Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 101 Stolen Money (2)

Zhao Yao is not at home.

As Bai Changkong's first disciple, when Bai Changkong married his granddaughter, Zhao Yao took his two sons and went to Cuiwei Peak early in the morning to watch the ceremony.

In Zhao Yao's family, only his wife, two daughters-in-law, and several grandchildren are left.

The Zhao family's mansion is not big. After all, it is the public property of Guanglu Temple. It is rented to officials of the yamen at a low price. There are only three entrances to the courtyard, and there are only seventeen or eighteen servants in the house.

Ahu broke into the yard first. Before the two servants in the front yard could figure out what happened, the flying bricks and rubble knocked them unconscious.

The screams of women and children rang out in the courtyard, and a large group of people rushed in. As soon as the little three entered the courtyard, they were packed to the brim.

In all directions, the tall buildings next door were also occupied, with strong bows and crossbows deployed, guarding all possible escape corners.

A little further away, across two streets, another mansion was also buzzing with excitement.

Yinyuan, who was very interested, pulled Lu Qian and strode in: The owner of this house is an official? An official from Guanglu Temple? Where is the person? Catch him, catch him, old fish, torture him severely, I want to know everything .”

Without any resistance, Zhao Yao's family was escorted out by the guards.

Zhao Yao's wife, a well-maintained woman, looked blankly at the red palace robe on Lu Qian, then looked at the robes on the captains and warriors behind Lu Qian, and suddenly He knelt on the ground and screamed at the top of his lungs.

Thousands of swordsmen, I know you can't do things that are unintentional!

I knew that this old man had only been focusing on being a petty official these years. Those who entered Guanglu Temple in the same year as him were promoted one after another and were promoted to other places. He was the only one who was squatting motionless as a shabby supervisor. There must be something wrong!

Wow, there are thousands of mistakes, and they are all the fault of the old immortal. This adult has nothing to do with my children and grandchildren!

Lu Qian waved his hand, and several young eunuchs jumped up, blocked Mrs. Zhao Yao's mouth with handkerchiefs, and carried her aside.

According to the Dayin Law, if you know that your husband has violated the national law, but hide it and do not report it, you must also be punished as the same crime. However, this law is contrary to the principle of hidden relatives advocated by the literary and educational gentlemen. Now the literary and educational gentlemen One of the 'reforms' that he advocated was to abolish the law of 'hiding and not avenging, and punishing with the same crime'.

Ahu led a group of tall and powerful guards, carrying iron rods, pestles and other heavy objects, and ran around in various rooms.

Loud noises were heard, and houses collapsed one after another as if they were being hit by a thousand wild boars. Dust was everywhere.

Yinyuan's face turned red with excitement and his body was trembling slightly.

This is a house raid, this is a house raid... It's fun, exciting, unseen and unheard of. Yinyuan muttered in a low voice: Old Yu, Lu Qing, we can do more of this kind of thing in the future.

This house is still too small. Who has the biggest house in Haojing City? Let's find a house with the biggest house and copy it next time.

Lu Qian coughed lightly: No surprise, apart from the Imperial City and Jiuqu Garden, the largest house in Haojing City is the General's Mansion.

Yinyuan closed his mouth and glared at Lu Qian with a resentful look.

Lu Qian smiled. In that room, from a side house in the backyard, A Hu's roar came: Brother Qian, there is a secret passage... Hey, I smell the smell of Master Cat's urine, this is the right place. .”

Your Majesty, please, we have found the land. Lu Qian smiled and pointed to the backyard.

A large group of people poured into the backyard, and a group of supervisors, wearing heavy armor and carrying heavy shields, bravely rushed into the underground passage.

There was a dull sound from the ground. After a while, a young eunuch rushed over and said with a horrified look on his face: Your Majesty, the eunuch... below, below...

The little eunuch swallowed deeply and was so frightened that he was speechless for a moment.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lu Yi, Yinyuan, and Yu Changle stood dumbfounded in the underground hall where Bai Changkong hid the gold, staring blankly at the hardwood boxes that were opened one after another in front of them.

Gold bricks, gold ingots, gold ingots, and various shapes of gold are neatly stacked in large boxes.

In some large boxes, between the gold ingots and gold ingots, gold sand as fine as sesame grains was filled. The whole box was filled to the brim, and one box was equivalent to a large piece of gold.

In some boxes, among the gold nuggets, there are all kinds of rubies, sapphires, diamonds, agates, pearls and other rare things.

There are even some boxes that contain no gold, but are filled with ivory, rhinoceros horn, tortoiseshell, coral, tourmaline, jade and other items that are more precious than gold.

The value of this property in the entire hall is difficult to estimate at the moment.

I can be considered to be able to make money, and the money I pass every year can be regarded as gold and silver. Yinyuan looked at the two thousand big boxes in front of him and said quietly: But the more money I get, the more I spend. Old Yu, Jiuquyuan, how much money do I still have in my private treasury?

Yu Changle laughed dryly: I took stock a few years ago and found that there are less than one billion coins left in His Majesty's private treasury.

I am the Emperor of Dayin, and I am the ruler of nine states. Not to mention the other princes, I have only one ancestral state, spanning 720,000 miles, with trillions of people...

Now that Jiayou is nineteen years old, I have the reputation of being a foolish king and risk my face to make money. As long as I am willing to give money, even if I am a butcher who sells pork, I will dare to give his mother a third-grade imperial concubine. Addicted!

For these shabby things, I was scolded by the civil and military ministers!

Jiayou is nineteen years old. I have been making money for more than ten years, and my private balance is less than one billion yuan. I am not willing to spend money. I can even afford Laoyu's gambling debts, so I will.

Yu Changle rolled his eyes and looked at Yinyuan resentfully.

Look, look, here.

Yinyuan's face flushed with excitement, and he pointed at the boxes and gestured: You've suddenly become rich. How much gold is there? Is it more than my private treasury? Is it much more? You say, How can an old guy who teaches at the Imperial College be so rich?

Lu Qian sighed: Your Majesty, if you make money, you will also be charged with selling your official position. Others are different. They call it 'promoting talents for the country'!

When you sell an official position, you can usually only sell a casual job. People who promote talents for the country actually arrange official positions.

what do you think?

Yinyuan walked to a big box, reached out and grabbed a handful of gold sand, opened his hand slightly, and the gold sand flowed down between his fingers, making a crisp sound of ta da da da.

He grabbed another gold ingot and rubbed it on his face again and again with great intoxication.

Check it out and see what's going on in this house, what's going on with this secret passage, and what's going on with such a big underground secret room.

Yinyuan said quietly: This is Wu Yinfang. They can carve out such a large territory underground. Will one day their tunnels be dug directly into the imperial city? Will they be able to dig directly into the Jiujiang City? Quyuan?

This is not the mansion of nobles. I can understand those nobles setting up secret rooms, secret passages, etc. underground. The nobles and nobles always have some shameful things that they like to hide underground.

But this house is the public property of Guanglu Temple. Every plant, tree, and grain of sand here is the property of Dayin Taifu.

The public property of Guanglu Temple cannot have these secret rooms and secret passages.

Such a large project can only be excavated by themselves afterwards.

Let's check, we need to kill a group of people.

Yinyuan casually stuffed the gold ingot in his hand into his sleeve, turned around and nodded towards Lu Yan: Mr. Tianyang, you did a great job in this matter, no matter whether it can be traced to Bai Changkong or not. , we men have made this fortune!

Well, it's up to you to see it. I'm not a stingy emperor.

As for the money here, Lao Yu, you take 10%, Lu Qian, you take 10%, and the remaining 80% is mine.

The rewards for the men who are dispatched today will be generous, and this amount will come from my share.

In addition, Lao Yu, give Lu Qian's Zhuangzi in Yinmaifang, plus three more, and give me double the food and land.

Lu Chen clasped his fists and bowed deeply to Yinyuan.

Wonderful, with this windfall, the money accumulated by Lu Qian's vendors can be spent openly.

As Yinyuan spoke, he turned around again, walked to a large box, picked out a few large rubies with excellent color, and put them into his sleeves naturally.

In addition, I found that there are only gold and silver jewelry, coral and tortoise shells, etc.

But, since it's a bribe, it's not just these... antiques, famous paintings, unique books, rare elixirs, there must be all of them. But they are not here, which proves that he must have other places to hide stolen goods.

Lu Qian, I leave this matter to you. I'll dig him out and bankrupt him!

Old Yu, please be more serious about the other courtiers. Bai Changkong is like this, but what about the other courtiers? Huh? To put it more bluntly, even the Imperial Academy Commander is like this, so the Imperial Academy Where’s the grand sacrificial wine?”

Yu Changle laughed dryly: Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not easy to find out how the Taixue held a grand ceremony. Zhu Song has an excellent reputation among the people, especially among scholars. He is even much more famous than the Prime Minister.

They are kidnapping public opinion! Yinyuan said heart-wrenching words.

Lu Qian drooped his eyelids and said nothing.

Being able to say this proves that Yinyuan is still awake in his heart and is not a complete fool.

Then, we have to arrest a few people. Yinyuan said quietly: I am short of money. Now it seems that catching corrupt officials will bring in money faster than selling them off.

Lu Qian and Yu Changle looked at each other and had an idea at the same time.

Yinyuan laughed again: By the way, where is Xi Wuyou's head? And where is Jiuyin's leader's token? This is a good thing that can be used to sacrifice to the ancestors in the Ancestral Temple. Those who have not been caught by the ancestors of the past dynasties have been caught by me. Lu Qing was caught, it shows that I am more capable than my ancestors!

Lu Qian said nothing.

Yinyuan laughed intoxicatedly.

Outside, a young eunuch rushed in: Your Majesty, Eunuch, things are very interesting. The granddaughter of Bai Shanchang and her husband's house are actually nearby.

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