Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 1074 Convergence (3)

Black void cracks filled the sky and cut down brutally.

Master Adu's expression suddenly changed. He roared loudly, and Dragon King Posuji who was pulling the cart cursed and took a deep breath. His originally huge body suddenly expanded and turned into a giant thing that was a million miles long from beginning to end. , wrapping the entire chariot inside.

Black space cracks hit the body of Dragon King Posuji. The thick dragon scales on his body spurted out dazzling light, and a large black-green poisonous mist filled the air. That kind of poisonous mist, in the legend of Lu Qian's previous life, was enough to destroy him. In this world, this vicious thing almost wiped out all the gods and demons in the sky.

Even the space cracks released by Lu Qian were actually corroded in the black and green poisonous mist, making a chichi sound. These black cracks visible to the naked eye were constantly shrinking, and finally fell on the Dragon King Posu Ji. The power of the spatial rift was less than one thousandth of what Lu Qian released.

Large pieces of dragon scales were torn apart silently, and spatial cracks invaded the body of Dragon King Posuji. His skin, his flesh, his blood, and all the tissues in his body were filled with extremely terrifying poison. These poisons turned into the strongest armor. The spatial cracks penetrated hundreds of feet deep into his body and were corroded invisible.

The wound, which is hundreds of feet deep, would have been severed long ago by an ordinary creature.

But for a gigantic beast with a body length of millions of miles, this is almost like a little skin injury... Even so, Dragon King Posuji still roared in pain: It hurts me... Master Adu , you bastard...who is not afraid of space cutting? Hurry and block me!

Behind Master Adu, among the hundreds of outer sect protectors, one was tall, with dark skin, and a pair of small horns on her forehead. Apart from her dark skin, she was surprisingly delicate and lovely, a woman with the appearance of a strange creature. With a long roar, she waved a staff made of white spines, and a flash of light blocked the head of the Vasuji Dragon King.

The white staff waved, and dense space ripples rippled in circles.

Lu Qian continued to release space cracks, and the void in that area continued to vibrate, collapse, twist, and tear. The terrifying space force field was enough to shatter everything... But when it encountered the space ripples released by the woman, the power of Lu Qian's space attack Most of it dissipated into thin air, and the final space cut fell on the woman, without even a trace of fur being injured!

Lu Min said coldly: These outer sect protectors all have their own unique magic powers... Not to mention their offensive power, they are all immune to some magical powers, spells, and various attacks.

Frowning, Lu Min sneered: Can you set fire? Try it!

Lu Chen shook his hand, and a ball of bright blue Buddha flames spurted out from his fingertips. A space vortex swallowed the Buddha flames in one gulp. The next moment, the ball of green Buddha flames appeared directly near the woman's back heart. Then it exploded violently.

This woman faced Lu Qian's more powerful, far-reaching and mysterious space attacks at the level of the avenue. She seemed to be so at ease, and she was so nonchalant in dealing with them. The terrifying space cracks were as harmless to her as the spring rain of apricot blossoms. However, this ball of Buddhist flames that Lu Qian did not use much power directly shattered the large piece of Yingluo robe she wore on her upper body with one blow, causing almost all the flesh and blood on her back to turn into powder, including the bones in her body. Large tracts were burned.

The woman let out a shrill roar and rolled over in a panic: Help... This guy is such a rogue, how can he prevent someone from being burned by fire?

An extremely petite outer sect protector, only the size of an ordinary person's fist, wearing a white robe and a long beard that was more than two feet long and several times longer than his body, rushed over. He shouted loudly, opened his mouth and took a deep breath. The Buddhist flames released by Lu Qian, which almost killed the woman on the spot, were swallowed cleanly by the old man.

The little old man raised his head, glanced at Lu Qian, suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed.

The temperature around Lu Qian suddenly soared, invisible flames were burning, and its terrifying temperature caused the space around Lu Qian to begin to vibrate violently, and the spatial structure began to collapse and melt. The Wu Gu Zen clothes on Lu Qian's body made a harsh cracking sound, and the intertwined plain yarns showed signs of melting and collapsing under the erosion of this terrible high temperature.

Severe pain spread across his skin. On a body as strong as Lu Qian's, the skin quickly turned into charcoal and a large number of blisters appeared.

This guy is... Lu Min's eyes flickered: Try...

Before Lu Min could speak, Lu Chen subconsciously mobilized the power of the Five Elements, and a mighty white wave rushed into a spatial vortex. The next moment, a long white river suddenly emerged beside the petite old man, and there was an immeasurable flood. It rolled and submerged the old man's body.

When Lu Qian thought about it, the woman just ignored space damage, but a flame easily severely injured her. So, if the white-bearded old man has such terrifying knowledge of fire magic, he should be afraid of floods, right?

However, the idea had just arisen in Lu Qian's mind and had not yet been extinguished. The old man had already laughed strangely, opened his mouth and took a deep breath. The long river of water released by Lu Qian was immediately swallowed up by him, and then again Vomit hard.

Lu Qian's body-protecting Zen light vibrated violently, and with a loud click sound, at least eighteen layers of body-protecting Zen light wrapped around Lu Qian's body were shattered by the inexplicable attack. Lu Qian's internal organs suddenly felt severe pain, and wisps of terrifying cold air wrapped in wisps of soft water rushed out of his internal organs, like a flood that broke a dam, violently washing away his internal organs.

After the water attack released by Lu Qian was swallowed by the old man, it was strengthened a hundred times and fed back to Lu Qian.

His internal organs were almost bursting, Lu Qian's throat was filled with sweetness, and a mouthful of old blood mixed with bright blue water spurted out for hundreds of miles... The pressure in the abdominal cavity increased sharply, and the old blood mixed with old blood spurted out from his mouth. The flood was so majestic that Lu Qian's mouth opened to the extreme. Both rows of big teeth were hit by the bloody water, making a harsh clang clang sound.

Thunder! Lu Min shouted sternly: This old ghost is an ascetic immortal from the Outer Protector A-Yan clan. He is proficient in the five elements of magic and is not afraid of weapons... The only thing that can hurt him is thunder!

Following Lu Min's roar, the four old monks behind him - Spring, Xia, Qiu and Dong - took action silently. The purple thunder was deafening, the red thunder was extremely fast, the black thunder was silent, and the purple magic thunder was soft and gentle... The four colors of thunder hit the immortal A'Tayan at the same time, and the old man who was smiling proudly was shocked. There was a cold war, and a ball of fire rose into the sky at his feet, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Where the old man was originally located, a burly man wearing a fire lotus robe, a five-magic crown on his head, and a diamond sword in his hand flashed with thunder, with three heads and six arms, and a green face and fangs suddenly appeared.

Facing the lightning released by the four monks, the strong man just smiled contemptuously, opened his mouth and took a deep breath, and he swallowed the four-colored lightning in one gulp. The diamond sword in his hand quietly pointed towards the old Xiong Zun who was fighting fiercely, and a ray of four-color electric light suddenly shot out accompanied by a terrifying roar.

Old Xiong Zun didn't expect such a sudden attack.

The thin four-color electric light hit his body. This was a thunder attack jointly released by the four monks in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After being devoured and transformed by the strong man's magic, he used his own magical power to create a magical thunder attack.

As for the four monks of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Lu Qian still hasn't figured out what their relationship is to Lu Min, and what kind of existence they are. Even, Lu Yi probably knew that they also had the cultivation level of the Great Emperor, but how far they had gone in the realm of the Great Emperor, Lu Yi didn't know.

The thick armor on Old Xiong Zun's body was easily penetrated like tofu skin. Along with a miserable howl, a transparent hole as thick as a bowl was opened in the old Xiong Zun's left chest. A large amount of blood was wrapped in the lightning and spurted out far from his chest.

Old Xiong Zun's burly body staggered, and he stumbled forward a few steps in embarrassment.

The several outer guardians who were fighting against Old Bear Lord all laughed strangely, and all kinds of weapons fell from their hands. The least one among them had more than 300 arms, and in their breathing, the total number of them was waving more than 2,000 arms. Thousands of magic weapons and magic weapons flashing with strange light smashed down on Old Xiong Zun.

With a loud noise, the armor on Old Xiong Zun's body exploded into pieces, and large pieces of black fur mixed with thick skin exploded into pieces. He was thrown backwards for hundreds of miles and almost hit his head on Master Long Yue.

The old bear master couldn't even maintain his human form, and was directly knocked back to the black bear form by this blow. With his neck bones broken, his head hung crookedly on his shoulders, and he screamed strangely at Master Langyue: Master, try to escape... you can't beat him!

Old Xiong Zun's voice was trembling.

He naturally belongs to the orthodox disciple of Landa Holy Land. He is the patrol general and outer sect protector personally accepted by Master Long Yue. He followed Master Lang Yue and hung out in Landa Holy Land for many years, many years...

However, when Old Xiong Zun was hanging out under the sect of Landa Holy Land, all these outer sect protectors were sleeping and recuperating. The disciples of the same sect that Old Xiong Zun saw the most were all the disciples who came to the Landa Holy Land and were re-accepted by the Supreme Taichu Heavenly Queen in this world.

Among those disciples, there are of course countless geniuses and monsters with amazing talents.

But Old Xiong Zun's own talent is not bad either... He doesn't think how powerful those guys are...

Old Xiong Zun couldn't understand why these outer sect protectors who also belonged to the Landa Holy Land were so strong?

Old Xiong Zun just couldn't understand... Hundreds of such powerful and terrifying outer sect protectors appeared all at once... If Landa Holy Land had such strength back then, wouldn't it be Taichu, Tailu and Taiyisan? So, it is impossible to destroy the Landa Holy Land?

Old Xiong Zun was even more horrified to think that such a powerful and terrifying outer sect protector had been severely injured and fell asleep. What exactly did Landa Holy Land experience before it descended to the Supreme Taichu Heaven?

If you think about it carefully, you will be extremely scared.

The wind is tight, pull!

Master Lang Yue looked gloomily at the surrounding outer sect protectors... and ran away, of course she wanted to escape too. But these guys, their own magic is extremely powerful. The World Honored One conquered them, forced them to worship Buddhism, and became Buddhist protectors. Under the influence of the World Honored One, these guys understood Buddhism and practiced countless Buddhist magical powers. !

To put it bluntly, many outer sects of Dharma protectors, including Master Adu, have attainments in Buddhism that are even more sophisticated and profound than Master Long Yue, a serious Buddhist disciple.

Their Buddhist attainments, combined with their own magical strength... It would be very difficult for Master Lang Yue to escape!

Master Lang Yue is proficient in all kinds of Buddhist magical powers that others can also master.

Master Lang Yue is good at all kinds of Buddhist escape techniques, and other people can also do it.

Master Lang Yue knows all kinds of Buddhist secrets, and others know them even better!

Master Lang Yue is certainly respected in the Landa Holy Land. Her identity is that of a Buddhist seed from the Eight Sutras... But her qualifications in the Landa Holy Land are not very deep. Among all the Buddhist seeds, she is the first to start. The latest one, the one with the least qualifications and the shortest training years.

As for the guys like Master Adu, many of them are old monsters. They are ancient beings who had become mortal enemies of the Lord before he became a Buddha... They are enough to be enemies of the Lord!

The World-Honored One later attained enlightenment, forcibly subdued them, and forced them to worship in Buddhism. These guys are practicing hard in Buddhism. With their strength, talent, character, and methods that are enough to be enemies of the World Honored One...their years of practicing Buddhism are more than a hundred times longer than Master Langyue?

Master Lang Yue really wanted to cry to Old Xiong Zun - it's not that the poor nun doesn't want to leave, it's really that he can't leave!

The next moment, a spatial whirlpool appeared out of thin air next to Master Lang Yue and Monk Three Burials.

Master Lang Yue had a thought and let out a clear whistle.

The Third Burial monk did not resist and allowed the space vortex to wrap himself up. The next moment, several of them appeared next to Lu Qian at the same time.

Master Adu, Dragon King Posuji, Immortal Atayan and other outer guardians all chuckled and quickly surrounded them from all directions. Immortal Ah Ta Yan stood on the shoulders of the dark-skinned and delicate-faced woman, grinning widely: Xu Guzi, just take action... Your only weakness is that you are afraid of flames. I have the old man to help you. No fire in the world can come close to you!

The swarthy woman Xu Gezi sneered angrily, and she murmured: I was just careless just now. Otherwise, how could this kid's fire hurt me?

Following Xu Gezi's sneer, a wisp of cloud rose above her head, and a seven-story pagoda with a bright red body slowly emerged. This pagoda has seven floors and four corners, and each floor is inlaid with four thumb-sized fire-preventing beads. Twenty-eight fire-proofing beads formed a large formation with an extremely simple structure and an extremely single function...

Circles of strange and tyrannical fluctuations spread around, and Xu Gezi glared at Lu Qian with pride: Junior, are you trying to set fire now? Let's see, grandma, am I still afraid of your flames?

Immortal A Ta Yan complained a few words.

Xu Guozi slapped Immortal A'Tayan away with his backhand: Get out of here, you... bastard, when I made the last round of sacrifices, if it was successful, my last weakness of being afraid of fire would be perfected. To make up for it, I am an absolutely flawless and invulnerable existence... It was your people who destroyed my ritual, you bastard!

Gritting his teeth, Xu Gezi sneered: But it doesn't matter. The only benefit of following the World Honored One in traveling across the heavens is to get this innate spiritual treasure... With this treasure, no flame can touch me at all.

Immortal A'Tayan, who was knocked away, flew back as if nothing had happened. He was no longer close to Xu Guozi, but landed on the head of Dragon King Posu Ji: Hey, speaking of it, it is indeed true. Although we are enslaved by Buddhism, we do It’s been a lot of work for so many years, but there are some benefits!”

Immortal Ah Yan sneered, and a wisp of cloud rose above his head. A purple-blue thunder pattern mirror quietly emerged, and circles of electric light flashed and spread around. Immortal Ah Yan said with a smile: Xu Guozi, none of us are good people... Wasn't the last ritual of the old man that year was destroyed by your father? As a result, I have to keep this now and I am afraid of thunder and lightning. problems.

But, what you just said is right. Following the World Honored One, the old thief Bald, walks across the heavens and fights and bleeds for their Buddhist sect. We get a lot of good things. My Nine Thunder Mirror is not weak, it is specialized in Restrain all kinds of lightning methods, hehe!

Lu Qian swallowed and spat. He took a deep breath and quickly repaired the damage caused by the flood that Immortal A'Tayan had just created in his internal organs... He looked at Lu Min and said softly: These guys...

It's hard to deal with! Lu Min said in a deep voice: Lang Yue, if these guys really make up for their weaknesses, then I'm afraid no one in the world can control them... Well, I remember, the World Honored One should have There is a forbidden weapon specially used to deal with them just in case.

Master Lang Yue shook his head bitterly: Are you talking about the 'Six Paths and Eight Parts' Basic Theory of Destiny'? That thing was handed over to the senior brother 'Great Dingguang' before the death of the World-Honored One... But in the battle that year , Senior Brother Da Dingguang...ahem.

Lu Min's face looked a little ugly: Things are missing?

Master Lang Yue looked around with wandering eyes: Hey... I didn't expect them to be so bold. Actually, actually... they didn't care at all about the kindness that our Buddhist sect has shown them over the years, and they actually rebelled like this. It’s really…”

An outer sect protector with the lower body of a snake and the upper body of a stunningly beautiful woman with a pair of colorful dragon horns on her forehead opened and closed her scales. The scales collided with each other, making a graceful sound of nature, and slowly swam out from the crowd. She smiled leisurely and said: Ende? Hey, after working as a cow and horse for so many years, the little nun still has the nerve to say kindness?

Shaking her head, the woman said calmly: Lang Yue, considering that you, a little girl, have nothing to do with us, as long as you are willing to hand over the key to entering and exiting the wonderful realm of Maitreya... neither are we. You must be treated as such.

Master Lang Yue said coldly: So, what do you want?

Master Adu sneered from the side: What do we want? We...yes...we want it, what about it?

Hundreds of outer sect guardians all showed a look of despair for a moment.

They discovered that the great vows they once made to the Buddha's World Honored One could no longer restrain them in this world... and the Buddhist powers that once suppressed them to the point of breathlessness and did not dare to have the slightest dissent have also disappeared. Annihilation, annihilation of annihilation, disappearance of disappearance, reincarnation of reincarnation...

For a time, the world was so big that there were no restrictions or restrictions on them.

So, on a whim, they rebelled.

This was a purely passionate rebellion without any careful consideration or planning.

They rebelled, and everyone joined forces to beat Master Lang Yue and Sanzong Monk into a state of embarrassment; they rebelled, and everyone used their magical powers to beat Lu Qian and Lu Min into a state of embarrassment...

Then what?

Master Adu asked in a slightly silly tone: What next?

None of the group of outer sect protectors could answer this question.

While they were stunned, Lu Min shouted sternly: We will benefit from cooperation!

Master Lang Yue and the monk San Buran clasped their hands together and said in unison: This is a great kindness!

The Third Burial Monk let out a long roar. Except for Bai Zun who was following him, the other Feitians flying in the sky and forming a large formation shouted together. The evil power surged into the sky, and they all exploded. They did not use any magical powers or secret techniques, they simply detonated themselves.

The absent-minded outer guardians were disgraced by countless self-destructions from Feitian.

They all have terrifying magic skills to protect their bodies. Their magic skills are completely 'conceptual', and common sense of cultivation such as the great ways of creating and restraining them has no effect on them at all.

Unless some kind of force happens to hit their weakness, their only weakness... Otherwise, no matter how powerful you are or how magical your magical powers are, you won't be able to hurt a single hair on their head!

However, although there was no harm, the impact caused by Feitian's self-destruction was not trivial. Hundreds of outer sect guardians were rushed all over the sky, and their footing was unstable for a while.

A bright light lit up around Lu Qian, and he led a group of people around him to wait. In an instant, he turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared, flying straight in the direction of Taiyantian.

Behind him, the terrifying wave caused by the countless self-destructions of Feitian was calmed down in an instant.

It was a big guy with the same size as the Vasuji Dragon King, but with a much more ferocious shape. There were hundreds of ferocious heads on the huge snake body, and each head was shaped like a giant dragon with branched dragon horns.

This guy opened hundreds of big mouths, and the wave of destruction caused by the self-destruction at Feitian was just a swallow. Suddenly, the bloody torrent that filled the sky was swallowed up cleanly in an instant, with not even a trace of blood left.

Xu Gezi let out a long roar, and she managed to stabilize herself after being rushed to the point of losing her footing, and pointed in the direction in which Lu Qian and others were fleeing. A ripple in space was suddenly born, from Xu Gezi's fingertips to the back of Liu Guang transformed by Lu Yi.

In the ripples of space, the giant creature with hundreds of heads suddenly opened its mouth, and from a dragon head in the middle, a black-red circular thunder light spurted out and landed heavily on the ripples of space.

Just like Immortal Ah Yan swallowed up the water and fire attacks released by Lu Yan, and condensed those attacks into a great magical power, flipped and released... The terrifying energy tide caused by countless Feitian's self-destructions was swallowed up by this dragon king, and he was forced to After compression, the huge energy, which was enough to cover hundreds of star fields, was compressed into a thunder ball with a diameter of about a mile. It was rolled up by the space ripples of Xu Jizi, and it caught up behind Lu Qian in an instant.

Lu Qian flew forward and stamped his feet fiercely.

A layer of space behind him folded and turned into a thick space wall blocking the space ripples released by Xu Gezi.

Xu Jiuzi's cultivation level is far stronger than Lu Yi's, and her attainments in the avenue of space are even greater than Lu Yi's. Of course, Xu Jiuzi has not condensed the Supreme Taichu Heaven, which belongs to this world's space avenue. The Emperor's Seal Daoguo, but Xu Gezi followed the great powers of Buddhism and conquered the heavens. In every world, she had an extremely in-depth study of the space avenues of that world.

Even if she didn't condense the Space Dao Fruit of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, her mastery and use of the space power of this side of the world still crushed Lu Qian arrogantly.

This is unreasonable!

This is the most troublesome and puzzling thing about these Buddhist outer sect protectors.

The power they possess is 'conceptual' and 'unconventional'. If Lu Qian completely mastered the transcendent power in Landa Buddha, he would naturally be able to crush these external protectors in terms of power... But Lu Qian is not the World Honored One, and his power and Tao cannot yet compete with these external protectors. The gate protector resists.

The space barrier that Lu Qian condensed was continuously broken through layer by layer. The black-red thunder ball silently followed the ripples of space and drove straight in, and was about to hit Lu Qian and others.

Fortunately, the place where Master Lang Yue and Monk Three Burials were besieged just now was not far from Taiyantian.

Lu Qian flew forward and led everyone to the gate of Taiyitian.

Across the distance of who knows how many thousands of miles, Lu Qian saw - an avenue paved with beautiful flowers, stretching straight from the gate of Taiyantian. Far away, in the distance, archways covered with flowers stood on the avenue. Countless Chinese girls with charming smiles, holding various flower baskets and treasure vases, stood on both sides of the avenue, posing as welcome guests.

Lu Qian even saw him standing at the gate of Taiyitian, standing under a magnificent archway, looking at Emperor Taiyi with a smile.

Haha! Lu Qian let out a long laugh: Emperor Taiyi, I'm here to give you a gift!

Following the roar, Lu Qian and everyone around him suddenly moved and teleported upward out of thin air. The black-red thunderball that took advantage of the ripples in space and flew towards Lu Qian and his party almost hit the soles of Lu Qian and others' shoes before blasting straight towards the gate of Taiyantian.

Emperor Taiyi had already seen Lu Yi and others speeding towards him - seeing Lu Yi's astonishing speed, Emperor Taiyi thought that Lu Yi was worried about Lady White's injury, so he rushed over like his buttocks were burning.

Emperor Taiyi was still thinking in his mind, what kind of attitude he would use to deal with Lu Yi and his party later... should he be more serious, more naughty, or what?

He suddenly saw that Lu Qian and others suddenly disappeared, and a black-red thunder ball silently rode on a twisted space ripple, hitting them in front of them a million times faster than the speed of lightning. Come over.

This black-red thunder ball contains incredible power.

The flower avenue laid out by Emperor Taiyi was turned into smoke silently when the thunderball touched it slightly. The dense killing formation composed of splendid archways was turned into ashes by the black-red thunder ball as it rushed all the way.

Before Emperor Tai Zhen could react, the thunder ball, whose power had not been weakened at all, had already hit him.

Emperor Taiyi screamed strangely, and he felt palpitations inexplicably.

This thunder ball was accumulated so hard by the Sanzong monk after he came to the Supreme Taichu Heaven. Almost all of Feitian's strength self-destructed, and then all the power of the self-destruction was compressed into one ball!

That is the total energy of countless trillions of Feitians gathered together.

Perhaps their energy levels are not very high yet - at least in the eyes of Master Adu and others, Feitian is just a relatively rare special life form in some special worlds... Although rare, it is not unique.

But with so many Feitian self-destructing, the total amount of energy is extremely terrifying.

Not to mention, after the Dragon King with hundreds of heads forcibly compressed the majestic energy that could submerge hundreds of star fields into a ball...

Emperor Taiyi gave a strange cry, turned around and left.

Countless rays of light lingered behind him, and Taiyi Tian's defense array was fully opened. The Emperor Taiyi had an idea in his mind, and he wanted to close Taiyi Tian's gate to stop this thunder ball!

Tai Zhentian, but the White Snake and Emperor Tai Zhen have built their lair for countless years. It was built to the level that it can sustain tens of millions of years even if an enemy dozens of times their size can jointly attack. For countless years, White Snake and Emperor Taiyi have invested countless resources in Taiyitian's defense formation. They firmly believe that even if Tai Chu, Tai Hu, Ming Zun, Lao Xiong Zun and other great powers, commanding all their subordinates join forces to attack, there is absolutely no way they can break through this formation!

Impossible to break through!

But at this moment, Emperor Taiyi originally opened the door, and now he wants to close the door to Taiyitian... The more powerful the formation, the longer it takes to open or close it!

And the space ripples released by Xu Gezi came so fast. As soon as Emperor Taiyi turned around, the thunder ball took advantage of the space ripples, smashed countless beautiful archways along the way, and silently arrived behind Emperor Taiyi. .

Before it had time to close, the formation suddenly erupted with dazzling light, and the entire Taiyidian shook violently.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of shattering, behind Emperor Taiyi, dazzling cracks continued to appear in the huge portal composed of countless rays of light. The black-red thunderball was hindered by the glow, and its speed of flying forward was slightly slower, but only a little slower.

Before Emperor Taiyi had run out many miles, the hundred-headed dragon king who fired the fatal thunder ball had already recited a spell.

The black and red thunderball exploded.

Countless streaks of blood-colored lightning spread silently to the surroundings.

Wherever it passes, everything dies.

The power of non-celestial beings is not too deadly for outer sect protectors like Master A Du... But for the laws of the Supreme Taichu Heaven, the power of non-celestial beings is an absolutely fatal poison. .

In Taiyitian's great array restriction, the bloody thunder light was eroding, spreading, and beating wildly in all directions.

The restrictions of the great formations were broken one after another, and the formation foundations of the great formations exploded everywhere. Near the gate of Taiyantian, the earth with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles collapsed. The changes in the sea only took a moment, and then the changes in the sea were instantly vaporized.

God knows how many Chinese elites arrayed near the gate were instantly wiped out...

Emperor Taiyi's body was swallowed up by the terrifying blood.

Emperor Taiyi let out a scolding sound of shock and anger... The mutated old osmanthus tree, which was already countless trillions of miles high, suddenly dropped its fine rhizomes, protecting Emperor Taiyi. .

Roots sprouted layer by layer, and the blood melted and devoured the roots layer by layer.

The bloody light crazily devoured Taiyitian's defensive formation, and the huge osmanthus tree emerged from Taiyitian. Countless roots were like swimming dragons, flowing rapidly along the outer edge of Taiyitian's defensive formation. Resisting the erosion of bloody lightning.

Zhi Ben, who was dancing on the altar, suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of Taiyentian's entrance in shock.

Over there, there is a round of blood light rising into the sky, like a burning bloody sun that is hitting the entrance of Taiyantian, trying to rush in and engulf all the creatures in the entire world.

What is this kid doing? Zheng Kang said angrily: You can't even guard the front door of your house. Was Landa Holy Land defeated by such a loser back then?

Emperor Taichu's face became extremely ugly.

Emperor Taiyi is a waste, so what about himself who is as famous as Emperor Taiyi?

With a bell ringing, the Taichu Great Emperor released the Taichu Bell, and with a vigorous vibration, the mighty bell tolled and affected the avenue of heaven and earth. Chaotic starlight rushed towards the entrance of Taichutian, entangled with the bloody light.

After so long, the bloody light finally dissipated.

Emperor Taiyi, who was bruised all over his body, vomited blood and staggered out from the countless thin roots that were slowly untied.

Within his body, a golden green divine light flashed, all injuries healed immediately, and his energy returned to its peak state. He gritted his teeth and looked at the entrance to Taiyitian, where his home was bombed into a mess, and shouted angrily: You guys want to die!

Hundreds of outer sect guardians had already rushed over aggressively.

Emperor Taiyi didn't bother to care about the identities and origins of these guys. He just gave an order, and countless Chinese warriors behind him formed a formation and killed them with grinning teeth.

The front door of my house was almost exploded. No matter who came, the only way to get rid of this bad breath was to cut his body into thousands of pieces and beat his soul to pieces!

As soon as the two sides crossed paths, countless miserable howls were heard. The Chinese elite vanguard troops, more than a million elite warriors, were wiped out by the inexplicable magic attack with just a crossing point by the outer sect protectors.

Emperor Tai Zhen was stunned.

Is the Chinese army carefully cultivated and trained by our family so fragile?

Before Emperor Taiyi could figure out what was going on, Immortal A'Tayan had already spotted Emperor Taiyi, stood on the head of Dragon King Posuji, and danced and recited the magic spell.

Emperor Taiyi felt a sudden chill all over his body, and wisps of extremely vicious water vapor grew from his internal organs, turning into wisps of unpredictable water light, rushing straight into his mind and attacking his soul.

A mouthful of blood flew out far away. Emperor Taiyi's face turned pale, and his soul was inexplicably hit hard. Invisible ice crystals spread crazily throughout his mind, seeming to freeze his mind and freeze his soul.

Back off! Zheng Kang scolded sternly: Hahaha, these guys jumped out? Interesting, interesting, are they eating the master?

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