I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 218: Take Xiao Zhengtai to participate in variety shows

   Chapter 218 Take Xiao Zhengtai to a variety show


  Huo Shiyun nodded, seemingly calm, but in fact, he had an inexplicable feeling of seeing his parents.

   Mentioning HUO Group and Huo Shiyun, Ye Lian wanted to smile: "Grandpa, have you heard of Huo Shiyun?"

  The old man turned his head and stared at her: "What? I've heard of him, it's strange?"

   "Then what's your impression of him?"

   She couldn't resist temptation.

  I thought that the old man would have a good impression of Huo Shiyun, but who knew that his prejudice towards people in business was directly to his bones: "Just like your father."

   Ye Lian thought: "..."

  Khan, what is the same as her father?

   In terms of personality, appearance and other aspects, there is no comparison.

   Forget it, when she didn't ask.

  Huo Shiyun knew that the old man didn't agree with Ye Lianxiang's father very much. Seeing him compare him with him now, he could imagine how bad his future grandson-in-law was in his mind.

   But it doesn't matter, no one can stop him from his determination to want someone.

   At this time, the old man asked again: "You said that Xiao Leng is the younger brother of your friend. Is it possible that you and Huo Shiyun are friends?"

   Ye Lian thought for a while.

  I was hesitating whether to tell my grandfather that I had a close relationship with Huo Shiyun, when I heard Mrs. Xiao Zheng say, "Not a friend. Her friend is Shen Li, my cousin."


   Ye Lian wanted to nod his head like smashing garlic.

   is really not friends, they are husband and wife.


  After dinner, Ye Lianxiang and Xiao Zhengtai just returned to the back garden when Du Meiyun called.

   "Sister Du—"

   Ye Lian wanted to go upstairs and put the phone to her ear.

   "Think about it, a variety show invites you to be a guest, do you want to think about it?"

  Du Meiyun asked her straight to the point.

   Ye Lian wanted to be interested, "What variety show?"

   "Orchard TV's ace variety show star shop, located in S City, was filmed for the first time, and it took about five days to shoot."

Du Meiyun replied, paused for about a second, and added, "Originally, such a good cake would not fall on us. After all, those who can be guests are all big names in the first and second tiers, but there is a little traffic in this issue. The pigeons of the program team were released. The program team needed emergency help, so they found us. If you agree, you have to leave early tomorrow morning."

   "Tomorrow morning? What a hurry? What about Xiao Leng?"

  Ye Lian wanted to frown and turned to look at Mrs. Zheng downstairs.

  I saw him sitting on the sofa, staring down at the phone, not knowing what he was looking at.

   "It's okay, you can take him with you."

   Du Meiyun smiled, "If he is also in the mirror, the program team will be very happy."

  Ye Lian wanted to narrow her eyes, and her eyes gleamed with inquiry, "Sister Du, wouldn't you sell my little cold?"

   "How is that possible? Am I such a person?"


  Du Meiyun: "..."

"Okay, I asked the program team, can I bring an extra child? They said no problem. If Xiao Leng doesn't like being in the camera, it's fine to avoid the camera. I'll go with you too, you filmed it. I can help you take care of him."

   "Well then, I agree."

   Ye Lian thought about it, but finally nodded.

   Hearing the answer he wanted, Du Meiyun smiled like a flower: "Then you rest early, I will answer the program team now, and see you at the airport tomorrow morning."


   hung up the phone, Ye Lianxiang sighed, turned and went downstairs.

   Huo Shiyun heard her chat with Du Meiyun, so before she came to the front, Mrs. Xiao Zheng raised her head and said seriously, "I will go with you, don't worry."

   Ye Lian thought: "..."

  Hey, when did she feel worried?

   (end of this chapter)

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