Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1007 Reconstruction (3)

After leaving the Landa Holy Land, there is the Forgotten River.

I don’t know who came up with this name.

Wangchuan is an extremely vast void continent, its area is trillions of times the area of ​​the Eight Great Plains where Lu Qian came to the Supreme Taichu Tianhou and lived in exile. Its land is fertile, densely populated, rich in products, and the scenery is beautiful, which can be said to be unparalleled in Taichu Heaven.

In the past, the Linghu family's Linghu Yunlu, or the Dugu family's Tianlangqiu, were inferior to the Wangchuan continent under various natural conditions.

Someone once vaguely mentioned that if the Supreme Taichu Heaven is regarded as a living person, then the Wangchuan Continent is the vital point of this person's umbilical cord in the mother's womb. It is the main channel for absorbing chaotic energy and strengthening one's own nutrients. Even after the Supreme Beginning Heaven was opened, the Forgotten River was also the core area where countless stars shined in the Supreme Beginning Heaven. It was related to the stability of the entire Supreme Beginning Heaven void and the integrity of the avenue. It was a very important matter and could not be ignored.

Because of this, when the Landa Holy Land was in its heyday, Wangchuan could be called a Buddhist kingdom on earth. In the huge Forgotten River, countless people, whether they are monks at home or not, all dress up as monks, and work day and night without forgetting to recite scriptures and praise the Buddhas. Countless incense sticks and green smoke are rising all the time in the sky over the entire continent. Candles shine brightly in the sky, Buddha statues are everywhere, and Bodhisattvas are worshiped in every house.

Because of this, after the destruction of the Landa Holy Land, Wangchuan was also severely cleansed by Heaven, basically undergoing a 'great change of biological species'. The army of heaven slaughtered all the creatures in the entire Wangchuan River. All those who had intelligence or had been influenced by Buddhist rhymes were bloodbathed. Then they migrated countless people from other stars in the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the floating continent and other places. Groups of living beings to fill this 'vital place in the umbilical cord of heaven and earth'.

The Heavenly Court has even cut off Wangchuan's cultivation path. In the vast Supreme Taichu Heaven, there are countless densely populated sacred places. Only Wangchuan has no inheritance of any cultivation method, even the most ordinary boxing and kicking skills. If someone Anyone who dares to practice will be razed to the ground by the nine clans who silently guard the heavenly palace.

Even reading and literacy has become a taboo in Wangchuan, and it has become a privilege that only a very small number of ruling classes are qualified to pass on to a small area. In the huge Forgotten River, countless people live in the most primitive form of tribes, villages and towns, like uncivilized beasts, struggling to survive among the weeds and mud. Here, you can even see primitive scenes such as slash-and-burn farming and knotting ropes to record stories.

In the void, the invisible shackles of the avenue and the net of laws tightly enveloped the entire Wangchuan.

One by one, the chariots patrolling the sky rumbled past silently from the sky hundreds or thousands of feet above the ground. On the ground, some foolish men and women heard the thunderous roar of the car and couldn't help shouting Thunder God Patrolling the Sky. They knelt down on the ground in a hurry and worshiped in fear.

The laws of heaven and earth in Wangchuan have been tampered with. All people, both men and women, are like wild beasts. They come into estrus in spring, have passionate intercourse within just half a month, and then become pregnant. A few months later, the fetus matures and is born.

The recent period of time has been the time when pregnant women in Wangchuan are giving birth to their babies. The heavenly guards responsible for guarding Wangchuan, no matter how lazy they are on weekdays, have been busy these days.

Wearing armor that has not been taken care of for many days, it is covered with a layer of thin rust, riding on a chariot that has not been wiped for a long time, and the axles are creaking, and driving the Pegasus, which has not been running for many days, and is already a little fat. , walking slowly in the sky, on each chariot, there is a gray ancient bronze mirror spraying a faint light and swirling around.

The Landa Holy Land was destroyed, and the human Buddhist kingdom of Wangchuan had long been slaughtered.

But the great Buddhist masters of the ancient Landa Temple did not know what they did in Wangchuan. Although all the scriptures and classics have been burned and all the monks and masters have been slaughtered, the Buddhist charm has penetrated In every mountain, every river, every grain of sand and every drop of water in Wangchuan River.

From time to time, a newborn baby will recite Buddhist sutras, with golden flowers all over its body, and Buddhist charms surging around its body, and it will immediately become a Buddhist Arhat, King of Heaven, or Bodhisattva... There are even a few times when the baby's qualifications are too evil. I don’t know which secret hand of those powerful Buddhists was aroused. A baby jumped out of Wen Po’s hands just after he was born, strode around the house, uttered shocking words, and immediately became a pure golden body, which was almost worthy of being born. Practice better than Buddha!

The original intention of the Heavenly Court was to turn the Forgotten River into a dead land, and it was not willing to migrate any more people to populate it.

But the status of Wangchuan is too important. It is the umbilical cord of heaven and earth. If this place is turned into a dead zone, it will have terrible and catastrophic consequences for the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven. Therefore, no matter how reluctant the three emperors Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi were, they still moved their people over and allowed them to thrive here.

They have used countless means to curb the development of the people here.

But every once in a while, there is always a newborn baby who gets the Buddhist inheritance and masters incredible power... Therefore, whenever the pregnant women in Wangchuan collectively give birth to their babies in the past few days, the heavenly guards who are usually lazy, There is no way to avoid going out in full force and patrolling all directions as if facing a formidable enemy. If a baby is found to have any signs of abnormality, his relatives, his neighbors, and even the people of the entire village, town, tribe, or city will be slaughtered. of.

Chariots were cruising in the void, and ancient bronze mirrors illuminated the heaven and earth. The images of countless creatures were reflected in the mirrors. Several guards who did not know what they did last night were yawning lazily, lingering all over their bodies. The three-burial monk smelling of blood, followed by the white girl who was no different from an ordinary beauty, slowly broke through the high-altitude atmosphere and broke into the River of Forgetfulness.

Heavenly Court has deployed countless early warning formations and restrictions around Wangchuan.

According to the strictness of these formation restrictions, not to mention a living person breaking in, even if it is a grain of sand, a breath, or even a shadow falling into Wangchuan, any tangible or intangible 'concept' breaks in from the outside. Anything that touches Wangchuan will alert the early warning system here, causing countless guards to take notice and attack in groups...

But countless years have passed...

The Landa Holy Land has been destroyed for countless years, and the Forgotten River has been transformed into a primitive wilderness for countless years. Even the huge Supreme Taichu Heaven, countless stars, countless floating continents, countless large and small forces, have produced very few similar to Taichu and Taihu. Behind-the-scenes bosses like Tai Zhen and the senior emperors who participated in the battle that destroyed Landa Holy Land, few people remember that there is such an important area as Wangchuan in this world.

The guards here, just like those guarding the ruins of Landa Ancient Temple, have long been exhausted.

Lax armaments are not enough to describe the leaders of the guards here... They even secretly turned the countless resources they replenished every year to repair and fill these early warning formations and prohibitions into their own private property, and secretly sent them to the black market to exchange them for He collected mountains of imperial money, countless fine wines, beauties, and all kinds of luxurious things for his family to enjoy.

After all, it has been many years, countless years, and there has been no case of intrusion by a living person, not even a ghost.

In this case, why let these astronomical amounts of wealth be filled into the huge and endless consumption of formation restrictions, wasted in vain, and burned into a wisp of smoke? Wouldn't it be nice to exchange it for a wine-drinking woman and let the brothers enjoy life to the fullest?

Therefore, the three-buried monk and the white girl Shi Shiran drove straight in. All the sneaking methods they had originally thought of were not used at all, and they entered the Wangchuan River so easily.

The huge Wangchuan River, with its beautiful and majestic natural scenery, has experienced countless years of reproduction and reproduction. No matter how heaven blocks the Wangchuan River and suppresses the development of civilization here, human footprints still traverse every mountain and every river here. There are bonfires everywhere, smoke is blowing, and the smoke of fireworks is still rising tenaciously in every part of Wangchuan.

From time to time, deep in a certain mountain, a ray of Buddha's light would flash past, and a faint sound of Sanskrit could be heard, which immediately caused the guards to wail and curse for a while, and they had no choice but to drive their chariots over to investigate.

Generally speaking, such Buddha's light and Sanskrit sounds disappear in a flash, and any investigation will only return in vain.

But today, the Third Burial Monk had just broken into Wangchuan. In a large lake near him, several white lotuses suddenly emerged from the water. A white lotus bloomed in the middle. There was a very thin ray of Buddha's light inside that shot straight into the sky. Suddenly, there was a sound of Sanskrit singing. Soaring into the sky, a thumb-sized Buddha relic rotated slowly into the sky from the Buddha's light. Below the Buddha's relic, there was a red glazed sword that circled and slashed, creating a majestic and upright demon-killing Buddha's light.

In a small town by the lake where about 20 to 30,000 people live together, cries of Wow! can be heard endlessly. At the moment when the white lotus blooms, at least hundreds of babies are born from the mother's womb at the same time.

One of the babies, who was born with a fat head and big ears, suddenly opened his eyes, and the first syllable that came out of his mouth was not the cry of an ordinary baby, but an extremely clear word Buddha!

In the void, several cruising imperial chariots nearby, bronze mirrors spurted out dazzling blood at the same time, and sharp police whistles soared into the sky. The guards on the chariot suddenly became energetic as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood. They roared in low voices one by one, and regardless of driving the chariot, they used their magical powers one by one and rushed towards the people locked by the blood light of the precious mirror like mad dogs. The town pounced on the simple hut where the baby was.

The three-burial monk also saw the Buddha's light rising from the lake and heard the word Buddha coming out of the baby's mouth.

He raised his brows and nodded with a mix of sadness and joy: I am so compassionate, but I never thought that those guys' back-up tactics are still working to this day? But, despite all your calculations... I said that back then. However, these methods of yours are of no use at all.

The Third Burial monk shook his head and sighed: Look, look, if I don't come today, this doll will definitely...

What should I do? This senior brother looks so familiar.

Behind the Third Burial Monk, Lu Min appeared silently, like a ghost, making the Third Burial Monk tremble with fear.

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