly, and there was a trace of darkness.

  Fortunately, the old man did not doubt her, and continued his education with a straight face: "I knew that you definitely forgot, otherwise, you would not dare to make a mistake openly!"

   Make a mistake?

   What did she do wrong?

   Ye Lian wanted to be confused.

   "Grandpa, I... what did I do wrong?"

   After racking his brains and unable to come up with it, Ye Lianxiang simply asked him.

  The old man sat at the head of the dining table, pointed to the delicacies in front of him, and asked in a cold voice, "Don't you buy these outside?"

   "Uh, really not."

   Ye Lian wanted to laugh and cry.

   I didn't expect that the cooking skills were so good that I would also be trained. It seems that the female supporting role really doesn't know how to cook.

However, for this, she had already made a perfect statement: "Grandpa, I have signed up for a gourmet class in recent years. Because of my own talent, and I put some effort into research, my cooking skills quickly improved. There has been a qualitative leap. If you don’t believe me, you can call the people in the food class, Grandpa.”

   The so-called food class, of course, she has done tricks, no matter who goes to check, there will be no problems.

   "Okay, I can barely believe you."

   Mr. Ye let her go.

  Ye Lian wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, and hurriedly pulled Xiao Zhengtai to sit together.

   The three of them ate around the long dining table.

   Ye Lian wanted to take the initiative to help the old man serve a bowl of soup, "Grandpa, try this crucian carp tofu soup, it's delicious. The fish was caught by Xiao Leng and I in the afternoon."


  The old man picked up the spoon and took a sip. The taste was exactly as she said, extraordinarily delicious, and he couldn't help but continue drinking. After a while, the soup bowl bottomed out.

   "Grandpa, try this steamed fish, it's delicious too."

   Ye Lian wants to continue serving the old man.

   Huo Shiyun looked at it, and was immediately envious.

   Recalling that in the past, when the two of them ate together, she treated him so kindly.

   "Xiao Leng, why are you standing still? Don't you like fish the most? This is for you."

  Ye Lian wanted to finish speaking, and helped Huo Shiyun with a piece of fish.


  Huo Shiyun replied in a deep voice, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and his thoughts were full of thoughts.

   The atmosphere of the dinner was very good. During the dinner, the old man also took the initiative to ask Mrs. Zheng, "Which family's child are you?"

   "Huo Family."

  Huo Shiyun answered truthfully.


   Mr. Ye was stunned, he really couldn't remember any famous family surnamed Huo in the capital, until——

   "Huo Shiyun is my brother."

   "Huo Shiyun?"

   Mr. Ye suddenly said, "I have an impression, is that the person in charge of the HUO Group?"

  Although he is retired and has never been in the business world, he has heard a little about the HUO Group and the young man Huo Shiyun.

   (end of this chapter)

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