
Chapter 106 - Saving

Then, she remembered her goal and why she infiltrated this place. To seek vengeance but with her current strength, it was not enough to destroy this entire HQ.

With Narukami and Ryu fighting without holding back. Their very strength could very well destroy the HQ to debris.

She didn't have to worry about not fulfilling her goal and so, she basically had nothing to do.

She could only wait until this place crumbled yet she wasn't the type to lay wait while others were occupied. She would feel restless.

Therefore, she wanted to give it a try to venture deep into this passageway. Narukami and Ryu take it as important so probably this place was quite important for Fallen Nightless.

The risk was unknown but that wasn't a reason for her to quit.. She simply had to proceed carefully.

While Narukami was responsible for destroying the place, she at least could complete what Narukami originally wanted to complete.

But what do they want to do? Diana asked herself with a frown.

Shortly thereafter, she shifted her line of sight to the man that Ryu knocked out with a single attack and wondered if she should interrogate him.

He was weakened and she had the upper hand. Waking him up with a few slaps. He opened his eyelids and saw a woman before him.

His expression turned wary as he hurriedly circulate his spiritual energy and jolted upwards.

Diana didn't wait for him to do what he wanted and freeze his legs. The man was immobilized and struggled to escape from the binding ice.

Yet it was futile. The ice was tough to crack and his strength had already plummeted.

"It's useless, you can't break it." Diana flicked her right arm and a chair made out of ice was formed.

Sitting there, she looked down at the man as she asked, "Tell me, where that passageway leads to?"

"Ha! You must be dreaming that I'm going to answer your question," the man scoffed.

Diana had already expected this so she wasn't disappointed. Instead, she sighed.

In truth, she didn't want to resort to torture as she was lazy and that consume a bit of energy and time. Okay, probably a lot of the time if the person had a strong will.

Let's hope you are not, Diana thought as she reached out her hand.

"What are you going to do?" The man asked hurriedly.

"Freezing your blood and it would then block the flow of your blood. With blood carrying the oxygen being blocked, your organs would be desperate for it and slowly failing."

The closer her hand to him, the more terrified he was. Organ failure was a quick yet torturous death.

Sweat came down his cheek as his expression turned ugly in fear. His spiritual energy wasn't enough to retaliate against her.

*Fine, fine! I'll tell you!" The man hurriedly said. This was the only thing that could let him escape.

As long as he was alive, he would do anything as there were a lot of things he had yet to do in this world! Once he was dead, that would be it.

Loyalty? What was that? He only joined Fallen Nightless as it has more pros than cons but when the cons outweigh the pros, such as now, he wouldn't hesitate to sell them out.

Diana nodded in approval, "Go on, speak but make sure to make it short."

The man nodded vigorously, "The passageway leads to an energy room which runs the entire HQ. It produces electricity, spiritual energy that's needed to activate protective mechanisms and let the HQ in a stealth mode."

If this place is destroyed, Fallen Nightless would be no different than an army without supplies… Diana thought to herself and she was motivated to destroy it.

The more destruction she did to the HQ, the happier she felt.

"You can go now," Diana coldly said as she stood up and went to the wall which had a gap on it.

This was the wall this man just came out of.

As soon as she got up, the chair melted as it exuded faint smoke. The same thing happened to the ice which immobilized the man's lower body but it melted so slowly compared to the chair.

"Right, I forgot to ask. Why did you join Fallen Nightless?"

"They provide me with everything I need for my hobby."

"Hobby?" She blurted out as she was confused.

"Un, I like to see people in despair. Especially so for their expressions. Ah~, it is so amazing, and adding that with their screams, it turned me on!

"Their scream is a good song for me."

Diana didn't say anything as the man continued, "Humans are truly majestic creatures. I want to see how far one could feel despair."

Out of the blue, the man could feel he was sent flying and his body was still there but without a head.

With a bounce, he landed on the ground simultaneously as his body plopped motionlessly.

Some Sorcerers had a few seconds of their consciousness after being beheaded.

He was shocked but he couldn't utter a sound as his vocal cords were gone.

"I did let you go but I didn't say I'm going to let you live." Diana walked into the passageway as she ignored the enraged expression of the man.

Shortly thereafter, he began to succumb to darkness as he cursed Diana. He didn't reflect on his life or the memories of his entire life flashed before him.

What he did before he drew his last breath was cursing her. This was because just when he began to have hope, it quickly vanished.

He hated Diana so much that he was angry to death.




Asahi came to the other side of the prison. The underground prison was divided into two. The first level was for prisoners that had no value to Fallen Nightless.

Narukami and Ryu had greater value but the Commander decided to let them stay at the first level.

For the fact, the first level had a torture chamber so they could do so more frequently and faster.

If Narukami was put on the second floor, it would require time to transfer them to the torture room.

They could torture them on the spot but torturing them in the torture chamber was more fun and entertaining.

Furthermore, they could do anything in it as the tools and facilities were more complete.

It was like working out at home and in a gym with complete equipment. One would choose the latter as it provided you with more choices to develop your muscles.

While it was a good thing that the prisoners weren't constantly tortured like in the first level. It didn't mean the second level was to be underestimated.

The security there was tight, the prisoners there were no different than a living test subject and their movements were limited.

Asahi had remembered thirty percent of his lost memories and he learned that he could control himself when he was in his monster state.

Asahi didn't know what was going on, how he could turn into a monster? How did a crystal talk to him? Regardless, he had the power to save someone he cared about!

Approaching the entrance into the second floor, he saw two guards in Fallen Nightless military uniform. Their expressions were solemn and they exude a fierce aura.

Asahi could tell they had already killed a lot of people without batting an eye and had a lot of battle experiences.

It would be a foolish move should he face them head on but what could he do though?

According to the memories, today's the day where his childhood friend was going to be injected with a serum. He remembered a serum had killed more than ten people around his age within five seconds!

He vividly remembered their body convulsively twitching. Their shrieks like beasts on their deathbed, tears, and struggle.

He was lucky to survive after being injected with a serum, which led to him escaping. However, the memories of him escaping from this place were extremely vague and blurry.

As the guards remain in their position without chatting and taking their jobs seriously. They saw a figure slowly coming in their way.

They increased their guards as they pulled out their guns.

"Shoot!" One of them yelled without asking who this figure was.

They had no information of someone coming and they were allowed to shoot whoever was closing on them.

Streaks of blue light came out of the barrel and the figure nimbly dodged as it passed him.

This figure was without a doubt Asahi. He discovered that his body usually became light if he willed it.

However, this had its limitations as it only activated after a short period.

The guards knew Asahi was no ordinary Sorcerer so they released their suppressed spiritual fluctuation.

From a spiritual fluctuation that of a Level 5 all the way to the peak of Level 8! Asahi's eyes dilated upon this.

He didn't expect an expert at such Levels to end up guarding an entrance of a prison! How extravagant was that? Or Fallen Nightless simply had too many experts that they deploy them as they like?

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