Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1,033 The pot comes from the sky

Under Maitreya's instructions, the world was in chaos, the secrets of heaven and cause and effect were completely confused. In the entire Haojing continent, people with no cultivation naturally continued to be confused and continued their daily routines. As for those who were cultivating, their souls were all snatched away by Maitreya's finger that descended from the sky. They all watched with trembling fear as the finger fell quietly, completely annihilating the ancestral mountain that was tens of thousands of miles high.

Yu Changle sat in the center, with Ahu and other tiger masters as the commander-in-chief, and mobilized the fleets of all parties in Shenyin, either cruising in the void to guard, or sent to various important cities to suppress, or surrounded Haojing and surrounded Hao The transparent hole was poked out in the middle of Beijing Continent.

For a time, no one could care about the Haojing harem where the grape racks were in chaos.

A shadow quietly appeared in Yinyuan's harem, taking advantage of the opportunity that the bans on numerous formations in Haojing Continent were destroyed, the secrets of heaven and cause and effect were in chaos, and any divination and prediction techniques were obscure.

Yinyuan's harem was quite clear and refreshing a few days ago. There is Yu Changle, a long-time manager of the harem, who is in charge. The rules of the harem are strict. All the people entering and leaving are clean, and all kinds of hidden secrets are closely monitored. An ordinary concubine wants to punish a palace maid and slap her a few times. There is no legitimate reason. All are difficult to do.

But Lu Jin, who was forced to do nothing, sent millions of white turtles, Linghu Juan, and so many princes and princesses...

Well, the imperial city and palace city of Haojing are large enough. With a slight expansion, all the millions of harem candidates can be easily accommodated. But Bai Yuan and Linghu Ruan are back. Do they need to arrange maids around them? Do you need to arrange palace attendants? All kinds of guards and close guards must be arranged, right?

All of a sudden, the huge palace city was overcrowded. There were people everywhere, including people newly recruited into the palace. Most of them are people from wealthy families of all sizes, but there are also a large number of palace servants with innocent wealth and good character who were recruited by Yu Changle from ordinary people.

Even so, when there are more people, right and wrong will arise. What's more, the palace can be called the darkest, most chaotic, and most complicated dye vat in the world. If you, a good and innocent person, are thrown into it, you will either die or be dyed black. If you can get out of the mud without being dyed, One in a million!

Therefore, in a short period of time, Yinyuan's harem became chaotic when it should be.

The shadow quietly appeared in the palace of a concubine of the Dugu family, and sent a soft-faced, dignified and solemn woman into a small wing where maids lived. It also conveniently moved several maids and attendants related to this wing. , and the memory of their superior supervisor was tampered with one or two.

If you are here, forget your previous identity and your previous name... From now on, you will be Yun Niang. The ghost appeared, and it was the true form of the 'Fei Tianbai Zun' who had transformed into a woman. She smiled playfully, gently caressing Emperor Taichu, the candidate she believed to be the empress of heaven, with her right hand, and said softly: Do you know where this place is?

Shaking his head, Bai Zun said softly: You don't need to know so much. In short, this is where your husband's enemy is. Well, if they know your identity... I know that you are not afraid of death, but there will be Something ten thousand times more terrible than death awaits you.”

As a woman, you should know what I mean by what I said!

You stay here and live carefully... Hee, I hope that one day, your husband can find you and rescue you from here... I hope that the day he finds you, you have not... been harmed. Bar?

Bai Zun smiled very evilly: The master here, the one named Yinyuan, is a bastard who is not afraid of meat and vegetables. Although you are just ordinary in appearance, you have the unique warmth that a woman should have. Even I am a little moved by his gentleness... So, avoid Yinyuan carefully, if you are taken advantage of by him... Will your husband dislike you?

The woman called Yun Niang turned pale and looked at Bai Zun with trembling eyes.

Oh, I'm afraid you haven't figured it out yet. Let me tell you the identity of your husband... Your husband is the supreme ruler of the Supreme Beginning Heaven. He is the most noble person in this world. One of the three supreme beings...the Great Emperor Taichu!

Hee, he has the intention to help you sit on the throne of the Queen of Heaven. The Queen of Heaven, the Queen of the Supreme Heaven. The true female supreme being beneath one person and above trillions of people... Hee. It's a pity that you don't have it yourself. What kind of cultivation, and your identity is so sensitive, you must not let the truth slip here, you are... dead... and you will die in an extremely miserable and embarrassing way!

Bai Zun laughed playfully and casually left a strange restriction in Yun Niang's body. With a sway of her body, she quietly disappeared into the void.

The next moment, there was a 'bang' sound, and the door of the wing was violently pushed open. A small leader of the palace people who lived in this wing, who looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old, had a good looks, but was inexplicably covered in blood. The angry girl strode in.

Yun Niang, you're still lazy here! You bitch who deserves to die ten thousand times!

A slap hit Yun Niang's face, causing her to stagger and almost fall to the ground. The girl shouted sternly: Hurry up, clean up, and come with me to serve the noble man.

I can tell you that these days, my queen is in a bad mood, very bad... It's all those damn bitches who caused the trouble... It's rare that several of my sisters came to the palace to visit me today, and they carefully served me well. Oh...if it offends the nobles, haha!

The girl lowered her voice and stared fiercely at Yun Niang, who inexplicably gave her a great sense of threat.

Yun Niang's beauty is actually not too stunning, but as Bai Zun said, Yun Niang's tenderness and gentleness that a woman should have, the kind of temperament that people can't help but get close to, made the girl feel it. It was extremely inappropriate - even though she was a woman, she knew how attractive women with such gentleness and gentleness were to the opposite sex!

Be careful... These days, Mr. Yu and the others don't have time to keep an eye on so many people in the harem... If one or two of you, a despicable creature like you, die, who will care about you?

The girl glared at Yun Niang fiercely, forced her to quickly change into a set of standard clothes for the ladies of Shenyin's harem, and left in a hurry with her.

This is the imperial city of Haojing, a courtyard in the harem with an excellent location, beautiful scenery and gorgeous decorations. It covers an area of ​​nearly 100 meters, with a courtyard in the front and a circle in the back. The courtyards on the left and right are exquisitely colored, and there are over a hundred rooms with luxurious furnishings. They were all originally owned by Dugu Jue, a noble daughter presented by the Dugu family, and dozens of serving maids and attendants.

However, due to well-known special reasons, the courtyard now reserved for Dugu Jue alone was forced to be filled with Dugu Jue and eighteen other daughters of the Dugu clan. What is even more irritating is that the eighteen harem nobles and the palace ladies and attendants who serve them should be hundreds of people according to the regulations, but now the total number is less than twenty. The caring maids and personal attendants around the nobles of the Dugu family were all transferred to lead the new ones with the old, and were responsible for taking care of 'those' 'white turtles' and 'Linghu Jun's'.

At this moment, Dugu Jue was in a pavilion in the back garden, with her three closest sisters.

Four women, holding tea cups, looked gloomily at the small lake outside the pavilion that was rippled by the breeze. After a long, long time, Dugu Jue said quietly: The current situation is not good for me. My opponent is unprecedentedly powerful, and it is also unprecedented... strange.

The other three entered the palace to visit Dugu Jue, and the Dugu clan girls who were closest to Dugu Jue in this lineage and in this room all nodded. They watched carefully as Dugu Jue pressed his temples and rubbed them so hard that his thumbs were almost embedded in his skull. They knew that Dugu Jue's current situation was not good.

However, no matter how powerful the enemy is, no matter how weird they are, I must fight hard and never give up... His majesty's favor must be mine; I must be the master of Shenyin's harem; in the future, my children will be He is Shenyin’s natural successor!”

Dugu Jue spoke slowly, and the three Dugu sisters who entered the palace to visit Dugu Jue slightly curled their lips, and a very slight smile flashed across their faces.

Although they are sisters from the same clan...but the so-called plastic flower sisters exist everywhere.

After Dugu Jue was sent to Shenyin's harem, these sisters would be lying if they said they were not envious.

But when the girls Bai Yuan and Linghu Jun 'returned' in such a strange way, and when Shenyin's harem became a mess due to the appearance of millions of concubines, these Dugu sisters... in their hearts Quite a bit flattering!

You, Dugujue, were so proud when you entered the palace that day that you were so arrogant that you thought you would become the master of Shenyin's harem for granted and ignored your sisters... Now, look, you are right. The master of the harem of the Eight Classics is back. Have you been tortured a lot these days?

Dugu Jue looked at the three sisters and lowered her voice: We sisters are the real family... This harem is a battlefield. I need reinforcements. I need help!

A sister of the Dugu family laughed: What my sister said made me a little confused - there are seventeen other sisters from my family living with my sister in Fengming Courtyard... Could it be that they... Can’t you help sister?”

The corner of Dugujue's mouth twitched, she raised her head, choked speechlessly, and took a deep look at the sky shrouded in dark clouds, with countless warships rushing back and forth, and said quietly: Yes, they are sisters... Naihe, Zhiren Knowing what they know but not knowing what they know, they are my biggest opponents... They are even more deadly threats to me than Bai Yuan and Linghu Juan!

Have you forgotten all the things our elders taught us?

The real enemies are not those outsiders who look powerful!

The enemies who can really kill us are often the people around us, those members of our own family who seem to have the same origin as us! Dugu Jue sighed: They...heh, a bunch of bitches, let alone Okay...sister, I have a plan here, can you guys put it together?

The three women acted as if they were all ears.

Dugujue glanced at the three women and smiled: I have figured out your Majesty's temperament over the years. Isn't that what a man is like? He likes the new and dislikes the old, and likes novelty... So, I am going to... I will dedicate the three of you to His Majesty... Then, the four of us sisters will work together...

Dugu Jue looked at the three sisters with a smile.

She has seen clearly that the turbulent situation in Shenyin's harem these days has made Yinyuan's playboy very impatient... And this kind of impatience, for men, sometimes has extremely far-reaching consequences. Impact.

No matter how much true affection and true love there is between Bai Yuan, Linghu Jun and Yinyuan, when millions of Bai Yuan and Linghu Jun are tossing Yinyuan to pieces, this true feeling and true love will Dissipated like a receding tide.

At this time, as long as Dugu Jue behaves gently and considerately, and offers three beautiful sisters to leave a deep impression on Yinyuan... and then uses some small tricks to make Yinyuan, Bai Yu, and Ling A little conflict breaks out between Hu Lu - it doesn't even require her little tricks, this kind of thing is bound to happen.


Dare I ask Shenyin, who rules the harem?

Dugu Jue is confident about the harem fight!

Of course, the three sisters in front of her are just tools for her to fight for favor... Once Yinyuan's attention shifts to herself, these three little bitches must be cleaned up immediately after using them!

Therefore, I still have to plan something and find a way to devise some handle before these three little bitches enter the palace... In this way, once I need to get rid of the three of them, I can do it 'quickly, accurately and ruthlessly'!

Look at the fleets cruising in the sky, as dense as a swarm of sardines, and feel the terrifying auras emanating from Yu Changle, Ahu and other important ministers suspended in the void.

Dugu Jue felt drunk.

This inheritance, such glorious authority, are all hers, all hers!

Is it just a fight with a bunch of little bitches?

Fighting with a little bitch is endless fun... Ooh, the final winner must be her, Dugu Jue...

Three sisters, I think I agree. Dugu Jue looked at the three sisters who were sitting there with a blush on their faces and said nothing, and smiled: In that case, let's taste the royal meal in the palace. What? I still have a few bottles of excellent wine here, and we, sisters, will have a good chat today.

Dugu Jue took a deep look at the several thousand-mile flagships flying over the harem at high speed - she knew very well that something must have happened in the past, something big. The sky was filled with stars just now, and the heaven and earth were shaking. Something must have happened.

However, no matter how big a shock occurred in the previous dynasty, it would be handled by Yinyuan and the important officials in the court.

Especially Yinyuan's sworn brother, the one named Lu Qian, has condensed the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, and it is said that no one has succeeded in the 'Speed ​​Dao Fruit' since the beginning of the world. With such a powerful person sitting in charge, the sky will never fall.

Then, what is worth worrying about is the activities in the harem.

She, Dugu Jue, can definitely get this Shen Yin's harem in her hands - she wants everyone in the world to see it. When it comes to strategizing, she is no worse than the great men of the previous dynasty. Half of it!

In the future, this Shen Yin, with such a big property and such a rich heritage, must belong to her, her child!

All other little bitches, including those like Bai Yuan and Linghu Ruan who have a certain nominal advantage for the time being, please step aside for my aunt... you have no share!

We haven't had a drink together for a long, long time. Dugu Jue sighed with emotion: Well, those few bottles of wine...

Dugu Jue was so angry that his teeth itched.

Originally, when Bai Yuan, Linghu Juan and others came back, she would have as much fine wine as she wanted. But now, because there are suddenly millions of competitors, the harem's food and clothing expenses are suddenly tight. Especially for such exquisite wine, even she has carried out 'quota management' and started 'limited supply'!

It's simply...a shame and a shame!

We sisters, let's have a good drink and chat today. Dugu Jue suppressed the depression in her heart and chuckled: From now on, we sisters will work together and be as powerful as gold... This god Yin’s harem must be in the palm of our sisters’ hands!”

Dugu Jue smiled.

There were palace maids and attendants who quietly presented them with various delicacies and several jugs of fine wine.

Originally, there were dozens of palace maids and attendants around Dugu Jue, but now, those senior palace ladies and attendants have been taken away, leaving only two reliable old people.

Well, today, there is another beautiful and dignified woman who is gentle, gentle, and has an extremely soft breath and temperament, which makes people feel kindhearted inexplicably!

Dugu Jue didn't notice Yun Niang at first. In the past, if there were too many maids and attendants around her, she would not notice a newly transferred little maid... But now there are too few people around her, and Yun Niang's temperament is such that it is not the same as the harem. These scheming bitches are so out of place!

Dugujue frowned. She stared at Yun Niang, who was carefully, tremblingly, holding up the delicacies and wine, and followed suit, and looked deeply at them for a long, long time.

The atmosphere in the pavilion became very strange.

The three Dugu sisters also noticed Yun Niang, their eyes suddenly lit up, and one sister chuckled and said: Sister, there are indeed so many talents around me... Such wonderful people, with such style and behavior, are actually better than Many sisters in our family have been compared to each other.

Dugu Jue's expression suddenly changed, and she said coldly: I don't know this person...she is...

The leader of the palace maids, whose soul had been cleansed by Bai Zun and whose memory had been changed, hurriedly came up to her: Your Majesty, she is...

Dugu Jue's eyes turned cold and he glanced deeply at the head maid.

The head maid stiffened and simply knelt on the ground, not daring to speak any more. Dugu Jue sneered, pointed at the confused Yun Niang and said coldly: You, explain yourself, who is this person from? Who sent you to me? Is it... some bitch who planted the eyes and ears?

Yun Niang was stunned. She had never encountered anything like this before.

It must be admitted that Emperor Taichu was sincere to her... Therefore, after she was paired with Emperor Taichu, Emperor Taichu protected her so well and so well... She has never seen the darkness in the world, never seen anything like it. The sinister nature of the human heart...not to mention the thoughts of these women in the harem, Yun Niang could not even imagine, and it was even more unpredictable and impossible to guess!

Don't speak? That's right. Dugu Jue laughed: Looking at your behavior, it is not what these despicable palace maids and slaves should have... Where are you from? It seems that you don't have the smell of wealth... Well, yours The origin is a bit strange.”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Dugu Jue glanced at Yun Niang's body, and said coldly: Besides, you are no longer a young lady... But if anyone wants to enter the harem, especially the maids and servants, they must be innocent. A good woman... you... haha! Who is the man you like?

The fire of suspicion and jealousy in Dugu Jue's heart spread like the fire of karma.

She stared at Yun Niang, wondering if this woman was Yinyuan's new love, or if Yinyuan had done some trick to hook him up without telling Bai Yu, Linghu Jun and others. What is the plan of a good lover to be placed next to him to deceive Bai Yuan, Linghu Jun and others?

It's very possible!

Dugu Jue has figured out Yinyuan's temperament. Such a soft and gentle woman, Yinyuan cannot resist her charm!


The truth is before your eyes!

Dugu Jue's face turned red. She gasped and sneered: Okay, okay, I have become your shield here... Haha, I placed you next to me in the hope that, Can I protect you? Yes, yes, in the entire Shenyin, in this huge harem, I am the only one who can protect you now!

Dugu Jue weighed his identity and the strength of his mother's family. Indeed, in the chaotic Shenyin harem now, if there is anyone who can be as good as Linghu Juan and others in terms of family strength, blood nobleness, etc. The only one who is higher and lower is indeed her, the legitimate daughter of the eldest daughter of the Dugu family!

Then, Yinyuan can do such a thing.

This is something Yinyuan can do!

Dugu Jue's breath went straight into her throat, and she shouted sternly: Bitch, get down on your knees!

She pointed at Yun Niang sharply.

Yun Niang was stunned and trembled. Then, although she was not born into a wealthy family, she came from a kind and good family. After getting married, she was well protected by Emperor Taichu and had such a kind and gentle nature. What about Yun Niang? Having never seen darkness, he thought that the world was all bright, and the stubbornness unique to Liangjiazi emerged.

She stood up straight, looked directly at Dugu Jue with moist eyes, and shouted in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: May I ask this girl, what did I do wrong?


Dugu Jue leaned back.

It is conclusive, no doubt, indeed, certain, that this woman must be Yinyuan's lover - otherwise, how could she dare to speak to Dugu Jue with such an attitude?

After all, before Bai Yuan, Linghu Juan and others returned, Dugujue was in charge of everything in Shenyin's harem as a noble concubine! She is the first person in the harem after Shenyin was established!

Take it down and beat it! Dugu Jue looked at the three sisters who were sullen and suppressing smiles, and gently waved his hand: Pull it down, firmly, hard, seriously, carefully...beat me!

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