Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1047: Half a Step to Power (2)

Lu Qian stood on the threshold.

He has seen the whole scene clearly in the courtyard.

As long as he has enough ability, he can gather the 'power' Dao Fruit, completely on the road of power, and ascend to the position of the Great Emperor. What kind of realm that is, you can imagine it just from the one hundred and eight sticks that Lu Qian just waved, easily killing one hundred and eight clones of Emperor Taichu.

However, it didn't work out.

He was stuck on the threshold.

He could no longer take even a small step forward. If he dared to move rashly, Lu Qian's whole body, like his two arms, would directly explode into a mist of blood. Lu Qian took a deep breath, and a stream of Buddhist rhymes surged. The exploding blood mist quickly flew into ashes, and formed two intact arms amid the wisps of Buddhist light.

He grimaced in pain and took a deep breath.

He understood the secret of power, but his body, which has been tempered for thousands of times and can be called the 'Buddhist Vajra Indestructible Body', is actually unable to carry the fruit of power...even if it is not the absolute, pure, and 100% power of this world. Dao, but only the lowest threshold line of the Emperor's Seal Dao Fruit, his physical body cannot bear it.

Whether it is speed or space, it corresponds to some kind of spiritual enlightenment, a kind of analysis, a kind of understanding... If you can understand the truth, even if it is four or two moves a thousand catties, you can explode. Show incredible power.

Only the 'Avenue of Power' is the foundation of heaven and earth, the hub, and the axle running through the middle of the two wheels that form the 'World Carriage', 'time and space'. The avenue of power must be physical, substantial, and exist truly!

The power of power must rely on a tyrannical and incredibly powerful body!

And in the future, as Lu Qian learns more and more about the Avenue of Power and his authority on the Avenue of Power becomes greater and greater, his physical body must become stronger and stronger.

This is very different from other avenues. Between heaven and earth, you can control other avenues. Even if you are a waning old man who can collapse in the wind, you can control the supreme avenue... For example, if you are extremely sick, you may fall to the ground and die suddenly at any time, even if you are already very sick. , but this does not prevent him from having unparalleled achievements in the field of poison. It does not prevent him from spilling a drop of poison and completely poisoning all living things within a trillion miles into zombies...

Only the avenue of strength will not work!

There is only the Avenue of Power. If you want to get it, you must have a strong enough body!

Countless secrets of power passed through Lu Qian's head.

What is power?

It's definitely more than just punching out, knocking out two big teeth of the enemy in front of you, that's the power!

The wind blows the dandelions, and the weak seeds hit the transparent glass window. This is power.

The stream jumped and twisted happily along the narrow creek, rushing out of the mountains, picking up tiny grains of dust along the way. This is power.

The hurricane roared past, uprooting the big trees, blowing the boulders rolling down the mountain peaks, smashing on the city walls, and smashing the city to pieces. This was of course also power.

The great rivers roared past, and during the floods, they rolled up countless silt. In the gentle downstream areas, in three to five years, alluvial plains with a radius of thousands of miles were washed away. Isn't this power?

The tsunami was cleared, meteorites fell, and the artificially made strong bows and crossbows screamed and sprayed arrows. The technological civilization that Lu Qian had seen in his previous life threw heavy artillery shells dozens or hundreds of miles away with a loud bang. , houses were blown to pieces, which is of course a kind of power!

Then, the sun, moon and stars are running rapidly in the sky. Stars with diameters of hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, or even larger, are rushing through the void at speeds of thousands of miles... thus increasing the dimension of vision to include hundreds of billions of stars. The huge river systems, these galaxies are stars in the void at an even more alarming speed...

On a certain day, in unpredictable time, space and dimensions, two stars collided together, a star hit a black hole, two huge river systems came into close physical contact, and even two complete universes, and even more The dimensional world collided...

This is all power!

This is all supreme, magnificent, and endless power!

It contains the most subtle and the most magnificent power... And these subtle, magnificent, indescribable forces, if you want to master their secrets, you must carry this power!

Lu Qian's current body can withstand the huge force of dozens, hundreds, or even tens of thousands of stars colliding in the Supreme Taichu Heaven... However, if the two star fields of the Supreme Taichu Heaven collide, He just can't bear it anymore... If the two heavens of the Supreme Taichu Heaven collide, this force will be enough to severely damage him... If it is a disaster that breaks out from a celestial body in a larger dimension, this force will be enough to destroy him!

Then, the avenue of power runs through the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven.

If this supreme power drives the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, it will be like a projectile, erupting into a head-on impact with another world of the same dimension and size... This power is enough to easily move a finger in the blink of an eye. , directly erasing all traces of Lu Qian’s existence!

This is power! Lu Qian gasped for air.

In the Landa Buddha fruit, all the supreme Buddhist golden body magical powers and many supreme Buddhist body tempering techniques kept flashing in his mind... However, the Taichu Mixing Pearl released a gloomy light that illuminated his soul, and Lu Qian's soul was clear at this moment. Through it, he quickly calculated that even if the supreme golden body of the Landa Buddha had been cultivated to the extreme, and cultivated to the state of Dzogchen, it would not be able to carry the entire power of the Supreme Taichu Heaven.

Although Landa Buddha is extremely miraculous, he also has a natural threshold limit.

In other words, the Buddhist sage who created Landa Buddha, that incredible power, did not follow the path of pure power with an indestructible golden body... The path of golden body that he contained in Landa Buddha, Its upper limit is already high compared to today's Lu Yi... but it is not high enough for future Lu Yi!

It's a trouble, but not a big trouble! In Lu Qian's mind, countless clear and transparent thoughts rose up, and countless thoughts came and went, rising and falling. He gathered 90% of the power of his soul in his mind, and under the illumination of Taichu Huantong Pearl, he began to calculate and combine these supreme Buddhist golden body magical powers, comprehend the supreme body tempering skills, and want to sum up a method from them. The supreme golden body method is used to carry the avenue of power that he has seen but cannot bear now!

The three-eyed figure, the three-eyed figure holding Feng Shui double dragons, once again slowly appeared in the dimension of Lu Qian's soul.

Countless stars twinkled around the figure of the three-eyed man, and the light of each star was dim. However, in the quiet movement of the stars, Lu Qian noticed that their luster, their rhyme, and the 480 million stars above the void The ancient stars echo each other from afar.

From the core of the three-eyed figure, an extremely ancient, extremely broken mark that seemed to be wiped out at any time flowed out intermittently.

‘Infinite stars cast the beginning’… Lu Qian murmured this title. The whole body of the three-eyed figure also lit up extremely fine light and shadow of the acupoints. The little flickering stars in the outside world also emitted wisps of extremely fine starlight and poured into the light and shadow of each aperture. As a result, an extremely majestic and huge wave of energy and blood surged out of the three-eyed figure.

Lu Qian only felt waves of toothache!

He subconsciously glanced at Yinyuan above the imperial city - this skill, the vision surging in the three-eyed figure, and Master Langyue's visit to cause trouble a few days ago, Yinyuan suddenly got 480 million Protected by thousands of ancient stars, countless starlights came through the sky, and the images injected into his body were so similar!

What's the point?

Lu Qian had a hidden guess in his mind, but he couldn't fully understand it for a while.

Below, there was already a commotion. As Lu Qian killed the one hundred and eight clones of Emperor Taichu, and as the space-time rift opened by Emperor Taichu over Haojing was forcefully smoothed out by Lu Qian, hundreds of millions of mutations occurred in the city of Haojing. The citizens stopped their crazy attack at the same time, tilted their heads, squinted, rolled their eyes, and looked at Lu Qian with a giggle.

They all laughed in unison: Okay, okay, okay, you win this round by one move...and then what? Then what?

These mutated city citizens spread their hands at the same time, assuming a posture of I am a fish and meat, and I will be slaughtered, laughing hysterically: Then, what then? What then?

Lu Qian remained silent.

So many have self-destructed in the imperial city's defense formation, but there are still hundreds of millions of mutated clones of Emperor Taichu left here. Their cultivation levels range from Heavenly General to Great Heavenly Lord. With Lu Qian's current strength, he can wipe them all out with just a flick of his finger!

But imagine that these people were originally citizens of Haojing, and they were all good citizens.

They had no original sin, but they were involved in this turmoil and were used as tools by Emperor Taichu... If they were all killed, it would be too unfair to their original body... But if they were not killed, then, How does this end?

From their bodies to their souls, they have completely changed.

At least with the Tao that Lu Qian mastered, with the methods he understood, and with the various methods he understood, he could not transform the mutated people into the original citizens of Haojing City!

They were not moving at this moment and looked harmless.

But as long as a group of emperor-level beings appear among them, they can immediately turn into an army with astonishing lethality. I don’t know when, they will hit you hard...

Is it possible for an emperor-level existence to appear among them?

Of course, it could happen at any time.

Lu Qian looked at Yinyuan.

Yinyuan looked at Lu Ren a little pitifully. Although he was Emperor Shen Yin, even though he had been the emperor for many years when he was in the lower world, to be honest, when it comes to the words decided to kill, Yinyuan still lacks something. As an emperor, sometimes he is too soft-hearted...

The white lady who was hugging Yinyuan's arm tightly at the side smiled: Why is your majesty worried? This is not your majesty's fault...it was the guy from Taichu who had bad thoughts about me, Shen Yin. All the reasons are his fault. Since then, all the consequences will naturally be destroyed by him... If Your Majesty can't bear to take action, then just send them back to heaven.

White Snake shook her head and sighed: I didn't expect that in these years, he would actually come up with such unscrupulous methods... When did he infect these people?

However, let's send them back. If we slaughter these hundreds of millions of people, it would be too cruel, and we can't bear it. Send them back. As far as his heavenly court is concerned, they don't lack this manpower... but they do. After some consideration on our part.”

Lu Qian looked at the large floating heavenly warships in the sky.

On the prows of many flagships, there are generals who are respected by the heaven. Each of them is wearing shining armor and holding a dazzling weapon, but they are trying their best to restrain their aura and their sense of presence, for fear of being caught. Lu Qian was discovered by the White Snake.

In fact, the main force of Emperor Taichu's intrusion, one hundred and eight emperor-level clones, were all killed by Lu Qian with one blow... Although I don't understand why Lu Qian just returned his arms and exploded into blood mist, but these heavenly palaces The general knew that people like him were definitely no match for Lu Qian.

Lu Qian cupped his hands towards them: Did you hear what my sister-in-law said? Please help me, please send these people back to heaven and to Emperor Taichu... Just say, for what happened today, I, Shen Yin, will definitely be rewarded in the future. !”

After pondering for a moment, Lu Qian shook his head gently: I want to give you a message for the emperor. Let me say that if he has any plot or intention against me, Shen Yin, he will come directly to us... Why bother to attack the people under his rule? ?”

His eyes swept over the strange city citizens who were grinning and keeping the same posture, rolling their eyes at Lu Yi. Lu Yi said softly: Lu Yi has recorded what happened today...next time, if And next time, if Emperor Taichu is still so evil, he uses the people of Shen Yin as a means... Then, the Tianzhou continent of your heaven is said to be vast, rich in products, and has trillions of people. The rich soil!”

In terms of killing, Lu Qian has now comprehended the Avenue of Speed ​​and condensed the Space Dao Fruit. Isn't his killing speed slower than him?

Those heavenly generals who stood frozen on the bow of the flagship and did not dare to move, had cold sweat flowing down their foreheads like water.

Speedy Dao Fruit!

Space Dao Fruit!

These are all things that can kill people... With the Speed ​​Dao Fruit, you can do everything quickly, and you won't be any slower at killing people! And what does the space path fruit mean? The Space Dao Fruit means that Lu Qian, who is already nearly indestructible, has a very slim chance of trapping him with a large formation and gathering superior forces to encircle and annihilate him in the future!

Only he kills.

Who can kill him?

Today Emperor Taichu killed all the people in Haojing.

In the future, Lu Qian will take revenge and directly turn his sword towards Tianzhou Continent, where countless civil and military officials and their families live together... Haha, can those people in Tianzhou Continent withstand Lu Qian's massacre?

For a time, many of the Heavenly Court generals present, as well as those generals who were qualified to place their families on the Tianzhou Continent, felt resentment towards Taichu Emperor for the first time in their hearts for no reason since the Heavenly Court was established in so many years. Heart - the majestic Emperor of Heaven, how could you do such a dirty trick?

Isn't it good for you to drive the heavenly fleet to attack Shenyin in an upright manner?

You have to use this almost magical method!

Well, you said that the star gate channels around the Haojing Continent were all destroyed by Lu Qian. With the serious sailing speed of the Heavenly Fleet, it would be impossible to get close to the Haojing Continent within a thousand years... This, this, this is...

Go, go! Lu Qian looked at the heavenly army that had completely lost their fighting spirit and said in a deep voice: Let these people board the ship... Then, I will give you a ride, just, directly. Go to the nearest star gate and then return to heaven yourself, is that okay?

A commander of the Fifth Military Mansion with the highest status present laughed dryly and cupped his hands towards Lu Qian. Just as he was about to say something, there was a burst of blood in the void!

The Feitian who were lurking in Haojing, numbering over a million, saw Lu Qian taking control of the situation and the Heavenly Army losing their fighting spirit. They all laughed as softly and gracefully as silver bells. The blood surged in the body, and the evil aura that contained the seven emotions and six desires, and contained infinite resentment spread in all directions in an instant.

At this time, in Haojing, due to Emperor Taichu's methods, all the people in the city were forcibly transformed into his clones.

Previously, hundreds of millions of mutated city residents had been completely strangled by the imperial city's defensive formations and restrictions under the strong drive of Emperor Taichu. The deaths of hundreds of millions of mutated city residents directly turned into the source of power for the Feitians, giving the millions of Feitians present and the Bai Zun hidden behind them a terrifying boost.

Now, these Feitian have completely released their power.

Haojing suddenly turned into a sea of ​​blood...Evil and ominous blood light rose from all directions. Every brick, every roof tile, every broken beam seemed to be soaked in blood, exuding Thick breath.

In Haojing City, many palaces, pavilions, and countless mansions and houses were razed in the previous chaos and turned into a mess of ruins. But as the blood-colored energy emerged, wisps of thick blood energy continued to rise. They quickly outlined foundations, floor tiles, rockeries, running water, houses and pavilions. With such ominous and evil power, these unlucky and ominous evil forces were created in just one breath. On the ruins, all destroyed buildings were rebuilt according to the original blueprints.

All the new buildings turned red, and in every brick and every broken tile, there were twisted and blurred faces flickering, and all kinds of laughter, crying, resentment, and curses were like countless spring silkworms eating mulberry leaves. Bits and pieces came from all directions.

Following these weird and tiny sounds, many of the heavenly soldiers and generals standing motionless on the battleship turned pale and fell to the ground with a 'thud'. Blood flowed rapidly from their pores. In just a short breath, many heavenly soldiers and generals were left with only a piece of soft human skin. The breeze blew from nowhere, blowing over these human skins with a biting chill. , so the red human skin lanterns slowly rose into the sky, or turned into red wedding dresses.

Lu Qian's pupils shrank.

He said coldly: Master Three Burials, what do you want to do? This is Shenyin's territory...

Monk Three Burial did not reply.

Bai Zun's sweet voice sounded from the mouths of those Feitians: This is the land of sin... Master Fahai, didn't you feel it? Every inch of the land here is soaked with blood and tears, stained with blood and sin... This blood, These sins must be paid for with their lives, their souls, their luck, and everything they have!

Following Bai Zun's laughter, large numbers of people among those heavenly soldiers and generals fell down again.

Those heavenly warships have raised defensive formations. These defenses are astonishing. They can even withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of Great Heavenly Lord-level masters without any damage to the formations and restrictions. Faced with these unnatural and strange attack methods, Like a bubble phantom, it failed to exert any defensive effect.

The mutated city residents who were still in a strange state suddenly roared in unison.

You guys, be brave! This is when Emperor Taichu finally focused his attention on it again... But after Lu Yi smoothed the space-time rift, it was obvious that Emperor Taichu wanted to cross such a long distance and control it from afar. It is not so easy for these mutated city citizen clones.

These mutated city citizen clones, their movements, reactions, and speaking speeds are all slightly stagnant.

Lu Qian secretly thought, maybe these guys are not even clones, but a kind of mutated flesh and blood puppets, right? However, this is even more terrifying... Such evil spells, in the hands of Emperor Taichu who controls the power of the ancient stars, are a huge weapon with astonishing destructive power!

Of course we are very courageous... Those Feitian, whether they were lanterns, incense burners, or beauties in wedding dresses, smiled extremely cheerfully: Wrong, wrong, you have misled the topic. No... we have no courage, hehe, we don’t have any internal organs, how can we have courage!

The laughter continued, and the heavenly soldiers and generals on the ship continued to fall.

On the ground, the mutated citizens all jumped into the air, bringing up streams of evil wind to hit the Feitian floating in the air.

The non-tians smiled.

They softly sang sweet and tender songs, waving their hands casually, and one after another, the mutated bodies of the citizens exploded like bloody roses. The plasma in their bodies was instantly infected by the strange force, and black breath clearly visible to the naked eye spattered down from the air in large swaths.

I don’t know what these Feitian’s methods are. Can the plasma in a living person, even if that person is extremely tall, fill half a water tank? But among the mutated citizens who were killed by them, when the plasma in their bodies was sprayed, the blood of each person was comparable to a pond the size of an acre!

Large swaths of blood spitting black gas fell from the sky, spraying heavily on the ground.

Bloody water fell on the buildings made of blood. Blood-colored flowers bloomed one after another. Countless squirming blood-colored roots penetrated deeply into the ground, one foot... one foot... one mile. …

Wherever the dense blood-colored rhizomes passed, the huge earth vein system that Lu Qian had worked hard to piece together and forge by moving many stars and floating continents was infected by countless blood-colored rhizomes. The thick spiritual energy of heaven and earth was dyed a faint blood color. As the earth veins surged, the earth veins in Haojing Continent were gradually covered with a layer of blood.

The earth veins flowed, and wherever they passed, the soil and mountain peaks on the ground gradually emitted a faint smell of blood.

The crops in the fields, the grass in the pastures, the trees and flowers in the mountains and forests, etc., also exude the smell of blood.

Lu Qian was angry.

Yinyuan was furious.

The white lady raised her long eyebrows, her eyes showing murderous intent.

Bai Yu had already jumped out. She tore off her red makeup and yelled in the air while jumping on her feet - and in addition, in her words, she also brought along a certain thief woman who was shamelessly trying to steal a man from her. Go in.

Among Shenyin’s many ministers, only Yu Changle and a group of his godsons and grandsons, those former palace guards and little eunuchs, looked at the ruined heaven and earth like mourning concubines, but they were helpless and didn’t know what to do. What to do - their strength and their methods are simply unable to cope with these weird and terrifying Feitian!

And the other ministers of Shen Yin.

Whether it was the Linghu clan, the Dugu clan, or even the Nangong, Beimen, or other family send-off processions, all of them showed subtle smiles of gloating and watching the misfortune.

What a joy it is to see this extremely sudden, extremely powerful force sitting on their heads defeated... Anyway, it is not their own territory that is being ruined, and they are happy to watch!

As for Yinyuan and them, they are sons and daughters...

Haha, it’s just a few of their own clan girls who married Yinyuan... To them, clan girls are available in as many quantities as they want. Are they rare? Is it rare? Seeing Yin Yuan in misfortune is so pleasing to the eye!

From the top of Shenyinzu Mountain, a crisp scolding sounded.

Three wisps of sword light that seemed to be there or not passed by... cut the heart, cut the mind, cut the thoughts... cut the soul, cut the body, cut the cause and effect... The sword light of Qingyou and the three girls was like a clear heavy rain falling from the sky. Falling down, one after another Feitian let out a sharp roar, was blasted by the sword light, chopped into pieces, but then put back together again!

The swords of the three Qingyou girls are extremely powerful in killing, and specialize in the thoughts of souls and the cause and effect of sin. However, against these Feitian, the lethality has been reduced by more than 90%... Their swords cannot cut these weird things!

But their swords touched the mysterious line of cause and effect.

Lu Qian's eyes flashed with Buddhist light. He locked onto the causal connections among the most powerful Feitian. He followed the vague causal lines, his eyes followed the flow, and through the attachment to the Supreme Beginning The dimensional diaphragm between the dimensions of the sky and space spanned an extremely long distance, and finally landed on a hill somewhere. Standing on the top of the mountain, below was the body of the three-buried monk in a battlefield of millions of people.

found it!

So, Lu Qian arrived!

Space, for Lu Qian at this moment, space is no longer an obstacle.

The Speed ​​Dao Fruit that Lu Yi condensed made Lu Yi's efficiency in distorting space and crossing space become so amazing that Monk San Zun and Bai Zun standing behind him were unable to react at all.

Lu Qian appeared out of thin air behind Monk San Zun. Monk San Zun and Bai Zun were still using their magical powers, looking at the sky above Hao Jing City and the catastrophe in Hao Jing Continent with smiles.

They did not, could not, and could not discover in time that Lu Qian had actually followed the cause and effect between them, traveled through time and space, and appeared directly behind them - from this point of view, Lu Qian should have become the best in the world. Assassin's potential!

A violent roar came from the Tianlong Zen Staff, and Lu Qian swung the Tianlong Zen Staff.

All 480 million acupoints throughout the body shone brightly.

In the void, outside the four gates of the east, west, north and south of the heaven, the star array formed by 480 million ancient stars shook together. Wisps of extremely fine starlight, regardless of the control of the star flag in Emperor Taichu's hand, spurted out from the bodies of the ancient stars. In an instant, they spanned extremely long distances and merged into every acupoint of Lu Qian.

Wisps of starlight entered the body.

In my mind, countless thoughts are uncertain. In Landa Buddha's fruit, all the golden body magical powers and all the Buddhist body tempering skills are all turned into nutrients and integrated into the strange skill that originates from the core of the three-eyed figure. The immeasurable stars cast Taichu method...

Infinite stars cast the Taichu, the foundation.

One responds to Buddhist techniques and golden body magical powers, which are the seeds.

The rich and fertile earth has sown powerful seeds... What kind of towering trees can be produced, and what amazing fruits of the gods can be produced... No one knows!

The mixed pearl of Taichu burst out with a light that was ten thousand times stronger than before, and the endless ingenuity and endless reverie surged, turning into extremely rare nutrients, injected into Lu Qian's body, and integrated into his soul, prompting the infinite stars to cast Taichu and Buddhist golden body skills. The method merges rapidly.

The source of the long river of time and space in the supreme Taichu Heaven, the great being sitting cross-legged on the long river, quietly opened a ray of eyes.

In the past countless years, the 'Maitreya', who had fallen and disappeared, was awakened.

He quietly stretched out a finger and pointed it slowly at a certain point in the lower reaches of the long river.

The Taichu Confusion Bead was burning like a small sun. Lu Qian's whole body was infected and enveloped by the faint light emitted by the Taichu Confusion Bead... He completely disappeared from the long river of time at the snap of Maitreya's fingers. The Taichu Confusion Bead completely disappeared from the long river of time. Zhu Mong confused all his cause and effect, wiped out all his information, all traces...

Infinite starlight is injected into the body.

Lu Qian's physical strength was soaring crazily.

To what extent does physical strength reach? It is no longer possible to use the current ‘claws’ and ‘scales’ system drawn up by the Supreme Taichu Heaven to measure the huge power Lu Qian possesses in his arms at this moment!

He picked up the Tianlong Zen Staff, pointed it at the back of the San Burial Monk's head, and knocked it down!

Blessed by the Speed ​​Dao Fruit, the speed of this staff is extremely fast.

With the blessing of the Space Dao Fruit, the distance between this staff and the back of the San Burial Monk's head disappeared.

At that fatal moment, the bald head of the Third Burial Monk turned into a crystal clear glass sphere, and the whole thing became pure transparency...in his head, on top of the dark golden brain. , a golden lotus can be seen suspended, and on the lotus platform, a Buddha lies on his side, with an emptiness of silence and death spreading throughout his body.

The Tianlong Zen staff touched the back of the Sanzong monk's head.

On the golden lotus, the Buddha, who had been silent for countless years, quietly stretched out his hands. On his withered face, two dry eyes opened, and two lines of sticky blood and tears flowed down.

The next moment, the Third Burial Monk appeared a hundred feet away, leaving behind the dead body of the Buddha.

The Tianlong Zen Staff roared, and Lu Qian's arms were split into countless cracks. Blood and water splashed, and the blow completely shattered the extinct Buddha. Its body has long shriveled up like fired pottery, and countless fragments are flying around with wisps of smoke and dust, making it impossible to piece them together anymore...

The Third Burial Monk turned around suddenly and looked at Lu Qian with shock and anger, whose whole body was burning with invisible power and rage.


The three-buried monk screamed like a cuckoo crying for blood, full of endless compassion and indignation.

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