Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1046: Half a step with great force

When Emperor Taichu said this, Lu Yi laughed loudly and withdrew the two absolute divine ropes.

Lord Tianshu looked up to the sky and roared, and was about to shout something. Lu Qian laughed loudly, and brought a flash of light with the Taihu Emperor ax in his hand, at a speed thousands or tens of thousands of times faster than lightning, He struck hard at Tianshu Laojun.

Along with this ax blow, the thirty-six alien powerful men previously jointly set up space-time traps, which were directly detonated by Lu Qian. The space shock caused by it was like being wiped hard by an invisible giant palm in the air. All space ripples and all space cracks disappeared out of thin air, and the void returned to normal, which was even more normal before.

Only a streak of light struck the Lord of Heavenly Books.

Mr. Tianshu didn't have time to think or do anything else. He just exerted all his strength and completely instinctively shook the dust flyer in his hand forward. Countless shiny black hairsprings shuttled past, with a harsh scream, turning into a large net to meet the flying Taihu Emperor's ax.

The void shook slightly.

Taihu Emperor Ax and Lu Qian, when they were about to hit the big net transformed by the fly whisk, they disappeared out of thin air and appeared behind Laojun Tianshu out of thin air. In addition, they continued to strike at the back of Lord Tianshu with the same speed and the same movements!

Countless hairsprings flew into nothing.

Lord Tianshu's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead. He wanted to take back the fly whisk and use his magical power again... Where was it too late? The Taihu Emperor's ax struck silently on the back of the Tianshu Laojun's heart. His body was wrinkled and torn by the Jueshen rope. The Taihu Emperor's ax fiercely penetrated into the Tianshu Laojun's chest. The body tore through his body and spurted out from his chest.

Countless strands of extremely fine light ejected from the body of Laojun Tianshu. Wherever the strands of light passed, his body, his flesh and blood, his bones, his internal organs and even his bone marrow and skin all collapsed in the smallest structural dimension. broken. Mr. Tianshu howled miserably, and at a speed that could be described as weird, he suddenly turned around, opened his mouth and spit out a stream of purple light towards Lu Qian.

It was a narrow flying sword with broad leek leaves, extremely delicate shape, and less than three inches long.

The exquisite flying sword's flames are dazzling, like clouds condensed, the whole body is crystal clear, like an afterimage illusion, and it also reveals the strange charm of the remnants of a great dream... The flying sword flew out, and Lu Qian's eyes fell on the flying sword. On the sword, his eyes suddenly became scattered, as if there were billions of strange, gorgeous, strange, and bizarre dreams exploding in his mind.

Every dream is a trap of a mountain of swords and a forest of sharp swords. Countless sword shadows shuttle back and forth, trying to tear Lu Qian into pieces at the soul level, directly shattering his soul, shattering his heart, and destroying his body. The spirit simply vanished into nothingness.

The next moment, Lord Tianshu once again let out an extremely shrill howl. The sword light he sprayed disappeared, the void shook, and this extremely sharp, beautiful, yet extremely vicious sword light appeared directly at the core of his brain. The sword light moved forward slightly, and the Tianshu Laojun's brain was torn to pieces by the sword light he sprayed out.

Blood spurted out from the seven orifices.

Lu Qian's slightly distracted eyes were slightly condensed. He chanted the Buddha's name softly and quickly calmed down his soul that was slightly shaken by the mysterious sword just now. He swung the Taihu Emperor's ax again and neatly chopped off the entire body of the Lord of the Book of Heaven. into pieces.

The most important minister of the Heavenly Court, who followed Emperor Taichu from a young age and rose step by step from an ordinary ant to the top ranks of powerful beings in heaven and earth, the Old Lord of the Book of Heaven was directly bombarded from the physical level by Lu Qian with two axes and a sword. It has to disappear.

There was a loud bang, and the six shining rings on the fingers of Lord Tianshu were shaken by the aftermath of Emperor Taihu's ax. The rings exploded into pieces. The huge space inside exploded, and mountains of emperor's money were piled up. Countless coins Divine elixirs, all kinds of rare cultivation materials, and even all kinds of rare treasures collected by Master Tianshu, including a large number of Buddhist magical powers, Zen secrets, etc. that were once secretly taught in Landa Holy Land...

Among them, there are even dozens of men and women who are just like the powerful aliens that Lu Qian killed just now. They are handsome and look like immortals, and their bodies are covered with thick green armor with vital energy. ...These people all have extremely horrific and fatal injuries. They are placed in crystal coffins and frozen at terrible low temperatures.

I don’t know what Tianshu Laojun wanted to do by collecting these corpses, but now all these corpses have been exposed. Several of the corpses were shocked by the space transformation. Several restraining stakes that penetrated the vital parts of the body spit out thunder and jumped up from the body. The majestic life energy suddenly exploded in these corpses, and there was a tragic scene everywhere. Countless granulations are growing rapidly in the wound, as if it may be resurrected at any time after pretending to be a corpse!

Lu Qian exclaimed.

The collection of Laojun Tianshu is really...

Shaking his head, Lu Yan pointed his hand, and countless space cracks appeared out of thin air. The dark space cracks surrounded the dozens of crystal coffins and strangled them. Dozens of tyrannical corpses were directly annihilated by the black hole in space, leaving no residue at all. remain.

Lu Qian glanced at the other emperor's money, magic pills, various cultivation materials, etc., and put them all away with a wave of his sleeves - he didn't know that this was the private house that Mr. Tianshu had kept for many years. Money, the total value of this funding is really astonishing.

That is to say, Lu Qian had just mastered the secret of the Space Avenue. At the moment when the six storage rings collapsed, he was able to stabilize the void and rescue all these rare treasures from the collapsed and shattered ring space.

Anyone else could only watch the huge space inside the six rings, along with countless rare treasures, collapse and annihilate. Even an emperor's coin and a divine elixir could save everyone. Not coming back.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Lu Qian raised his head, his eyes flickered, and he looked somewhere in the extremely far-reaching void.

Old Lord Tianshu... an old guy like you is really not so easy to kill!

Through the vibrations of the void, across the infinite distance of the void, Lu Yi felt that the breath of the Lord of Heavenly Books was very far away, like a small soap bubble, hanging in a small dimension of the big world of Supreme Taichu Tian. Appear in the void.

There, it should be the last escape route created by Tianshu Laojun for himself.

There, he arranged methods of resurrecting the corpse, or resurrecting a clone to replace the original person... Lu Qian could name dozens of similar methods in one breath without dozing off.

No matter which method was used, in short, the Lord of the Book of Heaven was not dead. He revived in that extremely distant small dimensional world, and Lu Qian could clearly feel the breath of the Lord of the Book of the Book from an extremely far distance. From the extremely weak mortal level, he has made rapid progress all the way, and soared all the way back to the great emperor level.

In particular, the revived Lord Tianshu, his Tao Yun Qi, and his previous deity seemed to be completely different. The newly resurrected Lord of the Book of Heaven, the Tao Yun Qi in him is more majestic, more majestic, and has a unique aura that is a mixture of secular emperor and Buddhist Vajra!

Lu Qian's pupils shrank.

It is because of his existence that he has condensed the space Dao Fruit, so that he can clearly perceive the Qi of the Lord of the Book of Heaven across a long distance in the void, and even across the space barrier of a small dimensional world.

If it were anyone else...even Emperor Taichu, Lu Qian was sure that he would not be able to detect the changes in Qi in Laojun Tianshu under such circumstances. Lu Qian couldn't help but speculate, could it be that the backhand left behind by Mr. Tianshu in his final retreat was that the body was mainly practicing Shi Buddhism? Even some strange things were mixed in?

Lu Qian turned back and looked in the direction of the Shenyin Haojing Continent... Time was running out, and he had no intention of crossing the long void to deal with a heavenly minister who had just been killed by him.

After a moment of silence, Lu Qian took a deep breath: Haha, you changed your major in martial arts? You actually practice Buddhist magical powers? This... Laojun, it's not that I'm making things difficult for you, it's actually you who hit the edge of the knife yourself!

Putting away the Taihu Emperor ax in his right hand, Lu Qian pointed his hand, and the six purifying knives turned into a bright crescent moon and rose into the sky. The sword light flashed rapidly, and Lu Qian directly tore the void and dropped the six purifying knives. Arrived outside the world diaphragm of the small dimensional world where Master Tianshu arranged his methods.

That layer of dense restrictions, with even more exotic treasures sitting there, formed a large array, cutting off all breath and preventing the outside world from exploring the small dimensional world. The diaphragm of the world was torn apart silently, and the six purifying knives brought a trace of The cold light struck in silently.

It was just one strike. Lu Qian directly retracted the six purifying knives without making a second blow, then turned around and took one step back to the top of Haojing Continent.

At this moment, Lu Qian's speed path fruit and space path fruit fit perfectly... All space obstacles in front of him are empty, and all spaces have turned into smooth roads. Under such premise, he who controls the speed path fruit can move around The efficiency... words truly cannot describe it.

In the sky above Haojing, a burst of light and shadow flickered, and the afterimage of Lu Qian's figure appeared next to one hundred and eight emperor-level clones of Taichu Emperor... The Tianlong Zen Staff brought up a powerful and powerful black-gold dragon shadow, accompanied by a dull sound. The sound of breaking through the air hit the heads of these clones almost at the same time.

This blow perfectly combined Lu Qian's highest understanding of space and speed at this moment.

This blow was something that Lu Qian had experienced since he could remember, ever since he was a boy, when he and the chubby rabbit were fighting against each other in the courtyard... It was when he had gone through countless fights, fights, and life and death exercises. ...The most powerful blow he ever fired.

This blow penetrated the void.

The speed of this blow was unpredictable.

Lu Qian's attack perfectly applied the secret of the 'Path of Power' that he had previously comprehended, without any residue.

Lu Qian's body still retains an extremely strong spatial Tao charm.

Under the guidance of the Daoyun of Space and the assistance of the Daoyun of Speed, Lu Qian directly triggered the Daoyun of the supreme power avenue in this world...

The Avenue of Power and Lu Qian began to fit together perfectly.

The endless power of Dao Yun condensed and brewed in Lu Qian's body, turning into the prototype of a dusty Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit. Just when it was about to burst out... the conception of Dao Fruit came to an abrupt end.

Lu Qian waved his Zen staff's arms with a 'bang' sound, and exploded into two masses of blood mist.

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