Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1010 Unnatural Disaster

Wangchuan got out of his mind.

But how much does it have to do with Lu Qianneng?

At the moment, he is busy organizing the army and building a land.

The reason for organizing the army is naturally because Shenyin has a large army. However, in this army, except for a few foreign races such as the little man Yuhui who was conquered by Lu Ren - the total number of these foreign races is only one billion. . The real main force of this army is the private army that came from the Linghu Clan, the Dugu Clan, the Nangong Clan, the Beimen Clan, and those wealthy families who voluntarily contributed under the rule of Taiyitian.

Shenyin claimed to be a country, but its army was composed of private armies belonging to the wealthy families under its rule.

This is obviously unreasonable.

Therefore, Lu Qian was busy reorganizing the army with the help of several young eunuchs. Select those with superior qualifications from the people, provide them with a huge amount of training resources, practice the Buddhist Dharma Protector Golden Body Speed ​​Success Method provided by Lu Qian, and use the fastest speed to cultivate into elite soldiers who can be used.

‘Speed’…the ‘speed’ of spiritual practice can naturally be incorporated into the concept of ‘speed’. Although the speed of cultivation is a bit illusory compared to the speed of running, jumping, flying, cutting, and the movement of the sun and the moon, it is still a kind of speed.

It's speed, Lu Qian can accelerate. Moreover, what he provided was the quickest practice in Buddhism, which is almost comparable to the 'demon power' of the body-like Dharma Protector Vajra body cultivation technique. This technique comes from the Landa Buddha. It progresses very quickly and is extremely powerful. It is large, progresses rapidly, and has various accompanying great powers and magical powers.

Therefore, gradually, in addition to the private armies of wealthy families, the number of elite soldiers and generals selected by Lu Qian from the people gradually caught up. There were even more talented and outstanding generals from the people who were recruited by Yin. Yuan's credibility, high-ranking officials and various rewards continued to pour in. Gradually, these generals who were born among the common people were more popular in the Shenyin court than those who came from wealthy families.

Of course, how could Lu Qian indulge those private armies who came from wealthy families?

Although Shen Yin's main army was gradually becoming composed of civilian soldiers, as for the wealthy armies, Lu Qian organized them into a second-rate garrison, specifically responsible for guarding Shen Yin's capital city of Haojing Continent.

‘Haojing Continent’, this name is very majestic and majestic.

At the original location of Linghu Clan's Linghu Yunlu, due to Qing Emperor's cruel methods, the entire Linghu Clan's Linghu Yunlu, a piece of lush heaven, was completely swallowed up, and millions of stars and floating continents were completely swallowed up. Absorbed by those alien races into nutrients, this vast area in the void, with a diameter of trillions of miles, was empty, not even a speck of dust.

With the blessing of Lu Qian's magical power, from the distant star field, floating continents of different sizes, stars with different diameters, and even big sun stars are dragging long flames. Tail, traveling through the void at a terrifying and incredible high speed.

Lu Qian was sweating profusely and used his own speed to accelerate these stars and continents crazily.

The size of these stars and continents are too huge and the weight is too shocking. Even if Lu Qian is already at the Great Emperor level, he will not need much strength to lead a fleet of tens of millions of ships on an expedition, but these stars and continents, But it was ten thousand times, one million times, hundreds of millions times bigger than that fleet, and its weight was even more astonishing.

Therefore, Lu Qian accelerated so many sun, moon and stars at once, allowing them to cross the vast void and rush to Linghu Yunlu. He also exhausted all his strength and almost fainted from exhaustion several times.

After all, he had just stepped into the threshold of the Great Emperor, and his accumulation in the realm of the Great Emperor was still too shallow. If Lu Qian's three core avenues of space, time, and strength are fully achieved, and combined with the avenue of speed, then his ability will be almost at the level of using the sun as a projectile.

We can't do it now, so we can only work hard in sweat!

Every star, every big sun, every continent... All the creatures on these star continents were mobilized by Lu Qian. Before starting, all these creatures were plundered and transported away by fleet.

So, time passed little by little.

Finally, on the day planned by Lu Ren, tens of millions of stars and continents flew from all directions and collided fiercely at the point where Linghu Cloud City once was.

Words cannot describe the scene of millions of stars and continents colliding together...

It was not as earth-shattering as imagined, and it did not release any exterminating light waves or heat... Because as these continents and stars got closer and closer, Lu Qian caused their speed to suddenly drop to almost zero.

When they were less than a thousand miles away from each other, thousands of continents and stars were almost frozen in the void. The strong sense of difference between running at a speed far faster than light, but suddenly stagnating, is enough to make people who witness this scene, but are not very spiritual, directly confused and die.

A distance of more than a thousand miles, these stars and land masses were all carefully selected by Lu Qian. They were extremely large in size and could be regarded as a 'huge giant' among the celestial bodies of the Supreme Taichu Heaven. kind.

Therefore, although Lu Qian reduced their speed to almost zero, due to the mutual attraction, these big guys began to slowly move towards the center.

Stars slowly collided together, and a square continent slowly piled together. With its huge body and incalculable weight, these stars and continents simultaneously stirred up terrifying earthquakes. Under the huge accumulation of weight, violent shocks swept through this newly born piece of land in waves. Under Lu Qian's control, a giant pancake-shaped continent was roughly formed.

Waves of vibrations, just like a giant wielding a hammer, hitting the red-hot small steel balls, hammering them thousands of times, forcibly tempering them into a piece of 'Damascus steel' with exquisite textures!

The avenue of heaven and earth in this area of ​​the world is running spontaneously. What Lu Qian is worried about is that the so-called weight of the star is too huge, which will lead to 'collapse of gravity', 'collapse of the gravitational field', 'sudden increase in density', and 'formation of terrible fusion' Nothing like that happened.

Deep in the earth, the earth veins are like living creatures, traveling back and forth spontaneously and coherently. The big ones swallowed the medium ones, the medium ones swallowed the small ones, and the smaller ones swallowed the tiny ones... Then, these earth veins began to expand and grow, and extremely thin branches of the earth veins extended outwards, quickly running through the entire continent.

In the Supreme Taichu Heaven, except for Wangchuan, there has never been such a huge landmass.

Higher peaks, bigger oceans, deeper canyons, longer rivers, and more intense inspiration from heaven and earth!

In the void, one avenue after another winds and squirms, manifesting the appearance of the avenue dragon that is clearly visible to the naked eye... On these avenues and dragons' appearance, there are thick chains formed by the rules and precepts drawn up by the heaven. 'There was a sound, turning into a deafening sound of thunder that swept across the world.

Huge chains curled down like the fingers of an evil ghost, fiercely covering this new continent.

Imprisoning the earth's veins, imprisoning the laws, imprisoning the overflowing, new, and extremely rich spiritual power of heaven and earth...

This new continent, because of something similar to the first opening of heaven and earth, Lu Qian was not able to fully understand the mechanism for a while, and was temporarily freed from the imprisonment of heaven's rules and commandments, and was freed from that terrible, shrouded The whole heaven and earth network of Supreme Taichu Heaven.

At that time, the heaven and earth had just been formed, and Lu Qian had not had time to arrange the sun, moon and stars that revolved around this continent. Countless shackles of heaven and earth fell hard, trying to bring this area of ​​heaven and earth under the complete control of heaven.

Why am I so busy? Do I want you to pick fruits in heaven?

Lu Qian shouted loudly, and the four pillars of heaven rose up, and the four huge glazed pagodas turned into Buddha's light and fell towards the four directions of the east, west, north, and south of the newborn continent. The dense Buddha array in the dense world of mortals was activated, and the entire continent suddenly entered a strange state that seemed to be both real and illusory.

In Lu Qian's body, the five-element small world that he had condensed and had not yet fully realized turned into a five-color orb the size of a fist. It flew out directly from his body and fell lightly to the center of the newborn continent, the tallest one. It can be called the top of the divine peak.

Five uncles rushed out of the small world, and strange lights of five colors rose into the sky.

A few days ago, I don't know what kind of benefits Yinyuan gave the five uncles. In short, now the five uncles not only changed their appearance, but their power also soared to a level that even Lu Qian was a little stunned.

More importantly, authority!

The five uncles, on the Five Elements Avenue of this side of the world, impressively control far more power than others.

The five-color halo rises, with the small world of the Five Elements condensed by Lu Qian as the eye, and the four pillars as the support. There are five uncles with different personalities, some are honest and honest, some are brutal and violent, some are glib, some are vicious, some are simple and dull. As the guardian of the formation spirit, he uses the entire new continent as a source of power to continuously provide all kinds of consumption within the formation.

The five-color strange light mixed with the four-color Buddha light turned into a dense layer of glazed light, covering the entire continent.

The sound of Ching Lang Lang was deafening. If ordinary monks came close, they would be shaken to pieces by the loud sound of the avenue... Countless shackles of heaven and earth rolled down and hit the glazed light barrier, one by one shattered and collapsed, and then He was so shocked that he rolled back.

Qiang Qiang the sound of swords rose into the sky.

The three Qingyou girls each held a sword and stood quietly at the core of the New Continent, on the top of the divine peak that towered over the sky and the earth. They raised their heads and looked at the countless shackles of heaven and earth in the sky that were like poisonous snakes and ghost claws, wriggling and rolling around the entire newborn continent crazily, and they gave a soft drink at the same time.

The heart, mind, and spirit come from the ancient indescribable and supreme swordsmanship 'Three Thoughts of Swordsmanship'. Each of the three Qingyou girls held a line and displayed it simultaneously... Once upon a time, in the past, the three Qingyou girls were originally Together, they are the 'Three Swords Buddhas' who have mastered the art of swordsmanship in Landa Holy Land! (Chapter 987)

In this life, although they have not yet gathered the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, the entire 'Sword Dao' of the Supreme Taichu Heaven favors them. The great swordsman directly abandoned other powerful monks who were qualified to understand the great path and participate in the supreme swordsmanship, and invested all his strength, not even a bit, in the three women.

In the void, a clear, bright, cold, and sharp giant dragon appeared slowly.

The 'Sword Dao' appeared, and the immeasurable sword light swept across the void. The loud sound of 'Chlang' was heard endlessly. The whole heaven was trembling slightly, and many heavenly officials sitting in the Supervisory Heaven Palace vomited blood. With this blow, the heavenly court arranged between the heaven and the earth. During this time, a huge gap was cut open in the net that blocked the laws of heaven and earth and prevented ordinary people from practicing at will.

Lu Qian looked on with a smile.

To use a metaphor that is not very appropriate - the world is a home, and every law is an aborigine in the home; some aborigines are good at repairing houses; some aborigines are good at giving birth to children; some aborigines are good at giving birth to children; The residents are good at treating diseases and injuries; some aborigines are good at farming...

As for Swordsmanship, there is no doubt that it is the Martial Arts Master among the aborigines, and it is the category of the top masters!

A large family is quarreling over some trivial matter. Suddenly, among the relatives and friends, the most skilled guy in charge of fighting suddenly shows a bright knife and gestures desperately in front of you—— Just asking are you afraid? Are you scared?

One by one, the Dharma gradually converges.

The battle between the great avenues is not so easy to start... What's more, for these great avenues, what Heaven has done is against their original intentions and imprisoned their freedom!

Therefore, in the void, there is only one giant sword dragon, shining brightly and filling the sky with cold light.

A high-pitched sword chant rang out, and a clone of a sword dragon that was thousands of miles long fell from the sky and sank into the largest, most core, and most important source of earth veins in the New Continent with a bang.

For a time, every inch of soil in the entire New Continent was filled with sword aura, and a strong sword rhyme spread in all directions!

To use a 'common saying', the entire New Continent has become a 'holy place for sword practice'!

The residents who thrive on this continent can more easily master advanced swordsmanship and practice powerful swordsmanship. Even newborn babies can have more outstanding 'swordsmanship qualifications'... What's even more outrageous is that with this With the nourishment of Stegosaurus clones over the years, the metal veins underground in this continent will gradually change their properties. The swords they forge will be sharper and more powerful, and are more suitable for sword cultivators to stab Hanxing with their swords and behead heads from thousands of miles away!

In the void, the newly formed Haojing Continent was free and free, and the spiritual energy of the world turned into a thick spiritual mist visible to the naked eye. The wisps of Dao rhyme are clearly visible. Of course, they occupy a dominant position. The clearest and strongest Dao rhyme is naturally the Dao of Swords!

The Haojing Continent has become the Supreme Taichu Heaven. In addition to Tianting, Taihutian, and Taiyitian, it is another holy land where you can freely absorb the wisdom of heaven and earth and practice as you wish!

Heavenly Court, outside the south gate.

At the edge of the Suzaku Star Array, a bright mirror hangs high. Everything that happened on the Haojing Continent, no matter the details, is displayed by this bright mirror. The Qing Emperor sat cross-legged on the throne, squinting his eyes and looking coldly at the huge movement in the mirror that was changing the world and remaking the sun and the moon.

Several huge compound eyes flashed with blurry light, and aliens who appeared to be much smarter than their own race stood beside the Qing Emperor. A foreigner spoke quietly: This continent is free from the constraints of heaven. Those despicable ants can do whatever they want. You have practiced...this matter...are you not afraid that they will be out of control?

Qingdi waved his hand in anguish: Out of control? Now except for Yinyuan's life, except for the lives of Yinyuan's women and sons, do we really control them? That Lu Qian, or in other words, Fa Hai, this bald donkey , he is simply an alien...the Avenue of Speed...until we find a way to restrain the Avenue of Speed...

The Qing Emperor snorted coldly and glanced at the many foreigners around him, or in other words, at his many 'descendants' with disgust: Lu Ren and Yinyuan are working so hard, so passionately... Let's not worry about them in the future. Are you really going to do your best to track down the whereabouts of the remnants of Lingshan and Daleiyin Temple for us... Let me ask you, have you discovered anything these days?

Several aliens shrank their necks, spread their hands at the same time, and shook their heads gently.

Qing Emperor waved his hands and slapped each one, causing these aliens to vomit blood and fly out: Why don't you hurry up and go out to work for me? No matter what means you use, in short, find those remnants for me!

He took a breath and covered the transparent wound on his chest with his right hand, which was stabbed by Old Xiong Zun in Yuncha Ridge, and murmured: This heart is beating so hard, there is always some bad sign... Damn it, I'm just a strong warrior, what I'm good at is devouring and killing... I don't know how to do these mysterious things like divination, divination, and prediction!

Angrily scratching his forehead, Qingdi murmured: I always have a bad feeling... Hey, old guy, what do you think? You are said to be the best in divination in heaven, and also the 'first in wisdom' Say it... How about you give me an accurate statement? Become mine?

How many years have passed and you still haven't thought about it?

Looking ahead and looking behind, trying to protect yourself, you look like this, but you also want to transcend this world? Ah bah!

Qing Emperor cursed softly and pointed his finger. In the bright mirror in front of him, the scene in the Tianting Temple of the Heavenly Court suddenly appeared - in the smoke and clouds, the projections of the giant dragons on the avenue were squirming, and the shackles were tied to these projections. From time to time there was a high-pitched crashing sound.

In the smoke clouds, huge stars representing emperor-level existences were slowly rotating, moving in the void following wonderful trajectories.

Mr. Dafang sat cross-legged in the vast mist and looked at Qingdi on the other side of the mirror with a slightly sad face: Let me think about it again, let me do the calculation... It is true that there are too many choices, maybe too many, and too many causes and effects. There are so many, there are countless possible consequences... I always have to calculate it to be almost the same.

Qing Di took a deep look at Mr. Dafang and said quietly: Okay, I'll give you some time... I took a fancy to you back then. Really, I lack someone around me who can help me use my brain. Over the years , I was busy recuperating from my injuries that year, so I gave you enough time to think slowly...

Now, you still have a little time, I'll give you a little more time!

It's just that when my body truly wakes up, when my body recovers from all the injuries of the past, and my strength recovers, and even goes further... If you don't give me a clear answer, then I will drink Take your brains out!”

My clan has this ability.

Eating the brains of smart people will make us smarter. Although there will be some losses, I don't care... I have enough time, so I can wait slowly.

I'll eat your brain to make me smarter. I still have enough time to wait for the next person who is as smart as you...and then eat his brain! Qingdi grinned cruelly, mouth full. The teeth were sharp and flashed with a terrifying cold light: For example, among your descendants, will there be anyone as smart as you? I specially guard your descendants and select the smartest children in each generation to eat. Can I also become smarter and smarter, and eventually become just like you?

The Qing Emperor pretended to be distressed and slapped his head: Hey, no, no, you can't do this kind of thing... In fact, my bloodline restrains me and imprisons me. I am a strong warrior. My function is to fight and kill, to devour and destroy... The upper limit of my intelligence is locked.

That's why I need you, generous old gentleman!

I need you...this is a fact...but don't think that I have to be you! Qingdi gritted his teeth and said coldly: I don't have to be you!

Mr. Dafang was silent for a while, and he nodded slowly: Okay, okay, let me think about it again, think about it again... After all, the righteousness between monarch and minister for so many years... And, after all, Qing Emperor, you It's a foreign race, a foreign race from outside the world... Let me completely surrender to you, and even transform my body into a foreign race like you... Ahem!

The generous old gentleman's eyes flickered, and he shook his head gently: Give me a little more time...

Qingdi glanced at Mr. Dafang suspiciously. He rolled his eyes, hesitated for a moment, nodded slowly, and with a little finger, the light and shadow in the mirror suddenly disappeared.

In the Supervisory Heaven Hall, Mr. Dafang pursed his lips vigorously.

He took out a piece of tortoise shell, raised his eyebrows and spit out a little flame, burning thinly under the tortoise shell. Amidst the clicking sound, the tortoise shell with a trace of dark golden flames continued to break through the fine lines. The generous old man sang an ancient and vague ballad softly, and his tone was so clumsy that it was almost primitive and barbaric.

A young official in green clothes quietly walked into the Jiantian Hall.

He bowed deeply to Mr. Dafang: Ancestor, I still haven't been able to contact the emperor... He is probably living happily in Tianzhou again... Well, over there at Wangchuan...

Mr. Dafang raised his head, his eyes flashing with traces of gray primitive energy.

He said calmly: Today, everything is fine again.

Scar, my Heavenly Court is high above, governing all things in the world and billions of living beings... The Great Emperor Taichu is wise, powerful, intelligent and wise. He is the great Emperor of Heaven who has never been born in the world. The Supreme Taichu Heaven will naturally have good weather and good weather, and the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe... There will be no disasters. .”

Well, Wangchuan? Everything is safe on the other side of Wangchuan, so don't worry about him!

The generous old gentleman flicked his sleeves: Wipe your butt clean... By the way, help those kids who are not doing things well, wipe their butts clean!

The young official in green bowed and exited.

Dafang Laojun burned the tortoise shell more and more delicately, and grumbled: Qingsha? Lu Sanqi? Ming Jiudan? Hey, Lu Sanqi and Ming Jiudan are little babies, and they don't do things cleanly, so... That's all... You, Qingsha, the majestic Buddha of Guangfa, have you been reincarnated so many times that your brain has become stupid? You still leave so many heads and tails in your work.

If I hadn't wiped your butts for you all these years... I'm afraid, your shit Lingshan and Da Leiyin Temple would have been uprooted by Li Ting.

Oh, little old man, when did I learn to do things that are both positive and negative, and stabbing people in the back?

As people age, they change.

So, am I becoming a bad person as I get older, or am I a bad person to begin with and am I just getting older now?

Ah! Why do you care so much?

It's rare to be confused!

It's so rare to be confused!

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