
Chapter 2 - Foul As Ever

"Did you see it happen?"

"Well, no. But that's as far as the rumors go."

They both turned quiet as students were screaming Kuroda Aya's name. Boys and girls alike.

"Kuroda Aya!" Ryu yelled, it felt missing to not join in the party.

On the other hand, Narukami with his hands on the pocket looked at her intently, not because of her beauty, of course. 

He had seen many forms of beauties in his past lives. Might be cruel but this girl's face can't be compared to them!

He got an unexplainable hunch coming from his gut. He then realized something and said, "That reminds me, her name is similar to Kuroda Ki."

Kuroda Ki, a CEO of a big company.

"Un," Ryu nodded, "that's her father. He is one of the top 10 of the richest men in the country."

If my wealth from different worlds combined, I might be the richest human ever recorded, Narukami bragged in his mind.

He's not arrogant enough to brag about it out loud. Will Ryu believe him should he say it? 

Doubt he will.

Anyway, the cold beauty was the daughter of a rich man. Many perhaps envy her rich and try to get an advantage of her.

"What? Are you suggesting that her father is using supernatural means to attain his wealth?" Ryu asked curiously. Narukami doesn't know if he should be concerned or amazed.

Why concern? Because Ryu's abrupt assumption could cost his life if Kuroda heard him!

"No way. You know pretty well I didn't believe any information with less credibility."

Right after Narukami said that Kuroda passed them and this might just be their feelings. They noticed that she looked at them in disdain before looking away.

Narukami and Ryu turned their heads to each other and shrugged their shoulders.


The bell rang and students quickened their pace to their respective classes. 

Heading to the classroom, Narukami went to a different path.

"What's wrong?" Ryu pondered and Narukami stopped his pace.

"Change of plans, that guy is in danger," he said as he left.

Ryu nodded. 

He wanted to help but the fact that Narukami was the one who wanted to take care of it proved that the enemy might be powerful.

He didn't want to be a burden so he followed his words.

After taking the stairs and going to the roof, Narukami surveyed his surroundings first. That was when he saw a person standing near the edge of the roof.

Narukami didn't rush and approached him calmly.

The person was actually the young man he saw near the school gate.

From Narukami's vision, there was a thick black smoke emitted from the person's body.

We will call this person as person A.

"You're going to die if you take one more step," Narukami said. The person turned his body around.

"You are?..."

"Just a passerby," he answered, then sat next to him.

Should someone push him from behind, he will have a free fall.

"Are you not going to stop me?"

"Why should I? If you're dead that doesn't mean anything much to me. Just means another fragile life ceases to exist.

Though, the situation for you is a bit different. I would like it if you take a few steps back. Still, if you want to jump then go ahead."

A short silence later.

"Hey, do you know how much pain it would be if I fell from here?"

"Painless death, I believe. You only felt incredible pain all over your body but it'll be over before you know it. Then the warmth of the blood, cold of the skin, hazy vision, and succumb to darkness."

This left person A speechless. This person explained it very clearly as if he was in such a situation before.

"Who are you?"

"Do you believe in anything supernatural?" Narukami ignored his question.

"No," he shook his head after pondering for a few breaths.

"Then you're going to have a fun life that every high school student dreamt of!" Narukami smiled as he abruptly stood.

At the next moment, something dark and filled with Foul energy hit his body. It was coming from behind.

Narukami blocked the attack by using his right palm.

"My… It seems you're a cunning fellow."

The foul in A's body seemed to pass the limit already that it invited an Anomaly.

An abnormal prey mark, huh. Narukami came to a realization.

A was terrified and he took a few steps away from his recent position. Seeing this, Narukami was kinda relieved.

"Aren't you an ugly creature?"

He said to a creature that looked like an insect, a fly to be precise and it had two large wings on its back. The body was dark as if it was soaked in ink.

The insect looked at A who was kneeled on the ground as if a tired dog. His legs were weak and soft as tofu! 

Then, Narukami covered A's figure with his body.

"Sorry to bother your breakfast but I have to send you to the other side as swiftly as possible."

"Wha- what is that?!" A yelled. He never saw such a monster! Well, he did in video games and something of the sort.

"Just an extremely realistic 3D hologram. You can sit back and enjoy the show."

Contrary to A, Narukami's facial expression was quite calm.

Quickly, black arrows were coming at them. Their speed was terrifyingly fast but for Narukami who once fought gods and others alike, these attacks were slow as a snail! 

On his right hand, purple lightning could be seen gradually taking form and crackling. Narukami willed it and it spread, protecting the two of them.

The black arrows bounced, some dissipated after coming into contact with his lightning barrier and some went to the air, never to come back.

The bounce arrows hit the ground and form weblike cracks upon contact.

"This is too realistic for 3D effects!"

Even an idiot would realize this much unless the idiot was also a fool.

"Don't worry, just hold on tight!" Narukami extended his right arm and made the finger gun gesture.

Three fingers curved except the thumb facing the sky and index fingers aimed at the black fly. 

Quickly afterward, purple lightning began to crackling on it. In the next moment, acting like a pistol.

"Simple Gesture: Electro gun."

A beam of purple lightning was launched and traveled in the air at speeds beyond incredible. As a result, one can hear a high-pitched sound.

Also, when the attack was launched. A roar of thunder echoed in the air.

Students who heard the deafening lightning, especially female students were all terrified and shocked.

The whole school building trembled albeit slightly.

Ryu, who was looking outside of the window in deep thought, felt his table shaking, this was enough to drag him to reality.






Please check my new work Eternal Realm of Tranquil Insanity! You may like it :)

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