I’ve Got Hold of Your Koi

Chapter 219: The little white face surnamed He dared to rob his wife?

   Chapter 219 How dare the little white face surnamed He rob his wife?

  In the middle of the night, when Ye Lian wanted to fall asleep, Huo Shiyun went out quietly and went to find Huo Kong.

  Huo Kong was sleeping soundly in the villa at this time, when suddenly he opened his eyes, and was taken aback by Xiao Zhengtai, who was standing in front of the bed, staring at him coldly.

   "Mom, Your Highness."

  Huo Kong jumped up while clutching his little heart, "Why did you come here quietly? It scared me to death."

  Thanks to him turning on the light, otherwise, his life would have been frightened.

   Huo Kong complained secretly, becoming more and more helpless towards his little devil, His Royal Highness.

   "You slept too hard."

   Huo Shiyun glanced at him coldly, the sharp eyes made Huo Kong's heart shudder.

   So familiar...

  Is it——

  The terrifying thought flashed through his mind instantly, Huo Kong couldn't help swallowing, "His Royal Highness, you..."

"I am back."

   Huo Shiyun told frankly.

   "I know you're back."

  Huo Kong answered casually, and after a second, he fully reacted and was ecstatic: "You... Your Highness, you are back?! It's really you, not that little devil?"


  Huo Shiyun nodded slightly and walked to the sofa to take a seat.

  Huo Kong hurriedly followed.

  Huo Shiyun tapped on the armrest of the sofa and raised his eyes: "Who did you just call the little devil?"

   Although he is small, his aura is very strong, and Huo Kong can hardly stand it.

   "No no, I didn't call anyone."

  Huo Kong waved his hands hastily, sweating in anxiety.

   Fortunately, Huo Shiyun didn't bother with this issue anymore, but then, his questioning made Huo Kong want to die on the spot, "Didn't you make it official? Why haven't there been any movements tonight?"

   Thankfully, he went back to the back garden after dinner, and he kept swiping Weibo, but it was calm and there was no hot search about HUO Group.

   As for a certain girl, there is a #He Xuanxi and Ye Lian want to participate in the trump card variety show#.

   It seems that the reason why she was able to receive that variety show is because the little white face surnamed He is playing tricks.

  Want to rob his wife? Don't even think about it!

   The more Huo Shiyun thought about it, the darker his face became.

Huo Kong bite the bullet and admit his mistake: "Sorry, Your Highness. I thought it was just a child's whim, and I didn't know it was you who came back, so I didn't execute it immediately. After all, I have to confirm with you about such a major event before I can rest assured. "

   "Then you can send it now."

   Huo Shiyun said coldly.

  Huo Kong was stunned, "Now? It's midnight."

   "It's okay. Follow along."


Huo Kong hesitated for a moment, but in the end he dared to say it, "Your Highness, are you sure you want to be with Miss Ye? You promised your subordinates that you would go back as soon as the half-year period came. Now there are only three months left. Now that you want to make an official announcement, when you leave, won't it cause a lot of trouble for Miss Ye, have you thought about it for Miss Ye?"

  Huo Shiyun gave him a deep look, "I have my own measure, you don't need to worry too much."

   "Okay, I don't care. But my subordinates think that this is not the best time for an official announcement."

  Huo Kong looked at him solemnly, obviously he had something to say.

   Huo Shiyun made a gesture, "Continue."

   "Will you wait until you really recover before considering the official announcement?"

   Huo Kong warmly suggested.

   His words were like a club, hitting Huo Shiyun **** the head.

   Xiaozheng's delicate face instantly darkened, his brows furrowed, showing a chilling seriousness.

   "Your Highness?"

  Huo Kong knew that he was reacting in a very bad mood, so he could not help shrinking his neck and called him.

  Huo Shiyun was silent for a long time before he said, "Got it."

   He's right, he can't return to normal with his current appearance, and it's uncertain when he will return to normal. He shouldn't be so selfish...

   (end of this chapter)

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