Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1000 Tarsal Maggots (2)

That piece of ruins.

The broken brackets and cornices, the broken bricks and beams, and the smashed mountains and ridges all mixed into a turbid sea of ​​garbage, spreading densely in the void, from left to right, from front to back, from top to bottom. , layer by layer, layer by layer, stretching for hundreds of millions of miles.

Occasionally, broken golden Buddha statues can be seen crookedly 'soaked' in the garbage. They are smiling or kind-hearted. They have lost their former compassion and power, and have lost any aura and spirituality. They are just floating in the void with the current. With.

In this garbage area that has been classified as a restricted area by the Heavenly Court and even disappeared from the star map issued by the Heavenly Court. For countless years, no one has known about it. On some broken small landmasses, some small pulpy earth veins are lingering. They barely maintained a meager amount of intelligence, supporting a small group of people on the small continent who pretended to be deaf and dumb, pretending to be confused, concealing their intelligence and wisdom, and pretending to be bloodthirsty beasts.

A few skinny white mice, but with clean hair and a hint of immortal style in their every move, slowly scurried through a pile of rocks.

They jumped freely over the floating ruins and walked through the narrow gaps.

Suddenly, a big white mouse made a squeaking sound. From under the altar table of a palace that had collapsed for countless years, he found a three-inch-long treasure with a golden body and a faint scent of sandalwood. candle.

Several big white mice came over happily. They gathered around this small candle, took a few deep breaths, and breathed in the fragrant sandalwood fragrance emitted by the candle. Seeing that the shriveled flesh bodies of these big white mice were slightly plump, their hair, which was originally clean and supple, but as dry and dull as dry grass, also gained a hint of oily luster.

They picked up this precious candle and quickly passed through piles of garbage, shuttled through large floating ruins, and returned to their lair at full speed.

Occasionally, there is thunder in the distance. Wearing golden armor and wrapped with thunder and lightning, the heavenly guards held long swords and stood on a heavy chariot pulled by four-winged Pegasus, cruising slowly like a thunder god patrolling the sky. These big white rats hurriedly huddled up in the ruins, their aura suddenly restrained, not even a trace leaked out, just like zombies that had lasted for ten thousand years without any energy to escape.

Those heavenly guards who are responsible for suppressing this boundless ruins... They have been ordered to guard here for countless years. They work in three shifts every day and patrol the four directions step by step. But for countless years, this place has been as peaceful as a midnight cemetery in the world of the end of the Dharma, with not even a ghost in sight.

From top to bottom, no matter how brave and adept these heavenly guards were and how strict they were, too many years have passed...all their vigilance and sense of responsibility have long been worn away by the endless boring years. net. One by one, they were standing on the chariot smoothly, but Shenhun'er had already flown to nowhere, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

They are too lazy and will not notice that these cultivation levels are probably equivalent to opening up one or two acupoints, because the physical qualifications are too weak, and their combat power cannot even match the weakest heavenly soldiers.

There are countless little creatures like this in this sea of ​​garbage. These big white mice are very good at controlling their aura and pretending to be dead. How could these high-ranking guards notice their existence?

A group of chariots flashed with thunder and sped away with a dull loud noise.

There was a sound of intestinal rumbling coming from the chariot, and a guard leader who was leading the patrol muttered in a low voice: It's off duty today, let's go to Wanhua Building for a drink... Let's drink more and take the opportunity to have a fight, eh , break the legs of that old madam and some girls.


A group of guards happily agreed.

It's not that I have any objections to them, they actually serve them well... However, after so many years, they are just the same old faces that come and go... They are even more familiar than my own yellow-faced woman... I really don't want to read anymore. . Not just me, several adults above also think so.

Break their legs, give them a sum of money from the emperor, go home, and be good... and bring in a new group of girls. The leader of the guards sighed faintly: After so many years, visiting a brothel is like visiting a brothel. It’s like it’s your own home… This is not a thing anymore.”

A group of imperial guards smiled bitterly.

They were once the most powerful, elite, and loyal army in Heaven, and the most reliable army for Emperor Taichu... Therefore, after Emperor Taichu established Heaven, he gave them the important task of suppressing this demon domain.

But after so many years... the iron blood and passion that I once had have long been worn away. The hot and popular palaces, halls, offices, offices and yamen in heaven have long ignored this place... Everything here is lifeless, even the brothel, after so many years, it is just the same old faces that come and go!

Come on, let's stir up trouble with wine, break the legs of the old madam and a few girls, and force the shopkeeper behind them to replace them with new ones!

If it weren't for the use of alcohol to cause trouble, the 'friendship' that had existed for so many years would have turned into 'emotion' and 'family affection'... I'm really embarrassed to break things off!

The guards left.

The big white mice shook their hair and carefully sprang out of the garbage pile. Carrying the small candle, they shuttled back and forth among the piles of garbage. After spending several days, they finally returned. Arriving at a tiny landmass less than thirty miles long and wide.

Surrounding this miniature landmass, there are densely packed mountains of various sizes, forming natural partitions. The increasingly careless guards did not realize that this small landmass contained little secrets. .

On this continent, the big white rats formed a small, although barren, but vibrant group.

They collected countless useful and broken materials from garbage dumps in all directions. The entire small continent was neatly paved with carved white jade floor tiles, and beams made of gold and silver supported several small, decent palaces.

In those halls, several mostly intact Buddha statues sat steadily on the altar tables.

On the altar table, there are treasures such as clams, pearls, diamonds and other treasures that the big white mice dug out from various ruins... There are also some fresh fruits for worship, and there are even a few that are rare in this sea of ​​garbage. The flowers were neatly placed.

In front of every Buddha statue, there are even incense sticks rising and crude candles flickering.

These incense sticks and candles are all crude homemade works of the big white mice.

Although the materials are not very good and the workmanship is very rough, for a group of weak white mice with few resources at hand, this kind of intention is extremely grand and priceless.

When a few big white mice returned, in the square in front of several palaces, surrounding a decent-looking lotus pond with a length and width of several miles, there could be hundreds of smaller ones, which looked quite childish. The big white mouse, led by several elders covered with scars, was reciting Buddhist scriptures with its head shaking, bowing to the Buddha statues in several halls, and doing its daily homework.

The three-inch long treasure candle was sent to several 'elders' by a few big white mice.

Several elders happily danced around this section of the precious candle for a while, then carried the precious candle with great solemnity, swayed to the largest hall in the middle, and enshrined the precious candle on the altar table. superior.

An old rat man with a goatee-like white beard, which was almost as long as his body, stood up. His eyes stared blankly at the candle, with a thin old face that seemed sad. I was so happy that soon my eyes were filled with tears.

Many years, many years.

Grandpa, when I was just a little mouse cub...this kind of candle of merit and virtue can't be described even if it is loaded in a car...it was burning all over the mountains and valleys!

Oh, at that time, in the Landa Holy Land, there were forty-eight thousand Buddhist niches on a large mountain. In each Buddhist niche, there were as few as three or five statues of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Heavenly Kings, and as many as thousands. The throne...in front of every Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, and Heavenly King statue, there is an everlasting precious candle that never goes out!

There are more than a million Buddhist mountains like this in the entire Landa Holy Land? Tens of millions?

Tsk tsk, use the power of the entire heaven and earth to worship a holy place... The entire Maitreya Heaven, as many people as the sands of the Ganges River, are all my Buddhist followers... The old mouse wiped the corners of his eyes and murmured in a low voice: Tsk tsk, Even my ancestors and I, at that time, when I had no cultivation at all, could see the power of faith coming from all over the sky like a tsunami.

At that time, a Buddha said that a certain disciple could be reused as a disciple... 'biu...', a mortal with no cultivation at all, or a person who had just opened his spiritual wisdom. Wild beasts in the mountains can ascend to the sky and attain the status of a heavenly king, an Arhat, a Bodhisattva, or even a Buddha.

Oops. The old rat sighed with emotion in a low voice: We, the chipmunk clan, have three ancestors who have been favored by the Buddha. At the great... Dharma assembly, in front of countless Buddhist disciples, In the presence of countless believers and with a touch of the Buddha's hand, those three ancestors immediately became Buddhas.

Maitreya Heaven, the Holy Land of Landa! The old rat shook his head and grunted through gritted teeth: Those rebellious officials and thieves, those wolf-hearted bastards... They colluded with the demons, subverted the Holy Land, and slaughtered so many of our tribesmen. How many Buddhist disciples and how many devout believers have been slaughtered...

The old mouse finally couldn't control his emotions. A few turbid tears fell down and fell to the ground. The tears exploded, but there was a trace of strange Taoist rhyme spreading in the tears. The tears were transformed into The water vapor slowly bloomed, like a smallpox, condensing into flowers the size of mung beans, floating gracefully on the ground paved with white jade.

The Chiprat clan, this is the origin of their clan name.

They were once the Buddhist cultivators of the Landa Holy Land, with an average of one litter per person. On weekdays, offering incense and candles, cleaning palaces and pavilions, guarding secret places, etc. are all the internal affairs of the chipmunk clan. In fact, the vision of flowers growing on the ground naturally appeared in their teardrops. This is really pleasing, especially to the Buddhist cultivators!

However, with the destruction of the Landa Holy Land and the demise of pure Buddhist practice, the once-prominent chipmunk clan has gradually declined. Nowadays, in the sea of ​​garbage that was once the Holy Land of Landa, there is only a nest of more than a thousand big white rats, which can be regarded as the largest 'tribe'.


The three-buried monk appeared behind these big white mice who were nostalgic for the past and lamented the present.

He quietly looked at these chipmunks from beginning to end. Their bodies were only less than a foot long. They were all skinny, but their bodies were delicate, their fur was clean and smooth, and their eyes were lively and lively. He nodded gently. nod.

You have not forgotten your old master and have worshiped my Buddha so far. You have merit and merit, and you should receive blessings! The three-buried monk emits immeasurable Buddha light from his body, illuminating this small piece of land.

A group of chipmunks turned around in shock. They looked dumbfounded at the Third Burial Monk, whose whole body was filled with Buddha light and whose Buddhist rhyme was rich and long. Their bodies trembled, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

Loyalty to Buddhism and closeness to the great powers of Buddhism have been imprinted in their blood and bone marrow for countless years, and have formed an indelible soul mark in their souls.

At this moment, when I saw the monk of the Third Burial and felt the powerful Buddhist charm in him, these chipmunks were shivering, subconsciously following the etiquette inherited from their bloodline, the chipmunks worshiping, making offerings to, and respecting the Buddha from generation to generation. Pay homage to the three buried monks.

The oldest 'grandfather', who had experienced the battle that destroyed the Landa Holy Land, was even more trembling as he presented the three-inch precious candle to the Third Burial Monk.

Compared with the Landa Holy Land when it was at its peak, these three-inch candles are so small.

But this is already the best offering to the Buddha that this nest of chipmunks can offer.

Monk Three Burials grinned, smiled, and nodded slowly: You are all good children...so good...Bai Nu, it's time to do something.

It is made up of countless evil spirits. It stands silently behind the three buried monks. It is as silent as a ghost, and even the breath does not leak out. It is clearly standing in front of a nest of chipmunks, but no chipmunk can. The white woman who 'saw' and 'felt' her nodded slowly.

The seven colors all over her body changed. She clearly had only one body, but under her feet, there were seven slim and colorful shadows.

Waves of strange power turned into invisible ripples and swept around, sweeping across the ruins stretching for billions of miles in an instant. Countless living beings, large and small, who lingered here and had subtle traces of Buddhism in their bodies raised their heads in shock. A few very fine rays of Buddhist light flickered quietly in their eyes. They were trembling all over, just like this nest of chipmunks, and headed towards the third burial. He paid homage in the direction where the monk was.

In huge ruins.

Countless strange beings were awakened.

Not the physical body.

Not a divine soul.

Not a ghost.

It’s a ‘concept’, an ‘evil’, a ‘trace’…

For example, there were tears left by a certain Buddha.

For example, there was once a drop of saliva from a novice monk.

For example, there was the sound of a certain Bodhisattva chanting sutras.

For example, there was the roar of a certain heavenly king who died in battle.

For example, those Buddha statues that were destroyed by the heavenly army, those wooden fish that were beaten to pieces, those Buddhist bells that were melted into pieces, those Buddhist scripture pavilions and scripture towers that were burned down, those Buddhist rhymes that were stirred up by heaven. The incense candles and fireworks that were washed away by the torrent left traces in this void...

Even the concept of Landa Holy Land has left various imprints and ripples in this space and time, in the past, present, and future...

As a result, the name Maitreya Heaven only remains in the hearts of a very few people, such as the ancestors of this litter of chipmunks... and this name has been passed down in the torrent of time. The present, the future, the traces left behind, the stirring echoes, and all the chain reactions that may be triggered in the future... all possibilities, all causes and effects, all projections, etc...

Such wonderful, strange, weird, scary concepts, tangible and intangible things.

These objects all 'awakened' in this strange breath exuded by Bai Nu... They woke up, they stretched their bodies, they breathed in all the elements they needed in the void... Then, they began to personify .

Strange shadows emerged from the ruins, large and small, that stretched for hundreds of millions of miles.

A little bit of strange incense lit up in the void.

Countless lights, both virtual and real, are rising slowly in the boundless ruins.

In the air, the smell of incense candles that smelled like flesh and blood gradually spread.

In the shadow of the ruins, there is a dark figure of the Buddha knocking on the wooden fish and starting to chant... Behind the figure of the Buddha who is chanting, there is an eight-foot-tall novice with three heads and six arms, grabbing pieces of black flesh and blood and swallowing it... There are also monks. A dressed-up weasel, carrying a small Buddhist altar, flew lightly over the piles of ruins...

A group of heavenly guards patrolling in the void are discussing in a low voice where to eat after their shift today, what to eat, how to eat, who will serve them, etc... The things they discussed are extremely complicated. It even includes details such as whether a bowl of braised pork should use front paw meat or hind paw meat, and whether to throw a few python poached eggs in it...

Suddenly, a golden-painted Buddha head with half of it chopped off, leaving only the lower half of the cheek, silently flew up from a pile of tattered garbage, and stood upright in front of their chariot.

These guards who were once the most elite, best at fighting, bravest, and most loyal in heaven were not even aware of it.

They murmured quietly and let the chariot move forward.

It was the Pegasus pulling the cart that realized something was wrong. He suddenly flapped the huge wings on his back and stopped abruptly. The pegasus neighed, alarming the group of guards, who suddenly raised their heads and looked forward.

The small one is only half a foot high. The golden paint on the surface has peeled off, and the years of wind and rain have left the Buddha's head covered with green marks. This 'little' Buddha is lifeless, and his whole body is filled with the aura of decay and decay brought by time. But on the surface of the Buddha, there are densely packed, countless human-shaped shadows that are a hundred times smaller than sesame seeds, and they are busy nervously.

It seems that a contractor is shouting slogans loudly, with countless black shadows, using this half of the Buddha as a big mountain, digging Buddhist niches and carving Buddha statues on the mountain. Countless small black shadows were busy in full swing. Above their heads, wisps of pure and profound belief power were born out of thin air, constantly stirring up dazzling sparks in the void!

This area of ​​heaven and earth has been controlled by the heavenly rules and commandments jointly formulated by Tianting, Taihutian, and Taiyitian.

The power of Buddhism's faith can no longer match the laws and regulations of this world. Heaven and earth will not allow pure Buddhist monks to be born again, orthodox Buddhist techniques will not be allowed to appear, and pure Buddhist faith will not be allowed to grow!

These strange black shadows are not living beings, or even flesh and blood. They are just some illusions cast in this space and time at this moment.

However, this illusion actually condenses the incomparable power of faith, causing this power of faith to emerge from nothingness, ripple out from the long river of time, and directly appear here, today, at this time, and here.

The sky is angry, the heavenly rules and commandments are activated, and invisible forces that are close to divine punishment are surging forward. It is necessary to suppress these beliefs and thoughts, crush them to pieces, and kill them to pieces!

The guards felt the mighty power of heaven and earth around them, and were about to say something with a smile, when the void shook slightly. From the void, from the avenue of heaven and earth, from the depths of the law, and from the shackles of heaven and earth set up by heaven, wisps of slight but real Buddhist rhyme rippled out.

Under the interference of these Buddhist rhymes, the rules and precepts established by heaven were offset.

The power of faith that was born out of thin air turned into colorful Buddha light and rose up, gradually sinking into the foot-high half of the Buddha's head.

The mottled marks on the Buddha's surface dissipated little by little, and the bronze stains disappeared without a trace. The former golden paint was restored bit by bit, and even the other half of the Buddha's head, which had been chopped off and disappeared for who knows how many years, was quickly growing back.

These once elite heavenly guards were all stunned to see the changes in the Buddha's head.

They watched helplessly as the Buddha, made by the power of faith provided by those strange black shadows, quickly recovered from a half-cut Buddha head to a complete, golden Buddha head.

Then, the Buddha's eyes opened, and two lines of blood and tears slowly fell down.

Tears of blood dripped into the ruins below and quickly spread to the surroundings, turning into an endless sea of ​​blood. In the sea of ​​blood, countless ferocious faces of Buddhist cultivators and Buddhists who had died tragically in the hands of these guards were struggling and squirming crazily, like evil ghosts from hell, about to break through the barrier between hell and the world, and force their way back into this world. Come.

My Buddha... Maitreya! The Buddha head with blood and tears was smiling, and while the blood and tears continued to flow, he laughed loudly: My Buddha... Maitreya... chant the name of my Buddha, and you will be liberated!

You who don't worship Buddha when you see him... must be evil spirits! The Buddha's head suddenly roared: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!!

Yelled three times in a row.

Every time a loud roar was heard, a large portion of the vitality, blood, and spirit of these guards was suddenly cut off... After three loud roars, their cultivation, physical strength, vitality, and spirit were instantly suppressed to the point of near collapse.

A group of elite heavenly guards died here silently.

Their corpses weathered and disintegrated rapidly... Then, from where their corpses disappeared, dark, two-dimensional shadows of novice monks slowly stood up with subtle and cheerful laughter.

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