Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1021 It’s become a trend (2)

Qingdi stretched out his hand.

At the south gate of the Heavenly Court, a celestial general with a helmet and armor, whose cultivation was at the highest level of the Great Heavenly Lord, let out a strange cry. As his figure flashed, the void around him rippled, and the void swallowed his body like a swamp. The next moment, he appeared out of thin air in Qingdi's hands.


Like chewing sugar cane, the Qing Emperor took a bite on the general's neck. A large piece of flesh and blood was chewed off by Qing Emperor, and he swallowed such a large piece of flesh and blood alive without much chewing. That day Jiang was convulsing violently, and blood spurted out like a fountain from his damaged neck. Before it sprayed very far, it turned into wisps of blood mist, and was swallowed by the Qing Emperor who opened his mouth.

The terrifying gravity field grew out of thin air and squeezed the unlucky general crazily, squeezing out the last drop of blood from his body bit by bit. In just a short breath, this heavenly general turned into a mummy, without even a trace of water vapor, an absolutely scorched mummy.

Qingdi coughed lightly and dug his finger into the mummy.

His fingers flashed with a dazzling light, making people inexplicably aware of the extremely dangerous dark green light. Lu Qian saw that near Qingdi's finger, the flesh and blood of the mummy quickly became transparent, and soon turned into a crystal-shaped 'meat egg' the size of an egg.

The twelve alien emperors crushed by Lu Qian, as well as the fragments of flesh and blood of the alien warriors in the sky turned into a mighty river of flesh and blood, roaring towards this mutated mummy. come over.

The mummy devoured flesh and blood and expanded rapidly.

The mummy, which was originally no more than a foot tall, quickly expanded to ten miles...a hundred miles...a thousand miles...thousands of miles...

Soon, the mummy swelled into a huge translucent flesh ball. Its size was so huge that it was several times larger than the area covered by the star formation outside the south gate of the heaven. In the body of this mummy, countless egg-sized 'meat eggs' are densely piled together, like countless hearts, beating 'gudong, gudong', constantly making dull sounds.

Without waiting for Lu Qian to make any countermeasures, these meat eggs exploded with a loud crash sound. One foot tall and one foot high, thin and shriveled alien warrior larvae crowded crazily from these meat eggs. out.

That scene is like someone crushing the egg sheath of a cockroach. Countless tiny cockroaches rise into the air and swarm toward your face, your whole body, and every hole in your body. .

Disgusting, hideous, and devastating!

These alien warrior larvae have just hatched from the eggs, and they are already making sharp whistles. They opened their mouths and vomited wildly into the void. The sound of choking Langlang chains was heard in the void, and the shackles of heaven and earth set by the heaven were untied by themselves. The immeasurable inspiration of heaven and earth surged out from the void, turning into a torrent of light visible to the naked eye, and was quickly swept by these alien warriors. Swallowed.

Not only are the heavens and the earth spiritual, but there is also immeasurable vitality flowing and surging in the stars in the nearby star field. The vitality and vitality of these stars were extracted from the sky one after another. Along with the vibration, trembling and whining of these stars, they were constantly swallowed by the larvae of these alien warriors!

The total number of alien larvae ejected from the mutated corpse of the general was at least ten times more than the alien warriors who were killed just now!

There are so many alien larvae, they need nutrients to grow, they crazily look to the sky, the earth, and the stars far and near, greedily and without restraint, asking for everything they need. From matter to energy, all kinds of matter and energy, even sand, gravel and soil, can become nutrients for their growth.

The void is shaking, and these alien larvae are growing rapidly.

Just ten breaths of time.

Just ten breaths of time.

There were ten times more alien warriors than those who had formed the previous formation, their bodies were stronger, their auras were more ferocious, and their bodies were covered in mucus. They were roughly dressed and formed a neat military formation in front of Lu Qian.

This time, these foreign warriors did not put up a complex formation that was as gorgeous as a work of art. They were just as simple as shoulder to shoulder, chest to back, and feet to their companions' Tianling Gai. They were so neatly arranged. They were all lined up, forming an extremely upright cubic formation with no edges visible at a glance, no matter up or down, left or right, or front and back.

The Qing Emperor's throne is located at the core of this strange cubic formation.

Countless foreign warriors roared into the sky, then sat cross-legged in mid-air. Wisps of turquoise light floated on their bodies, and their mana flew out through their bodies, turning into extremely fine streams of light, spreading toward the center of the formation, and finally converging into Qingdi's body.

Qingdi's aura expanded so quickly that Lu Qian stiffened and could hardly breathe.

It was like a giant blue-green scorching sun hanging in front of him, the endless impact of evil power, like a thick iron plate, hitting Lu Qian's face firmly, hitting his chest, squeezing his body. His internal organs almost crushed his body into a thin piece of paper.

The next moment, Lu Qian's figure disappeared.

The Qing Emperor's pressure is majestic and unstoppable, so don't block it.

Speed, extreme speed, Lu Yi turned into a very thin streak of light. No matter it was the Qing Emperor, those aliens, or the many heavenly soldiers and generals who were aggrieved at the south gate of the heaven, none of them could clearly see Lu Yi's movements. .

They saw the huge rectangular alien formation, with trillions of alien bodies on the first layer exploding at the same time.

Then, comes the second level.

the third floor……

In the blink of an eye, the entire 108th floor of alien warriors were shattered into pieces and exploded into blood mist. Lu Qian, who was running at high speed, waved the Tianlong Zen Staff and lightly touched the bodies of these foreign warriors. Their bodies were shattered as easily as soap bubbles.

These alien warriors have hard bones and extremely tough carapace. Catalyzed by the Qing Emperor's great power, the weakest among them all possess combat power comparable to that of a heavenly general... Even so, facing the incredibly fast Lu Qian, facing the heavy, hard, and equally terrifying The Tianlong Zen Staff was smashed into pieces by these alien warriors without any resistance.

Qing Emperor didn't care at all about the life and death of these alien warriors spawned under his command.

For him, for his group, these things can be catalyzed easily, and they can grow into a large area as long as they devour and plunder wildly. They have no independent self-intelligence at all, and are completely like insects, relying on the group consciousness to control and act. They are just the lowest level of cannon fodder, not even his 'people'!

He was too lazy to trace Lu Qian's figure, too lazy to waste his efforts trying to lock Lu Qian's flight trajectory.

The majestic Dao Yun rippled around him, and all the mana of countless foreign warriors gathered into one body. This majestic power enveloped his soul, causing his soul to expand rapidly.

In the long river of time in the supreme Taichu Heaven, a dark green shadow rapidly expanded and grew taller. It was like a small shrimp suddenly expanded into a dragon whale in a turbulent river. Its huge body was finally washed by the endless river water and briefly emerged from the river surface.

Because his body is large enough, he can temporarily exert a certain influence on the upper and lower reaches of the river that his body occupies!

Qing Emperor's understanding of the Great Path of Time is minimal.

After all, the man who faced Lu Qianfang at the south gate of the Heavenly Court was just a walking clone... His true identity was still hidden in his lair.

However, with the sacrifice of countless alien warriors, Qing Emperor gathered infinite mana and briefly had the ability to make waves in the long river of time. His soul swelled, crossing the river and looking upstream.

Lu Qian had gone back in time and killed twelve of his emperor-level descendants. The Qing Emperor, who was the most vindictive and stingy, must imitate others and use the same method to give Lu Qian a hard blow.

The dark green eyes of the soul are emitting a sinister evil light, tracing upwards trace by trace along the water surface of the long river of time. Qingdi is planning to find traces of Lu Yi's existence in the long river of time and directly obliterate his existence in the long river of time!

In this world, at this moment, Emperor Qing could not catch Lu Qian's traces at all. It was too fast. Lu Qian was really running too fast.

But in the long river of time, all the 'people' and 'things' in the 'past' are like pictures frozen in amber. In the long river of time, these pictures are at a certain 'fixed' moment. 'Standing still'.

Mastering the power of the Avenue of Time, you can easily find a specific target in the past years and directly attack the enemies in the past!

In the face of years and the supreme power of time, ‘speed’ pales in comparison!

Qingdi smiled proudly and raised his right hand. On the giant palm of his soul, a ball of thick dark green venom slowly condensed. This was the most powerful and vicious forbidden curse attack that his clone could master, far more powerful than the 'tarsal bone' he left in Yinyuan's body. Maggots are a hundred times more vicious...a thousand times...

Once hit by this ball of venom, not only Lu Yi himself will be driven to pieces, but all creatures with the same bloodline as Lu Yi, that is, all Lu Yi's family members, anyone involved with his bloodline will be hunted down by the forbidden curse across the sky. Direct infection and then disappear.

This is a 'plague curse that attacks specific groups of people'. This is also the Qingdi clan's most proficient and proud racial talent.

Then, Qing Emperor, who was getting ready to go, looked at the gray and turbid river of time in astonishment.

He used all his strength, and the eyes of his soul almost popped out of his head. He was actually unable to find Lu Qian's figure in the long river of time - there was no energy, not the slightest trace, as if there was some unknown person. The power of God erased everything in Lu Qian’s past from the long river of time!

The Avenue of Time has no effect on Lu Qian!

Qingdi roared in disbelief, and he felt his body becoming increasingly weak - outside, Lu Qian was frantically attacking the alien warriors forming a formation. They sit cross-legged in the void, all their power is dedicated to Qing Emperor, they stand motionless, without the slightest sense of resistance. They were like a piece of tender tofu, which was peeled off layer by layer by Lu Qian at an extremely fast speed.

The power of the years washed away Qingdi's soul, which was forcibly expanded and protruded from the river with the help of external forces.

Washed away by the endless gray years, the Qing Emperor's spirit protruding from the river is constantly shrinking. In his memory, sporadic memories continued to be washed away by the long years and disappeared without a trace.

Even if he is as powerful as Qingdi, facing the endless washing of time, with just a snap of his fingers from the outside world, his soul has withstood hundreds of catastrophes and long years of 'time flow' in the long river of time... And Time can blur memories the most.

Qing Emperor roared in anger, and the dark green poison curse in his hand hit a certain period of time in the past.

Since there is no trace of Lu Qian in the long river of time, then, use your own figure in the past years as a 'beacon', and directly launch a full-coverage attack against the large void in a certain period of time!

There are jujubes but no jujubes, let’s do it first!

In Lu Qian's mind, the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl emitted a gloomy light, which completely isolated his energy, concealed his cause and effect, and blurred the heavenly involvement in him... At this moment, no matter time or space, no matter life or death, or reincarnation ...Under the protection of the precious light of Taichu Hun Tongzhu, although Lu Qianren is here, he has actually transcended this dimension.

Invulnerable to all laws.

Don't touch anything.

No method, no technique, no spell can contaminate Lu Qian at this moment.

In the void, a large green and evil mist appeared out of thin air. This glue-like mist spread into the void, and countless foreign warriors disappeared silently into the green mist.

A large green mist appeared out of thin air from the palace pavilions in the south gate of the heaven. The commander in charge of the south gate of the heaven, 'Xing Xingxiang', screamed strangely, turned into a waterfall of stars and rushed through time and space, and fled in a panic.

Except for the stars, the south gate of the heaven, and within 36 million miles around, countless guarding imperial troops, countless low-level officials, countless fairies and palace ladies, countless spiritual beasts, divine birds and other mounts were all swallowed up by the green mist.

Without any sound, trillions of living beings perished.

After these generals guarding the Forbidden Army and the mid-level and high-level Heavenly Court officials in the pavilions were killed by the poisonous mist, the evil curse spread rapidly in all directions along the traces of causality in their blood.

On the Tianzhou Continent, the relatives of the generals and officials, as long as they had their blood in their bodies, simultaneously sprayed out dark green poisonous mist from their seven orifices. A trace of poisonous mist quickly filled the air, and their bodies instantly disintegrated.

Near the south gate of the Heavenly Court, the number of Heavenly Court members who were killed by the poisonous mist curse exceeded one trillion. But the total number of the relatives and descendants of those who were killed, the descendants of the bloodline that have been reproduced for countless years, is more than ten thousand times that of these generals and officials? Or even a hundred thousand times? On the Tianzhou Continent, as well as in the starry sky near Tianting, countless stars and floating continents, countless people spewed poisonous mist from their bodies, and were killed by the vicious forbidden curse of the Qing Emperor!

A quarter of an hour later, just as these poisonous fog curses appeared out of thin air, these poisonous fogs quickly dissipated and disintegrated under the sunlight and rain. In the bodies of those killed creatures, the majestic flesh, flesh, essence, and magical power during their lifetimes turned into wisps of Taoist charms and extremely strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth that spread in all directions.

In the poisonous mist of the dead whose bodies disintegrated and melted, countless minute structures, which Qing Emperor called 'genes', were rapidly meandering and pieced together, from the most basic 'gene units' to extremely complex and exquisite ones. The three-dimensional structure of the three-dimensional structure created a huge 'gene chain' that was filled with sinister evil but was as beautiful as a work of art.

The flesh and blood essence of the dead from all directions and the lost Taoist magic power converged on these 'gene chains', and with the sound of 'chichi', tiny alien embryos grew out of the air. In just a few breaths, large groups of mature alien warriors flapped their membrane wings and rushed into the sky at extremely high speeds.

This time, a large number of creatures were killed.

Moreover, they are all beings with relationships in Heaven. They are all local wealthy families. They have no shortage of cultivation resources, so everyone's cultivation is very good. The poisonous mist that dispersed after their bodies disintegrated and their souls melted was the top 'cultivation fluid' for these alien races.

As a result, in the army of alien warriors that gathered rapidly from all directions, dozens of powerful beings with auras reaching the level of the Great Emperor suddenly appeared. However, these new aliens with terrifying strength had reached the level of the Great Emperor, but they were huge. His compound eyes were filled with blurred and chaotic light.

They haven't even given birth to their own intelligence.

They are just a group of 'fighting machines' that have emperor-level power but an IQ comparable to that of an idiot!

Lu Qian was dumbfounded as he looked at the aliens who were running towards them, using the Qi Machine Communication Road, and were rapidly condensing the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit.

They are obviously idiots, they are obviously a bunch of idiots, but they can solidify the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit?


Lu Qian stopped his hand. He was suspended in the void, with the remains of the aliens that he had smashed to pieces in all directions. But among these alien remains, countless tiny alien embryos were created out of thin air. These tiny embryos devoured the shattered flesh and blood, frantically extracting the Taoist charm and inspiration from the void, and soon grew back into mature bodies!

Lu Qian tightened the Tianlong Zen Staff in his hand.

The Qing Emperor chuckled and looked at Lu Qian triumphantly: So, have you seen my magical power? Unless you can kill me with one blow, my sons will continue to kill me. No matter...even, they don’t need to be born with intelligence, they are the most perfect killing weapons!”

In my blood, I have countless powerful Taoist imprints of my clan. As long as I have enough energy and Dao charm, I can copy these imprints into these sons' bodies at will.

Among them, emperor-level combat power is constantly emerging!

Qing Emperor stood up from the throne. He looked down at Lu Qian and said ferociously: Lu Qian, why do you fight with me? I will now order Yinyuan's wives and children to be gnawed off without a single hair. Eat the rest...what can you do to me?

Qingdi's eyes suddenly flashed, and he changed his tone and said softly: Of course, there is no need to do things so extreme, right? Help me find those remnants of Buddhism in Lingshan and Daleiyin Temple... Help me find them, and I will Let them go...

Qing Emperor was negotiating terms with Lu Yi, and in the distance, from the heaven, a torrential flame surged from the sky.

Mei Xingxiang rushed to the front, followed by countless civil and military ministers from the heaven, all of whom came straight towards this side angrily.

The Qing Emperor's indiscriminate blow in the long river of time just now failed to hurt Lu Yi even a hair, but it caused great harm to the heaven!

Especially the direct troops of Hu Xingxiang at the south gate of the Heavenly Court were almost wiped out and completely wiped out!

It's still the kind of extinct species that kills the whole family and wipes out nine tribes!

At this moment, Hui Xingxiang's eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed over like a madman.

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