Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1073 Convergence (2)

The third burial monk wanted to cry.


Just after Master Lang Yue was attacked, the outer sect guardians headed by Master A Du gathered together to attack. Monk San Burial was accidentally hit by several guardians with strange shapes and strange weapons. One blow.

The injuries were not serious, just a few bruises on the flesh, not even broken skin, no bleeding, no broken bones or anything like that.

But all kinds of uncomfortable feelings came over the injured area where he was hit. Severe pain, indescribable pain, mixed with itching, uncontrollable itching. The mix of pain and itching makes people almost collapse, but the injured area keeps feeling sore and astringent, which pulls the nerves all over the body and makes the whole body feel like it is on fire. The muscles under the skin, the organs in the belly, and the bones His bone marrow was throbbing with pain.

In short, you just feel uncomfortable?

The physical discomfort was nothing more than that. What made Monk Sanzong angry was that he cut off the past, the present world, and the future, leaving only the 'present and immediate self'. Great enlightenment, countless sacrifices, and the Feitian great magical power developed without conscience, was actually said to be so disgusting by Master Adu!

Oh my god, this is the proud work of the three-buried monk who sacrificed everything.

From the perspective of Monk Three Burials, as long as the number of Feitian is large enough and as long as they become strong enough, then even the combined efforts of Emperor Taichu, Emperor Taiyu, Emperor Taiyi, and even Ming Zun and other immortals will not be able to do anything to them— -Because they do not belong to the Supreme Taichu Heaven at all, and are not bound by the laws of this world at all!

An 'outlaw gangster' is like a police officer. Even if you have extraordinary force, you can't find the legal provisions corresponding to the serious crimes committed by a certain 'criminal suspect' from the legal provisions... No matter how strong you are, , what can you do to that suspect?

You can't do anything to him.

The existence of Feitian is so different - they exceed the laws of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, from the form of existence, to the mode of reproduction, to the power they possess... Monk Sanzang firmly believes that for the Supreme Taichu Heaven Any great power other than that of Heaven is incomprehensible and fatal.

Relying on Feitian, he will definitely be able to destroy the entire Supreme Taichu Heaven, and then use infinite power to refining the entire world into an embryo, allowing himself to reopen the world, allowing the Supreme Taichu Heaven to review His original, destined, and undecided destiny. The fate that Maitreya interfered with.

The most important thing is that the three buried monks belong to one of the 480 million innate saints in this world... But in the battle of Landa Holy Land, among so many similar people, he was the only one who survived.

Those heavenly natives were never the same kind as him, the three-buried monk.

He buried the monk three times and wanted to reopen the world so that those who had fallen, died, and completely disappeared, the real kindred spirits could return to this world - this was already engraved in his bones and integrated into his soul. of...'innate mission'.

But, but, oh my God!

The Vajra Duo beside Master A'du was flying in all directions with a dull whistling sound. One after another, the powerful Feitian was shattered, ignited, and devoured... But beside Master A'du, the hundreds of strange and strange creatures were Among the outer sect guardians, about 10% actually have the same powerful method that can restrain Feitian!

The third burial monk wanted to cry.

Feitian, beyond the laws of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, is a terrifying existence that cannot be controlled by anything in this world... After jumping out of the dry well of the Supreme Taichu Tian, ​​I discovered that Feitian may really be just some people. In the world, there is a kind of 'universal and basic creature' that is very common, even spreading like weeds.

The third burial monk was in a trance for a while.

He remembered where Feitian's method of sacrificial refining came from - he once encountered several pieces of ancient tortoise shells in the Sutra-Tibetan Pavilion of the Landa Holy Land. On those pieces of tortoise shell was a detailed analysis of Feitian left by a senior named ‘Wu Fei’.

‘Wu Fei’, ‘Wu Fei’!

There are only a few pieces of tortoise shell, but the information inside is extremely huge. Wu Fei recorded in detail that he captured a group of Feitian-like living beings, dissected and dissected them using various strange methods, and finally used various strange witchcraft to refine, sacrifice and transform them. The whole process of an extremely terrifying witchcraft spell.

Wu Fei proudly boasted in the turtle shell that his great witchcraft spell could even cause considerable damage to the 'World Honored One' level power. Other Buddhas, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajra, Heavenly Kings and other Buddhist sects will die if they touch them, and they will die if they touch them!

But what makes people irritated is - what kind of inhuman bastard, he wiped out all the secrets on how to use witchcraft to refine and sacrifice those non-celestial beings from the wizard's turtle shell. Not a single word of the corresponding witchcraft inheritance has been left.

Monk Three Burials only got the part about Feitian's anatomy and analysis - Wu Fei elaborated on how Feitian, a strange life form, can be 'bred into being' using acquired means and how to be 'raised' using artificial means. How to increase their hostility, fierceness, and evil spirit during the innate pregnancy period, so that they are more powerful than naturally pregnant Feitian, with a higher upper limit, etc...

My non-celestial magic originally came from the Sutra Pavilion of the Landa Holy Land! The Third Burial Monk experienced the great war that destroyed the Landa Holy Land, and he rolled around in reincarnation for countless years. Many of his memories have actually been Mutilated.

At this moment, he was stimulated by Master Adu and others, and he finally realized that his biggest reliance in this life, these Feitian, their roots, turned out to be here - he, the three-buried monk, was not Feitian's 'originator' , he is just a lucky little kid who luckily picked up a small pebble from the vast Buddhist heritage, and relied on it to run rampant among the children.

Buddhism, it's hateful. The Third Burial Monk looked at the guardians of the outer sect who were surrounded on all sides with inexplicable sadness and joy: It's hateful, it's hateful, who has erased the inheritance of that witchcraft and great curse? What if I got it? That great witchcraft spell...you guys...

What kind of existence is a witch? Why is there such a half-erased record remaining in the Sutra Pavilion of the Landa Holy Land?

A ball of inexplicable anger rushed from his heart to his forehead. The Third Burial Monk shouted at Master Long Yue, who was beside him with a pale face and a pale face. He had also received several heavy blows and was tearing up from the pain: You are from the original lineage. How do you control your disciples? Have you never thought that they might betray?

Master Langyue's wrinkled little face became more and more distorted due to the pain, itching, soreness, and numbness on his body.

She murmured: Who dares to rebel while the Lord is here?

The World Honored One is no longer here, and we are all sleeping and recovering. Who would have thought that they would rebel?

Even if the World Honored One is gone, if it is Landa Holy Land and those powerful men of my original lineage are safe and sound, how can they rebel?

Master Lang Yue glared at the Third Burial Monk and shouted sternly: Pu Jiezi, back then, it was wrong...

The third burial monk glared at Master Langyue.

Master Lang Yue also stared at him fiercely.

No need to say anything, both of them knew what happened back then - the original lineage, there were still a few Buddhist seeds left back then. Master Lang Yue himself is one of them.

But in the Landa Holy Land, Buddhist disciples like the Three Buried Monks, who came from the Supreme Beginning Heaven, were among the 480 million conceived by heaven and earth, and were transformed from the first batch of innate beings in heaven and earth, flourished greatly, and they mastered The real power of the Landa Holy Land...

For a Buddhist seed like Master Long Yue, it was considered difficult in the Landa Holy Land at that time. They wasted too much time and too many opportunities in the Landa Holy Land, but did not get enough recuperation and failed to regain their due strength. On the contrary, some of them were lost in reincarnation. After being hit hard again and again, even Master Lang Yue couldn't figure out where those fellow disciples were now and what they looked like.

Here, there are traces of the secret actions of the indigenous disciples, represented by the three buried monks!

Now, the three-burial monks actually have the nerve to question how their original lineage controls their subordinates!

It wouldn't have been a problem, you bastard!

If Master Lang Yue regains her former peak power, if the seeds of the Buddhist disciples with her equal status are safe and sound... If the Buddhist gate weapons in their hands that are specially used to restrain these outer sect protectors are still there, you should regard this as these The outer sect protector who has just woken up from a deep sleep and has been trained by Buddhism to be obedient has the courage to rebel?

It's all your fault!

Master Lang Yue looked at the Third Burial Monk and gritted his teeth with hatred.

Several outer guardians were shaking their huge bodies, with black smoke and fire coming out around them. They were covered with necklaces and beads made of various colors of white bones, and they were also covered with various ferocious white bone armors, skull crowns and other objects, baring their teeth. rushed over.

Wherever they passed, large groups of Feitian were blown to pieces, and the base of the formation was faintly shaking.

A red-tasseled spear tore through the void and penetrated fiercely.

Amidst the loud noise of Chlang, Old Xiong Zun, covered in armor and holding a spear, rolled into a ball with several outer sect guardians.

However, with Old Xiong Zun's cultivation, he and the outer guardians had just passed three or five moves when an outer guardian wearing a yellow monk robe and a tutu suddenly took two steps back and took out a The shiny iron shoes were secretly thrown towards Old Xiong Zun.

This little shoe was silent, there was no flicker of light, and there was no leakage of mana fluctuations.

Without noticing, Old Xiong Zun stepped on the little shoe.

With a 'click' sound, the old Xiong Zun's big feet were tightly wrapped in small shoes that were several times smaller than his feet. Circles of spiral patterns appear on the surface of the shoes, and the light patterns rotate, making the shoes shrink tighter and tighter. The old Xiong Zun let out a strange cry, turned around and ran away with a limp. Even though he was running fast, the flame beads and thunderbolt beads thrown by the two outer sect protectors still fell hard on him, causing black hair to fly all over his body, and wisps of black smoke torn out of his body.

Just at this time, Lu Qian and his party appeared from the void.

Hey, everyone, this is... Lu Qian saw through the situation in front of him at a glance, and he was surprised: These guys are rebelling?

There was already a trace of anger on Lu Min's face: How can you dare to betray Buddhism? Aren't you afraid of fulfilling the oath of greatness that you made back then?

Lu Min is an orthodox Buddhist disciple.

Although he is not a direct descendant of the Maitreya lineage of the Landa Holy Land, he is a serious Buddhist disciple, like Master Long Yue, the purest and most authentic direct descendant of Buddhism.

To describe it in an outrageous way - these rebellious outer guardians are serfs; although Master Lu Min and Lang Yue do not have the same surname, their status is that they are both serf owners. In terms of class and status, they are , when facing these serfs, they naturally have the same attitude and the same camp!

Seeing that these outer sect protectors actually tore up the oaths they had made and turned their weapons against Master Lang Yue, the anger in Lu Min's heart surged up inexplicably.

Master Adu! Lu Min said sternly: Have you forgotten the majesty of my Buddhist sect and the majesty of the World Honored One?

Sitting cross-legged on the chariot on the Sun and Moon Sumeru Mountains, Master Adu suddenly turned around while he was proudly killing one Feitian after another. When he saw Lu Min, his eyes flashed with flames, and he suddenly laughed: Oh, you are, you are... I remember you... you were born as a boy in the Seven Waiters under the Randen Seat, and later Lingjiu Mountain Little Buddha of Leiyin Cave.

Hey, hey, by the way, I remembered.

Back then when Maitreya was beaten to a pulp, there were a few remnant soldiers who were afraid of leaving a lineage and were defeated and surrendered to the future. They were taken in by Maitreya and protected...are you? Hahaha, I was hit hard back then, and later on I didn’t pay attention to your fate...hehe!

Master Adu waved his hand, and Dragon King Posu Ji opened his big mouth and sprayed out thick venom.

Master Aduk, what nonsense are you talking to these thieves?

No matter which lineage they belong to, in short, none of the monks is a good person...especially the thief monk from the Randeng lineage...that old thief bald man is really...not a son of man! Dragon King Posu Ji roared at the top of his lungs. He said: Everyone in Ran Deng's lineage deserves to die, not a single one of them is a good person!

Lu Qian's heart was shaken.

He heard the very familiar name again.

Ran Deng?

Afraid to stay?

However, seeing the slightly distorted faces of Lu Min and the four great monks behind him, Lu Qian knew that the behavior of Master A Du and others violated the taboos of Lu Min and others.

The outer sect protectors rebelled... Who would have dared to think about such a thing when the Landa Holy Land was in its heyday?

You evil heretics, who do not remember the kindness of the Lord's salvation and protection, and do not want to repay the kindness of Buddhism by smashing your body and bones, are crazy and crazy. You will be punished for your crazy crimes. At this moment, Lu Min stood firmly on the side of Master Long Yue.

Lu Qian understood, and he immediately pointed his finger. Next to Master Adu, near the huge chariot that was as big as a mountain, the void shook violently, and black space cracks suddenly appeared, like countless black cracks. The sharp blade swung towards Master Adu silently.

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