
Chapter 107 - Hope Was Crumbled

Regardless, it proved to be a hard battle. The chance of losing was less than 70% while winning was around 30%.

However, that didn't include Asahi's monster form. If it was, it would increase to 50%.

50-50, huh? Can I do it? Asahi was a bit doubtful. He had only stepped into the world of mysticism and his strength was painfully low.

How he beat Xain was thanks to Ryu's assistance. Without him, Asahi probably wouldn't be here but instead, die under the cold night.

Just as their distance was closing, Asahi felt a heavy tremor. It instantly stopped the battle that was about to start.

The guards warily looked around, so was Asahi.

Without warning, Asahi felt something coming down at a terrifying speed. He narrowed his eyes in danger as he leaped backward a few steps.

The guards were many times stronger than him so they noticed this earlier. They hurriedly entered the second-level prison and closed the door tight.


Not long after, the ceiling crumbled as someone crashed into the ground. Cracks spread and a one-meter crater was formed.

Dust filled the air as Asahi swayed his right hand and coughed two times.

"Cough! Cough!"

The dust slowly settled in. Asahi saw the person who just went through the ceiling and was lying on the ground.

"Ryu?" Asahi was confused and shocked!

"Are you okay?" He asked with great concern as he quickly approached Ryu.

"You think?" Ryu returned the question in fury. He was badly injured and this guy had the urge to ask about his condition!

Couldn't Asahi see his terrible wounds?

Shortly thereafter, they felt an immense presence from above and they lifted their heads.

Like a celestial being that descended from the heavens, Narukami's hair fluttered as his eyes were as bright as stars.

His entire body was engulfed with lightning sparks and it constantly flickered.

"Oh? Bahamut decided to sleep? What a pity." His voice was filled with emotion like a disappointment. A sharp contrast compared to the usual him.

Bahamut's aura vanished and went back to Ryu. Narukami could feel Bahamut was genuinely back to his hibernation and rest, letting Ryu take over his body again.

In an instant, Narukami's immense presence vanished. Simultaneously, his body went back to its original state as the lightning thinned out.

"Shinra, can't you be gentle? Argh, I feel like more than a hundred bones are broken and my internal organs shuffled." Ryu complained as he lay there weakly.

His expression was that of enduring pain. It formed wrinkles.

"Not my problem that your physical body is weak," Narukami scoffed as he floated down towards Ryu.

Asahi was confused. Narukami had become a completely different person! Asahi out of the blue recalled the first time he met Narukami.

This Narukami and the one he met for the first time were the same! But what about the version of passive, emotionless Narukami? What was that all about?

"I hate it when you get your expression back," Ryu responded.

"I hate you." Narukami immediately remembered that his expression had returned and that led to his expression being stolen in the next moment.

The feeling of being unable to make expressions was no different than being tortured day and night without a break.

And when the torture suddenly stop and you began to think it was all ended. It came back and destroyed your hope.

That's basically what Narukami had felt just now.

Ryu didn't regret what he just said. When someone insulted him. He at least had to repay the favor. Otherwise, he would feel restless.

Narukami put aside what just happened. He had no grudge against Ryu for what he did.

"I don't feel like saving you now," said Narukami with a calm expression.

Although he had no grudge, he lost the motivation to heal Ryu's wounds. The reason? It was quite a mystery.

"Please! Shinra-sama! Raiden-sama! Baal! The almighty Sorcerer, the most powerful and talented person in the world! The most unique breed of a vampire after millions of years!" Ryu immediately begged loudly that his mouth went dry.

Asahi's mouth twitched. He didn't know what was going on but Ryu's shamelessness was thicker than a wall.

Narukami impassively looked at Ryu and the latter was anxious. His recovery was faster than most Sorcerers but his injuries right now could not be healed.

The reason behind it was because Narukami used an anti-healing effect in all of his attacks.

With Bahamut's strength, recovering a destroyed organ wasn't a problem, let alone heal itself.

In short, it would be difficult for Narukami to deal with Bahamut if he did not use an anti-healing effect in his attacks.

Ryu's current state was that he was slowly dying, hence his anxiousness.

"I need a good reason to help you," Narukami said.

Ryu pondered as his gaze looked up, "because I'm your subordinate and if I die, it will cause you big trouble." Ryu ended it with a questioning tone. He wasn't sure if what he said was a good reason.

Narukami nodded as he said, "open your mouth."

Ryu did so without hesitation and Narukami bit his thumb and let a single drop of blood fall into Ryu's mouth.

Swallowing it, Ryu felt the warm energy in his belly and it spread out instantly.

His heavy injuries, broken ribs and bones, internal injuries healed at a visible rate.

Asahi was shocked to see that Ryu's wounds closed on their own as if time was reversed.

Ryu smiled brightly as he kept thanking Narukami, as well as becoming Narukami's bootlicker.

Narukami rolled his eyes as he calmly sighed.

"Enough, we shall continue. Our plan is disrupted thanks to Bahamut."

Ryu lifted his head to the small gap of the ceiling and his eyelids twitched upon the scene.

Before him, there was a sign of great battle. Humongous craters on the walls, many floors crumbled and fell to the deepest part of the underground, which was above the underground prison and black surface in some parts of the wall.

"This happens because Bahamut takes over my body?" Ryu asked himself in disbelief and a hint of fear.

What would happen when there was a day where he couldn't control Bahamut any longer? Completely lost control of his body?

How many lives were going to disappear by his hand? How many lives were going to be ruined?

Simply thinking about this, Ryu felt heaviness in his heart.

"Don't worry, when the time comes. I'll make sure to kill you through and through," said Narukami.

Ryu looked at Narukami helplessly, "worry about me for a second, will you? Sigh."

Narukami didn't say anything in reply as he approached the double steel door and put his right hand.

In the next moment, the door exploded as his hand was crackling with lightning snakes.

Dust temporarily filled the air and the two guards were lying on the ground motionlessly. Narukami stepped over their bodies and didn't bat an eye.

Asahi was amazed by Narukami's strength. He easily knocked out two guards which would require him at least half an hour to defeat them!

Respect towards Narukami could be seen in Asahi eyes.

"But I'll make sure something like that never happens."

After that, Narukami ventured deeper into the second level. Ryu was speechless upon Narukami's sudden speech and incredibly touched.

He got up and immediately followed Narukami from behind. Asahi hurriedly did the same.

As they walked, more guards began to pop up. Just as Asahi finished assuming a fighting stance, their enemies turned to ashes!

The smell of burnt meat lingered in the air. It was Narukami's doing. He was too lazy to use fancy hand gestures so he simply pointed his finger at the guards, lightning struck them out of his index finger, roasting them to ashes.

"Don't you guys want to destroy the source energy of this HQ?" Asahi couldn't hold the question any longer and ask.

"The source had many ways to enter it. This second floor also had it," Narukami replied.

"Why don't you go look for your friend?" Ryu asked in a good mood.

"She's in the farthest cell of this prison. It would require five minutes to reach her."

"Why don't you lead the way? Like the first floor, the secret passageway to the source could be found at the deeper region of the prison." Xu An suggested and without hesitation, Asahi grunted in acknowledgment as he was excited.


With Narukami's help, it would be many times easier to save his childhood friend! Guards? They turned to ashes the moment they appeared in Narukami's eyes!

Other guards saw this and cowered in fear. They didn't stop Narukami and his group as they calmly walked on the prison's corridor.

This guy walks before us like this place is a park

This action of his enraged the guards but they couldn't do anything. Blocking their path? Deas. Tried to talk with them? Dead. Giving up? Dead. Running away? Very dead!

So they stood there and watched Narukami stroll through the prison with a foolish look.

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