Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 100 Stolen Money

Jiuyin Sect, secret room.

The cocoon rolled, and Duan Fangyu curled up in the cocoon, humming softly.

On the altar, under the statue of the Nine Yin Ghost Mother, two blood-colored embroidered shoes suddenly fell to the ground on their own.

A cold woman's voice sounded faintly: What a useless man... He's actually dead? That Precious Flame Containing Nature Pill might as well be fed to the dogs.

The embroidered shoes flew up and landed next to Duan Fangyu.

A wisp of green smoke flew up, and a pair of translucent eyes that were extremely beautiful, but with a hint of evil and madness in their bones, slowly emerged in the blue smoke, looking down at Duan Fang Yu.

The more handsome a man is, the more he will lie. Haha, haha!

But, for now, we still need them.

If you don't have enough strength, you have to use external things. Let me think about it, there seems to be something that can be used right now!

An embroidered shoe rolled over, and inside the shoe, a small jade bottle spurted out, and the stopper of the bottle flew out. A drop of thick, dark plasma, the size of a thumb, slowly squirmed and slipped from the mouth of the bottle little by little.

The plasma fell into the air cocoon outside Duan Fang Yu's body. The air cocoon instantly turned into pitch black, and then merged into Duan Fang Yu's body.

Duan Fangyu groaned in pain.

His body twitched slightly, and under the fair skin, pieces of black and golden scales slowly emerged. Soon his whole body was covered with scales, and a single horn slowly grew out of his forehead.

Men are still unreliable.

The embroidered shoes muttered in a low voice: Woman, woman, woman with extreme resentment. Where can I find it?


I feel it now.

Not far away, twisted, jealous, deep hatred...and, pregnant?

Two embroidered shoes rolled and danced rapidly, and evil laughter filled the entire secret room: What a good material, how interesting, huh?

Wisps of green smoke flew out from the embroidered shoes, quickly outlining large and complex runes in the air.

A soft and graceful fairy sound came from the runes, and the faint fairy sound set off a small whirlwind in the secret room. The green smoke runes flickered, and the void was torn open bit by bit, and a small crack with a diameter of an inch appeared.

A jade flute that was completely white with only a hint of bright red at the mouthpiece flew out of the crack while playing on its own.

The embroidered shoes flew rapidly: Hehehe, sister, are you here?

Yuxiao spun in the air: I'm coming.

Yuxiao's voice was extremely cold, with an aura of indifference and indifference to everything: How are you doing?

Just as the embroidered shoes were about to speak, there was a 'pop' from the small crack, and an exquisite hairpin composed of seven beautiful exotic flowers flew out with a trace of blood.

Hehehe, there is a man? Kill him!

The strange flower hairpin, with a strange texture, like jade but as transparent as glass, suddenly flew up, and its sharp point was aimed at the Duanfang Jade in the cocoon, and turned into a streak of blood and fell straight down.

The embroidered shoes were blocked in front of the hairpin. There was a muffled sound, a cold breath spread out, and thousands of tiny cracks opened in the thick stone wall of the secret room.

Little sister, listen to me.

The sound of embroidered shoes sounded faintly.

Three objects that exuded a cold and evil aura were put together, and whispers of chirp, chirp were constantly heard.

In Jiuqu Garden, in broad daylight, in a large hall, in a white jade pool that could accommodate hundreds of people bathing together, Yinyuan and several of his favorite concubines were soaking comfortably in the hot spring water.

While soaking in hot springs and drinking fine wine, there was a little palace girl beside her who kept stuffing fruits and melons from various greenhouses into her mouth.

Yinyuan was so comfortable that he was trembling all over: Oh, this is the life that an emperor should have... Go catch ghosts in the middle of the night, don't come to me again for this kind of thing.

Hey, the weather is good and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. Besides eating and drinking, what else can I do?

Hey, Lao Yu, Lao Yu, Commander Fang of Anlefang, have you and the general agreed on the price?

Yu Changle quietly entered the hall, stood behind a curtain, and chuckled: Your Majesty, the old slave and the general have agreed on the price. Now the general is looking for interested buyers all over the world.

As soon as Yu Changle finished speaking, a purple-robed eunuch rushed in carrying a delicate brass tube.

Your Majesty, Lord Supervisor, there is news from Duke Tianyang.

Little monkey cubs, all of them are still so out of control. Yu Changle glared at the little eunuch, grabbed the brass tube, took out the small paper roll inside, and unfolded it little by little.

News from Duke Tianyang? What's the matter? Yinyuan swallowed a sip of wine and asked happily: He hasn't done much these days. Has he caused any trouble for Bai Changkong?

Hey, I heard that Bai Changkong is marrying his granddaughter today. Didn't Yu Sandou put his granddaughter's name in the show book a few days ago?

I am also prepared to let people spread the news about his granddaughter's pregnancy when her identity is verified.

If Bai Changkong marries Bai Lu, how is Bai Changkong going to explain to me, the Queen Mother, and the world about the Chu Xiu Directory?

Yu Changle smiled: Your Majesty, if you want Bai Lu to enter the palace, don't even think about it. The general probably took Bai Changkong's money. Bai Lu's name has been changed to Bai Shuang, and she is said to be Bai Changkong's distant niece.

Yinyuan cursed.

With the sound of water, Yinyuan stood up angrily: My uncle, he really succeeds more than he does... Huh? Huh? Did he accept Bai Changkong's money? Bai Changkong has money to make him change his story? This is not right. , Bai Changkong is famous for being a breeze with two sleeves...

Yu Changle replied with a smile: I heard that it was Bai Changkong who emptied his family's fortune. After all, in these years, he has made a lot of legal income from selling calligraphy, writing books, giving lectures, etc. He has a lot of money in Yanzifang, Haojing City. Several small villages, the wealth accumulated through hard work over the years, have also been mortgaged to pawnshops, and these are well documented.

As he spoke, his pupils narrowed and he stared at the content on the note.

After carefully reading the information on the note three times, Yu Changle said slowly: Your Majesty, Luozhou Mushi Wuyou is actually the leader of Jiuyin. He sneaked into the Yushunfang Survey Division Yamen to assassinate Lu Qian. Lu Qian fought back, and his head and the Jiuyin leader's token were both captured by Lu Qian.

Yinyuan stood in the white jade pool and was stunned for a moment.

What? What did you say? Yinyuan suddenly became furious and slapped the white jade pond, causing a splash of water from the boss: Send people to Luozhou, send people as fast as possible, and catch the corpses without worry. , I will kill his entire family... No, capture him, torture him severely in Luozhou, and extract a confession!

Yu Changle responded hurriedly, and with a wave of his hand, several young eunuchs flew out.

In addition, Lu Qian may have found the place where Bai Changkong hid the stolen money - well, the money that Bai Changkong sent to the General's Mansion a few days ago was shipped out from there.

Yu Changle's expression became extremely strange.

Bai Changkong acts cautiously, and his own cultivation is unpredictable. We, the palace guards, have been following many good people, but we have suffered a loss from him, or lost track of him, or found nothing, or simply disappeared without a trace.

Lu Qian, isn't he relying on his physical skills to track Bai Changkong himself?

Yinyuan shouted loudly: What did Lu Qian say?

Yu Changle said solemnly: He and his people are about to take advantage of Bai Changkong's 'Xian Gathering' ceremony for his granddaughter, and there is no time for him to take care of it, to take out all his stolen money!

Yinyuan's eyes lit up and he laughed and said, Wonderful. Come on, please change your clothes. I want to watch the excitement.

With his cultivation level soaring, Lu Qian, who was full of energy, changed into the palace guard general's palace, wearing a deep purple silver-lined Kunpeng pattern cloak, leaving three hundred elite guards guarding the backyard, with a full set of honor guards, and thirty-six divine generals. Two thousand guards came out in full force.

By the way, Lu Jin was granted the title of Duke, and the emperor gave him three thousand Yulin army personal guards. On the day he went to Yushunfang to survey the Si Yamen, the backyards of dozens of his neighbors were all forcibly requisitioned by the palace guards. .

Three thousand Yulin troops, together with three thousand Bloodhoof Wuzui, have been stationed in the backyards of these neighbors for the past two days.

Most of these neighbors are officials. Who is willing to use his backyard for outsiders to garrison?

But Lu Qian is so powerful, who dares to disobey him?

The cavalry galloped eastward along the street, passed Moyun Tower, and went directly to the big stone bridge over the canal. Crossing the stone bridge was Wuyinfang. The cavalry turned north and ran along the galloping road on the street for less than a quarter of an hour. Arriving at the student's house where Bai Changkong came that day.

Zhao Yao, the supervisor of Guanglu Temple, was an eighth-grade petty official in Haojing. There were so many petty officials in Haojing that he didn’t even know how many he could step on with one step.

Zhao Yao has been working hard at Guanglu Temple for nearly thirty years.

With his qualifications, especially his status as Bai Changkong's disciple, among his fellow disciples in the court, there are many senior officials of the third and fourth grades. As long as he moves a little bit, the fifth grade dare not say, from the sixth grade , or even the sixth level, that’s no problem.

But Zhao Yao has been sitting in the position of supervisor honestly and dutifully over the years.

He never makes mistakes in any task assigned to him.

But you can never think of Zhao Yao taking the initiative to do more.

Therefore, Zhao Yao has been a supervisor from the eighth grade for thirty years. Even his family's house is not his own property, but a rented public house in Guanglu Temple.

Lu's cavalry rushed to Zhao Yao's gate.

There was a cry of cranes in the sky, and a large group of at least three to four hundred huge white cranes spread their wings and flew over, and then landed in a mess on the street next to the cavalry.

Yinyuan took the lead and jumped down from a white crane, shouting at Lu Qian with great interest: Lu Qian, stop talking nonsense, money... no, where is the stolen money?

Yinyuan was dressed in casual clothes, gearing up and looking at Lu Qian with bright eyes.

That is to say, he was born handsome and majestic. Otherwise, as long as he was given a torch and a big sword, the emperor would be no different from the bandits who robbed Tao.

Seeing Yinyuan like this, Lu Qian shook his head helplessly and waved his hand forward: Charge in, fight quickly, don't give them a chance to resist or escape!

With a loud roar, Ahu rushed out carrying the Demon-Conquering Pestle.

With the flat end of the magic pestle in both hands like a battering ram, Ahu struck hard at the door of Zhao Yao's house. The entire door connected to the door frame and the 78-foot-long wall on the left and right were smashed into pieces. The broken bricks and tiles were like a heavy rain, and they were blasted in. The front yard of Zhao Yao's house.

Lu Qian's brigade of palace guards, supervisor Ding, and the bodyguard cavalry gave a whistle and rushed in following Ahu.

When Meng Buding saw Ah Hu, Yinyuan's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and exclaimed: What a mighty man... I wonder if he is still a boy?

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