
Chapter 3 - Choose Your Hell, Please.

He looked up and saw a straight line of purple beam, crackling as it slowly thinned out, dissipating.

Because of a few reasons, his body trembled as he remembered the past.

"Better not get the bad side of him," he vowed to himself.


Anywho, the fly, black creature, don't have time to dodge. It doesn't even have the time to realize the attack before it knew.

It felt a sharp pain and vision succumbed to darkness.

Its body collapsed and gradually turned to black ashes.

Narukami approached the creature.

"Please… Help… Me…" The voice sounded in the air, coming from the creature. So fragile.

"A human?" A wondered as he looked at the creature.

Narukami looked at it with cold eyes.

"Stop… Stop it!" A shouted as he extended his right hand. His expression was stiff and terrified, wrinkles all over his face.

"It's trying to kill you. This is not the time to show pity."

Although A only saw Narukami's back, he was confident that this person said those words with no emotion on his face.

Indeed, there was no slightest emotion on his face except a smile crept up after he heard A's response.

"It… It can talk! Furthermore, is there any need to do the final blow?"

The fly's body was slowly deteriorating. Let the fly die peacefully, A probably thought.

"It can talk?..." He chuckled, "then if a cow can talk, could you say the same thing?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

Shortly after, Narukami landed the decisive blow. In an instant, the fly blew up and no remains could be seen as it disappeared into the thin air.

A flabbergasted that his eyes open wide.

"Wha… What are you doing!" A rushed toward him and launched a punch. Narukami effortlessly dodged his punch by moving his body to the side.

Hitting the empty air, Narukami tackled him and A hit the ground with a heavy thud.

"Why do you care so much about that thing? Because it can talk? Or rather that Anomaly more than meets the eye?"


A quickly get up and stop attacking him as it was futile and a waste of energy or that's what he thought.

He can break free from Anomaly's control that easily? Narukami was surprised but his face was nonchalant as ever.

"They are creatures from human's mischievous actions. Every time a person does something against morals, negative energy called Foul will form," Narukami explained.



"But, I didn't remember doing something bad."

"Foul is also formed if a human has negative thoughts, intentions, and emotions. An anomaly will get attracted if foul reach to a certain extent. It then plants their foul energy into its prey,, thus calling it a prey mark."

Emotions such as hatred, envy, anger, etc.

"Still, it's amazing you're still alive. Judging by the prey mark, it's in your body from yesterday. Normally, a person wouldn't last an hour, let alone a day," he said with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

Even though that was praise to A, the latter's mind wandered to something else. Narukami was irked by this.

'Negative thoughts…' A mumbled.

"Looks like you remembered something. Mind telling it to me?"

A's expression was that of hesitation. Seeing that, Narukami sighed, and then, purple lightning appeared on his right arm.

"Stay still, I'm going to weaken the prey mark."

A nodded vigorously, he was no masochist and still wanted to see tomorrow.

"Special Gesture: Exorcist."

Both of his hands clapped together and formed this strange hand gesture that was quite hard to be explained. The gesture itself was quite complex as some fingers curved, some touched another finger and some facing the sky.

Anywho, the lightning seeped into A's body through the arm and went behind his neck.

Destroying the source of the prey mark, which looked like a black flame.

His body began to revitalize again. The unexplained sore muscles and tiredness had all disappeared.

He moved his muscles here and there with a bright smile on his face.

"Amazing, amazing, amazing! How did you do that? No, that's not important. Where does the lightning come from?"

The brain? Or does the body produce lighting like the electric eel?

"Those who get a prey mark will be bound to die in another seven days, no person can erase a prey mark once it was inserted," Narukami said solemnly and A's expression changed.

His smile was no more.

"I merely weakened it but it will be the same way as today in another seven days."

A week from now, he'll meet another Anomaly that will try to devour him.

"What should I do then? Right, I forgot to ask your name. My name's-"

Narukami raised his right hand as he cut A's words.

"No need, I'm bad at remembering names. My name's Narukami Shinra."

He's too straightforward… A thought to himself.

"Even then, I still have to introduce myself. My name is Asahi Ringo. Thanks for helping me, Narukami-kun!" His smile was quite bright despite him almost killing himself.

Regarding that, Narukami knew it was the result of that fly. This guy seemed to be more energetic than he expected.

"So, about what you just said. What can I do?"

"Hell," Narukami replied abruptly.


"Your life is going to be hell from this point on. Every week, you will face one Anomaly."

His face stiffened, "you mean I have to fight that thing every week? Is there any other way?"

He cannot accept things easily. He lived normally then abruptly had to start killing? What kind of person will get used to that kind of living quickly?

Furthermore, his life was going to be at stake every seven days! 

Narukami didn't utter a word.

"You must be kidding! I must face other creatures like that every week? Narukami-kun, is there no other way?" There was clear evidence of fear in his tone.

Should that be the case, his life was going to be a tough one.

"There's an easy way."

"Tell me!"

"Die here."

As he was surprised, Narukami approached the edge of the roof, placing his other leg there and looking downward, he said.

"This height should be enough."


. End of Chapter .




Please check my new work Eternal Realm of Tranquility. You may like it :)

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