Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1006 Reconstruction (2)

After all, there is a sense of companionship. Chunlan Dynasty's leader Lu Qian cupped his hands: Would you please come in and have a cup of tea?

He looked at King Chunlan, and then looked at the groups of Chinese warriors behind him who were wearing gorgeous armor and shining with dazzling lights. They were all handsome and beautiful, but they gave people a sense of flashiness, and then looked behind him. The huge army nodded slowly.

In terms of numbers alone, the army brought by Lu Qian was more than a thousand times larger than the Chinese soldiers under King Chunlan.

In terms of strength composition, under the command of Taiyi Tian, ​​there is an army of high-end elites sent by the major heavenly clans and wealthy sects from all sides. In addition, in recent years, with sufficient living resources, the population of Yi has expanded exponentially. The four vassals of Xiaoren, Yaksha, Rakshasa, and Asura...

Quantity and quality completely crushed the Chinese army under King Chunlan.

The three Qingyou girls were surrounded by swords, and there were a large number of sword cultivators forming a sword array behind them, ready to mobilize for them at any time... Lu Qian smiled and nodded: Okay, I can still afford to delay the time for a cup of tea. Your Majesty invites me to tea, doesn’t it mean you don’t want to use weapons?”

King Chunlan's expression changed slightly, he smiled bitterly, and subconsciously touched his nose.

He was a little embarrassed, looking at Lu Qian with a bit of resentment - he seemed to be blaming Lu Qian for not saving face for himself in front of so many people.

Shaking his head and waving his hands, the large group of Chinese warriors behind him quietly dispersed and retreated far away in an instant. King Chunlan extended his hand, and Lu Qian strode over and followed King Chunlan into Taiyantian.

This is the first time Lu Qian has stepped into Taiyantian. This is the home base of one of the three giants who is as famous as the Heavenly Court and controls the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven. There are countless good winds and scenery, and countless extravagant scenes. Emperor Taiyi is a man who likes life, loves life, and is used to making life extremely arrogant and extravagant. In short, with Lu Qian's limited literary skills, he could only say ah, ah, ah in admiration. He could not accurately describe what he saw in front of him.

In short... there is only one thought in Lu Qian's mind - Emperor Taiyi, this old bastard, is too good at enjoying himself.

In the sea of ​​flowers, filled with fragrant fragrance, countless delicate girls stood aside, quietly waiting for the call of King Chunlan. In an exquisite little pavilion, there are tea sets, wine vessels, and various fruits and snacks. There is a beautiful girl in gauze with a strange fragrance, who is busy making tea and pouring wine.

Lu Qian and King Chunlan sat opposite each other, and King Chunlan began to tell what happened when he and Lu Qian went to Yunchaling together.

I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. The fall of an ordinary border town under the rule of the Linghu family would actually lead to so many things... I will accompany you to Yuncha Ridge, just to observe the pursuit of Yuan Fu in the Heavenly Court. Can you benefit from it and find some bargains... I didn't expect you to be involved in such a big thing. You even condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, and it was publicly declared by those three that it was impossible Some people have successfully demonstrated the speed of one of the most difficult avenues.

King Chunlan was holding the exquisite tea cup and did not drink the tea. He just rubbed it with his hands and played with it gently. Wisps of mysterious light gushed out from his hand and penetrated into the tea in the tea cup, forming overlapping sword pools and a forest of swords in the tea.

It can be seen that King Chunlan actually specializes in kendo and has extremely profound attainments in kendo.

However, there are mysteries in the way of swordsmanship in this world. Even if King Chunlan studies the way of swordsmanship with an emperor-level cultivation level, he is destined to be unable to achieve any great achievements. The three Qingyou girls had already mobilized their swordsmanship to annihilate and expel all the powerful souls entrusted to them by the swordsmanship. Therefore, the Xuanqing sword energy released by King Chunlan at this moment had its form but no inner meaning. The essence and soul give people a feeling of emptiness and exaggeration.

I have no destiny in the way of swordsmanship. King Chunlan looked at Lu Qian and sighed. There was a harsh sound of the sword breaking in his body. He decisively cut himself with a sword, removing all his skills in the way of swordsmanship. With hard work and all the foundation, he can be completely wiped out with one blow.

Once the Avenue of Speed ​​comes out, this world will undergo great changes. King Chunlan looked at Lu Qian seriously: Can you give me a clear answer to solve my doubts? You were the Buddhist monk of Landa Holy Land back then. Almighty, a reincarnated person?

Lu Qian recalled his past life and shook his head.

He smiled and said: I do remember the events of my previous life, but in my previous life, I was just a poor man lingering on the sick bed. I was not reincarnated by some Buddhist power.

King Chunlan nodded thoughtfully: So, you are the back-up man of Buddhism? Has the great power of Buddhism enlightened you and given you some instructions and guidance, allowing you to take the opportunity to cause trouble and stir up trouble?

King Chunlan looked at Lu Yi excitedly, his eyes bright, as if he was expecting an answer.

Lu Qian carefully reviewed his entire process from his previous life to this life, from a mere mortal to a 'powerful master with some weight' in the world of cultivation. A short life, just a few thousand years, with his current thinking ability where trillions of thoughts arise and die at the snap of a finger, this life span can be reviewed completely in just a snap of his fingers, scene by scene.

He replied to King Chunlan very seriously and cautiously: When I look back on the past, from my past life to this life, I may have been a lucky person, but I can be sure that I may have been chosen by some old Buddhist guys along the way. There are some tricks installed on me...but my achievements today have little to do with the tricks of those old Buddhist guys I know.

And I can really achieve what I have today... If it is really a certain Buddhist power behind the scenes, then his methods are so extraordinary that I have not even discovered a single clue... Then, such a big power The means that can be used are definitely not something that you and I can comment on.”

So, after comprehensive consideration, I think that I have the cultivation and strength I have today. Maybe I am lucky!

Lu Qian thought of the picture of a man with three eyes and the matching Taichu Bead.

He has already made some guesses about the true identities of these two treasures. Although I don't know why they chose me...but it probably has nothing to do with the powerful Buddhas in the destroyed Landa Holy Land.

If they have the ability to merge these two treasures with themselves across the long river of time and for countless years after the destruction of Landa Holy Land, then why didn't they activate these two treasures at the beginning of Landa Holy Land's destruction? What about the power of this treasure to turn things around?

Therefore, these two treasures probably have nothing to do with Landa Holy Land.

Lu Qian indeed received great benefits from the Landa Holy Land. The Landa Buddha Fruit was personally passed down to him by his biological father Lu Min in this life... But the power of transcendence in the Landa Buddha Fruit is indeed powerful, and Lu Qian also It has not been fully integrated and fully mastered, and it has not truly inherited the supreme power of Landa Buddha.

To sum up, Lu Qian’s reply to King Chunlan, up to this moment, is standard and correct.

King Chunlan looked at Lu Yi in disbelief: So, you are really an ordinary ant in the lower world... Forgive me for using the word 'ant'... However, a mortal in the lower world is actually not even close to the Supreme Taichu Heaven. They are inferior to ants, this is a fact... Even a slightly stronger ant from the Supreme Prime Heaven can cause harm to one party and run amok if it is released to the lower realm.

Lu Qian nodded, agreeing with King Chunlan's statement.

King Chunlan said with emotion: You, a mortal in the lower world, have achieved the status of emperor in such a short period of time... and it is impossible to achieve success at such a fast speed!

He looked at Lu Qian: How can a mortal do it? A mortal! Moreover, he is a mortal from the lower world!

He stood up and pointed hard at his heart: I am the eldest son of Emperor Tai Zhen, and it was he who refined my bloodline. When I was still in my mother's womb, I was nourished with countless treasures from heaven and earth, and cultivated with all my heart. He is the eldest son with demonic qualifications... I condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit using the method of 'Secret Fragrance into Dreams', do you know how many years it took me?

Lu Qian showed a polite smile.

He was still young, having only lived a thousand years, and he was not very familiar with King Chunlan's time scale and concept of time.

Sure enough, King Chunlan said a number that made Lu Qian roll his eyes. Sure enough, it took him a long time to become a great emperor.

In order for me to condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit using the method of 'Secret Fragrance Entering Dreams', Emperor Tai Zhen mobilized his army and massacred 375 ethnic groups involved with this Dao in seventeen heavens. Only then did he Let me occupy a sufficient share of the avenue. King Chunlan murmured: In this world, proving the Tao and condensing the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit is by no means a 'friendly' thing.

My Avenue of Dark Fragrance into Dreams, or King Qiu Gui's Avenue of Swamp Miasma, are both small and small roads... Among all the roads, they are ranked at the bottom. Because the road itself is small and small, so if you want to occupy enough The power of the avenue, if you have enough authority of the avenue to condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, you must kill all the people related to this avenue!

I did this. It was Emperor Taiyi who helped me kill those unlucky ethnic groups who competed with me for the share of the avenue.

King Qiu Gui did the same thing. He secretly amassed military power and did it himself.

The micro-path has the advantage of a micro-path...that is, the 'dao consciousness' of the Dao is extremely weak. As long as you have enough Dao power and control enough Dao shares and authority, you can easily condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit .The resistance of the Dao consciousness is extremely negligent.

And those more powerful avenues, such as the five elements, like yin and yang, like life and death, like light and darkness... The more powerful the avenue, the stronger the awareness of the avenue... Among them, there are even those who were laid down by the thieves in the Landa Holy Land. Means, it is difficult, very difficult, extremely difficult to rely on these avenues to condense the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit!

So, there are very few great emperors in this world. There are only a few powerful emperors. In fact, today, today, there is a strong sense of resistance and disobedience. Too many people have condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit... The heaven and earth itself cannot tolerate it... Plus the set of rules and commandments of the heaven, hehe! It is even more difficult!

King Chunlan said with emotion: Under such circumstances, you, a mortal, can actually do such incredible things... You can actually condense the speed of the Dao Fruit with the body of a mortal from the lower realm that is inferior to even an ant!

Lu Qian picked up the tea cup and carefully observed the tea inside.

It's crisp, fragrant, with a hint of golden-green strange divine light flickering... This is a superb cup of tea, but it's a pity that Lu Qian doesn't dare to drink it - no matter how fast you go, if you drink the poison enough to kill you instantly In the belly, that’s what I made...

He looked at King Chunlan and said with a smile: So, what exactly does the King want to say?

King Chunlan put down the tea cup, clasped his hands behind his back, and stared directly at Lu Qian: You can do this...then, what about me?

Lu Yan's eyes flickered as he looked at King Chunlan.

What about me? King Chunlan said in a deep voice: I, can one day, I can... I can... I can crush some, some I am not willing to bear, but they have been blessed on me, making me scared, The original sin that confuses me, makes me shine in my heart... makes me toss and turn, and keep me awake at night...?

Lu Qian looked at King Chunlan in shock: Why did the king say this? Original sin?

King Chunlan exhaled heavily and waved his hands vigorously. In all directions, those enchanting beauties dispersed. In an instant, only King Chunlan and Lu Qian were left here. King Chunlan approached Lu Yi and said softly: I am not a human being born and raised by heaven and earth. I am the heir of a man-made freak. I... bear the original sin... Can I, can I...

King Chunlan pointed to his head: There is a subtle voice whispering in my mind all the time. It is telling me that I should obey a certain supreme will, and I should absolutely obey this will... Once that will is against I summon, then I will be its most loyal lackey, its most devout slave, and dedicate my blood, my flesh, my soul, and everything I have to it!

King Chunlan said nervously: I am an alien... Emperor Taiyi is not a toy. He is not a natural creature born and raised by heaven and earth at all. He is an artificial product created by Qing Emperor with a ray of essence and blood of White Snake. …And I am the man-made… man-made… monster sown by ghosts and born from the mother’s womb!”

Original sin, this is my original sin.

In my mind, there are even...remains...not residuals, but always 'residing' from certain people's methods...I may lose myself at any time, forget who I am, and turn into... Chunlan The king's body trembled violently, he gritted his teeth, and suddenly wisps of Buddha's light quietly rippled around him.

It is said that spiritual practice is the most important thing in Buddhism. The power of Buddhism's powerful soul and thoughts is unparalleled in the heavens.

So, do you believe it? As the eldest son of Emperor Tai Zhen who destroyed the Landa Holy Land, I actually secretly practiced the Buddhist code... Moreover, I used the Buddhist method to condense the fruit of Bodhisattva, and I have already half-stepped into it. At the threshold of the Buddha, as long as I am willing, I can become a Buddha immediately!

It's just that I didn't dare before.

King Chunlan murmured: How can they, Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi, tolerate the appearance of another Buddha in this world? The laws of heaven do not allow it, and the world they have transformed will not be allowed to appear. Not allowed.

So, I don't dare to take that step. If I take that step, I will die, there is no doubt about it!

But I know that if I want to fight against my original sin, and if I want to get rid of the tragic fate that I may be eliminated, annihilated, replaced, or turned into a puppet at any time, I must cultivate into a Buddha, and I must make my thoughts smooth and smooth. , I must cultivate the Buddha's relics, and then I have the slightest chance to fight against my original sin...

So, Lu Qian, who was once a mortal, has become the emperor of this world... tell me, is it possible for me to resist? King Chunlan looked at Lu Qian with a smile: Are you willing to help? Do I resist?

If you are willing, then I and my people will immediately switch to Shen Yin, fight for Shen Yin, and die! King Chunlan exhaled: But if you can't, you don't want to, or, You don’t dare…so…”

There was a hint of madness in King Chunlan's eyes.

Lu Qian looked at King Chunlan and smiled bitterly: Your Majesty really gave me a difficult problem... In your situation, you should join Lingshan Great Leiyin Temple... You want to get rid of original sin, you want to live, You want to live freely and unrestrainedly, and you want to break the imprisonment and restraints that surround you... You should be born to be an ally of Qing Sha, Lu Sanqi, and Ming Jiudan!

King Chunlan smiled brightly and waved his hand with a complicated expression.

Hey, dragons and snakes don't live together... humans and ghosts don't live together! He pointed to his nose and whispered: They are dragons, and I, hey, what the hell am I?

Lu Qian looked at King Chunlan and nodded slowly.

I don’t know how King Chunlan knows his true origin - especially the true origin of Emperor Tai Zhen. He is a ray of essence and blood of the White Snake, and was concocted by Emperor Qing using secret methods to create a 'clone', or a 'substitute'. '... He is an 'artificial creation', and King Chunlan is the direct descendant of such an artificial creation.

He does not recognize his identity.

He questioned the 'rationality' and 'legitimacy' of his existence... Even, maybe, King Chunlan, who also practiced Buddhism, had asked himself similar questions countless times - where are you from? Where are you going? What are you going to do?

Questions like this, similar philosophical questions, the more you think about them and the deeper you think about them, the easier it is to get nervous!

Looking at Chunlan King like this, he is not far away from going crazy.

Lu Qian shook his head slightly again: Since I don't want to hang out with the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Lingshan...then, I, a lucky little ant from the lower world, and you, a rag that is not human and doesn't know what it is, , just the right partner. Be my subordinate, charge into battle for Shen Yin, use the sword in your hand, use the fists clenched in both hands, ask yourself for the foundation and origin of this world!

King Chunlan lowered his head and looked at his fists. The sword on his waist flew out with a cholang sound, turned into a wisp of autumn water and quickly circled around him three times, bringing with it a shining cold light.

Use your own sword and your own fists to ask for clarity and understanding of this world.

One day, I have to understand what I am and why I am! King Chunlan stood up and solemnly bowed his hands to Lu Qian: Subordinate, please see the word Shen Yin, Your Highness King Lu Qian!

In Shenyin, Lu Qian had the title of King of Side by Side.

This title, placed in the secular world and in the mortal dynasty, is simply a joke - any secular minister with this title will either be executed by the whole family soon, or the nine tribes of the emperor will be destroyed soon. It is impossible to have Other results.

But for Yinyuan and Lu Qian... they are kings side by side, it's perfect!

Not only is he a king, he can act as the emperor's authority at certain times... He is even the marshal of Shenyin's army! Lu Qian has all the administrative power of the imperial court and the power of mobilizing troops and horses... How can you explain such outrageous things?

Lu Chen put down the tea cup, stood up, grabbed it with his right hand, and condensed Gengjin's energy out of thin air, forming a piece of Shen Yin's troop deployment talisman, and threw it to King Chunlan: In this way, Your Majesty, as a vanguard, will serve for I, Shen Yin, will first sweep the territory of all the emperors’ sons and daughters before we talk!”

King Chunlan took the token, smiled slightly, and nodded sarcastically: Just them? They can be destroyed with just one hand... Haha, originally, just because of the friendship between brothers and sisters, let them be divided too much Niantian’s territory...but now, I seem to have figured out one more thing.

He looked at Lu Qian and chuckled softly: Bastards like us are not human beings. How can we think about the feelings of compatriots? The friendship of brothers and sisters?

Shen Yin's huge army, with King Chunlan as the vanguard, began to sweep across Taiyantian's directly governed territory.

Of course, among the Chinese people cultivated by Emperor Tai Zhen, there were emperor-level ones - once in Linghu Yunlu, Emperor Tai Zhen dispatched twelve emperor-level Chinese warriors, as well as twelve Holy Spirits from Emperor Tai Qu. There was a great battle between the emperor-level family members of the clan.

But Emperor Taiyi is not in Taiyitian now, and Zheng and White Snake don't know where to fight.

The only serious emperor-level 'emperor' under the throne of King Chunlan, Tai Zhen, has an almost 'prince'-like status... Therefore, he naturally controls the most elite group of the Chinese people. The command authority of the core force.

These emperor-level masters of the Chinese race seem to have their heads a little dazed.

They lack independent thoughts. Emperor Tai Zhen is not around. King Chunlan gives an order and they do whatever they are told to do... With such a group of powerful emperor-level thugs acting as vanguard generals, even if these Chinese masters , it is not a powerful avenue, they are still enough to easily sweep through the group of emperors' sons and daughters of Emperor Taiyi!

Taiyitian's territory was quickly annexed by Shenyin.

King Chunlan, who was sitting on the flagship with Lu Qian and looking at the battlefield in the distance, expressed his extremely puzzled mind: I really don't understand, these mixed-blood bastards can raise a bunch of great emperors, why do my Those brothers and sisters, each one is more useless than the other? There are so many brothers and sisters, but I am the only one who truly achieved the cultivation of the Great Emperor under his training.

Shaking his head, King Chunlan said softly: I really don't understand.

Lu Qian looked at King Chunlan and softly expressed his opinion: Perhaps it is his instinctive kindness? Don't you think that if your cultivation level is too high and too strong, if something happens to you, the direct descendants of the emperor? The emperor's daughter will all go into the battlefield? On the contrary, if your strength is low enough...

King Chunlan's face suddenly stiffened.

He was silent for a long time and waved his hand vigorously: There is no such reason, there is absolutely no such reason... If this is the case, if he really has such a kind heart and deliberately suppresses our cultivation in order to protect us, then, I Isn’t he the son he values ​​the least? Does he want me to die?

Lu Qian said calmly: Or maybe, he is just because, as the eldest brother, you have the ability to protect these brothers and sisters of yours at certain special moments? An emperor-level combat power can protect a group of people with little combat power. Weak children...sometimes...

King Chunlan froze.

For a long, long time, he looked at his younger brothers and sisters who were being escorted over and were yelling angrily. He murmured in a low voice: He... an inhuman, man-made thing, how can he think so much? Scared, he is not human. Ah! He is just an artificial creation...how could he...

Lu Qian remained silent.

This kind of problem is too complicated. Lu Qian himself was not married yet, and he had no experience as a father. He just guessed that perhaps King Chunlan and his children had misunderstood Emperor Taiyi in some places.

No matter what, Emperor Taiyi is a majestic emperor. He is not as simple and shallow as he seems on the surface!

However, no matter what, with the addition of King Chunlan, it only took just three years. With the blessing of Lu Ren's Speed ​​Avenue, the increasingly expanded Shen Yin army had successfully swallowed up the entire direct jurisdiction of Emperor Tai Zhen. territory.

Moreover, through hard work day and night at all costs, the entire territory directly under the jurisdiction of Emperor Taiyi, now the Shenyin Kingdom, has destroyed all the star gates that connect it to the surrounding sky and star fields.

In other words, apart from the very few emperor-level beings who can tear apart the void and rush on their way, the forces in other star regions and heavens in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, whether they are other armies, caravans, or any other messy forces, they want to To reach Shenyin's land from their own territory, it would take at least hundreds, or even thousands of years, to rely on normal warship navigation.

However, with the blessing of Lu Qian's speed, Shen Yin's army can appear in any power territory 'adjacent' to Shen Yin in a very short period of time... This is very unreasonable. Very rogue, and even more incomprehensible.

All forces in the Supreme Taichu Heaven have turned their attention to this new force that has swallowed up the entire Taichu Heaven territory like a vicious wolf...

Almost everyone, including Emperor Taichu, who is in charge of the Supreme Heavenly Court and is nominally the supreme supreme emperor in the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, most of his attention is also involved in Shen Yin - either because of gloating over misfortune, or because of more complicated thoughts. , Emperor Taichu was happy to see such chaos happening on Emperor Taiyi's territory.

Therefore, Shenyin grew wildly at a snowball-like speed, but Heavenly Court did not mobilize a single soldier to interfere.

In this weird situation.

In the Heavenly Court, in a confidential secret pavilion, a middle-level heavenly official who was not of high rank and was only responsible for sending and receiving confidential information expressionlessly crushed a weapon that had just been sent back through the miniature emergency void transfer array. A jade talisman covered in blood.

That was the final warning issued by the heavenly guards who were responsible for guarding the 'Landa Demon Realm' when the entire army was destroyed.

In the warning message, there were only three bloody words Devil!

In the huge Landa Demon Realm, with countless guards guarding it, only such a piece of information could barely be transmitted back, and this piece of information was annihilated by the Heavenly Official without leaving any residue.

Therefore, no one knew about the arrival of the Three Burial Monks.

No one knew that the Third Burial Monk was smiling and walking out of the ruins of the former Landa Holy Land with a compassionate smile on his face.

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