Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1020 It’s become a trend

Heavenly Court, Supervisory Heaven Palace.

Mr. Dafang looked quietly at the simple and turbid glazed mirror in front of him. The simple ancient mirror looks like it has been immersed in a manure pit for three to five thousand years, absorbing the filthiest impurities in the world. It is dusty and dirty, making people not want to get close to it.

On the mirror, a shadow flickered, roughly reflecting the scene of the confrontation between Lu Qian and Qing Emperor.

This precious mirror looks extremely unpleasant, and its smell is turbid and dirty, making people reluctant to get close to it. But He is in line with the essence of the self-obstruction of divine objects. Using this precious mirror to peek at others, unless it is a being who has condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit in the divination of heaven and fortune, and is far more blessed than Generous Laojun a hundred times, otherwise there will be no one. Can detect the prying eyes of this 'mirror of confusion'.

And as far as Mr. Dafang knows, he is the only person in the Supreme Taichu Heaven who has condensed Tao Fruit on the path of divination. As for the other people...for countless years, some people have tried, secretly trying to achieve success on this avenue. Achieve something. After all, divination is also a great avenue, and it is extremely easy to divide his authority carefully and accommodate ten or eight emperor-level beings.

But except for the generous Laojun, no one succeeded.

As long as anyone who dared to get involved in the divination of heaven and had the potential to condense Dao Fruit, whether it was a 'genius' or a 'monster', those rising stars were easily obliterated by Mr. Dafang using the power of Heaven before they could condense Dao Fruit.

A great emperor who specializes in divination, and is the only great emperor who knows divination in this world. Isn't it easy to kill a few little bastards who compete with him for food?

Therefore, in theory, using this ‘mirror of confusion’, in the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, there is no one or thing that Mr. Generous Lord cannot spy on, and there is nothing that he cannot spy on...

The Avenue of Speed ​​is a headache-inducing avenue. Even on the frontal battlefield, it is far more troublesome than the Avenue of Time and Space. Mr. Dafang gently rubbed his chin and whispered with a smile: Anyway, I taught you the method. It's up to you, how you deal with it depends on your Qing Emperor's methods.

However, by taking refuge in the Qing Emperor, will we definitely be able to avoid the murderous calamity in the future? Mr. Dafang asked himself attentively: Not necessarily, not necessarily... He is also a part of the murderous calamity, so it is very possible that he cannot To protect yourself and take refuge in him is just an extra talisman for me and my descendants, but it is not absolutely safe.

So, you have to work harder. Dafang Laojun tore open his clothes, lowered his head, looked at his slightly green skin, which was slowly turning into a shell, and said softly: It doesn't matter if your body becomes an alien. The alien body is very tyrannical and powerful, and it is a good way to save one's life.

What is really important is the brain and the soul. As long as the brain is not mutated, as long as the soul is still free, I am generous, and I will still be generous. Mr. Dafang murmured: Then... Lao Wu, secretly give it to that person The emperor of Shenyin sent a message telling him the location of the secret cave where Emperor Qing imprisoned his wife and children.

Ask him for a token and make him swear a poisonous oath... If things change in the future, we will go to him with that token and ask him, and his sworn brother Lu Qian, to give us a way out.

In the Jiantian Hall, an old man with a white beard bowed solemnly to Mr. Dafang, turned around and left quickly.

Mr. Dafang hurriedly warned: Be careful, you must not show up. Use the hidden stakes that our family has arranged over the years, and use the Xuanji series of hidden stakes to pass the information... and then, use this series of hidden stakes Remove the hidden stakes.

The white-bearded old man agreed, his body swayed, and disappeared silently into a hazy rain of light.

Dafang Laojun rubbed his chin vigorously with one hand, and the other hand rubbed the changing skin on his chest very vigorously, and murmured in a low voice: Scared, what I do is a bit double-dealing and cheating... But, if you are struggling to survive, the one who survives to the end is the winner... For the lives of the whole family, the means should be despicable, not shabby.

As long as I live well, as long as my family lives well...who cares about means?

In the void, Lu Qian faced Qing Emperor directly.

Qing Emperor stared at Lu Yi with blazing eyes.

Waves of blue-green Dao Yun divine light spread from the Qing Emperor's body to the surroundings, and the Imperial Seal Dao Fruit condensed by the Qing Emperor began to activate. With the dull heartbeat, the flesh and blood of the twelve emperor-level aliens that were shattered by Lu Yi's blow began to fly back from all directions. Although these pieces of meat have collapsed, they still retain extremely powerful vitality.

Countless flesh buds grew and connected with each other. In a short breath, twelve intact alien bodies reappeared. The spiritual light of Dao Yun filled their bodies, and the terrifying pressure of the Dao erupted from the bodies of the twelve alien emperors. Their huge compound eyes flashed with dark green light, accompanied by ferocious screams, and they stared straight at Lu Qian. .

The game just now doesn't count. Qingdi waved his hand towards Lu Yi in an understatement: The Avenue of Speed ​​is certainly powerful, but if you want to take someone back with such empty talk... it's not that simple!

The twelve alien emperors roared together, the thick carapace plates behind them opened up, and the membrane wings that shone with the enchanting light opened one by one, and then began to vibrate at a terrifying high speed. As the extremely thin membrane wings, a thousand times thinner than paper, but extremely tough, vibrated at high speed, the void behind them was cut into black cracks that were vaguely visible to the naked eye.

Such ferocious and terrifying fighting power... If it were other masters of the same level who fought against these foreign warriors, if they were not careful, their vibrating membrane wings would swipe across their bodies, and a large piece of flesh and blood would be completely shattered.

But facing Lu Qian...

Something a little embarrassing happened... Lu Qian just glared at the twelve aliens who were about to pounce. The membrane wings that were rapidly vibrating behind them suddenly slowed down a thousand times. It's like a world-beating swordsman who was swinging his sword rapidly suddenly turned into an old lady practicing in the park all morning, slowly swinging her Tai Chi sword...

The membrane wings were light, slow, and swaying behind these aliens. The original cracks in the space disappeared, and even the strength they had accumulated to fight forward suddenly dissipated.

Qingdi's face is a bit ugly.

He roared.

Within the bodies of these aliens, circles of Taoist divine light surged. There is wind, thunder, lightning, fog, and all kinds of side paths that devour, corrode, poison, and fascinate.

Each of these twelve foreign emperors has condensed an average of six or seven Emperor Seal Dao Fruits. If calculated according to this side of the world and the cultivation rules formulated by the heaven and earth shackles drawn up by the heaven, these twelve foreign emperors, any one of them, can He can easily crush hundreds of newbies like King Qiu Gui who have just condensed Dao Fruit with one finger!

A strong Taoist charm is wrapped around these foreign emperors.

Waves of turbulent and powerful divine light from the avenue spread out in all directions, bit by bit, offsetting the power of the avenue of speed eroded by Lu Qian. Originally, Lu Qian slowed down these guys by more than ten thousand times, but at this moment, under the impact of their own condensed Dao Fruit Daoyun, Lu Qian's 'slowing down' effect on them was greatly weakened.

The high-speed oscillating 'buzzing' sound of the membrane wings started again.

These alien warriors stirred up poisonous wind, poisonous mist, paralyzing lightning, and the dark thunder that was best at drilling into people's hollows and corroding the internal organs. All kinds of vicious and evil laws and powers roared and surged. They raised their hands, Thousands of miles of void around Lu Qian were suddenly enveloped by mysterious magical powers.

Lu Qian let out a soft 'ugh' sound.

Under the pressure of Dao Yun jointly urged by twelve alien emperors, and apparently veterans who had been in this realm for quite some time, his speed was actually affected.

It was as if Lu Qian was originally in the void, and he could accelerate unscrupulously, constantly accelerating, and easily increase his speed to his ultimate limit. But at this moment, the void around him seemed to be filled with thick glue. Both Lu Qian's acceleration and his final speed were all weakened and greatly affected.

In all directions, countless people were jostling and squeezing each other. The tightly packed alien warriors screamed, and their huge formation began to squirm. They were like a huge building made of countless parts, but were completely destroyed. The machine controlled by consciousness started to operate extremely precisely and without any chaos.

In the void, countless foreign warriors spread their membrane wings and shook gently. They quickly pieced together the numbers in the arithmetic sequence of 'three', 'five', 'seven', and 'nine', from small to large. A unique formation with a beautiful appearance and extremely exquisite features can be called a work of art.

At first glance, this formation looks like a huge honeycomb, with the tiniest regular polygonal nests inside that are perfect in shape and flawless. In every small nest, there is a group of aliens who are gathering momentum, concentrating, and integrating their own mana and Taoism into one.

There are immeasurable alien races, and the number of alien warriors can be called 'incredible'. Among them, many of them have a cultivation level that is roughly equivalent to that of the weakest monks who have opened one or two acupoints... But there are too many of them, too many. Too many, too many...so many that it made Lu Qian's scalp numb!

A drop of water forms a sea, and an accumulation of sand forms a mountain.

Countless tiny bits of mana gathered through this strange formation, and were finally poured into the twelve alien emperors in the center.

The 'glue' around Lu Qian, which had greatly interfered with his acceleration and ultimate speed, suddenly turned into 'mercury', and then turned into an airtight 'steel plate'!

Lu Qian felt as if he was tightly sealed inside by a thick steel plate, and his speed had been greatly weakened...

'Speed' must have enough space to display its true lethality.

As for these foreign races, they formed a military formation, and with their infinite numbers, they created a 'seal' like a steel plate out of thin air. They directly compressed Lu Qian's speed advantage to the extreme!

Our clan has the keenest intuition about fighting. We are good at learning lessons from every tragic defeat in the battle, so as to constantly refine our blood and strengthen ourselves. The Qing Emperor's words came faintly: In one sentence, any strong If the enemy cannot completely destroy us and annihilate us in the first battle...then the lethality of his methods against us will soon be greatly weakened.

This is the charm of evolution!

Qingdi chuckled and said: Back then, that stupid monk in the Landa Holy Land was also practicing the Speed ​​Path. That battle really made us despair. In fact, there was nothing we could do against him... But, thank you to some people We used enough lives as bargaining chips to finally tear him apart.

After that battle, we conducted specialized targeted drills against enemies who were good at speed.

Qingdi coughed lightly: It's not perfect yet, because after so many years, we haven't encountered a second powerful enemy that has condensed the speed path fruit... We have lost the goal of practical operation, and our targeted evolution has not Perfect.

But it seems that the effect is good. Qing Emperor looked curiously at Lu Qian, who was surrounded by poisonous fog, poisonous wind, thunder, and lightning. He smiled and said: Although it will take some time to arrange this large formation. , However, as long as you are trapped in this formation, what else can you do?

Yes, is that so? Lu Qian passed through the heavy fog and strong wind, waved his Zen staff, and smashed the thunder and lightning that fell towards him, containing all kinds of vicious power, and looked at the Qing Emperor in the distance: In other words, as long as I don't fall into your circle, it will be fine!

Qingdi frowned: Can you still get out of trouble? Why? Space Avenue?

Qing Emperor subconsciously glanced at the void - the Space Avenue was empty and clean. There were only a few top powers who placed a trace of their souls on it, but no one could condense the Space Dao Fruit!

He smiled: In this world, there is no great emperor on the Space Avenue for the time being... Your speed is not enough...

Lu Qian coughed slightly and he snapped his fingers.

The 480 million acupuncture points in his body that had just been filled with mana and blood began to burn again.

His soul jumped out of the tributary of the long river of time in this side of the world. Ninety-nine percent of the mana and the burning energy and blood in his body were directly lost in a billionth of an instant.

Lu Qian's soul took a difficult step towards the past on the turbid and chaotic river of time.

When he was in the lower realm, Lu Qian had already mastered the magical power of manipulating in the long river of time. He could even transcend the long years experienced by some powerful masters, when those powerful masters were still fertilized eggs in their mothers' wombs. , directly attacking his body, causing the most severe blow to his reality.

However, the great laws of the lower realm, the long river of time in the lower realm, and all similar things at the level of 'Tao' and 'Dharma' are simply impossible to compare with the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

In the lower realm, the so-called Long River of Time is, at best, a small waterway dug out by a child on a mound of soil, a finger-width apart... As an adult, Lu Qian can naturally cross to the source of the waterway easily, and has a clear understanding of the waterway. A few small bugs caught in it were punched down hard.

The long river of time in the supreme Taichu Heaven is a natural and dangerous chasm with turbulent waves and giant beasts lurking. Every drop of the river water is enough to give birth to an ocean. If you want to tamper with the long river of time in the supreme Taichu Heaven, the danger and the power required are undoubtedly beyond imagination and almost unbelievable!

Taking one step forward, Lu Qian's soul almost shattered.

The Taichu Hun Tong Pearl, the Taihu Emperor's Ax and other treasures all shone brightly in his mind, and the Buddhist relics obtained by Lu Qian actively released all their power, forcibly protecting Lu Qian's soul.

He locked onto the twelve alien emperors who were a few breaths away, held the Tianlong Zen Staff tightly in his soul, and struck it down with a single blow towards the river of time.

There was a uniform cry of misery, and the twelve statues screamed loudly, arrogantly relying on the power of countless alien warriors from all directions, triumphantly suppressing Lu Qian, and suppressing his speed to the limit, the alien emperor was crushed together.

Their bodies were shattered into pieces at the moment when Emperor Qing used his power to help them reunite their bodies.

It was a blow that transcended time.

It has nothing to do with space.

It has nothing to do with speed.

It was as if their bodies had never reunited.

The terrible thing is that at this moment, they are acting as the eyes of this majestic formation that cannot be described in words. All the mana of the countless alien warriors is concentrated on them, turning it into the power of the great road to seal everything, severely blocking it. Lu Qian’s speed road!

As a result, the formation was intact, but the formation's eye collapsed!

The power of Wu Zhu's formation immediately backfired... Qing Emperor, who had been sitting firmly on the throne and looking calm and calm, couldn't help but change his expression. He stood up in horror and pointed at Lu Qian, dumbfounded and speechless.

‘Puff, puff, puff’… dull explosions sounded from all directions.

The higher the cultivation level of the alien warriors who formed the formation, the more terrifying the backlash they received... I saw countless alien warriors directly exploded and annihilated, exploding into balls of dark green plasma, with extremely terrifying The speed spreads around.

The thick 'iron plate' beside Lu Qian disappeared, and Lu Qian's Speed ​​Avenue released a majestic rhyme that swept through the void.

As a result, the 'speed' of the formation's backlash suddenly increased a hundred times. Before the Qing Emperor had time to react, the huge formation collapsed, and all the alien warriors in the void were shattered into pieces, and no one could be left intact.

Lu Qian was also embarrassed by the backlash of time.

This time, no external scars could be seen on his body, but inside, his soul was dim, the power of his soul was almost burned out, and not a drop of his blood, blood, or mana was left. He was trembling, feeling chilled all over, just like an eighty-year-old old man who had used the medicine of tiger and wolf to suppress begonias under a pear tree in a brothel for nine days and nine nights. He might faint at any time with his head on the ground.

Lu Qian understood clearly.

Although the Avenue of Speed ​​is powerful, in terms of level and the 'dimensional energy level' that makes up the world, it is still not as good as the Avenue of Time... With his current cultivation level, he just took a slight step against the long river of time and almost lost himself. Empty out...

Unless he condenses the Time Dao Fruit and has the 'legal' 'control' over the long river of time, he will never be willing to do this kind of thing again.

After taking a deep breath, Lu Qian's figure began to sway erratically in the void.

His voice kept coming from all directions: Qing Emperor, have you thought about it? Do you agree to my terms or not?

Your big formation blockade is a bit interesting...but as long as I don't stop, what can you do to me?

Qingdi's face turned green. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then said softly: Then, should I give the order now to swallow up all Yinyuan's wives and children?

Lu Qian immediately shut up.

All verbal threats are just threats.

Lu Qian came with overwhelming anger and was mentally prepared to die together... But if he really wanted to sacrifice Bai Yu, Linghu Juan and others...

Although Lu Qian is not the Holy Mother, he can't do it either!

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