Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1032 Prophecy (3)


The door of Tianzi Room No. 1 was pushed open by Du Mo, and the strong smell of alcohol swept through the whole room. The Yingying Yanyan who was waiting on the side suddenly became drunk and fell into the deepest sweet dream.

Liu Sha twisted her slender water snake waist, walked into the room with a playful smile, and cast a glance at the four Vajras. On the surface of the skin of the Four Diamonds, wisps of pink fire of desire flashed past. This is the instinctive fire of reproduction in the nature of creatures that Liusha inspired. However, the Four Great Vajras have been cultivated to the point where they are almost like a stone from the inside out, even more lifeless than Gujing Bubo.

These fires of desire only swayed for a moment and then disappeared.

Liu Sha's magical power failed. She groaned, her long thighs trembled, she staggered back a few steps, and fell into Kong Qiu's arms. Her face was flushed, blood oozed from her nostrils, and she suddenly felt very tired.

Kong Qiu sighed. Seeing that Liu Sha, the most difficult one among them, couldn't shake the four diamonds even with her magical powers, he knew that these were obviously four typical, pure, and serious people who had practiced Buddhist techniques to the bone. I went to practice orthodox Buddhism.

Well, in other words, not even the vocational instinct of the reproduction of this kind of creature, which can bring great joy and joy, can't shake their sanity at all. These four have been trained to the point where there is no 'humanity' at all. . They are four statues that should be enshrined in Buddhist niches and allowed to be worshiped, and should not be serious living beings!

Isn't it peaceful now? Kong Qiu held Liu Sha's shoulders and sent her to Du Mo's arms. He held the pointer and strode into the room - here, he was the person with the highest cultivation level who resided in the Red Plum Heaven and the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan.

Moreover, as a serious reader and a serious teacher, he has in his nature the spirit that a scholar should have and the stubbornness that is unique to an old master. At this moment, in this situation, if he doesn't get involved, who will?

The fragrance of books and ink surged around him, and the power of education turned into invisible and traceless Taoist rhyme waves that spread around. When Kong Qiu spoke, every sentence and every word was like a ruler or a pointer hitting the cheeks of naughty children. On the palm of the hand, there is a crisp, yet thought-provoking sound of gold and jade.

Fortunately, Old Xiong Zun had no special feelings about the voice of enlightenment. The Four King Kongs stood up suddenly as if they had encountered some deadly natural enemies. Buddha light surged around them, and they stared at Kong Qiu with a fierce look.

Kong Qiu laughed and said: The world is peaceful? Could it be that now, at this time, where we live, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and all walks of life are prosperous... There are no bandits, no refugees, the people are well-provided for in old age, and have children. So, isn’t this peace?”

Pofa King Kong stared at Kong Qiu, pondering for a moment, and he slowly shook his head: This, Taiping, is not the Taiping under my Buddhist teachings... Then, it is not Taiping!

Kong Qiu's eyes widened in shock.

Jin Min took a deep breath.

Du Mo, Liu Sha, and those who came from behind, all those who betrayed the Heavenly Court for various reasons and took refuge in the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan. The playboys of the former Heavenly Court wealthy families looked on in disbelief. The Dharma King Kong!

These words!

Really, it hits the nail on the head, directly tearing the face, naked, without any cover!

Today's Hongmeitian is indeed prosperous in all industries, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Under the potential influence of Lingshan Daleiyin Temple, even the wealthy indigenous families in Hongmeitian have carefully restrained their minions and have not overly exploited the common people. , arbitrary and domineering behavior.

This is a paradise!

Especially after the arrival of Kong Qiu, Du Mo, Jin Min, Liu Sha and others... they followed and pursued the Tao and taught, performed and personally experienced their Tao in Hongmei Tian!

Even Liu Sha, who seemed to be almost shameless in the eyes of the Taoists, greatly delighted the old men of Hongmeitian!

Because of the entry of these peripheral members of Lingshan Daleiyin Temple, all walks of life in Hongmeitian are developing at a jaw-dropping speed these days... Even, in the words of Lu Qian's previous life, in Hongmeitian, The 'bud of capitalism' sprouted and a 'mini-explosion of science and technology' began!

The entire Hongmei Tian was originally no different from other barren and remote corners of the countryside in the Supreme Taichu Tian. The people were confused and confused, eating and waiting to die all day long... But after Kong Qiu and the others arrived, this place really It can be described as changing with each passing day!

A brand new, lively, fresh and 'deviant' vitality is injected into Hongmeitian!

Everything here is changing and developing vigorously with each passing day.

But Vajra Podha actually said - because this peace, this prosperity, this beauty, and it is bound to continue to be beautiful, and the peaceful days will be even better, because it is not 'given' by Buddhism, and it is not 'recognized' by Buddhism 'It's peaceful, so... they don't recognize it!

Kong Qiu exhaled and calmly asked Pofa King Kong: Senior, what do you think peace looks like?

Pofa King Kong pondered for a moment.

Perhaps it's because he is a strong Buddhist protector. To put it bluntly, he is a thug. He is not the kind of evangelist who can talk like a lotus and can make stubborn people nod. He is clumsy with his tongue and is not good at impressing people with his words.

Therefore, he clapped his hands lightly, and a vast Buddha light surged. In the auspicious glow of the glow, a piece of blissful Buddha land appeared in front of everyone.

This is the scenic view of Wangchuan Continent back then! Pofa King Kong said calmly: Although we are sleeping and recuperating from our injuries, we also know what Wangchuan looked like back then!

The golden light is shining, and the auspicious energy is rising.

That was the River of Forgetfulness before the destruction of the Landa Holy Land, the true Buddhist holy land of bliss. The beautiful mountains, rivers and scenery are beyond description in human words. The mountain peaks are carved from beautiful jade, the earth is made up of the seven treasures, the rivers flowing along are treasures of gold and silver, and the ones playing and jumping in the rivers are big fish and dragons made up of golden scales!

In the boundless scenery, the people living on the Wangchuan Continent are all tall, rosy-skinned, plump and round. They are obviously well-fed and clothed, and there is obviously no shortage of material conditions.

They were living, sitting and lying comfortably in the picturesque scenery, all with smiles on their faces, looking carefree, without any worries, any pressure, and no external threats.

Three times a day, in the morning, noon and evening, they go to the Buddhist temple near their home, worship the Buddha statues one after another, and offer their devout faith. Before going to bed every day, they would recite scriptures orally, praise the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas they believe in, and once again offer their pious and pure beliefs.

They don't farm every day, and the fields naturally produce abundant crops.

They don't spin every day, and their clothes will never wear out.

If they don't fish or hunt every day, countless prey will naturally defect to them.

They are carefree and hardly need to do anything. They naturally have enough food and clothing to live and work in peace and contentment. They don't even need to know a big word, they just need to learn to praise the Buddha and Bodhisattva they believe in.

Eat well, wear warm clothes, remember to offer your faith and piety on time, and then reproduce to your heart's content every night, give birth to more descendants, bring them to this pure land of bliss, and let more descendants become the most pious and pious. The purest and most flawless believers...this is their only mission and work.

Peace, a paradise! Po Dharma Vajra praised: My Buddha is so compassionate and powerful. He was able to be born in such a peaceful paradise and enjoy such boundless blessings. Those who were able to be born in the Wangchuan Continent at that time had accumulated hundreds of merits in their previous lives. Only then can we have such blessings!”

Kong Qiu and the others shivered.

Jin Min shook his head and walked gently to Kong Qiu's side, staying away from Old Xiong Zun and the Four Great Vajras.

Du Mo pulled Kong Qiu's sleeve from behind: Those who are studying, blame him... We are clumsy in our speech and cannot express such great principles as you... We feel that this is wrong, but we don't know what to do. How to curse people, you, hurry up!

Including Kong Qiu, no one felt yearning for the scene of the land of bliss and peace that King Po Dharma used his magical powers to create. Instead, they all had chills on their bodies and a great fear in their hearts. It spread rapidly, making the whole person seem to be frozen!

You are not living in bliss and peace...you are raising pigs! Kong Qiu laughed wildly: You are raising pigs as peace?

Presumptuous! The four Vajras roared in unison, with high-temperature Buddha flames erupting from their eyes. The surrounding void shook for a while, and the temperature in Room Tianzi No. 1 rose sharply. The warblers lying on the ground, drunk by the alcohol Du Mo had just released, all screamed and howled miserably. Their cultivation was shallow. After being aroused by the high temperature emitted by the Buddha's flame, large blisters appeared on his skin, and his clothes quickly burned.

There was a crisp sound of 'pop', and the pointer in Kong Qiu's hand shook. Waves of invisible teaching power, accompanied by the strong fragrance of books and ink, enveloped the entire room, isolating the terrible high temperature.

You are so impudent! Kong Qiu yelled at the top of his voice: Is this what you want, compassion? Is this what you call peace?

Powerful King Kong said sternly: Isn't it? Good weather, plenty of food and clothing, no worries, and peace! This is all the compassion of the Buddha, and all the blessings of the Buddha... You just need to enjoy it to the fullest, without any troubles, all sufferings, everything The intrusion of external demons and the commotion of internal demons will all be destroyed by the supreme power of the Buddha!

This is not peace. What is peace?

Vajra pointed a sharp finger at Kong Qiu, and said sternly: We know the cause and effect of the destruction of Landa Holy Land... It was these ungrateful and ungrateful people... who led to the destruction of Landa Holy Land, our pure land of Buddhism. The dynasty is overthrown! You guys have indeed been burdened with the supreme original sin and are covered in blood sins. If you don’t kneel down quickly to repent, change your mind and start a new life, how much longer will it be?”

When the powerful Vajra roared, bursts of terrifying Sanskrit sounds and Buddhist rhymes turned into hurricanes that swept the world and roared in all directions. Wherever it passed, there were bursts of fragrance and endless wonderful sounds... This is the supreme transformation method of Buddhism. It was the despicable trick that Lu Qian had used countless times in the lower realm.

Regardless of whether you are willing or not, regardless of whether you are sincere or not, in short, wherever the Buddha's light shrouds us, I am a Buddhist believer.

If you are not a believer in Buddhism, then it must be that the compassion of our Buddha has not yet reached the depths of your soul. Then I will use greater magical power to tamper with your consciousness, cleanse your soul, and transfer your piety and loyalty to the Buddha. , turned into red-hot irons, smashed into the depths of your soul, and branded in your bone marrow!

If you are still unwilling to kneel down and worship, then don't blame this magical power of transformation, which can be directly transformed into the supreme magical power of subduing demons and slaying demons, which will completely crush everything about you, from your body to your soul, and turn it into pieces. Nothing!

You need to know - I have put so much effort and so much power into your salvation, so that you can be grateful to the Buddha... You are so kind-hearted and have such painstaking efforts, but you don't appreciate it?

Then, you must be an evil heretic, and you deserve death!

Domineering, decisive, merciless, and absolutely no room for negotiation!

This is the Dharma of Mighty Vajra, this is the way of Mighty Vajra!

The light of Taoist rhyme and Buddha came straight towards him. Kong Qiu was startled and angry, and he raised his pointer. In the bright light, countless scholars recited the scrolls. The fragrance of ink and books filled the sky turned into countless words shining with pure fluorescence, with the unique feeling of intelligent creatures,' The Light of Studying the Way and Inheriting Learning are fiercely facing the Buddhist light of the powerful Vajra.

The way of Vajra is extremely overbearing - he doesn't need you to learn, he doesn't want you to realize, he doesn't need you to 'drill' or 'enlighten' anything, he doesn't need you to have any 'active, conscious, or spontaneous ideas'. Those illusory things in my heart...

He simply chose a 'Tongtian Avenue' that some Buddhist greats had drawn up, formulated and perfected countless years ago, and then he will tell you - 'Come, this is the space between heaven and earth. The only correct way is to follow it and you can enjoy peace; if you refuse, you are a heretic and you should die! ’

No room left, no choice!

However, for intelligent creatures, especially scholars like Kong Qiu who follow the 'Tao of Enlightenment', his Tao and the Tao of Vajra are naturally opposite, and there is absolutely no possibility of discussion!


The entire Tianzi No. 1 Room was instantly annihilated.

Countless rays of Buddha's light turned into powerful Zen lights that burned all things and purified the heaven and earth. They rushed out of the drunken world and enveloped the entire Red Plum Sky.

My Buddha is merciful! The Sanskrit chants of Powerful Vajra and the other three Vajra shook the heaven and earth, and Buddha light surged all over the sky. Four extremely powerful consciousnesses were like four huge steel seals hanging in the sky, locking on each of the smart people. , weak souls, and then split into countless tiny clones, they will smash them hard, clearly imprinting their own way on each soul, and directly 'sculpting' those souls into what they want!

Whether you like it or not.

It doesn’t matter whether you agree or not!

The four Vajra Buddha Seals fell immediately, and all those who did not recognize their 'great way' were evil demons and could all be punished!

Hundreds of millions of creatures in Hongmei Sky raised their heads dully, their eyes widened, looking at the brilliant Buddha's light all over the sky... In their minds, a series of Sanskrit chants sounded loudly, and the consciousness of the four Vajra turned into a loud thunder, and in their minds My mind exploded - 'Honor my Buddha, recite my Buddha's true name, and you will enjoy boundless happiness and bliss and peace'!


The four Vajras roared in unison.

The common people with weak souls and no cultivation of their own all opened their mouths and praised the name of 'Maitreya' loudly. They didn't even know who Maitreya was, what Maitreya could bring to them, and what consequences it would bring to them... They didn't know anything, but they all began to praise Maitreya's greatness and mercy. !

Countless people laughed in unison, showing exactly the same smile, as if carved from the same mold!

Maitreya came to the world and enjoyed peace...peace, peace, peace in the world! Countless men, women, and children laughed and cheered together. They raised their hands high and knelt down to the illusory Buddha between heaven and earth. Go down!

In Kong Qiu's school, a few young scholars with a little bit of cultivation suddenly raised their heads and questioned sternly: Who is Maitreya? Where does peace come from?

The next moment, blood spurted out from the seven orifices of these scholars, and their souls were severely injured. They fell to their knees heavily, screaming in pain at the top of their lungs, twitching and rolling hysterically... Their souls were in severe pain, and Kong Qiu taught them what he usually taught them. Knowledge, learning, cultivated thoughts and considerations about heaven, earth, people, the universe, society, and all things, all acquired 'knowledge' are being constantly obliterated and dissolved by the Sanskrit chants one after another.

Such severe pain...

Kong Qiu felt everything that happened in Hongmei Tian. He was so angry that the pointer in his hand shook violently, and he wanted to give King Kong a strong whip.

Buddha's light surged in, and Kong Qiu's pointer trembled violently. He who had just condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, how could he be the opponent of these four powerful Buddhist figures who had been standing for a long time? Seeing the cracks on the pointer constantly appearing, what is even more frightening is that dense golden light appears on the pointer, and the extremely fine golden light quickly outlines the Buddhist scriptures!

The Buddhist charm infects Kong Qiu’s Imperial Seal Dao Fruit...

If Kong Qiu's Imperial Seal Dao Fruit is completely infiltrated by Buddha's light, then his 'Way of Enlightenment' will be directly transformed into the 'Way of Enlightenment' recognized by the Four Vajras... From now on, Kong Qiu will only He will teach students how to recite Buddhist scriptures, but he will never teach them any principles of life, nor will he teach them how to correctly understand this place, this land, or how to better understand the people around them. , how to distinguish right from wrong, how to summarize knowledge, how to accumulate knowledge...

At this moment, a roar came: Where is the bald donkey? You are causing trouble on my territory. Are you impatient with life?

Amidst the roar, the golden Buddha's light surged over the sky and covered the earth. Ming Jiudan came out of the void carrying a heavy vajra pestle. Without saying a word, he hit the powerful Vajra on the head with a pestle.

There was a loud noise, and sparks flew everywhere. The unprepared King Kong stumbled backwards, and was so dizzy by the blow from the Ming Jiudan that he almost sat down on the ground.

Old Xiong Zun sighed quietly: Four masters, this is what we are looking for. The real master of the Great Leiyin Temple has arrived!

The eyes of the four King Kongs all flashed with cold light.

On the Haojing Continent, three girls, Lu Yi, Yinyuan, Lu Min, and Qingyou, plus five uncles, surrounded Master Long Yue, who was critically restrained, in the middle. Countless formations and restrictions were lit up all around.

Lu Qian looked at Master Lang Yue solemnly and frowned.

Your Maitreya Buddha...the one who has completely, completely, and truly been annihilated, will he crawl out of reincarnation? Lu Qian asked Master Lang Yue in distress: Do you think it is possible?

Master Lang Yue clasped his hands together, ignoring the rusty sword in Lu Min's hand behind him that was inserted into his body, and solemnly bowed to Lu Yi: When my Buddha passed away, he once said that after a great calamity, he will definitely return.

What we call annihilation, nirvana, reincarnation, or death in the ordinary sense... to me, the Buddha, is nothing but illusion. Since it is illusion, then, I, the Buddha, will return from endless time and space and descend to this world again, and then Creating a supreme paradise is naturally a matter of course, and it is something destined by heaven and earth!”

It's just that when my Buddha returns, there will be intrusion by external demons. There are external demons who collude with the scum of Buddhism and want to destroy the unprecedented grand event of our Buddhism... Therefore, the young monk needs to have the supreme means of subduing demons to protect my Buddha's return. .”

Therefore, the Landa Buddha Fruit, the supreme inheritance of Landa Holy Land, I would like to ask you, Monk Fahai, to return it to...

‘Pfft’, Lu Min shook her little hand, and the rusty sword penetrated three inches deeper into Master Lang Yue’s body, almost coming out of her chest. Lu Min sighed and said: Lang Yue, you are from the tantric lineage. I don't know the whole story and the entanglement of cause and effect. Therefore, I will not comment... But this Landa Buddha has always been me. Being in charge of... Landa Buddha has nothing to do with you at all!

That's right, let's go, let's go! Lu Min shook his head and said: Don't come back again. Now there are not many disciples of my ancient Landa Temple alive... I don't want my hands to be stained with the blood of my Buddhist disciples... So, let’s go, let’s go!”

The corners of Master Lang Yue's eyes twitched, and Qingli's face was completely distorted.

Old thief Bald, what nonsense are you talking about?

Do you not want to stain your hands with the blood of Buddhist disciples?

Haha, what's going on with the sword in your hand? Could it be that the tick-tock, tick-tock that is constantly flowing along the sword is not the blood of Buddhist disciples, but the pig's blood you bought for three copper coins in a big bowl from the market?

With a deep sigh, Master Lang Yue clasped his hands together and said solemnly: In addition to the coming of my Buddha, there is another prophecy. Do you want to listen?

Lu Min and Lu Yi looked at each other, and Lu Min smiled and said: Say what? But, maybe we won't believe it. After all, monks don't lie, haha...

Lu Qian himself was a monk.

Therefore, he deeply understood what was going on with the monk.

Master Langyue ignored Lu Qian's yin and yang aura, and said in a deep voice: My Buddha came here because there is a big demon between heaven and earth... If he wakes up, the world will return to chaos. My Buddha gate is here to control the world. Will face catastrophe!

Only I, the Buddha, can save all sentient beings. Master Langyue's voice was extremely serious and solemn... Everyone could hear these words, and she was really not lying.

What she said was exactly what she knew and believed - the truth!

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