Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1009 Reconstruction (5)

Trumpets sound, war drums thunder.

The sky is filled with chariots as huge as mountain peaks. Pulled by Pegasus horses that are either as fat as pigs or as skinny as monkeys, the wheels rub against the void, pulling up long sparks and driving dazzling lightning. Like a strong wind, he ran towards the place where Lu Min and the Sanzong monks were confronting each other.

On a giant chariot, Lord Dayi was sweating like rain. His whole body was radiating high temperature, and a white cloud formed by the evaporation of sweat was floating above his head. His skin became like a red-hot iron plate. Sweat spurted out from his pores and just slipped a few inches on his skin. Chichi' turned into wisps of white steam.

Originally, Lord Dayi was also a brave, hot-blooded, good at fighting, and fearless heavenly general. He once risked his own life and accompanied Emperor Taichu in the battle to destroy the Landa Holy Land. He gained his current status through hard work.

However, the current Lord Dayi has been guarding Wangchuan for too long. His generous salary, coupled with the huge profits brought by his empty salary, and the rotten diseases he developed from doing nothing, have turned him into a ruthless person. , treacherous, cruel, vicious and wanton villain bastard who preys on the common people!

Now, he has completely forgotten what he looked like when he was brave and good at fighting. He is like a rich country man with a big belly, patting his fat belly, thinking crazily, thinking about the current countermeasures.

If it weren't for the fear of Emperor Taichu, if it wasn't for the harsh punishment of heaven, if it wasn't for the fear of the all-pervasive patrolling forbidden gods with eyes and ears all over the world, Lord Dayi would have fled far away with his confidants.

The Buddhist melody released by Lu Min and the three-buried monks was so vast and surging, and the pressure of the Buddha's power on them was so terrifying and heavy... This was not unusual. After the Landa Holy Land collapsed, they pretended to be 'Buddhist cultivators' in the name of cultivators. After learning a few shabby and superficial Buddhist teachings, I started to deceive and deceive people everywhere, and even became a loose Buddhist practitioner who bullied men and dominated women.

With such momentum and power, it could only be that the obsession has not been eliminated, the cause and effect has not been broken, and the extremely strong obsession in the heart has used the terrifying magical powers and secrets of Buddhism to forcefully escape from reincarnation. I don’t know how many generations I have struggled. After reincarnation, the 'real' Buddhist power finally crawled back.

It has been countless years since Heaven was established. But every once in a while, every long period of time, there will always be three or five 'real' Buddhist masters who come out from nowhere and stab a weak area in heaven.

As far as Mr. Dayi can remember, several old friends of the 'Xingxiang' level who were once as famous as him, enjoyed high positions in heaven, and had real power, fell in the 'Buddha disaster' in the past few times, and were beaten to the point of being knocked out of their minds forever. Not allowed to be reborn!

In heaven, there is no inheritance of magical powers and secrets like Buddhism. If the great powers and important ministers of the Heavenly Court fall, they have truly fallen... So far, I have never heard of any great power in the Heavenly Court who was beaten to ashes and still managed to crawl back from reincarnation.

Samsara, reincarnation, in this dimension of space, are the exclusive domain of the great powers of Buddhism. They don't know what tricks they have done inside. There are always Buddhist masters popping up, but no master who fell from heaven has ever been able to reappear in the world.

This is, very scary.

Many times in the past, Mr. Dayi squatted in Wangchuan, hugged the girl, drank wine, and happily watched the death of old friends one after another... Those guys enjoyed high officials and generous salaries, and had unlimited prestige in front of and behind others, but he himself was Guarding in a remote place like Wangchuan is no different from going to jail.

Therefore, seeing the death of those old friends, Mr. Dayi honestly felt gloating and even complacent!

But today, those damn Buddhist cultivators actually appeared on their own territory.

There is no justice, there is really no justice. Mr. Dayi muttered to the few absolute confidants around him: In these years, I have done nothing to regret their Buddhist sect... Sometimes I even get tired of eating big fish and meat. , I still need to eat vegetarian food for a few days to clear my stomach.

You are a vegetarian, so why don't you have some kind of romantic relationship with their Buddhist sect?

I haven't done anything harmful to the world in these years in Wangchuan... It's just that I consume 30,000 to 50,000 yuan every year... Ahem, 150,000 to 60,000... Ahem, 3 to 50,000 untouchables... …Is this considered a thing?”

Mr. Dayi looked at his confidants with a bitter look on his face: Later, I will charge forward, and you guys squat behind, don't move forward... If I succeed in a battle and gain the upper hand, you can wave your flag and shout, Record all the majestic scenes in which I killed everyone with my magical powers, and I will show them to the emperor for his enjoyment.

If so, I mean, just in case... If, there is this possibility... I am not the opponent of those Buddhist thieves... Then, I will vomit blood and retreat, and then pass out... If you see me in a coma, don't make noises, don't Long-winded.

Lord Da Yi reached out and took out a platinum-gold spiritual talisman, entwined with wisps of blazing divine light, and quickly stuffed it into the hands of a confidant: I bought this from Taihu Tian at a high price, with the hands of Emperor Taihu himself. The made 'Zhou Guang Escape Talisman'... Taichu, Taihu, and Taiyi were the three great emperors. In terms of the speed of escaping light, Emperor Taihu was absolutely the best... The spiritual talisman he made with his own hands was a life-saving thing. .”

Remember, I will be knocked unconscious later. I will fly backwards. You grab me and quickly trigger the magic talisman to escape. Go straight to the heaven. Don't go anywhere else.

Scare, this damn rule... I am the general guarding Wangchuan. With my spirit talisman in hand, I cannot actively inspire escape. I must fight to the end and wait for reinforcements... Scare, when the reinforcements arrive, we don't know how many people will die. Times.

I can't activate the magic talisman, but you can. Remember, don't hesitate, don't hesitate, catch me and leave immediately!

With thousands of instructions and thousands of instructions, Mr. Dayi explained and explained to several of his confidants, repeating his orders over and over again.

Several confidants nodded desperately, their heads almost shaking off their necks. Mr. Dayi breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his head and looked forward, and saw that not far away, half of the world was filled with Buddha's light, auspicious energy. Ascend, half of the world is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with countless wronged souls...

And at the core of the two halves of the world, there are two majestic monks who were born with treasures.

Well, he is indeed a great monk wearing monk robes and attire. Although Lu Min has hair on his head and a bun, looking at his demeanor, he is a man who has crawled back from reincarnation and broken the womb. Mysterious, the thief monk took back all the Buddhist power, magical powers, secrets, and insights accumulated in countless reincarnations in his previous life!

It's not fair! Mr. Dayi murmured: We are careful to practice. I don't know how many years of hard work it will take, and it is rare for our cultivation to increase... These monks, tsk tsk, just have a twitch in the head and 'crack' If you become a Buddha immediately, you can wield a knife and go straight to us to do evil.

These bald thieves... are carrying top-notch desperadoes! Mr. Dayi shook his head and sighed, not sure if he was praising or denouncing them. He shook his hands and punched out the newly made apricot blossom Chunyu Mengyi, turning it into a pink flame suspended above his head, and then shouted sharply at Lu Min and the Third Burial Monk: That thief is bald, you are the remnants of Landa Temple. ? Since you were lucky enough to escape with your life, why didn't you cherish it and instead came back to seek death?

You can see that today's heaven is...

Mr. Dayi couldn't finish what he said because Monk Sanzong pointed at him.

No wind, no shadow, no sound, no breath... With Da Yijun's emperor-level cultivation, and among the emperor-level existences in Supreme Taichu Tian, ​​Da Yijun is definitely not weak. However, with his cultivation, his strength, and the fact that he had several imperial weapon treasures that had their own unique uses, he was unable to detect the origin of the three-burial monk's finger.

It seemed like nothing happened, but in the next moment, Lord Dayi's shadow moved.

Several two-dimensional figures, all pitch black, emerged from the shadow of Mr. Dayi. Looking at the outline of the shadow, it was clearly the appearance of a young girl... They silently stretched out their arms. Their arms were extremely elongated, and in an instant they became tens of feet long, like ropes that seduced people and threatened their lives. It quickly wrapped around Da Yijun's body.

Mr. Dayi shivered in fright. He did not expect that Monk Sanzong could actually attack him from such a distance.

He hurriedly yelled at the few confidants around him: This level of battle is not something you can get involved in. Retreat...retreat...retreat...remain useful so that you can continue to be loyal to the emperor in the future!

These words are so high-sounding and so loyal!

Several confidants screamed and turned around to leave one by one... They were all old men who had participated in the first battle with Dayi Lord. Their cultivation level was not yet at the level of the Great Emperor, but they were all among the Great Heavenly Lords. Each of the top existences has opened 480 million acupoints and filled them with cultivation bases.

However, Heaven has restricted the appearance of the new emperor.

Not only the Heavenly Court, but also Taiqutian, Taiyitian, and even Guixu and other big forces hiding behind the scenes are all vaguely restricting the emergence of new emperors. If someone reveals that they want to be promoted to the Great Emperor, there will always be overt and covert interference.

Like King Qiu Gui, he could secretly raise a private army, find an unnoticed trail, kill all the competitors on this trail, and successfully gather the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, thus breaking through the threshold of the Great Emperor.

And these guys who are loyal to the heaven, without the order of Emperor Taichu, they dare not move or even think... Therefore, countless years have passed, how cultivated they were back then, and how they are still cultivated now. for. It's nothing more than practicing a few more fancy magical powers and a few more life-saving skills.

Several people fled backwards in a hurry, and the speed was not slow.

However, they escaped quickly, but the three-burial monk's finger was even more mysterious... There were also dark shadows emerging from the scattered figures of several confidants, stretching out his arms towards their figures. Wrapped up.

Lord Dayi's whole body was ignited with dazzling fire, exuding a burning, suffocating and violent heat with a strong smell of blood.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Lord Dayi's entire body turned into a piece of red-hot iron - and it was still a piece of iron that had tortured and killed countless criminals and entangled countless wronged souls!

The next moment, the few black shadows emerged from the shadow of Lord Dayi, and their fingertips spurted out traces of blood-colored flames. Bitingly cold, with overwhelming resentment, these evil flames, which were completely outside the scope of the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Fire Path, sprayed out like fireworks and quickly fell on the shadow of Lord Dayi.

These bloody flames come from ‘outside the avenue’ and are not subject to ‘laws’!

Lord Dayi looked at these blood-colored flames. As a powerful person who has mastered the 'Way of Fire Punishment', he could not feel any power at all from these cold and biting blood-colored flames. He even judged that if a similar bloody flame weighed 30,000 to 50,000 kilograms, he could swallow it in one gulp!

Wei Mo Xiaodao... Thief Bald, that's all you have? Mr. Dayi laughed wildly, and the long-lost heroic spirit, blood and courage surged out of his heart and quickly filled his body, causing his body and courage to expand rapidly. stand up.

Let me teach you how to play with this fire!

Mr. Dayi laughed wildly, his eyes were spitting out flames, he stared at Monk Three Burials and said sternly: Look at you, a monk, with skin so thin and tender flesh... Hehe, I must capture you, and prepare you so cruelly... ...Hmm, what method should be used? Cannon fire? Brazier? Iron plate? Volcano?

Oh my, it's so hard to imagine that all these methods were used back then! Mr. Dayi shook his head in distress.

Then, he was horrified to find that his shadow actually burned.

How can a shadow burn?

Even though he has mastered the 'Way of Fire Punishment' and has extraordinary attainments in the 'Way of Fire', which is the most basic five-element road that makes up the universe, Da Yijun was stunned. He stared blankly at himself burning, already rising. He saw the shadow of the red flame several feet high, and suddenly countless black evil thoughts were generated in his mind.

For as long as he can remember...

How many years has Mr. Dayi lived?

He himself had forgotten.

He even forgot when Heaven was established.

From what he can remember, he started practicing, met Emperor Taichu, went from stranger to acquaintance, from acquaintance to brother, from brother to subordinate, and then conquered all directions, and finally attacked the Landa Holy Land, took control of the supreme power of Taichu Heaven, and established the Heavenly Court. ...Then, he, the 'most trusted brother', was given the important task of sitting in Wangchuan to guard against the remnants of Buddhism from coming back...

Countless years, sitting in Wangchuan for countless years.

In addition to those previous experiences...countless years, immeasurable years, years measured in catastrophes...fighting, killing...endless fighting and killing...first to survive...and then to survive. It got better... Later, someone violated his majesty... and now, for no reason, just for pure enjoyment, to vent the loneliness and boredom brought about by the boring years...

Killings, endless killings, countless killings.

God knows how many people he killed.

At this moment, his mind seemed to have turned into a stinky, filthy cesspit, and countless dirty thoughts emerged from his mind in the form of dark shadows. In every thought, there is a face as clear as a living person... It is the face of the undead who was killed or tortured to death by Lord Dayi for various reasons.

Among these people, probably one in 10,000 died unjustly.

There are 23 out of 10,000 people who have a way to die.

There are more than ten thousand people, Lord Dayi and them, meet by chance, and there is no grievance or enmity, but because of various misunderstandings, various conflicts arise, so everyone uses their own methods, and they fall into the hands of Lord Dayi, who There's not much to say.

As for the vast majority of the remaining people, Lord Dayi controls the overwhelming power. After exerting the overwhelming power, he kills and kills endlessly. For merit, for certain possibilities, or even directly for one's own selfish desires...killing.

All the undead souls caused by the killings rose from the mind of Lord Dayi. They looked at Lord Dayi with smiles and shouted out Lord Dayi's name in unison. Every time they chanted Lord Dayi's name in unison, they raised their voices hoarsely, using sounds of crying, laughter, sadness, anger... sounds of various emotions, including the kind that was so tragic that no one could bear to hear it. With stern voices, they all announced their names.

For a moment, Da Yijun's mind was filled with countless roars.

He could no longer have any new thoughts, he could no longer make any new decisions. To outsiders, it was when Lord Dayi's shadow suddenly burst into flames that his body froze in place.

This finger from the San Burial Monk directly detonated all the 'cause and effect', all the 'crimes', all the 'blood debts', and all the 'resentments' on Mr. Dayi... When a person is alive, even a saint cannot help but do a few things. A wrong thing, a bad thing, something that I regret deeply.

And these things are cause and effect, involvement, guilt, and the fuel of the three-burial monk.

This secret method and this magical power of Monk Three Burials is not in the ‘Great Dao System’ of the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Just like the one he successfully refined, the Feitian named White Girl is beyond the constraints of laws and is not within heaven and earth. It is a completely alien existence beyond ordinary people's concepts and imagination.

The red fire burned fiercely.

Lord Dayi's way is collapsing, his law is disintegrating, his body is ignited by red flames, countless black shadows emerge from his figure, accompanied by a uniform roar in his mind , constantly getting into Lord Dayi's body, happily devouring his flesh and blood, devouring his bone marrow, devouring his essence, and even contaminating his magic power, contaminating his magical powers, contaminating his soul...

The sins accumulated on Mr. Dayi, especially after he took command of Wangchuan, were too heavy.

This is the ultimate reckoning.

This is the final judgment.

Lu Min's eyes widened, and he quietly looked at the red flames rising from Lord Dayi's body, as well as the two-dimensional black shadows that continued to penetrate into his body - these black shadows were neither living things nor dead things. , do not exist in this world, nor in the past and future... They are just some alien species projected in the long river of time, in the infinite universe, and in the dimensional diaphragm of each world because of the sins of Lord Dayi. the concept of.

Ordinary creatures and ordinary monks cannot even understand this concept.

The Third Burial Monk not only understood it, but also mastered it. In this reincarnation, he did not hesitate to sacrifice all the creatures of a Wanmiao Heaven with secret methods to refine its prototype.

After the sacrifice of countless living beings, including his own... finally, this magical power was achieved.

The emperor-level Lord Da Yi even froze on the spot, allowing himself to be slaughtered by this secret method without any resistance.

Lu Min looked at the Third Burial Monk with a mixture of sadness and joy: You, have practiced this secret technique? Do you know that this is... the way to perish together? You, never, never...

The Third Burial monk smiled and looked at Lu Min: I, a Buddhist disciple, should practice more about the afterlife... the afterlife... the afterlife... is illusory, but in the hearts of my Buddhist disciples, we know very well that as long as we have the power of a part of the world, No matter what method we use; as long as we control the reincarnation of one world, no matter what method we use...as long as we have the power, then reincarnation can be expected.

Because we know that we can be reincarnated and come back again and again. We have the opportunity to come back again and again... so we occasionally give in step by step and tolerate it time and time again.

Give in, tolerate; tolerate, give in. Even if the blade is on our neck, we will still think, hey, isn't this life in vain? Then, the next life? Anyway, there is a chance of being at the bottom in the next life, so we should be tolerant A little bit, a little kindness, a little kindness, a little hesitation, a little bit of womanly benevolence, it’s all okay!”

So, we lost. We lost again and again!

Even the Three Light Buddha is so powerful. If he wants to leave, who can kill him? Who can destroy him? If he is still alive, with his magical powers, how can our Landa Holy Land be destroyed in one fell swoop? ?”

But, is it ridiculous? Because Taichu, Taiqu, and Taiyi threatened the lives of some ants, so he stayed where he was and fought to the end with their endless army... until he fought to the death, he died!

Because, he also thinks that it doesn't matter. If there is a chance, we can come again... Reincarnation is in our hands, we can come again!

The third burial monk glared at Lu Min: Yes, we can come again... We are the Buddha, we are the great emperor, we have infinite power, we can reverse nature, we can step into reincarnation, and treat reincarnation as a small river ditch, one at a time Crossing over again, playing again and again...we have countless opportunities to do it again!”

But what about our disciples and disciples, if we count down, ten generations, a hundred generations, a thousand generations, or even the disciples and descendants of lower generations? They don't have our magical powers, they don't have our great power... When they die, they really disappear. It’s gone, it’s gone into ashes!”

Do you still remember the founding disciple of your previous generation?

Do you remember the little disciple you had in your previous life?

Count a hundred reincarnations, a thousand reincarnations, back to when you first embarked on the path of cultivation, back to when you first worshiped Buddhism, those Taoist friends who once walked side by side with you...or, Taoism Companion...or disciple...

Monk Three Burials said softly: There are so many disciples... I remember them, each one's appearance, each one's dharma name, each one's habits... Even including the little thief monk Bujie, he Every time he eats steamed buns, he doesn’t eat the skin, only the core. How many times did he get slapped by the Discipline Academy for this matter?”

He is stupid. His cultivation speed is the slowest among all my disciples!

He is the most filial person...

The Third Burial Monk sighed: I remember them, I remember them completely... each person's appearance, name, title, hobbies, habits... even where they fell, why they died, and who killed them Who died, how he was killed... I remember them all!

But it's useful! Monk Sanzong smiled subtly and looked at the silent Lu Min with twinkling eyes: They are all dead... They don't have the ability like us. From the stinking reincarnation They crawl out of the puddle again and again. So, they are dead. Completely, the fun is over!

So, I have cultivated this forbidden technique. The third burial monk smiled and pointed lightly at the heavenly guards who were driving chariots from all directions. As a result, there were countless black shadows in the shadows of these guards. After getting out, their guilt, their guilt, their cause and effect, and everything they were involved in burned up. So, they stood frozen on the chariot, no one could move, their flesh, blood, essence, soul, everything was burning and being swallowed up.

I practiced this forbidden technique, and I buried myself.

Go over, no more.

Now, no more.

No more future!

We, as teachers, as ancestors, as seniors, as the helmsmen of the Landa Holy Land lineage, we must be fair... Those disciples died so miserably, they all died... Then, we must be more ruthless. Leave no room for yourself.”

The Third Burial Monk pointed to his dark shadow at his feet, which was a hundred times darker than Lu Min's shadow: If I die this time, I will also be wiped out. I will never have the chance to be reincarnated again. !”

I've done everything I can.

So, we have to go to a more extreme place.

I want to recreate this world... destroy everything, and then start over again according to my wishes! Everything is new, all in accordance with my will, all in compliance with my Buddhist will, and in compliance with my Buddhist teachings!

Lord Dayi's face was distorted.

His Dao is struggling, his law is resisting, his soul is wailing and screaming, his fighting instinct is stimulating his spirit and flesh crazily, he slowly recovers from the burning of the red flame, He struggled, controlling the Xinghua Chunyu to enter Mengyi, and enveloped it fiercely towards the Sanzong Monk.

Beside Monk Three Burials, the shadow of 'Feitian' flashed past.

The spring rain of apricot blossoms also ignited red flames in Mengyi, and with a 'chi' sound, this Da Yijun spent many years and a huge amount of resources, and even smashed more than half of the belongings he had accumulated through his greedy military salary. , the Imperial Weapon Noble Phantasm that was successfully refined with great difficulty, just like the thinnest piece of bamboo paper, turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated in the flames.

Your heart is moved! Monk Three Burials suddenly smiled.

He pointed lightly towards Lu Min.

Around Lu Min, the Buddha's light, auspiciousness, and all the upright Buddhist dharma collapsed. Lu Min vomited blood, awkwardly set up a Buddha's light and flew into the sky, and fled Wangchuan.

The next moment, crimson flames enveloped the entire River of Forgetfulness.

Countless guards were reduced to nothing in the flames, and all the creatures on the River of Forgetfulness were burned to ashes.

Countless two-dimensional human-shaped black shadows slowly rose from the overwhelming red flames. They were quietly suspended in the air, quietly 'looking' at the vast void in all directions.


The avenue of heaven and earth in the Supreme Taichu Heaven is like an endless deep sea.

The moment all the creatures in Wangchuan were refined, it was like a meteorite with a diameter of trillions of miles falling from the sky, slamming into the deep sea, causing huge waves!

In the huge Supreme Taichu Heaven, all the masters who were qualified to face the giant dragon that evolved from the laws of the Great Way, and understood the mysteries of the Great Way, all vomited blood, were shocked to the point of being stunned, and almost fainted.

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