Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 999: Tarsal Maggot

Qingdi was in a very determined mood.

He already knows about the existence of Qing Sha - indeed, there is such a direct bloodline descendant who has been manipulated in reincarnation with great supernatural powers and great means to break through his clan's defense against his own bloodline and heirs. , invaded his bloodline heirs.

He successfully became his own heir, got rid of his family's control over his blood descendants, broke through the mystery of the womb, successfully reincarnated, and then defected.

Very powerful, very powerful enemy.

In fact, he ignored the existence of this heir, and did not even know the existence of this heir.

There is no doubt that if Lu Qian hadn't 'betrayed' him today, a few years from now, at some critical moment in the future, Qing Sha would suddenly come out at a certain critical point and stab himself hard in the back!

Mastering the secret of his own bloodline, breaking through the shackles of his own bloodline - and this happens to be the core and most deadly 'root avenue' of the Qingdi clan. The existence of Qing Sha is truly a fatal threat to Qing Emperor.

But now, Qing Emperor knows the existence of Qing Sha.

Although it is still a 'terrible threat', at least it is not fatal - with the methods of the Qingdi clan, as long as you know that there is a descendant of Qingsha, it is very easy to put a 'patch' on your own bloodline. .

Qingdi smiled subtly and reservedly.

He looked at Lu Qian with a smile, and his heart was filled with the special sense of psychological superiority of 'higher creatures' overlooking 'lower ants' - these inferior natives had no idea that the form in front of Qingdi was just that of his clan, with countless varieties. The path of evolution, one of the countless 'cultivation avenues'.

Qing Sha stole the secret of his own bloodline, so what?

Inside Qingdi's body, at the core of Qingdi's bloodline, there are countless 'templates' to choose from and utilize. Once Qing Shazhen develops a method to crack his own bloodline inheritance, then Qingdi can also update his own bloodline template and the bloodline templates of his countless bloodline descendants!

All the killing moves developed by Qing Sha will become useless!

No one can defeat the Qing Emperor on the 'splendid road' of 'bloodline' and 'gene', and defeat the terrifying group to which the Qing Emperor belongs...On this road, they are the supreme beings, the people behind the Qing Emperor. That ethnic group has already stood at the top of hundreds of millions of ethnic groups in the world.

Of course, changing the bloodline template is also a huge loss for Qingdi, a huge consumption, which will cause a huge weakening of his strength in a short period of time, and will also affect his future evolution and cultivation. , causing irreparable negative impacts.


Compared with the fatal threat that Qingsha may cause, this small price is affordable.

Qing Sha, he is indeed a little bastard who makes people have a headache. Qing Emperor looked at Lu Yi and chuckled... That terrible sound that came out of his body just now, that existence that makes people feel desperate. , seems to have dissipated, or in other words, has gone away, and has left Qingdi's body.

Qingdi looked at Lu Qian and said softly: Is he a Buddhist disciple? According to their Buddhist disciples, he can become my blood descendant in this life. This is our fate... Since he has become my descendant, Why are you still thinking of betraying me?

Steal my bloodline, study the secrets of my bloodline, and then, in turn, kill me!

How ruthless, how cruel, how cruel, how cruel? Qingdi spread his hands and pretended to sigh: It's a pity that he and I are destined to be inseparable, so I can only kill... He and his friends were all killed.

Nodding with satisfaction, Qingdi waved his hand, as if he was smashing something casually: It's a small problem, not serious, and you don't need to take it to heart... However, I am very satisfied with your honesty. Then, continue to explain. , is there anything else you haven’t finished talking about?”

Lu Qian looked at Qingdi.

Qingdi raised his eyebrows: What do you think?

Lu Qian coughed slightly: I have expressed my sincerity enough, haven't you? See?

Qingdi frowned, looked at Lu Qian, and patted his forehead hard as if he was suddenly enlightened. The palms wrapped in thin but hard carapace collided with the armor on the forehead, making a harsh impact sound and splashing countless sparks. He laughed 'haha': I understand... Hey, you fussy little guy! Well, I understand!

He turned his head and let out a 'squeak' sound.

The sound was long and extremely sharp and harsh.

Not long after, the densely stacked 'thick shields of flesh and blood' composed of aliens slowly separated, and large groups of aliens escorted hundreds of millions of men, women, old and children, and slowly came out on giant ships one by one.

These men, women, and children were all trapped on the scorching green wooden piles before. They were all burned and bruised, and even the subcutaneous oil on some people's bodies was extracted by the high temperature. Now they are all skinny and skinny, and they were tortured. They were so fascinated that many people's eyes were scattered and dull, and they were muttering some random sentences over and over in their mouths. It was obvious that they had been treated crazy.

These people are all innocent people related to the Linghu family.

For example, the relatives of the servants of the Linghu family, the neighbors of their relatives, and even the pure 'strangers' who have had a little contact with them and have nothing to do with them... Lin Hundreds of millions of unlucky people were sent away by these alien races.

I'm very generous. Qing Emperor looked at Lu Qian with a smile: Because you told me about the existence of Qingsha, which allowed me to reveal a big conspiracy against me and make up for a possible fatal loophole in my future. …So, I’m so generous!”

Ninety-nine out of a hundred people captured by my children are here.

Qing Emperor pointed to the neatly arranged ships with a smile: Look, because you explained the problem of Qing Sha, I was so generous and magnanimous that I sent all these people out at once.

Look, it means you have lost a little energy, a little soul... Well, maybe tens of millions of people have been frightened crazy? However, these are just minor problems, aren't they! At least, people are alive, alive!

Qingdi smiled brightly.

Lu Qian looked at those people.

He opened his eyebrows and opened his eyes, and a ray of Buddha's light instantly swept across these men, women, and children. For a moment, the identities and origins of these people all came to mind - they were all innocent people involved, and they were arrested just because they were next door neighbors to the cousin of a servant of the Linghu family. He was caught and tortured.

They are all unlucky people who have been involved in this twist and turn.

In fact, there is not even a serious servant or maid in the Linghu family's active service among them.

Lu Qian pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: What does the existence of Qingsha mean, I think, I don't need to say more... I mentioned Qingsha, Lingshan, and Great Leiyin Temple...

Qingdi suddenly screamed.

A large amount of dark green mucus spurted out from his mouth... He roared and shook his head vigorously... Lu Qian shuddered suddenly, and backed up hundreds of millions of miles with a 'swish', and went away in an instant, letting There were many people around Qingdi who looked at Lu Qian's foreign masters who were preparing to attack with unkind eyes, and they were all shocked.

The complex eyes of these aliens flickered for a while, and some of their impulses towards Lu Qian were suppressed.

At such a speed, they simply cannot catch up.

Even if they tried their best to kill Lu Qian, they couldn't even touch a hair of Lu Qian... Before they could see clearly how Lu Qian moved, he had already traveled hundreds of millions of miles... Such a terrifying speed , is this still a human being?

Qingdi panted heavily, and he finally suppressed the inexplicable explosion in his body. He wiped the dark green mucus from the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice: I lost my temper... Lingshan... Big Thunder Sound...

Shaking his head, the light in his eyes fluctuated for a while, Qingdi murmured: Next time, don't say these two names in front of me... This is a taboo, I hate these two names... This makes me I remembered, I remembered...

Qing Emperor was obviously out of control emotionally. He couldn't control his behavior and murmured to himself in an extremely weird tone: The sacred immortals and Buddhas all over the sky... Hey, hey hey... golden light, Sanskrit singing, wanton destruction... ...The avenue is broken...the ancestral land is broken...countless creatures, countless creatures...frightened, frightened...But, in the end, we won, we won...

Bite off their flesh and we will become golden bodies.

Bite off their bones and we'll get heavy armor.

Bite their souls, and we will inherit their wisdom!

They are not here to exterminate the family, they are here to 'give gifts'... Hee, they have saved us so many years of evolution...their blood, their flesh, their bones, their souls, The relics...everything is a treasure, they are all treasures!

A feast, a gluttonous feast!

Qingdi shivered, and he exhaled a breath of pungent grassy breath. His eyes refocused, he stared at Lu Qian and said in a deep voice: The little kid ran so fast...I, not I want to attack you, why are you so nervous?

Lu Qian cautiously moved forward, and with a sway of his body, he returned to his previous position.

No one, including Emperor Qing, could clearly see Lu Qian's 'speed'.

It's too fast, so fast that people collapse.

In the distance, the owners of several visions who were peeping at the movement here couldn't help but flash a blurry light, and were frightened by Lu Qian's terrifying speed.

Lu Qian looked at Qingdi and said in a deep voice: Okay, I told you about Qingsha and the existence of his small organization. Such important information, and you admit it yourself. This adds a fatal factor to you. A loophole...a fatal loophole, and you only trusted so many people?

Qing Emperor's eyes widened and he shouted in a fuss: What? Such a small number of people? How many people have I arrested in total? Among the people I arrested, one hundred people were sent to you, ninety-nine ...The information you gave me is nothing more than about Qing Sha and his group of little bastards who don’t know the heights of the sky... It’s just information, but it didn’t capture them!”

Isn't it enough that a 'dispensable' message has cost so many lives?

Lu Qian was furious.

He hissed: You know who I want to replace!

Qing Emperor interrupted Lu Qian's words. His eyes widened even more, and his round eyes flashed with a playful light. He pointed at Lu Qian and laughed: Lu Qian, or in other words, Fahai, you too You once walked as a disciple of Buddhism, and what you practiced was pure Buddhism...but Buddhism emphasizes the equality of all living beings. In your case, it seems that human life is divided into superior and inferior!

What's wrong? The lives of these 'innocent people' are not as good as the lives of Linghu's family members?

Or maybe their lives are not as good as your sworn brother Yinyuan, his wife, children, and children?

Qingdi nodded vigorously, and said with a sudden smile: You said it earlier, you said it earlier, if you said it clearly, I understand...Okay, don't take these things to heart, don't you think so? Kill all those with trading value...bastards...and use them as food rations for the children to eat as they please.

Qingdi said quietly: When all these people here are eaten and wiped clean, I will ask the children to replace a group of people related to the Linghu family... Yes, of course, no problem, of course no problem!

The Qing Emperor raised his right hand, and in all directions, large groups of aliens spread their membrane wings on their backs, their eyes flashing with bloodthirsty light. As soon as the Qing Emperor gave the order, they would pounce on them and kill the hundreds of thousands of giants. On the battleship, hundreds of millions of men, women, and children were killed on the spot and eaten up.

Lu Qian's face twitched.

He looked at Qing Emperor with a little annoyance - 'all living beings are equal', this word is used here... Ha, ha!

These hundreds of millions of Li people... and those members of the Linghu clan... and those Yinyuan's wives, children, and children... and Yinyuan and Bai Yu!

Lu Qian smiled bitterly, clapped gently, and said in a deep voice: Okay, okay, okay, a piece of news from Qingsha can bring so many lives... It's great... I admit it, I admit it...

Even if Lu Qian refused to admit it, it would be no good. He couldn't bear it.

If Emperor Qing randomly kidnapped a group of people in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, and used the lives of these people as a bargaining chip to force Lu Qian to do something... Lu Qian would turn around and leave, ignoring the matter at all.

Because the people who were randomly kidnapped by the Qing Emperor were pitiful, but Lu Qian would only avenge them afterwards... and would not let himself fall into some kind of passivity because of these people who had nothing to do with him. , even dangerous and fatal dilemmas.

But the hundreds of millions of men, women, and children in front of them were indeed involved in this disaster from heaven for no reason because of the relationship between Lu Ren and Yinyuan.

Lu Qian could not turn a blind eye.

He can only...submit!

Lu Qian couldn't give a definite answer as to whether it was worth using the news about Qingxia, and the information about the small organization behind Qingxia, to exchange the lives of these people. Whether it was worth it and whether the value was equal.

But, after all, there are so many lives... we can't let so many people be slaughtered innocently or even used as food rations because of some reasons between themselves and Yinyuan?

In the final analysis, I have become the Holy Mother I hate the most! Lu Qian sighed quietly, and said words that Qingdi could not understand: Hey, if it is a pure Holy Mother, that's it. But, my Holy Mother , there are also prerequisites... This is very distressing.

It would be great if I could become a saint who forgets all love... However, the saint failed to do it, and instead became a holy mother. Really!

Lu Qian murmured: You have to reflect on yourself, you have to reflect, you have to analyze your own weaknesses... From now on, this kind of thing, this kind of kidnapping, being forced, can't happen again. You only have one life, I can’t afford to go through such trouble.”

Lu Qian shook his head and sighed.

He waved his hand, and a large shadow filled the air under his feet. Countless little people sprang out from the shadows. These little people, as well as large groups of Yakshas and Rakshasas, swarmed out and rushed onto the hundreds of thousands of giant battleships. , driving these battleships quite unfamiliarly, and getting away from this star field little by little.

Qing Emperor raised his eyebrows and looked with interest at these strange ethnic groups that Lu Qian had conquered in the small world outside the territory.

Oh, these little things seem to be of some research value... Although their talents are not very strong, there are some novel gadgets in their blood that can be integrated into the blood of my descendants. Maybe we can add a few new 'auxiliary templates'...

Send me a few little people like this? Qingdi put forward his own conditions.

Lu Qian looked at the Qing Emperor seriously: They regard me as their lord and are my dependents... If I go to war with you in the future, your heirs will be captured alive on the battlefield, or they will be killed and taken away. You can do whatever you want to them with their bodies, I have nothing to say.”

But, let me trade with them, I can't do this kind of thing!

Qingdi's smile froze slightly.

He looked Lu Qian up and down and said softly: Well, some kind of ridiculous principle... It really has no meaning... But you are right. In the future, if there is a war, I have countless ways to get them. Wantonly dissecting their bloodlines and studying their bodies...

I've written this down.

Qing Emperor looked at the ship that was slowly going away, and said with a faint smile: Look, you gave me a piece of news about Qing's killing, and I returned so many people, and so many lives were lost because of your words. To achieve salvation...but I still have so many people on my hands. Are you ready...

Lu Qian coughed slightly: Then, the second thing is what I am going to say. Qingsha and his guys are the core members of their organization... and the composition of their peripheral members, you will definitely know Are you interested?

Qingdi frowned.

He whispered to himself softly: I'm not very interested in this news... After all, except for one Qingsha, there can't be another similar existence among my descendants, right? My descendants, I The blood descendant is safe...so...

Shaking his head, Qingdi murmured: However, those peripheral members did cause some trouble to us. So, let's talk? Let me weigh the value of this news.

Lu Qian exhaled and said in a deep voice: In your organizations, Tianting, Taihutian, Taiyitian, the affiliated families of each major organization, those within the giant clans of the heavenly clan, those common sons who are not taken seriously by the big shots... ...Especially those whose mothers have some issues with their status, who are often discriminated against and abused by their aunts and humiliated by their brothers and sisters... And among his direct brothers and sisters, many of them have died unexpectedly over the years... Among similar people, three or four out of ten are their people...

Qingdi narrowed his eyes.

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