Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 112 Roadblock

Lu Qian ran to Jiuqu Garden overnight to ask for an audience with the emperor.

Yinyuan was in the Tiger Garden, wrestling with a big tiger with an eye-catching white forehead.

The process was roughly as follows: a group of experts from the Yulin Guards beat the big tiger violently, and the big tiger fled in a hurry. Yinyuan was so brave that he hugged the big tiger's tail and dragged it backwards to measure who was stronger between him and the big tiger. Who is lower!

When Lu Qian arrived, Yinyuan had already won nine games in a row. It was a happy time.

So as soon as Lu Qian opened his mouth, Yinyuan was very happy. He wrote a Book of Preferential Treatment to Princes and Princes in the Court in his own handwriting. He used his private seal Treasure from the Emperor's Imperial Collection and asked Yu Changle to use the palace guard's seal. He handed it over to Lu Qian, and casually asked Lu Qian what he was going to do with the handwritten letter.

Lu Qian was very frank. When the princes and princes from Sijifang reported their expenses to Honglu Temple, they directly mentioned that they wanted to build a family temple in Baimafang to enshrine their ancestors' tablets, but it was difficult to find a good location. So I found a partner and wanted to buy their property south of Jingang River from the wealthy businessmen of Baimafang.

Lu Qian noticed that after hearing his explanation, Yinyuan's eyes glowed green, and his ten fingers twitched, showing a strange expression of moving his index finger.

Putting down the uneasiness in his heart, Lu Qian hurriedly left Jiuquyuan holding Yinyuan's handwritten letter.

He vaguely felt as if he had committed a terrible death and awakened a terrible monster in Yinyuan's heart... Tsk, I don't know who is going to be unlucky.

On February 4, the nineteenth year of Jiayou's reign, there was a sensation in the literary world of Haojing.

Red hands, yellow wine, the city is full of spring scenery and willows on the palace walls. The east wind is bad, and joy is thin. I am full of melancholy, and I have been away for a few years. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Spring is as old as ever, people are thin and empty, and the tears are red and raw. Peach blossoms fall, leisure pool pavilion. Although the mountain alliance is there, it is difficult to trust the brocade book. Mo, mo, mo!

A certain talented man, under the guise of Wen Chao Gong, caused the tears of countless boudoir ladies and married women in Haojing with his song The Hairpin Phoenix. This Wenzhao Gong is regarded as the perfect confidant of Lan Yan in his heart.

What's more, everyone jointly offered a reward of 100,000 yuan, just for the real name and home address of this Wen Chao Gong!

On February 7, when the storm of The Hairpin Phoenix was at its climax, the song Shui Tiao Ge Tou once again shocked Hao Jing.

When will the bright moon come? Ask the blue sky with your wine. I don't know what year it is in the palace in the sky. I want to ride the wind back, but I am afraid that it will be too cold in the beautiful buildings and jade palaces. When I dance to clear the shadows, it seems like I am in the human world.

Turn to the Zhu Pavilion, look down at the Qihu, and the light will make you sleepless. There shouldn't be any hatred, so what's the point of saying goodbye? People have joys and sorrows, separations and reunions, and the moon waxes and wanes. This is a difficult thing in ancient times. Nung, moon and new moon.

The author of this poem is surprisingly ‘Wen Chao Gong’ again!

The literary world in Haojing was in shock. Countless famous poets and literary sages speculated that this ‘Wen Chao Gong’ was a ‘naughty boy’ from a family of ‘six saints, nineteen sages and sixty-three masters’ of literature and education.

A great sage pointed out that this must be a little naughty with a flying and bold personality, otherwise such excellent poetry is unheard of and unseen. It is completely different from the style of any famous poet in today's world, and it can never be plagiarism work.

It was a little friend with an interesting personality who worked hard to create such excellent writing. He wanted to become famous all over the world, but he deliberately used the name Wen Chao Gong to ridicule the world.

February 10th, Baimafang.

On the canal, Lu Qian wore a green shirt and put his hands in his sleeves, quietly watching the icebreakers speeding along the canal.

In just a few days, the climate has changed dramatically, and the temperature in Haojing City has continued to rise. Today, Lu Qian only wore a thin jacket, and felt hot all over.

The canal is filled with the sound of thawing river ice. In the large and small rivers in Haojing, the ice layer in the center of the river has become less than three inches thin, is more densely covered with cracks, and has become extremely fragile.

Haojing officials used specially-made iron-clad icebreakers to sail back and forth on the canal, breaking the ice and dredging the river.

With the efforts of icebreakers, there have been small and medium-sized cargo ships on the canal in the past two days.

These cargo ships, even the smallest models, can carry dozens of times more cargo than a dog sled in winter.

In winter, the transportation of materials is difficult and life is a bit tight. Haojing is about to thaw like the canal. Its vitality is about to revive vigorously and enter the most lively and beautiful time of the year.

Just like those handsome young men and young ladies.

At the end of the bridge where Lu Qian was sitting, a nine-story restaurant stood majestically. Groups of handsome young men and pretty ladies were entering the restaurant, calling for friends.

In the past two days, the two excellent poems Wenzhao Gong shocked Haojing.

In Baimafang, several virtuous people who are also well-known in Haojing jointly posted a post, inviting the literati, virtuous and talented women of Baimafang to gather at the Green Willow Tower in front of Lu Qian. and Shui Tiao Ge Tou are two lyrics that use literature to make friends and create a grand gathering in the literary world.

Among them, several servants of the top Music Garden and Moss Hen Xiaozhu in Baimafang announced that the poems written by all the literati and elegant guests attending the meeting today will be voted on by the participants in public, and the one with the highest ranking will be Several talented people will have the opportunity to spend a good night with them.

The few noble ladies of the 'Moss Hen Xiaozhu' are extremely beautiful and versatile. They are good at poetry, music, calligraphy and painting. They are considered to be the first-class beauties in Haojing City. They have long been watched by countless people.

If you can write a good poem in today's literary meeting, you will not only become famous in Haojing, but also have the opportunity to spend the night with a beautiful woman.

Of course, if a certain talented woman wins the championship in the end, she will certainly not be able to have anything to do with those poor people, but she will also be crowned with the title of The No. 1 Poetry of Baimafang and become famous in Haojing from then on, and maybe she will be able to Attract a certain beau!

Such a good thing will naturally have many followers!

At the entrance of the Green Willow Building, a huge water sign hangs high. Talented people and beauties come holding wedding invitations, while waiters read out the names on the invitations.

A scholar with excellent calligraphy stepped on a ladder and wrote the name of So-and-so son of so-and-so family in Baimafang or Miss so-and-so on the water sign.

This water sign was used to record the votes of those who attended the meeting in public later on. Therefore, the water sign was made very large, with large handwriting, and it was hung very high. It could be seen clearly even from several miles away. Clearly.

Outside the Green Willow Building, there were many scholars who came from other places to join in the fun. They did not have a membership card and were not famous enough, so naturally they could not enter the Green Willow Building today.

They could only stand in the open space outside the door, pointing at the water sign, and shouting from time to time, A certain young man has arrived, or A certain young lady is actually attending the meeting.

At noon, on time, the literary meeting begins.

In the Green Willow Tower, among the clear chanting sounds, poems of varying standards were composed one after another.

A waiter with a special loud voice stood at the door and recited these poems loudly, which attracted the idlers watching outside to applaud, laugh, curse, or whistle incessantly.

It was bustling, and a large group of people came in on the street.

Today, Panman changed into a standard scholar's long shirt, rode a divine white horse, held a folding fan, and together with more than a dozen princes who had some friendship with him, rushed to Green Willow Tower with hundreds of guards.

Panman and a dozen of the hostages all had invitations issued by the organizer of the literary conference. Although they were late, the guards guarding the door still allowed Panman and the others to enter the Green Willow Building.

A quarter of an hour later, shouts and curses were everywhere in the Green Willow Building. No one knew what Panman and the others had done, but they could hear the constant sound of broken pots and pans, the harsh sound of broken railings, pillars, tables and chairs, and even the sound of the pretty lady. Screams came and went.

After a short while, Panman and a dozen protons, covered in blood, rushed out of the Green Willow Building. As soon as they reached the street outside the building, Panman vomited for more than a dozen times in public. His mouth was bleeding, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, twitching like a fish that had been caught and thrown to the ground.


Shaking his head, Lu Qian waved his hand: Come on, the emperor has just signed a handwritten letter for preferential treatment to the princes and princes, and someone gathered here to beat the princes and princes... Follow me to arrest the people, and protect the water sign first. That is ironclad evidence!

Lu Qian strode towards the Green Willow Tower. In the courtyards surrounding the Green Willow Tower, palace guards and supervisors swarmed out like a tide. They quickly dispersed the idle spectators and swept away the entire Green Willow Tower, especially the big water sign. There was a tight circle around him.

A barbarian with a short stature and a body as thick as an iron stake knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Lu Qian seven or eight times, and wiped a handful of pepper water into his eyes.

With red eyes and tears streaming down his face, Barbarian's face was twisted, and he shouted with a suppressed smile: Mr. Tianyang, you have to make the decision for our prince... Our prince today is for, for... I came here for the little lady of 'Moss Hen Xiaozhu'...I only thought about Wenbi, I didn't think about taking action, I didn't expect...

Manzi roared: My eldest son is very talented in literature. He wrote an excellent lyric for a song, but they said it was 'plagiarized'... They didn't even admit that the eldest son of my family wrote the lyrics... My eldest son and them To be fair, they actually insulted me without hesitation... and then they started fighting and beat my heir apparent to death...

Panman, who was twitching, opened his eyes wide and looked at Lu Qian. He opened his mouth and spat out a few more mouthfuls of blood.

Lu Qian shook his head and sighed: In the bright sky, under the broad daylight, at the feet of the Emperor, the most virtuous place, you actually dare to gather a crowd to commit murder and injure the noble princes... Tsk, look at how young you are all. I guess I can’t make the decision, so let the elders in charge of your family take charge!”

A bystander who was watching the excitement realized something was wrong. He shouted in the crowd: Master Tianyang, logically, shouldn't these criminals who assaulted and injured people be arrested and dealt with according to law? This matter has nothing to do with their family. What does it matter to the elders?”

It's just a fight and hurting people, not a rebellion. It has nothing to do with the nine clans involved? Why are you looking for their elders?

Pan Man, who was thrashing on the ground, suddenly sat up and pointed fiercely at the idler: He seems to be the one who hit me just now!

For a moment, the whole street became quiet.

Lu Qian's face suddenly turned red. This was so embarrassing!

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